Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1931 Campus Comment, November 1931 Bridgewater State Normal School Volume 5 Number 2 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Normal School. (1931). Campus Comment, November 1931. 5(2). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/30 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. tt39 EAST" ~~39 EAST" Fri., Nov. 13 Fri., Nov. 13 STATE NOR~IAL SCHOOL, BRIDGEWATER, M ASS. Vol. V NO'7'E~1 BER, 1931 No.2 Last Soccer Galne I ~lrs. S. Davis Dralllatic Clllb to Bridgewater Grad­ 'VANTED-IDEAS Is ~Alull111i Week-End Tells More Plans are afoot for an anni­ Presellt Racllel uates Hold Fiftll versary number of Campus By J. Sweeney About Ha-\vaii Comment in honor of its fifth Crothers' COllledy Annual Conference birthday. Here, world, is your Saturday, November 14, is your' --- By Eunice Whittier final chance to gaze at the N onnal By May Burns chance to express your individ­ "39 East" First Production soc?er team this year as they play The lecture on the Ha,vaiin Islands uality, prove your originality. of Season 100 alumni are expected to return If you have ideas to sell or to theIr final game of the season on the given by Mrs. Susie Davis on October By Louise Hewitt for the fall reunion here Alumni lend or to give away, please, we Campus in the annual tangle with 21, 1931 "\1,'ill be well remembered by W~ek-~nd, Nov~mber 13. This 1'e­ Alumni in what promises to be a fast the students at the Normal school. beg of you, drop your brain "39 East", a sparkling Rachel U11l0~ :s held mainly for the purpose game. Perhaps many are also interested in I children into the Campus Com- of glVl11g the alumni an opportunity Cr?ther's comedy, y·till be presented Last year the graduated ones the lecturer herself and wonder just I me11t box in the School Store of conferring with experts and with on or before Tuesday, Novembe; FrIday evening, November 13, as the showed up with a strong eleven ex- how all her adventures began. ~ac~ other, and of seeing exhibitions 24. first production of the dramatic club pecting to do things to the varsity Wh.en Mrs. Davis was approached I season. 111 lIne with their present work. lads but to their surprise they were on thIS matter, she smiled, and spoke I The deft artistry that distinguished O~ Friday evening- at 7.45, the Dra­ a licking, 4 to 1, which they of all of her student days at h~nded fir~t "Let Us Be Gay" and "As Husbands matIC Club will present Rachel wIll try to avenge on the morrow. Bl'ldgewater Normal school. At her Library on Wlleels Go" touches the city life of a "min­ Crothers' Play, "39 East". No doubt several of last year's graduation in 1886, Mrs. Davis found At 9.15 on Saturday morning is~er's daughter-turned-chorus-girl" players will be back with the Alumni th~y had passed all too quickly, there '~lill VisitB. N. S. ':lth the suave glamour of the sophis­ chapel exercises will be held in th~ ntent on handing out a shellacking bel11g only a two year course offered By Sara DeMello tIcated comedy. Horace Mann Auditorium, when Dr. to the present team. Belcher Hill then. Now they are but a pleasant Apart from the excellence of the Boyden will officially open the con­ Shaw.' Mantyla, Longmore, P~rdon: i ~lur beneath the f~scinating exper­ ference. Reminiscent of chapel pro­ play it~elf, and its suitability to the Martl11, Newbury, Bearse, Palopoli, I Iences of hel~ later life. Throu~h the :fforts of the faculty grammes of the alumni's own school play-gomg ~astes of the school public, Averill, Costello and several other old . Her teachl11g career began irnme- a travellIng lendmg library which will days will be Miss Beckwith's stage stars "'il1 in all probability be seen. dIately a~ Narrangansett, R. 1., where procure expensive, up-to-the-minute the. dramatIc club had several inter­ she remamed for several years. Soon, hard-to-obtain books, has been addecl estmg reaSons for choosing "39 East" presentation of "Illustrative Hand­ however, she became restless and to the list of library facilities for the It is different from any play hithert~ work." T.he Alumni will be given an oppor­ wanted to go farther afield, so that school. prese~ted ~Y the club, and the large tumty to visit the classrooms in the Silva Nall1ed ca~t 1l1cludmg many character parts PrinciIlal of T whe~ a teacher's agency in Boston This service will be conducted by Administration Building and at th WO hemd of a vacancy at the Kilauea Mr. and Mrs. Hodgman, both of aflords an almost entire club partici­ T .. S e