The Sundial The Sundial has a special issue coming out on Monday. @thesundial Due to the holiday break, there @dailysundial will be no Wednesday issue. csunsundial HTTPS://SUNDIAL.CSUN.EDU WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2018 | VOL. 60 IS. 14 | FREE NEWS WRRC and GWSD recognized five women’s activism. See Page 2 CULTURE Eighteen-year-old woman experiences a speedy rise to fame. See Page 4 PAGE 2 AD PHOTO COURTESY OF WALLY SKALIJ/LOS ANGELES TIMES/TNS People comfort each other after a mass shooting at the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks late Wednesday night on Nov. 7. OPINION Social media becomes a battlefi eld where nothing good comes form it. Shooting at Borderline Bar & Grill See Page 7 Gunman Ian David Long leaves 12 dead, including college students and a Ventura County police officer 22, Justin Meek, 23, Alaina Housley, 18, Noel training. AGUSTIN GARCIA Sparks, 21, Sean Adler, 48, Mark Meza Jr., 20, "I found out a little too late that just wasn't EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Telemachus Orfanos, 27, Dan Manrique, 33, the job for me,” stated Long on ShadowSpear. MARJA ZIEMER Blake Dingman, 21, Jacob Dunham, 21, and “Maybe the ego got the better of me but it NEWS EDITOR Kristina Morisette, 20. Authorities have yet took only one time for a 19 year old D-2 ath- t @DAILYSUNDIAL to determine the motive behind the attack. lete to talk down to me and tell me how to do “On behalf of California State University, my job that I realized this wasn't the career I SPORTS Northridge, our hearts and thoughts are with wanted to head." A FORMER 2016 CSUN student killed at Ice Hockey reaches the victims, survivors, first responders and CSUN students shared their reactions to least 12 people, including a sheriff’s sergeant, loved ones affected by the horrific massacre the news of the shooting. highest ranking mark and wounded up to 15 others at Borderline Bar that occurred in Thousand Oaks last night,” Mario Saucedo expressed his concerns yet at sixth. & Grill in Thousand Oaks before taking his said CSUN President Dianne Harrison in a about not knowing whether or not the bar was own life, authorities stated. campus-wide email earlier last week. the one his friend works for. The mass shooting began around 11:20 See Page 8 NBC News reported that Long was an “It was really surprising and kind of wor- p.m. Wednesday night, Nov. 7, when the infantry machine gunner in the U.S. Marine risome because I have a friend that works in former student, identified as 28-year-old Ian Corps, serving from 2008 to 2013. a bar in Thousand Oaks but I wasn’t sure if it David Long from Newbury Park, entered the Long left the service on honorable dis- was his bar so I contacted him in the morn- popular country music-themed bar carrying charge with numerous decorations. He was ing to make sure he was okay,” said Saucedo. a Glock 21 .45-caliber handgun, purchased deployed to Afghanistan from November 2010 “It was really scary because I have a lot of legally, with an extended magazine that is to June 2011. friends that live in that area. That was my prohibited under California law. Long posted on a special forces forum, The victims of the shootingPAGE have been iden- 1 ShadowSpear,AD information about his service tified as Sgt. Ron Helus, 54, Cody Coffman, and his time at CSUN majoring in athletic SEE BORDERLINE BAR PAGE 2 OnceExplore theI unconscious Dreamt... mind with Sundial’s Arts & CALLON STANDS FOR SUBMISSIONS! & ONLINE [email protected] NOVEMBER 19 Literature Issue 2 NEWS N OVE MBER 14, 2018 | S U N DI AL | CS U N | CITY @ CS U N.E D U C O NT. B OR DERLI NE BAR PA GE 1 WRRC a wards five CRI ME mai n concer n about it ... maki ng sure they were okay.” Mario Olg ui n reiterated t he shock he felt upon heari ng t he ne