REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS FOR THE Eighteen Months Ending December 31, 191 G IN THREE PARTS PART I-Report for the Year ending June 30, 1916 PART 2-Report for the Six Months ending December 31. 191G PART 3·-Summary Report for the Eighteen Months endinti: December 31, 1916 Mlm Honolulu The Hawliian CiJzctte Co .. Ltd, l~l7 DBPART)lENT OF Pl'BLIC LANDS, TERRI TORY OF HA WAI I. Hox. l3ERTRA:M G. RIVEXIlURGH ... Commissioner of Pllblic Larn1s. P. o .. Honolulu, T. H. MR. WALTER A. EXGLE .......... Chi,,f Clerk and Sllb-,\gent, :3th Land District-Oahu. P. 0., Honolulu, T. 1-I. ::\fR . .TosEPH G. ANDREWS ........ Sub-Agent, 1st Land District-Hilo and Puna; Sub-Agent, 2nd Land District­ Hamaklla and Kabala, Ha,vaii. P. 0., Hilo, Hawaii. :\TR . .TULIA:-; R. YATES ........... Sub-Agent, 3nl Land District-North and South Kana, Hawaii. P. 0., Kealakc-­ kua. Hawaii. "YfR. \Y.\LTER H. HAYSELDEX ...... Sub-Agent, 3nl Land District-Kall, Ha- waii. P. O., Waiohim1, Kau, Ha,,-aii. ;\JR. \\'OR1'H 0. AIKEX ........... Sub-Agent, 4th Laml District-)iaui arnl )Iolokai. P. 0., Paia, )Iaui. :\IR. W.\LTER D. )lcBRYDE ....... Sub-Agent, 6th Land District- West Kallai. P. 0., Homestead, Kanai. }frns ]3ER:-;ICE E. L. ITt::-;nLEY ... ),uh-Agent. 6th Lall!] Distric·t - East Kauai. P. 0., Kealia, Kanai. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS FOR THE Eighteen Months Ending December 31, 1916 IN THREE PARTS PART 1-Report for the Year ending June 30, 1916 PART 2-Report for the Six Months ending December 31, 1916 PART 3-Summary Report for the Eighteen Months ending December 31, 1916 Mm Honolulu: The Hawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd. 1917 iii PART 1 PAGE Report, Year Ending June 30, 1916 ......... ,;.............. ... 1 Receipts . • . ... 3 Realizations, Other Departments................................... 4 Land Patent Grants Issued...... 5 Summary of Grants. : .....................................· . 12 Comparative Summaries . 12 Lan(l Patent Grants on Land Exchanges. 13 Land Patents on Land Commission Awar(1s ........................... 13 General Leases Solc1 ............................................... 14 Land and Water Licenses Issued .................................... 15 Auction Sales of Land for Cash .. " ................................. 16 Right of Purchase Leases ....................................... ·. 17 Special Homestead Agreements ..... , . • . 18 Cash Freehold Agreements ........................................ , 20 Homestead Leases . 20 Certificates of Occupation ...................... ; .................. 21 Table of Lancls Taken by "Settlers" .... , .......................... 22 Summary of above ...................... : ....•.................... 22 Homestead Agreements, and General and Homestead Leases Cancellec1, Forfeited and Surrendered. 23 Home·stead Agreements, and General and Homestead Leases Transferred 26 Planting Agreements .................. ·. 28 Summary ............................ : . 31 Mortgages on Homesteacl Lands. 32 Lands Disposec1 of-By Classes .................................... 33 Lands Disposed of"---By Nationalities .............................. 33 Public Lands of the_ Territory of Hawaii-Total Areas. 34 Letter to Governor, submitting Report ............................... 35 PART 2 Report, Six Months Ending December 31, 1916. 37 Receipts . .. 39 Realizations, Othe .. r Departments ................................. 39 Land Patent Grants Issued ......................................... 40 Summary of Grants .................................. , . 45 Comparative Summaries . 45 Land Patent Grants and Deeds on Land Exchanges. 46 Lanc1 Patents on Land Commission Awards .................... .- .... 46 General Leases Solc1 ............................................... 47 Land ancl Water Licenses .......................................... 48 Right of Purchase Leases. 48 Special Homesteall Agreements . 49 Special Sales Agreements. 49 Cash Freehol<l Agreements. 50 Homestead Leases . 50 Certificates of Occupation ......................................... 50 Table of Lands Taken by ''Settlers''. 51 Summary of above. 51. Homestead Agreements, ancl J}eneral anc1 Homestead Leases Cancellet1, Forfeited anc1 Surrenc1erec1 ..................................... 52: Homestead Agreements, am1 General and Homestead Leases Transferred 53 Mortgages, Leases and Deec1s on Homestad Lands. 56 Planting Agreements . 58 Summary . • . 61 Terms ant1 Conc1ition1l of Planting Agreements. 62 iv PAGE Lands Disposed of-By Classes .................................... 63 Lands Disposed of-By Nationalities .............................. 63 Public Lands of the Territory of Hawaii-Total Areas. 64 PART 3 Summary Report, Eighteen Months Ending December 31, 1916. 65 Receipts . .. 67 Realizations, Other Departments. 67 Expenses, Department of Public Lands: Officers, Employees, Expenses Public Lands ...................... 