r ■ >/ I. ' J c « 1 s T 1 rt - s i : , j , a l T lLArCE a CI'Y ':T '^1 n leS: WS Twin Falls, Idah!aho/91styear, N o. 26! Tuesday, ScSeptember 24, 1996 50 ccnen ts GkX)D MOIDRNING I I ( W e a t h e r daho will geit h o t'le n nlessee^ wastee Today: Mostly sunnyly \with highs in the low 70s.EastwtwindsStolS Qi ; xxt£>A T h e waste;te will come, and the Batt s mph. Lows 35 to 453 degrees.d. tiipm ents allowW C L l ment only keepsk the department from , ing th e wast< S Presiddent signs \WIPP P3geA2 ste to Idaho ahead of schedule bill; -*/^rn Under thehe governor’s agreement, 15 i mder B att’s accc . loads o f highghly radioactii'C spent rcactoi now storedcd at thc Oak Ridge NatliB Nevacida waste hilill buried I.S. Nokkentved M a g i c V a l l e Laboratory,f, isi slated to be s h ip p ^ to Idx ^flew» writat___________________________ __ 2004. Energrgy Department spokesman vice Mocooday that indudes languageIge that No on One: A groupp of0 political......... “ .....- ............... Buggersaid]d Monday. ews__________ ______ coulluld get Idaho n udear waste:e oio n iLs leaders fbnns to oppc3pose One , TWEAW FALLS - Highly radioactiacuve waste the Enerergy Department had suggi Wsy ^' to a New Mexico site stanrtin in g in Percent Initiative. PageCl I Tennessee would come to IdaJdaho as part starting thee shipments next year as parf S o f I TON* - One would-be N37ote m b e r l997. fOv. Phil Batt's nudear wastee agreement’a| iwogram thahat could reduce employee« iradia- «*ump for Idahtaho's nuclear waste ThatTl site, the Waste Isolat3la tio n with; thithe federal government, tion exposurure and save about 5500,00050 .annu- gained groundmd on Capitol Hill Pilolot Plant, would take plutunilonium- Arrest threat CountyIty officials Ban:in had said in a news release! FFi riday that ally, occordiiding to the draft of a 10-yeara r plan- Monday, wiiilele ianother dump pro- comintaminated items as gloves;es and are concerned about'u t‘dti 2en% the IS15 waste shipments are prohibitibitedbyh^ hing docurument for the Idaho Natiational posal 1^'as buried.icd. equi[mpmcnL arrests* threats from : ear waste agreement. But that’sat’s n ot true. Engineeringlg Laboratory. linion a C7^ f i MMuch o f th e WTPP w aste wowould the Department of Energy. '. PageA2 b illio n d e fe:nse n s spending bill group. Please see BATT. Pi Please see BILIS, PagPageA2 S po rts _ S t r a t e c N G Y S E S S I O ^ — H [elmets ^ i I health H p nt:: C '^ S ire, plus :dicaid panel Colts face Dolphins:>: TI h e Miami Dolphins and Indianamapolis Colts, W B m both 3^, met Mondaylay for the sives an earfulu l ;3- i f 1 lead in the AFC EastisL Page Dl m ij o f c c: o m m e n t s Burning b r i^ lt Takeeavva^his a first tournament as> a pro and By Pat Hi Tiaestewnw writer____________________ PGA rookie H ger Wo</Voods would be among golTs Topp 1'1 0 m o n ^ S' FALLS - From his wheclch.•Ichair. winnere. F ^geD l i Hopkins wept o tc altered his life from anI activeaci SC-bound one, the Buhl resid:sid en i No surT(urrenden Mcdicaid reform coundl Monilonday T h a t^^ tthe motto g. H opkins asked the state to sup-< e .S e ttle program ^\ing his wife, I.udun(k n .‘. ,1 rom her constant vi^l ovtr■him. hir M arineiners for the n eed s time out to get awayly fromfi balanceace of the sea- i;said. i ’s o n e point of \icw . «\nd thele Slates: _ — son. P agep2 tttv to overhaul Mtdittdicnid 1 variety of them. 1C same hearing. Tiny Walketiker of O pin io n ng strode to ----------------------- DAREdiiemnia: Every:ity b o ^ loves What’sS V DARE. So wlqr isn’tt it woiidng? toos. n P Y t PageAS ind several ^ Headinging up a lielghbott^ game of footbalitball, Cliff Hamion gives 5-yearold>ld Nick McKeel some advice Moneionday evening in Twin Fans. » d ( 1 TWINopposed to ^ocnnentsonMl : Hannon's» '8 team to keep things even as another,« w bigger kid from the ne!ght^ rb o o d Joined the opposite trar:»m. Howard!in^-srecom- lllba i N a tio n .\ s u ou iio n fo r oueh } to house iloti-hclmel s.^rtmoconvairi- I Taboo topic: Plain talialk about *p| told a Mr m o to rcy d e t„; ^fedicare appears to;o beI taboo M p cnening.y d e riders. Cotemoj’s during the 1996 presicsidential erot seekssadvanta^ge in deb:Date squal port a p n a r c n ot Itedcald Reforaiwm break frod to a helm et Athfaagr Comyg,nea. ■ campaign. PageAS inclusion in the debates or • ^ h csuch-W n e are PJ>. Box 83720,2 0 , iw suit, bid for all together. E>‘cn if he wo: me.” h e;d s to v io la- g°b«.g3720-(. ; Gaining support 'Iheile possibility court level, they said, ap Thai’sf o u r rights,” drag the case well bo'on con-.n-.itt. Jrr-'.