16—MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. May 9.1991 Bridge It is unlikely partner has a club hon­ SpccioIislD#! NORTH (-(-(1 Five tricks or. Your only real hope for success is ♦ 10 5 3 that singleton diamond. At trick two, ♦ KQ 4 needed switch to the nine of diamonds. ^ ♦ AK432 Declarer wins in hand wuh the LAWN CARE PAINTING/ CARPENTRY/ 11 |WATERPROOFING ♦ 85 By Phillip Alder queen and leads a low heart. Rush in REMODELING PAPERING WEST EAST The contract is three hearts. To de­ with the ace, cash the ace of spades YARDMASTERS WET BASEMENTS? • AKQJ2 *94 and then lead the two (or jack) of FRANK YOUNQ GENERAL Hatchways, foundation cracks, • A 98 • 32 feat the declarer, you and your part­ Spring Clean-Up WEIGLFS PAINTING CO. ner must win five tricks. Place dough­ spades. Partner should see what Is Q u a % work at a CONTRACTOR ♦ 9 ♦ J 10.8 7 5 needed. He will ruff the trick (assum­ Kitchen and bath remodeling sump pumps, tile lines, gravity lianrhpB tpr Lawns, Bushes, T r ^ Cut reasonable pricel • Q 10 9 6 ♦ J743 nuts over the South and East cards. • Roofing •V in y l* Siding feeds, and dry wells. Also damp­ ing he started with two trumps) and Yards, gutters, garages Interior & Exterior You lead the king of spades; partner • Replacement Windows SOUTH return a diamond, allowing you to ruff cleaned. Lawn Fertilizing. Appll- Free Estimates ness proofing of concrete walls drops the nine and South the six. How • Custom Decks • Additions ♦ 8 76 and defeat the contract. anoes Removed. Carpentry, and floors. Chimney dean outs, do you continue? What would you do if Call Brian Welgle 6434774 • J 107 6 5 If you have four hearts, you know ^ fa W ni» « your six of clubs were the six of hearts Hauling, Backhoe Work. • m ttH tW m V M nM r MPCWIfW stonewalls, and concrete repairs. 6 4 5 - 8 9 1 2 ♦ Q6 instead? partner has only one trump. He won’t Any Job Considered. Over 40 years experienced. Sen­ ♦ AK2 Rebidding a five-card suit is not have an entry to give you a diamond Manchester’s Award-Winning Newspaper ruff. In this case, your best chance is Newsstand: 350 - Home: 300 Call 643-9996 MARTY MAnSSON CUSTOM QUAUTY ior citizen discounts. Vulnerable; North-South normally recommended, but West’s Friday, May 10,1991 One stop improvements. Dealer; South solid spades certainly looked like a to lead four rounds of spades. With Painting Interior/Exterior Albert Zuccaro luck, partner will have the seven or 10 Framing to Painting. six-carder. ntE N C K S U m S TREE SBtVICE South West North Blast of hearts. If South discards from the Is now socspting mowlne nooounis Wallpapering Licensad 6 Ineured. Waterproofing Partner’s nine of spades is surely Pass 1 ♦ 2 ♦ Pass dummy. East will ruff with that criti­ tor M s lawn sssson. 30 Years Experience B.B.B. Member the start of an echo with a doubleton. • Lawn C ut S Trim 6 4 6 -3 3 6 1 2 * 2 ♦ 3 • All pass cal trump, effecting an uppercut. You • Formal Hadgs Trimming References, Insured Call Dave Adamick lor a tree quote. If so, you can cash three spade tricks Weicker wins • Traaa S Shniba Plantao and have the ace of hearts in the back­ will come to two heart tricks. Inside Today.,. • Pruning # Spot Saadlng • FartMiar 649-4431 6 4 5 -6 5 2 3 Opening lead; • K © 1»»1, MEW8PAP6B EHTERPfllSE ASSN. a V a g a )^ Gartlana Holo-Tllad ground. But where is the fifth trick? • Drivaways Saalad HOME FMt WHIttn EHhmtm G.L McHUGH PAINTING RICK'S HANDYMAN IMPROVEMENT S4S-1S12 ■ Grateful soldier throw Interior/Exterior Painting CARPENTRY SERVICE in casino vote Decks. AddHiont, Remodeilng, Wallpapering - Paper removal .A HOME IMPROVEMENT Astrograph r R age 3. Rapaire. Sheetrock HARTFORD (AP) — Richard Weicker believes that if Las Specializing In: Callings repaired and replaced W Aieo Cteaning A HauRng “Skip” Hayward, chairman of the Vegas nights are banned, the Indians “EASY DOES IT’ Serving Home Owners East of the Senior Citizen discount Interior ■ Exterior Restorations It may appear that you are luckier for ■ Election night was tense Insured *- Refafeoces CANCER (June 21-July 22) You may will lose the foundation of their ar­ River Since 1975 ' Interior ■ Exterior Painting another than you are for yourself. But, Mashantucket Pequot Indian tribe, b Ihe way to desctbe start out focusing on a rather conserva­ SCeneaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3a 646-1948 Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling in the final analysis, the opposite could says a Senate vote designed to block gument and the casino can be bl(x:k- ptoclng a want ad. Can today lor your estimate < ¥ M i r tive objective today. However, there’s a Id s tru G « the Indians’ planned casino in ed. If the bill becomes law, Weicker Just c o l 643-2711 