68 Expenses, Surveying and Opening Homesteads. 68 Land Patent G1·ants ............................................... 69 Land Patents on Land Commission A wards ....... , . 69 General Leases, Land and Water Licenses, Homestead Agreements and Leases, and Certificates of Occupation. 70 Miscellaneous Transactions: Homestead Agreements, and General and Homestead Leases Can­ celled, Forfeited and Surrendered. 70 Mortgages, Leases and Deeds on Homestead Lands. 70 Homestead Agreements, and General and Homestead Leases Tr~ns- ferred .................................................... 70 Planting Agreements and Contracts ................................. 70 Summary of Planting Agreements (18 months) ...................... 71 Table showing Lands taken by "Settlers". 72 Summary of above-by Tenure and by Nationalities .................. 73 Territory of Hawaii. Office of the Commissioner of Public Lands. HONOLULU, T. H., July 31, 1916. DEAR Srn :-I beg to transmit herewith report of land transac­ tions of this department for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1916. Respectfully submitted, B. G. RIVENBURGH, Commissioner of Public Lands. HON. L. E. PINKHAM, Governor of Hawaii, Honolulu. PART I. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF . PUBLIC LANDS FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1916 * 3 ... RECEIPTS FOR !J:HE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30TH, 1916. RENTS: General Leases .................................. , .$246,027.31 Right of Purchase Leases.......................... 5,03.3,89 Kaimu Leases ................ , . 5.87 Olaa Leases . • . 49.20 $251,116.27 INTERESTS' AND FEES: Special Homestead Agreements ...........•......... $ $,135.17 Special Sale Agreements .......... , ............... 4,665.45' Homestead Agreements ......................... , . 14.90 Cash Freehold Agreements ........................ 78.73 Commutation ..................•........•........· . 8.45 Office Fees .. ·•... , ...............• , .............. 434.30 . 13,337.00 LAND SALES: Special Homestead Agreements ...................... $ 38,993.88 Special Sale Agreements........................... 33,706'.48 Right of Pruchase Leases ••..... : . 16,534.41 Cash Preehold Agreements .•....................... , ~4.18. Preference Rights ......... ; ...... ; . 800.40 Cash Sales . • . 15,578.28 Government Commutations . 60.85 106,398.48 Improvement on Lands ............................. 290.00 Government Realiza,tions ......................... 2,164.54 Total ................................. $373,306.29 2 REALIZATIONS OTHER DEPARTMENTS FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30TH, 1916. BOARD OF HARBOR COMMISSIONERS. Nov. 30, 1915 .... 2 lots lumber, 1 lot blocks, Pier 7 ..•.. Sold to Capt. E. H. Riley and""\¾- H. Fay for .. $146.00 Dec. 14, 1915 .... 1 lot lumber, Pier 7 ................. Sold to Capt. E. H. Riley for ................ 26.00 Jan. 5, 1916 .... 1 lot bloeks, Pier 7 .................. Sold to Honolulu Scrap Iron Co. for.... .. .. .. 15.00 Mar. 11, 1916 .... 1 lot old lumber, scrap iron, iron roofing from carpenter shop, Pier 7 .. Sold to Honolulu Scrap Iron Co. for ......... 22.00 May 20, 1916 .... 2 lots old lumber, Pier 16 ............ Sold to Lau Tin for ...................... .. 70.00 May 20, 1916 ....1 lot old blocks, Pier 16 .............. Sold to Catton, Neill & Co., Ltd., for ......... 12.50 $291.50 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS'. Dec. 9, 1915 ....1 old safe ........................... Sold to Honolulu Scrap Iron Co. for .......... $100.00 Mar. 30, 1916 ....9 silver oak logs ..................... Sold to Ah Chong for....................... 35.00 Apr. 13, 1916 ....1 old chandelier ..................... Sold to A. Richley for.. .. 5.00 140.00 Total. ........ $431.50 NOTE:-Collections made on account of above sales are paid over to the departments on account of which such auction sales were made, and are not included in the Receipts of the Public Lands Department. .. ___ STATEMENT OF LAND PATENT GRANTS ISSUED DURING THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30TH, 1916. Considera­ No. Date. Patentee. Area. Location. tion. Remarks. 6414 Aug. 3, 19i5 .. Manuel Nunes ...•........ , .. 10.90 Acs•.. Lawai, Kona, Kauai ...........•...• $ 65.40 R. P. Lease 6415 Aug. 3, 1915 .• Stanley Livingston .......... 42.77 " .. Kuiaha, Pauwela, Maui. ...•...•...• 542.00 R. P. Lease 6416 Aug. 3, 1915 .. Maude Starbuck ............. 30.89 " .. Kuiaha, Pauwela, Maui. ........... 463.00 R. P. Lease 6417 Aug. 3, 1915 .• Manuel Moniz Midro ........ .21 Acre .. Auwaiolimu, Honolulu, Oahu ... : ... 745.44 Cash P. P.R. 6418 Aug. 3, 1915. ,Victoria Ahuna Markham ..... 25 '' .• Auwaiolimu, Honolulu, Oahu ....... 650.00 Cash P.P.R. 6419 Aug. 3, 1915 .. Frank J. Silva . ~ ............ 22 " .. Auwaiolimu, Honolulu, Oahu ....... 598.38 Cash P.P.R. 6420 Aug.
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