ws. ‘pheno menal’ wo men “It’s crazy to think that so me- BLOTTER t hi ng could happen so close to ho me," Olguin stated. "I mean we have seen Harding as a fe minist philosopher and dis - shootings happen (in) other places, KI L E Y A R C E REPORTER ting uished acade mic researcher, a nd Nayereh T UESDAY, N OV. 6 and no w to see so mething here, it’s Tohidi as a social a nd political advocate as crazy. I k no w people t hat attend t he t @DAILYSUNDIAL well as fou ndi ng director of Middle Easter n A st o ol w as t a k e n b y a gr o u p of bar a nd it’s crazy to see t hat it is so a nd Isla mic Studies at CS U N. close to ho me.” S OUTHERN CALIF ORNIA wo men were rec- CS U N professor a nd co-e mcee of t his year’s unkno wn sus pects atten ding the The Borderline Bar has started a ognized for their activis m by CS U N Gender Pheno menal Wo man A wards, Jennifer Berry, b as k et b all g a m e i n R e d w o o d H all. GoFu nd Me to provide relief a nd f na ncial and Wo men’s Studies Depart ment and Wo m- believes the recog nition of these wo men and support for t he fa milies of t he victi ms. en’s Research a nd Resource Center on Su nday. t he eve nt itself “sets a precede nt t hat we are A CS U N offcer arreste d a sus pect T he gofu nd me has already raised $13,760 Ho me of the oldest operating wo men’s n e e d e d, t h at w o m e n’s visi bilit y is n e e d e d. W e f or sl a p pi n g t h e vi cti m d uri n g a n wit hi n t he frst fve hours. center i n t he CS U syste m, CS U N celebrated t he are doi ng i ncredible t hi ngs, a nd we need more “ The Borderline Fa mily sends our 45t h a n niversary of its Wo men’s Research a nd and more people to kno w about the m.” argu ment in Jacaran da Hall. love, prayers a nd deepest condolences Resource Center ( W R R C) at the 13th Bien nial At CS U N, the event was held during a piv - to t he victi ms a nd t heir fa milies i n t he Pheno menal Wo man A wards on Sunday. otal ti me for G WS a nd et h nic studies progra ms B et w e e n N o v. 5 a n d 6, a n u n - wake of t his horrific tragedy,” t weeted The event also co m me morated the 25th on ca mpus as t he Fac ulty Se nate deliberates on k n o w n s us p e ct st ol e a bi c y cl e, t he Borderli ne Bar. anniversary of the Gender and Wo men’s their options surrou nding the i mple mentation The A merican Red Cross is pro- Studies Depart ment (G WS D) a midst gro wing of Executive Orders 1110 and 1100-R which outsi de UP A 3, which was secure d viding resources and support fro m controversy for t he co mparative culture stud- i ncludes Section F. t o t h e bi c y cl e r a c k wit h a U- L o c k. trai ned volu nteers for victi ms affected ies general education require ment at CS U N. “ T he Executive Orders would deeply affect b y t h e s h o oti n g. “ F or a n e v e nt li k e t his, it all o ws us t o r e mi n d our depart ment,” said G WS D Chair Dr. Breny “ We have opened a fa mily reuni- people t hat t his is great work t hat’s bei ng do ne Me ndoza. “It’s really not a n exaggeratio n to say WED NESDAY, N OV. 7 fication center at the T housand Oaks on ca mpus,” said Shira Bro w n, W R R C director t h at if it w o ul d b e p ass e d j ust li k e it is t o d a y, Tee n Ce nter located at 1375 East Ja nss and pheno menal wo man a wards coordinator. we would be eli mi nated. I n t hree to fve years, A m al e s us p e ct st ol e a bi c y cl e Road and have trained mental health “ T his is Section F work. We’re a Section F we would not look like we do right no w. We volunteers onsite for anyone who depart ment. The work we’re doing is i mport- are fghti ng to bri ng so me reason back to t his that was secure d t o a bicycle rack needs support,” said The A merican a nt, a n d it’s m e a ni n gf ul.” syste m.
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