MAYDAY! FULL STORY AND PICTURES· INSIDE TODAY ve photograph of five Plan combatants red northern Namibia one night late last week while South African forces were restricted to base for the 60 hour period. Shortly after the photograph was taken by a special correspondent, the combatants crossed the Angolan border to return to a base north of the 16th parallel. Eyes have been blacked out to protect the combatants' families in Namibia. MOVE IN -South African-led Namibian troops suppl on board the Dakota preparing to land in the background. The photograph, by John Liebenberg at Eenhana, was taken hours after security forces were released from a 6O-hour period of confinement to base. Not long after, three Swapo guerrillas were reportedly killed by security forces. 2 Tuesday May 2 1989 THE NAMIBIAN fOR South African trade union activist, Moses Mayekiso, who travelled to Namibia to address a May Day rally in Katutura. Mayekiso was released last week after spending close on two years in detention without trial in the MUN General-Secretary Ben Ulenga, pictured beneath a SWA Republic. Breweries worker's committee banner. MAY DAY NOT HANDED TO WORKERS BUT FOURGHT FOR • ULENGA I thatSwapowas the only organisation in Namibia, nevertheless we give which stood the test of time in Namibia. them another chance, for we are in­ She dismissed South African claims terested in change," he went on. that it broke the backbone of Swapo He reminded the people that not and said that" Swapo is the people". all those making up UNTAG were Namibians, she said, waited a decade friends of freedom and referred to long for the arrival of UNTAG. the Congo in 1960 where Patrice "Our dreams were shattered on Lumumba was murdered under UN April 1 with the Oicahenge incident. presence. With the consent of the Special Congress of South African Trade AYD Representati ve of the UN Secretrary Unions (Cosatu) and UDF declared General South African forces went this week as solidarity week for on the rampage ," the speaker re­ Namibia, Mr Morobe said. MR Ben Ulenga, the general secretary of the Mineworkers Union The workers of Namibia were stand­ marked. "Our solidarity should not only ofN amibia (MUN), called on Namibian workers to defend the gains ing squarely behind Swapo, because "Your struggle has always been be made up of messages but in action a Swapo government was the only our struggle and will continue to be, and deeds. PLAN and Umkhonto they achieved so far and be vigilant for the "enemy offreedom was one which would listen to the de­ as long the Southern Africa is domi­ We Sizwe fighters are fighting side trying to threaten the prospects of independence" • mands of the workers, he said. nated by a white minority which is by side in the bushes in Angola. Our Mr Ulenga was speaking at the Mr Ulenga told the workers that May Day as a paid holiday was not trying to USUlp all power," Mr M\lI']ily solidarity has come about through May Day rally held in Katutura yes­ the implementation of resolution 435 handed down to the workers on a Morobi, the United Democratic Front the traditions of our struggle," he terday. May Day rallies were held was not an end in itself, but that it was plate. "It was won through our own (UDF-SA) Secretary for Publicity speaker said. throughout the country. The Katu­ the begirming of the road towards battles and some workers sacrificed and Information said; Workers were always on the fore­ tura rally was attended by about 7 socialism. their lives, " the speaker said. He informed the crowd that the front of the struggle of national inde­ 000 workers. Workers demands are basic and Mr Moses Mayekiso, the general independence process of Namibia was pendence, Mr Dan Tjongarero the May Day 1989, was held at a cru­ clear, he said. "We are demanding secretary of National Union of Metal being watched with all seriousness deputy chairperson and a member of cial stage in the history of Namibia, for freedom to elect our own govern­ Workers of South Africa (NUMSA) and interest by all freedom loving the central committee of Swapo, said. when the country was at the thresh­ ment which will listen to our de­ said that May 11886, the begirming people of the world. Workers, he said, were fully rep­ old of its independence to join the mands. We demand freedom from of May Day, in America was marked Not only the working class struggle resented in the Swapo leadership. free nations of the world. exploitation and poverty," he stated. with blood. in N arnibia was gaining momentum, "They were the ones who decided to "When American workers de­ but the struggle for May Day as a lay their lives at the battle of Onkulum­ manded for a eight hour working recognised public holiday was reach­ bashe, which heralded the begining day, the bosses responded forcefully. ing "unprecedented