and 643-9321 Framing Decks ■ Sheds ■ Garages chance something larger and more en­ CARPENTRY WCall and ask about our spring ^Birthday terprising may loom on the horizon AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Although Ledyard is just another in a l<mg line anticipates a court challenge from w e do the rest! you won’t be able to accomplish it MASONRY specials which causes you to alter your goal. of betrayals Indians have faced. the Indians. News TDM PAINTING & LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your formula for alone, there are strong probabilities to -. Fully Insured Free Estimates May 10,1991 On Thursday, the state Senate ap­ “We’ve been dealing with this CEMENT WORK success today calls for equal parts of day that you’ll take a sparse opportuni­ WALLCOVERING ty and turn It Into something quite' proved a bill outlawing Las Vegas type of treatment for 300 years,” Call Tony 6 4 5 - 1 4 3 9 Exciting developments where your ca­ imagination and elbow grease. Once In Brief MOWING & PRUNING Complete interior & exterior you conceive your plan of action, let grand. nights, used by charitable organiza­ said Hayward. “There’s a lot of after Sp.m . reer is concerned could be in the offing your muscles do the rest. PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) As of t o - . tions to raise money. It was a vic­ folks who don’t understand the wallpapering in the year ahead. There Is an excellent day, start looking for an outlet where Rrst Cut Free 6 4 9 - 0 8 1 1 chance you’ll finally be able to fulfill a VIRGO (Aufl. 23-Sepl. 22) An involve­ Coventry loses HEATING/ you can sell your wares: Something you tory for Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. tribe. That’s a shame. 646- 1894 secret ambition. ment wrested from your grip might be Light Hauling PLUMBING altered at this time, enabling you to consider an avocation that others feel who hopes to block the casino. - “I feel like the tribe has suffered three councilors Fully Irtsured Free Estimates has commercial potential could be a The bill now goes to the House long and hard through this process. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) A pleasant once again assume the reins of control. COVENTRY — Three mem­ 649-3104 FURNITURE ewmanon atxM surprise regarding a matter you have This time you’ll be more effective. winner. after wimiing approval in the Senate They are a good group of people. ARIES (March 21-April 19) You could bers of the town council have oIOil,Gas&l perceived negatively may be In store lor LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 23) Career bene­ on an 18-17 vote. House Speaker They’re not out to coinqTt society,” REPAIR be a rational risk-taker today; There Is a ■Water Healers you today. Once you see things as they fits are likely today, thanks to the help of announced that they will not run Lawn Mowing, possibility you may do rather well in an Richard J. Balducci, D-Newington, Hayward said, adding that the In­ BOOKKEEPING/ actually are, your doubts will be eroded. people for whom you previously have for reelection in November. Stump Grinding. We repair an typee of wood fur­ ■Warm Air Funaces endeavor that has pronounced ele-' says he expects a close vote in the dians want to improve the economy INCOME TAX ■Bolers Get a jump on life by understanding the gone to bat. The biggest punch will Republican Harvey Barrette Free Estim ates niture and antiques bKiuding come from an individual who is most in­ ments of chance. You’ll know the safe lower chamber. of the region. The jnoject will mean new parts, wood turning and Wilson Oil Company influences which are governing you In Jr. will resign from the council 6 4 9 -0 7 5 8 JoMDh P. Deirwo, Jr. the year ahead. Send for Taurus’ Astro- debted to you. areas. ' The Mashantuckets successfully some 1 , ^ new jobs, according to wood carving. 6456393 effective May 13. Barrette said Certified Public Accountant Graph predictions today by mailing SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) The more argued, all the way to the U.S. o r Estimates are free determined, dedicated and consistent For )four personal horoscopo, the Indians. Small business aooountlng and tax C all $1.25 plus a long, self-addressed, that his business, Nathan Hale 8 7 2 -8 9 9 3 lervioes. C oorporalioos. 8 you are today, the luckier you'll be. This Supreme Couit, that because state Hayward said the Indians are Manchstar Hardware stamped envelope to Astro-Graph, c/o lovoscope, lucky numbers Construction, has been taking up corporations. Partnemipe. Financial is one of those days when Lady Luck is law permits casino-style gaming stalsmsnl audits, reviews.
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