VOLUME 2, NO. 9 • www.woodsborotimes.com • sePtember 2014 VOLUME 7, NO. 3 • WWW.WOODSBOROTIMES.COM • MARCH 2019 tear on the rubber surface. A child swing suspended off the New playground coming ground and pushed by an adult Burgess welcomes Suicide not suicide if canMaryland be built. “Swings where kids drag their The playground structure is for new barbecue grills, volleyball feet will only tear the surface children ages 5 to 12. courts, and benches at the park up and create a maintenance new officials BillAfter soliciting passes design and - items the town had not origi- problem,” he said. “A merry- Kenpricing Kellar proposals from sev- nallybers forasked anything for. to do with “aid go-roundThe bill where mandates kids run legally in thedeclar - Arranges training tour eral recreation design compa- in“I dying.” asked them not to leave sameing circlea suicide pushing to be “deathit will wearby natu - nies,Local town House commissioners Delegate Karvot-- anyBill money text: on“A PROFESSIONALthe table,” Rit- andral be causes.” a maintenance problem Walkersville Burgess Chad Wed- 1:00pm–2:00pm - Heritage ened Lewis unanimously Young is atco-sponsoring their Aug. telmeyerORGANIZATION said. OR ASSO- as well.”Bill text: “FOR ALL LE- dle is arranging a training tour for farm park for tour of manor a 12bill meeting to legalize to hirephysician-assist playground- CIATION,The company A HEALTH has constructed GALCommissioner RIGHTS ANDKen OBLIGAKellar - the newly elected commissioners house, bank barn, and the loop- edSpecialists suicide. OnInc., February of Thurmont. 15, the playgroundsCARE PROVIDER, throughout ORFred - A saidTIONS he was AND disappointed OTHER thePUR - (all but one are new to the office). -see if historical society wants to MarylandThe company House Healthwill build and Govthe- erickHEALTH County, includingOCCUPATION Wood- playgroundPOSES GOVERNED will only have BY tod THIS- Below is Mr. Weddle’s tentative be present ernmentnew playground Operations on and the Judiciary south sboro,BOARD Liberty, MAY North NOT Frederick, SUBJECT dlerARTICLE, swings. “MyTHE onlyDEATH regret OF agenda slated for March 9: 2:00pm–3:00pm - Head to Committeesside of the Woodsboroheld a joint legislativeRegional MiddletownA PERSON Lincoln,TO CENSURE, Wolfs- is ANseeing INDIVIDUAL those older swings BY goREA - Park, east of Israel Creek. 11:00am–11:30am - Meet for Watershed property - coordi- hearing on proposed physician-as- villeDISCIPLINE, and Emmitsburg SUSPENSION, elemen- away,”SON heOF said. THE “To SELF–ADMIN me it’s a - “The whole purpose of put- tary schools. They have also loss of adult swings.” lunch with spouses at Town Hall nate with Ron Layman - make sisted suicide legislation--House LOSS OF LICENSE, LOSS OF ISTRATION OF MEDICA- ting together this proposal is built playgrounds for the towns Meanwhile, Rittelmeyer said for a time of meet and greet11:30 sure nobody shoots at us. This Bill 399. PRIVILEGES, LOSS OF MEM- TION PRESCRIBED UNDER that we want to start encour- of Thurmont and Emmitsburg, nothing will be built until the am-Noon - Tour Town Hall – get part may be eliminated based on According to Diane Coleman BERSHIP, OR ANY OTHER TITLE 5, SUBTITLE 6A OF Computer image of proposed playground aging usage at this end of the Fort Detrick, the Brunswick town has the grant money in Maryland State Police and Food weather and to see if Mr. Lay- advocates for multi-parties were PENALTY FOR PARTICIPAT- THE HEALTH – GENERAL park,” said Commissioner Bill Crossing housing development, hand. “They won’t order a stick bank coordinated12:00pm– man thinks one hour would allowed to all speak first while op- ING OR REFUSING TO PAR- ARTICLE SHALL BE DEEMED Rittelmeyer, who handled the and the Middletown Valley of equipment until we have the 1:00pm - Head to Maintenance work--if so would reschedule for ponents waited. She stated, “No TICIPATE IN GOOD–FAITH TO BE A DEATH FROM NAT- By Sherry Greenfield The Town of Woodsboro bidding process. Apartments. grant,” he said. Department. Review all shop April3:00pm-4:00pm - Back to coverage of the assisted suicide is- COMPLIANCE WITH THIS URAL CAUSES, SPECIFICAL- was awarded the Maryland The company has proposed Rittelmeyer said the new Trimmer praised Rittel- and waterhe plant Woodsboro area and new Regional wa- town Open hall Spacefor budget Community review, open Parks suedesigning is fair andand buildingbalanced thewithout new playgroundSUBTITLE.” at the Woodsboro meyerLY ASfor hisA RESULTwork on theOF bid THE ter plantDriveTPark willpast soon bell haveproper a -newmeetings, and Playgrounds review of the Grant day. to use theplayground perspective for of $126,272.75.disability or- RegionalThe bill Park prohibits will notany haveinsur - process.”I’dTERMINAL like ILLNESSto commend FROM ty downplayground, Ft. Rock thanksto old