Y.NIVER$ll;Y OLHb,WAII LIBRAR'( arianas %riety:~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ews Tenorioc sfor902 By Zaldy Dandan with the provision that Congress Variety News Staff can make these laws applicable if it considers it necessary. GOVERNOR Froilan C. Tenorio "It's a 902 issue so let's go to policies. Section 2 of P.L. 94-241 states yesterday called for a new round the 902 process and find out if "That's what we wanted and I that IO years after the enactment of Section 902 talks with the there's justification fortheir(con­ hope the U.S. government honor of the Covenant, the president of Clinton administration to review cems) and what's wrong with our it, but if they want to change it the United States will designate cmTent CNMl-federal relations, relationship," he said. then it should be done through special representatives to meet as well as the concerns being Tenorio, however, said he didn't the 902 process," he said. with their counterparts .from the raised on the Commonwealth's change his mind on the so-called Section 2 Northern Marianas to labor and immigration policies. 902 talks, which is provided for Tenorio, at the same time, said "consider... issues affecting the , Tenorio, who suspended the by the Covenant's Section 902. he will ask President Clinton to relationship" between the NMI 902 talks on submerged lands and ''I'm not resuming the discus­ name the federal government's and the U.S. citizenship issues early last June, sions on (submerged lands and representative to.the negotiations Tenorio said he will "a.ttack the said the new negotiations will be citizenship)," he said. "We 're talk­ with the CNMI as required by problem on three fronts": on the Clinton administration's ing about new issues here." Section 2 of Public Law 94-241, • In the U.S. Senate, when the proposal to strip the CNMI of The Covenant, Tenorio added, Froilan C. Tenorio which is the federal statute that Energy and Natural Resources control over its immigration and allowed the Northern Marianas to contained the Covenant. established the CNMI in political Committee conducts a public minimum wage laws. have control over its immigration Enacted in 1976, the Covenant union with th,e United States. It hearing next month.on U.S. Sen. exempted the Northern Marianas Daniel Akaka's (D-Hawaii) bill, from immigration and wage laws, Continued on page 70 .~·.,.. ;;;~:c;:.:\.:'1l·r,.,y.;.~1~"':i:i;:;:;..·1v::1":.~~,-".~ (""i:-.~ 11·.;;..~::i:" Jj/;, )/'-\t •{;:;fl:'.f',;•"'·' ~ .· ·;··· .·j~,~~,;r,ir,,,b1.:,ft,:~;·::ffi1··::~;1•;1 ,1,1···~ , . • ..)!,, -~ BIG CROWD. Students and parents crowd the counters during yesterday's registration at the Northern Marianas College. The College had originally set enrollment dates for earlier this week but had to be moved back due to Super Typhoon Winnie. Photo by Laila c. Younis . :Nine top Saipan hotels cited Classes resum.e today ' . for 'violating' lifeguard rules ,_ By Mar-Vic C. Munar Deputy PSS Commissioner for Variety News Staff Administration Margaret C. Dela By Ferdie de la Torre court records showed. CLASSES in all public schools Cruz said the evacuees have Variety News Staff During yesterday's hearing except Marianas High School and Continued on page ·ro ; THE BOATING Safety Divi­ in Super;or Court, Plumeria, i; Garapan Elementary School re­ 1 lj f: sion of the Department of Pub­ through counsel Vicente T. 1 sume today, Education Commis­ ~ lie safety has issued citations to Salas, contested the complaint . l sioner William Torres announced. )j nine top Saipan hotels for al­ filed by Assistant Atty. Gen. l MHS and GES, both still expe­ [j legedly violating the law that Colin Thompson. H riencing power, water and sewer ~ requires hotels and apartment Associate Judge Miguel [i problems due to supertyphoon 11 complexes with swimming Demapan set a status confer­ "Winnie," will open on Monday. ,, pools and beach front access to ence on Sept. 3. The Public School System de­ ij have certified lifeguards on The eight other hotels cited clared the suspension of classes I duty. during separate inspections last Tuesday because of the ty­ Boating Safety officers has were Hyatt Regency Hotel, phoon that shut off power lines, intensified their inspection of Saipan Grand Hotel, Dai-lchi closed private and government hotels after two children Hotel, Hafa Adai Beach Hotel, offices, and sent about 300 people Raymond B. Camacho drowned at the Plumeria Re­ Aqua Resort Club, Nikko Ho­ to ev~cuation shelters. sortHotel 's swimming pool last citation after investigation showed tel, Diamond Hotel, and Riviera Four schools-Tanapag, Oleai, July 25. that no qualified lifeguard was Resort Club. Garapan,andSan Vicente elemen­ Plumeria Hotel was given a present when the kids drowned, Continued on page 70 tary schools-housed the evacu­ ees . _.PAC NEWSPBPER SrAeK~ 2:MARIANAS_~!