·" . -. DIRECTORY.] TONBRIDGE. 643 - Stenning, Knockers &; Thompson, solicitors &; commis· Regiment , (Hon. Col. George Henderson V.D. cam.. sioners for oaths, III High street manding; 000. Hon. Major O. E. Warner, command­ Stephens Charles, grocer, & post office, I Houseland rd ing; James- Neaton, sergt.-instructor); head quarters, Stephens HoJmanF.A..M.I.C.E.civil engineer,26Salford ter Public hall Stevens Jane Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 6 The Crescent Volunteer Battalion 1st Sussex ltoyal Engineers (K. Co.) Stevens Thomas, builder, II Lodge road, Houselands (Oa.pt. Holman F. &tephens, commanding; C<Jmpany Stone :Brothers, chimney sweepers, 107 Pembury road Sergt.-Major Edmund Wm. C. Chimes R.E. drill in. Stonestreet Mannaseh, printer & stationer, 25 High street structor); head quarters, 50 High street Stow William, coal, coke, manure & creosote merchant, Waghorn Alfred, butcher, III High street Medway wharf, High stree,t. See advert Waghorne Bernard St. John, te~her of music, 27 Quarry Strange & Sons, builders, 19 London road Hill road Streeter A.lbert, builder, :Brook house, Hadlow road Waghorne William, blacksmith, High street Styles Hobert, supt. of county police, Pembury road Wagstaff Charles Frederick, farmer & hop grower, Castlt' Sumner James, florist, 2 St. Stephen's street bill, Pembury road Sussex Drug Co. Lim. chemists & druggists, 38 High st Waite James Arthur, farmer & hop grower, Postern Sutton's Parcel Office (Baldwin & Sons, agents), St. Heath farm, Tonbridge (envirom;) Stephen's street Waite John, farmer &; hop grower, Postern Park farm, Swain Frederick, dairy, 50 Shipbourne road Tonbridge (environs) Swain Reuben, dairyman, 104 Lavender hill vVakeford James, boot & shoe maker, 53 Priory road Symonds H. J. &; Co. millers &; corn &; ilay merchants, Walker & Son Lim. brewery stores (William Thompson. Town mills, Hadlow road & 50 & 52 Priory rd.; &; Oxon manager), 34 Quarry Hill road Hoath mills, Hadlow Walker James, registrar of marriages, 69 Hadlow road Talbot Jas.supt. Prudential Assurance Co. IS Woodfield rd WaIter William B. corn factor, barley merchant & com,.. Tattam Jessie (Mrs.), aparts. 7 The Avenue, Houselands mission agent, I09 High street Taylor & Weller, boot & shoe makers, 43 High street Walton Oharles, pork butcher, 53 High street Taylor Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Ashburnham road Wardley Saml. Fre.dk. chemist & druggist, 140 High st Terry George, grocer, 14 :Barden road Wardley William Arthur, -solicitor & commissioner for Tew James Srott M.D. & :B.S.Durh., D.P.H.Camb. medi. oaths (firm, Palmer, Wardley & Barton) cal officer of health to Tonbridge Urban &; Rural Dis­ Wnrner Charles Edward, solicitor & commissioner for trict Oouncils & to the West Essex Combined Districts, oaths, registrar & high bailiff of the Tonbridge c()unty &; IQ Bordyke court joint clerk to the justices of the Tonbridge Thompson George, farm bailiff to James Wallis esq. Pot division (firm, Gorham, Warner &; &m), 180 High 8t Kiln farm, London road Warner George Daniel (firm, Gorham, Warner & Son). Thompson Wm. Hobert, solicitor, see Stenning, Knockers solicitor & commissioner for oaths, registrar & high & Thompson . bailiff of the Maidstone county c.ourt & joint clerk to Thorpe Emma (Miss), draper, see Green & Thorpe justices of the Tonbridge division, 180 High street Tilly Eleise (Miss), milliner, I3Ia, High street Warren Lingard, reporter to the" Tonbridge &; Sevenoaka Timberlake Charles, cycle maker, 150 High street Standard," 5 A.lbert road Tompsett W. it., F.S.I. auctioneer, valuer, estate agent Warwick Andrew, corn, seed, coal & chemical manure & surveyor & agent for the Northern Assurance Co. merchant; office, 169 High street; stores, 6 Oastle st. ; Meadhurst, 74 Quarry Hill road Lyons Crescent coal wharf &; Railway coal depot Tonbridge :Boating Club (C. Kennington, hon. sec.). Warwick Sa.rah (Mrs.), apartments, 12 Ashburnham road New wharf Watts Harry .John Manning L.R.O.P.Lond., M.R.O.S. Tonbridge GenUal Hall Co.Ltd. (W.N. Neve,sec.),High st Eng. physician & surgeon, 19 & 21 Quarry Hill road Tonbridge Clothing Co. (WaIter Lettington, manager), Watts John, land surveyor, 95 High street clothiers, 56 High street Watts Sidney, commercial traveller, 31 St: Mary's roati Tonbridge Club (Richard Preston, hon. sec.), High street Weaver John, watch maker, 5 & '6 Priory road Tonbridge Olub Co. Lim. (Horace