levels", the of the armed struggle in 1966." Four leaders of the workers were speaker asserted. The struggle of the workers in hanged by the capitalist armies," he "Nobody can stop the march of a Namibia were not only aimed at informed the crowd. determined oppressed people to free­ getting wage increases, but was pri­ On every May Day, workers should dom so long yearned for." marily aimed at "the destruction of rededicate themselves to shorter The Namibian workers were "more colonialism" Mr Tjongarero said. working hours and a living wage, Mr than ever poised to join the workers It was the struggles of the workers Mayekiso urged the workers. of the independent nations the world which brought about the implemen­ He called upon the workers to build over". tation of resolution 435. strong organisational structures which "Let this May Day celebration be In the past 24 years, he added, the were accountable to the masses. a golden stepping stone to a free and struggle of the workers and that of , 'We must rededicate ourselves on democratic Namibia," Mr Morobi Namibia was the same. this day to democracy and forge ahead said. Before reconstruction there were towards socialism." The unity of the South African and still a number of battles to befought, Going to the polls did not mean Namibian workers should serve as a he reminded the workers. freedom, instead it was the start of clear message to South African gov­ ''To conclude the struggle we need the struggle for socialism, he said. ernment and its imperialist apolo­ to win the elections." In reference to the Okahenge gist, he added. He said that the " march for free­ massacre, he said' 'those killed there History, he said, demanded from dom" would not end with independ­ were watering the green tree of free­ freedom loving N amibians to "close ence. "The struggle will not end on dom." ranks and isolate the forces whose this side of the Orange River. We Ms Loide Kasingo, the education intentions are to preserve the old will o~ be satisfied once Africa THE future reflected ... a dreadlocked worker listens attentively to secretary of the National Union of order." has been rid of colonial vestiges," speeches made at yesterday May Day rally held in Katutura. Namibian Workers (NUNW), said "We are critical of the role of UN Mr Tjongarero added. THE NAMIBIAN Monday May 2 1989 3 AMID reports that South African security forces were released from their bases up to three hours armed personnel appear not to have "with the contempt they deserve", before the official 6O-hour moratorium expired on Saturday, the UN's Martti Ahtisaari said in been able to return to Angola during and described the allegations as a Windhoek yesterday that he was "saddened" over reports of renewed fighting between the security the 60 hour period of grace pro­ "red herring" aimed at diverting forces and Swapo guerrillas. claimed in the Ruacana agreement, attention from the "atrocities com­ during which the security forces were mitted by its rampaging troops in Oshakati residents reported that two PLAN fighters were killed in Unconfirmed reports from the north confined to base" . Namibia". police Casspirs and army vehicles skirmishes after the security forces late yesterday claimed that several He pointed out that the Swapo Mr Nujoma added that he accusa­ had left military bases "as early as were unleashed on Saturday morn­ arrests had been made at Eridola and leadership had instructed all its forces tions were designed to dupe the UN 3am" on Saturday. The South Afri­ ing. that there had been an altercation to return to Angola, and that South Transition Assistance Group so that cans had agreed to restrict their forces One foreign journalist reported that between Untag members and SA Africa had undertaken to facilitate South African troops were not con­ to base for a period of 60 hours, a Koevoet member had told him on security forces at Ohangwena'. this process. fined to base and instead let loose on ending at 6am on Saturday. Saturday that "the hunting season is Mr Ahtisaari said in a press state­ • 'Both sides, therefore, have now the pretext of guarding against "an It has been reported that at least open again". ment yesterday that "some of Swapo 's publicly reiterated their desire to avoid illusionary Swapo invasion". further aggressive or belligerent ac­ According to a Nampa report, the tions," Mr Ahtisaari said. Swapo leader was reacting to the He added that the process to verify South African charges made through COM man gets thenumberofSwapo fighters return­ the office of the UN Special Repre­ ing to Angola had been agreed by the sentative, which summoned Joint Joint Commission at its third meet­ Foreign Affairs Secretary Niko Bessin­ ing in Cape Town last Friday.
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