r~mmg' chool, and from 10 o'clock llillCY Scllools I schor.ol in Haw~ii. and offered Mrs. ,:'hom are connected with an extensive pation and an excellent test of the I Duns the pOSItIOn, she accepted. lIbrary service. Books will be loaned club talents. untIl 10.50 conferences by grades will Q be held. Thus, when, a few months later she for one ,veek at the rate of four cents Of the fourteen players, seven are From 10.50 until 12 o'clock group Theodore R. Silva, class of '26, has sailed for Hawaii, her desire for a day. They must be kept for one the fortunate new members selected cjonferences will be held by the various just been appointed by the Quincv travel was fulfilled. week because Mr. Hodglnan will call from nearly thirty girls at the "try­ uepartment heads. A discus8ion on school committee as headmaster of Of her sojourn in that enchanted no oftener. It is, however, possible out" held last Ivlav. "The Modern Trend in Design and the Cranch and Adams schools, suc- ,:vith its thl'ills and apprehen- several people to share a book dur­ . The cas~ is as "follows: N apoleol1 l~nd, ~or Representation" will be led by M' cee:lin the vacancy caused by the SlO11S, ltS ''lark and play, Mrs. Davis mg that tiIne. GIbbs, LOUIse Hewitt; Count Gianelli D " .. '11 ,_ ISS g ~J 1: lISC! ~ N yo O:t the art department, reSIgnatIOn of Stanley Fish, who ac- told in her lecture. An additional item T.he book car will be parked con­ Virginia Bulger; Timothy O'Brien: and MISS Graves will lead one on cepted. an appointment in Hartford, of interest concerned the salaries of vemently near the administration Althea Mock; Washington Gunver "Tricks of the Trade for the Biology Conn. teachers in Hawaii. building, and customers may go there H~ndricksen; Dr. Hubbard: Dorothy Teacher". A successful alumna of Silva went to Quincy in 1926 when (Continued on Page 4) t~ select or to order books they de- Hlxon; The Policeman, Muriel Robie; ;,he French Department will talk on he was appointed to the staff of Cen- 81.re. IVIr. Hodgman will have with ~enelope Penn, Anne Clark; Madame cle Mailly, Barbara Randlett; Miss Ways and Means", Miss Smith will tl'al Junior High School. Since then Graduate of ],0°50 h1111 011 each trip a limited supply of speak on "History Work Books'" ~, he ~la; b.een active professionally and re.cent books besides those ordered. He Ma~Masters, Doris Southwick; Mrs. SmIth, Sally Settill; Miss Sadie ~nd Mr. Durgin will present "Prob~ f'--.---d'.:;~'ti:'l:L:rl:l:'!_~f-! .,r;ailc,.....;];¥il>¥ii;i;€~;,;;··."z·.. ...;':;;.·: .... ~;.." ~.l.;.i';;.0,; ..,0.;' ....~. "","' ....~ .............. '.,-.,-1 .. ,.,','" H:!.~ lOOt 1.. "P 1:.1'.:'''' hc1." .... 7' wII~ deliver books ordered, distribute . .. __. _. _ .• J ~~ders'~'o~ th~ ~o'ilo~in~ we~k. , .... , GULL'ell!,;!:', .c-(,m:ifJ LlIlsle.l; lVllSS~ lVlYl'tie Teacher~"" ~. _... r- Clarence, Betty Giles; Evalina, Sophie The exhibitions of helpful material One of the busiest days in 100 Miss Davis sums up the contribu- Taylor; Rosa, Ruth Petluck. Q. B. Club years occurred for Miss Fannie Win- tion of such a library to the school in are to include: "Round the World in Extellds Invitation chester Fogg, a graduate of this these words: Books", the library; "Seat Work and school in 1850, and a former Newton ((By this means the faculty will Varsity B~ B. Teanl Duplicating Equipment", Miss Iv~ teacher, who spent her 100th anni- have access to books which libraries !-'utz, Demonstration Room; "English By Kathleen Hofferty versary receiving friends and former cannot afford to buy, and to books Starts Practice 111 the Elementary Grades" Miss Students of the school have been pupils who called to offer gifts and that are recent publications and hard Davis, Room 18; "English· in the invited to attend the Quincy-Bridge­ Junior High Grades", Miss Lovett, their fond wishes. The event trans- ~o lay hands upon. Such a library Eddie Welch,who is coach of bas­ water Club meeting on Thanksgiving Room 18; Geography, Mr. Huffington, formed the old-fashioned home of IS also of help to those who intend to ketball this year, had the first practice eve when 11 new members will be in­ Room 22; "Reading", Miss Moffitt, Miss Fogg at 79 \Voodward Street buy books. Through Mr. Hodgman's for the varsity team on Tuesday, itiated. Room 14. ~ewton Highlands, into a gay recep~ services one may examine a book and November 3, which is the earliest that This is the first important soCial After the luncheon in the dining tlOn hall filled with flowers.
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