\RitTY_!IJEWS A!')D VIEWS-FRIDAY- AUGUST 15, 1997 FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1997 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 On 2 major West Bank cities ··-~- Scholarship bill shelved By Mar-Vic C. Munar Tenorio MOU with legislators will also be on hold Officewouldadoptthefive-yearresi­ Israel lifts travel b Variety News Staff dency requirement to make it consis­ By NICOLAS 8. TATRO ing tlle closure, but the bm1 has been with the CIA station chief actin<> THE LEGISLATURE has put off by the governor seeks to increase the Camacho said. tent with requirement,9f other exist­ JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel par­ . gradually eased. Witll Thursday's witnessm1dreferee-tl1atmeexpc; action on a memorandum of under­ residency requirement for applicants She said the Scholarship Office, ing scholarship programs. tially lifted a travel b,m on Palestin­ decision, travel was unimpeded to b1ing on a broad U.S. politic standing its leaders had forged with from three to five years. The signed which is requesting a budget of $1 About 83 student~ would be admit­ iims on Thursday, allowing tl1em to through most of the West Bank. initiative. Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio which calls bill does not address tile funding is­ · million for tile program, might sacri­ ted to the program for the first year of travel out of two major cities in tlie TI1eannysaidtheclosurc1emained Problems remain, since tlie Pale for amendments to the teacher schol­ sue, and the governor has proposed fice other programs in favor of tlle implementation, Camacho. West Bank. inforcemDundtl1etownofBethlehem tinians reject Israel's demmid the arship measure. The Scholarship Of­ that the funding for the program be teacher scholarship measure ''because "We have to get the students on the Themove,mmouncedbytllemmy, a Ch1istian pilgrimage site, and in th~ m1est 230 Islamic militants, and I fice, however.has started implement­ appropriated from within the budget this is a statutory program." road so they can finish school and followed a four-day mission by U.S. Jerusalem m-ea. rael has not lifted the closure impo ing the program, according to its ex­ of the Public School System. Camacho said while action on comeback, ''Camacho.said. "Every­ Mideast envoy Dennis Ross, who Netanyahuspokesman DavidBm'- on the West Bank and Gaza after th ecutive director Maggie Camacho. Rep. Stanley Torres, the bill' smain MOU is pending, the Scholarship body is crying for more teachers." had urged l~rael to liftsanctionsagainst Illan said the withheld tax 1-ev~nues July 30 suicide bombing. ... ·\ 'Toe Legislature has not acted on author, said the MOU "is not an the Palestinians that were not needed would be released in accordance with Bm·-Illan said t1 e e was an expcc-:if;,1; theMOU,butthegovemorhassigned urgent matter" and the governor's for security. 1 1 measur-es taken by the Palestinian ta~on tl1at steps would be taken im-f'. it into Jaw so in essence, we cannot proposals will "eventually become The easing of travel rest:Jictions on Winnie damaged Authotity to combat terrmism. mmently by !lie Palestinians, "'per-i; withhold i4" Camacho told the Vari­ unnecessary issue." tile cities ofRamallah and Hebron did A series of protests against the haps without a lot of fmifme " f,? ety. "It is sitting in the House. The not affect the overall closure, which closu1e were scheduled throughout U.S. officials have sugge~ted thatJ The scholarship measure was con­ Maggie Camacho speaker brought up themattertlireeor prevents tens of tllousands of Pales­ some 52 houses l11eWestBankonWednesday.Israel the.next step could be a trip to the:} tained in House Bill 10-270, titled four sessions ago, but House mem­ tinians from entering Israel. Israel is Radio said Israeli security officials region by U.S. Seci-etmy of State · · Teacher Education Program, which back and teach in Commonwealth bers decided to out it on hold because By Gerr R. Cayabyab, Jr. )ages were Dandan, Koblerville, also witl1holding $ 40 million in tax had expected demonstrations and Madeleine Albright, who the Pales- .- laterbecamePublicLaw l0-58when schools upon· completion• of the it is not an urgent matter,"Torres told Variety News Staff Capitol Hills, Chalan Kanoa and revenues from the Palestinians. unrest in the West Bank and Gaza tin.i~s hope will press Israel to stop Tenorio signed it last May 13. course. the Variety. 'Those are only con­ A TOTAL of 52 houses on Saipan San Roque. Prime Minister Benjamin Strip because of the t:Jnvel bans. burldmg settlements in disputed teni- Theprogramestablishestheaward­ Along with the signed measure cerns oftlie governor as individual." and Tmian were damaged when InKoblervilleElementary School Netanyahu imposed the sanctions Nine Palestinians were mrested in t ing of grants to students who want to was an MOU signed by Tenorio, Camacho, meanwhile, said the super typhoon 'Winnie' pounded yesterday, faculty members joined following the July 30 market bomb­ 01)'.
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