Rotorexto a state Gloriafor the for construction budget. Susan of to a talknew, ganizationsThey are proposingand individuals to use whothe adultance, contractswings or agreementa merry-go- to be BillWHICH for doing THE this,” INDIVIDUAL he said. Corporationgrant of $129,356.then to Biggs Ford abouthandicap plans asaccessible we drive playground. by places. opposeremaining it.” $3,083.25Today, the tocommit install- roundin default because due toof Marylandthe wear andsanc - “HeSUFFERED.” did an excellent job.” Rd community park to see Town Bob and Kelly for Maintenance tees decided to allow all witnesses tioned suicide. The bill prohibits declaring wells and Heritage Farm park and wells in favor of the bill to testify first, Bill text: “A PROVISION IN death caused by swallowing a big Past creamery park to trout at community. Chad for Open forcing opponents to wait . and AN INSURANCE POLICY, AN bottle of pills, suicide, or other Weddle, who lives on Frederick they have a homeowner’s associa- park meetings, etc. wait. For disability advocates, who ANNUITY, A CONTRACT, terms commonly used in the Eng- Street, was not at the meeting. tion,” he said. “If somebody has often face complicated health and OR ANY OTHER AGREE- lish language for such a self-im- Parking problemstransportation issues, the commit- MENT,On another ISSUED note, OR Dewese MADE a molatingcomplaint action. about a neighbor’s tee’s biased decision may effective- saidON asOR the AFTER town’s codeOCTOBER enforce -1, grass,Bill go totext: the “ACTIONS [homeowner’s TAKEN as- Woodsboro park ly block some from testifying. “At ment2019, officerIS NOT he VALID has been TO busyTHE sociation],”IN ACCORDANCE he said. “If they WITH have TI- By Sherry Greenfield the street in front of their hous- leasta frequent one disability problem advocate, for residents. Sher- thisEXTENT year investigating THAT THEcomplaints PRO - [anTLE association] 5, SUBTITLE that deals 6A with OF it,THE improvementses. discussed Each household would receive yl Grossman,“There’s a hadlot ofto issuesleave beforedown fromVISION residents WOULD on issues ATTACH rang- and22 it HEALTH doesn’t get – done,GENERAL I’ll take AR - elief could soon be coming two permits. testifyingthere now,” due toDewese her own said. disabil “It’s- ingCONSEQUENCES from tall grass to snow-covTO OR- careTICLE of it.” DO NOT, FOR ANY Ken KellarRto the residents living along Another“I think factor there doesaffecting need topark be a ity.”not a huge issue, but I think they eredOTHERWISE sidewalks. DeweseRESTRICT said soOR FailurePURPOSE, to cut grassCONSTITUTE is a $100 Frederick Street in Walkersvilleimprovements degree of restricted this year parking is the State down should“We livebe able with to parka profit there.” driv- farINFLUENCE this year, he hasAN receivedINDIVIDU 260 - fineSUICIDE, from the 23 town. ASSISTED The fine SUI is - Recently Woodsboro Commis- Highway Administration-fund- en healthcare system facing tre- AL’S DECISION TO MAKE OR CIDE, MERCY KILLING, OR that are upset with people parking there,” said Andy Dewese, the Commissioner Gary Baker said complaints from residents. That posted on the homeowner’s wa- sioners discussed applications for ed Israel Creek restoration proj- mendous cost-cutting pressures. RESCIND A REQUEST FOR HOMICIDE.” in front of their houses. town’s code enforcement officer. permitted parking should be for number is significantly higher ter bill. the state’s annual Project Open ect, which will disrupt significant Assisted suicide is the cheapest AID IN DYING UNDER THIS CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Space The(POS) Walkersville funding. TownApplica Com- -portions“They of live the down park there,making so ma they- ‘treatment’,”residents only. said Restricted Anita parkingCamer- thanSUBTITLE. the 120 complaints he re- “We get our money,” Burgess tions missioners,are due in theat spring.their Aug. Bur - 13ny shouldimprovements be able toimpossible park there.” dur- on,should Director continue of Minorityin front ofOut the- ceived last year. Ralph Whitmore said. gess Rittelmeyermeeting, tentatively pointed outapproved two aing theParking project. signs Creek arerestoration current - reachbusinesses. for Not Dead Yet. “These Dewese, who blamed the win- Dewese said of the 260 com- factorsplan that to might issue resultparking in littlepermits or tois expectedly posted to in start front around of the Junenurs - bills“I grant think legal the immunityresidents willto doc be- ter’s bad weather for the rise in plaints, all but two have been re- no state-supportedthose residents parkliving improve across from- 2019 ing and home last restrictingabout a year. the number torshappy,” and othershe said. who assist suicides complaints,Woodsboro said the frustration
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