-iWSi'L ' ir S some cataclysmic mallalfunction 1 V a d s - l a u n c h e d election. heard aier V in the day, brought dmvn TWAI RFlight 800 is But Perot is the man wh Al thry e Groda-Lcms announceded sh: e ■ beoiminginore plausiu s ib la ------ igeto Times .........- ....................... away. Perot has bectrne a c Goodingd accepting Medicaid patiertie n is, — attention in the presideni: th c po;he just can’t afford jl form Party candidate Rossi PP< e ro t y 'M " i ex'cr since the Commission le a th efvrin r, Falis phj-sidan said 68S8 fper- movedsl <on s e v e i^ fronts Monday to seizes i l - • ^ - * tial Debates rated unanimc a n d ta n ober patients arc on the putpublic daho politicaical advantage a fter his cxclu<elusion «■;/ 17 tocx d u d eh im . ICC program so the decisionnn was% I fromI theth 1996 presidential deba id<W2sJofcdsg o th e rsifllcult o to me." But becauseJ of Set ■'■“'es, |E r'« 2 & 3 Perot has scheduled a fits th«» mtmi Accord n e a r A compntpromise includirding a new TV ad campaign}n lth a t H B j t . -i' ances on neM*s and inteivi id paj-ments, she took homele S300S' _______________ m e n d a ti ires: “Let Ross speak. Thei trutr th BB k ,' th e next SCT-cral da>-s and • nth after expenses, Grod.vLei-Lewis appears dose betweei r hurt anyone." ft m andate i i l i up in Sl Wednesday' er. Batt and state prisonin offiaals< Aspit -1 1 1 law fo r I promUed, Perot Hied suit in fedfederal Bob Dole will be there to i ink they need to reimbursese tbet- over policies govemin;ling hiring of coun: scseeking to force his way intonto th e Demonstrators were«l>utsldgU^.DIst>lct i jHolman said from Refom e pbvszdan said. tes. He is preparing a compi ibble ' violent former offendtnders. detates. nplaint Court In Washington,m, D.C., MotidayasRoss t quarters in Dallas. Sue Jessop of Gooding callciille d a opposed I federal authorities to allow to Perof* w it was fileded to secure tilra a spot in The first of three propc d to eliminate Medicaid fundim ding i PageAlO Qore commercial tim e on televisi ; o r to halt tbcm la w a s s u the presidential debabotes. 'was to have been in S l Lo : organ transplants like “signinjn in g a A ndd he1 promises to show up at won 31 th e low er' o p p o sedrarrant-” She had t\%-o transpla;planL<; that meeting was appeals vrould tkms o f c S e c t io n BY SESECTION originanal debate site in St. LouisLc suit for next*Tuesdsday, less than one week between\ the Clinton and Do w has a full life. Wiihout themtht , I’ond th e Not. 5 he said. Wedneslesday and challenges Republiiblican before the firstst scheduled meeting Perot also will file a co: dead r ^ t now.” d ential candidate Bob D ole} to do between Presidenent Clinton and Dole in t E arlieiiledicaid panel is proposingg mm' o re the Federal Communicatiiw ho w in 004 go Dr. Mary Section A Sedection C E Sise. Hartford, Corui. 0 rxilc changes to the fe d erai ra l;and sion seeking greater accesa major focus c: stopped Weather............2 Ma&caa'c v aiey.....1 U.S.5. iDistrict Judge Thomas Ho;H o g an Most ex p erts givpve Perot little chance of televisiont for Perot’s paid i inded program. Medicaidi ppi ay s ential cami^gn s3>-ingsb luled a two-hour hearing on PeiPerot’s getting the fedeileral court to force his Holmani said. Nation..........3 , 6 Obitu;)ituaries......... 2 “ ‘' “ >“1' ion on Prgiden- The Tw Rease see MEDICAID. Pag€PageA2 Opinion...............8 DeafjiarAbby......... 4 imousb- on Sept. cent of h i asastanci W est.................. 9 Movie E\ fltiriy of appear- “«r>-d^ X bah)______ 10 Wrtl. ven for elilite, MoscCOW clini(ic barelyaview i programs Medicaidnds meet g3lnotjces__ 5 |-v id %-ows to shtw mont LegSii ia%- that ^ later,re their coats and wait in linein e for Section B ciassassified ...&-10 K Uissian S m edicine _ _ j S S to* debate him,” ^^“1 “ dark, 1 its fluorescent lightss flick-fli Money............1-4 mn Partv bead- ter,-thejdead, and cloudy wilh dgare’a re tte p o o r c o n d i t i o n And S i MuUialfunds.2-4 BCtionD oposed debates proposalbuildings stand empty, imnenneed- r plumbing shut off and every-eve SportsOftS______ i'G TheAasocsodatedPfw _________________ Louis then, bat ofadulro d in Dcgotiations death waiisically left to crumble.
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