Beeching, hon. sec.), Webb George William, athle.tio outfitter, 202 High street 1115 & 117 High street Webber Frank, florist, & post office, II Quarry Hill road Tonbridge Constitutional Olub 00. Lim. (J. Barker, sec.), Welch Richard, news agent, 85 High street 3 Barden road Weller Arthur, boot & shoe maker, see Taylor &; Weller Tonbridge Cricket Club (Tom Pawley, hon. sec.), Yardley Wells T. & Oo.Ltd. timber & slate merchants,Lyons wharf Dene, Yardley Park load Wenham Robert Russell, clothier, 1743> High street Tonbridge Drapery Stores (W. Rose, mangr.), 121 High st West Henry, beer retailer, 129, 131 &; 133 Pembury road Tonbridge Free Press (Tonbridge Free Press Ltd. pub­ West Henry, oil & color man, 2 & 4 Vale road lishers; pub. fri.), 131 High street West Herbert Frederick, confectioner, 55 High street &; Tonbridge Free Press Lim. stationers, printers & pro­ 7 Railway approach prietors & publishers of the "Tonbridge Free Press," Wheeler James, baker, 19 Shipbourne road Whenday John, corn dealer, High street 131 High street Tonbridge Gas 00. (James Donaldson, manager & sec.), Whimsett William, restaurant, 142 High street Whi.te & Son, ironmongers, II9 High street 109 High street; works, Medway wharf WhIte Waiter Henrv, corn & coal factor, agricultural Tonbridge Girls' School (Tonbridge Girls' School 00. & manure merchant & barge owner, 27 St. Mary's road Ltd.) (RichM'd Preston, hon. sec.; Miss Dupre, head Whitefriars Press (The) (Bradbury, Agnew & 00. Lim.), mistress), Ravenswood, London road Medway wharf Tonbridge Golf Club (M:. S. David, sec.), 32 Hadlow road Whitehead George, Star & Garter P.H. London road Tonbridge Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd.I66 High st Whitehouse Joseph, hop ale brewer, 80 Lavender hill Tonbridge Preparatory School (Arlhur L. Bickmore M.A. Whiting Ann (Mrs.), news agent &C. Bee Gillard & Whiting head master; E. J. Hawkins RA. &; H. R. :Bell RA.. Whittle & 00. grocers, 64 Shipbourne road assistant masters; Miss Trotter, resident governess), Wickham James & 00. grocers, 172 High street Yardley court Wickham John, carpenter, 65 Barden road Tonbridge School (Rev. O. Coverdale Tancock D.D. head Wightwick Humphrey &; Son, tallow chandlers, melters, master; for other masters ~ee Schools, p. 635), High st bone manure manufacturers, oil, color & general Tonbridge Steam Laundry 00. Ltd. laundry, Uridge eres merchants, 133 High street Tonbridge Stock & Cattle Co. Lim. (W. A. Perkins. Wiles William, hair dresser, 125 High street sec.; F. Peters, collector), 85 High street William~ William Alfred, solicitor &; sec. to the Hadlo"W" Tonbridge Urban District Oouncil Technical Institute Gas Co. see Neve &; Williams, 103 High street (W. H. Oooper, hood master & organising sec.), High st Wilson Caroline (Miss), ladies' school, I Woodfield road Tonbridge Urban District Sewage Farm (George D. Wisden John &; Co. cricket ball makers, Baltic rood Bridges, bailiff), Walters farm, Medway wharf Wolfe William James, baker, 125 St. Mary's road Tonbridge Water Co. Lim. (James Lees, engineer, sec. &; Wood Sarah Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 7 :Bank street manager); offices, 189 High street; works, New wharf Woodhams Albert, laundry, 3a, The Orescent Tonbridge Workmen's Club (F. Dyson, sec.), 3 Bank street Woodman Frank Thomas, grocer, 29 Lodge road Trossell Samuel &; Son, florists, lIS Lavender hill Woolley Oharles William, cycle maker, 80 High street Trowell Frances Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 34 St. Worlds Tea Co. (The) (Fredk. Knight. mangr.),30 High st Stephen's street Wright Gage Edward, Ohequers P.H. 122 High street Truscott James &; Sons Ltd. printers, Dowgate works Yeabsley Edwn.Ohas.carpntr.& tobccnst.59 Shipbourne rd Turk Eliza. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 74 Woodside road Yiend Edwin, mason, 87 Shipbourne road Twort Eli William, carman, 6 A.lexandra road Young Alfred, fruit merchant, 174 Shipbourne road Vane Thomas, grocer, 69 &; 71 High st. & 58 Harden road Young Men's Christian Association (James Reynolds, bono Vickers John Thomas, beer retailer, 95 Lavender hill sec.), Church house, Church lane Vinten Arthur John, builder, 6 Pembury road Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Emily Sne1­ Volunteer Battalion 1st Queen's Own (Royal West Kent ling, sec.), 193 High str~ KENT.
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