Ciência Rural,Resistance Santa Maria, transferance Online of Amorimia septentrionalis poisoning in goats by ruminal http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0103-8478cr20141231 transferance fl uid from goats... ISSN 0103-8478 Resistance transferance of Amorimia septentrionalis poisoning in goats by ruminal transferance fl uid from goats with induced resistance by the inoculation of sodium monofl uoroacetate-degrading bacteria Transferência da resistência à intoxicação por Amorimia septentrionalis em caprinos mediante transfaunação de conteúdo ruminal proveniente de caprinos com resistência induzida pela inoculação de bactérias degradadoras de monofl uoroacetato de sódio Layze Cilmara Alves da SilvaI* Danielle Aluska do Nascimento PessoaI José Radmácyo Gomes LopesI Leomyr Sângelo Alves da SilvaII Laio Gomes de AlbuquerqueI Rosane Maria Trindade de MedeirosI Felício Garino JuniorI Franklin Riet-CorreaI ABSTRACT diárias de 160ml de conteúdo ruminal dos caprinos resistentes e, posteriormente, ingeriram 8 doses diárias de 5g kg-1 da planta. Amorimia septentrionalis is a sodium monofl uoroacetate Os caprinos do Grupo 2 (controle) receberam apenas a planta. (MFA) - containing plant that causes sudden death in ruminants. Dos caprinos do Grupo 1, apenas 2 animais apresentaram discreta The aim of this study was to determine whether the resistance to A. taquicardia e leve ingurgitamento da veia jugular no 4o e 5o dia septentrionalis poisoning in goats conferred by the intra-ruminal do experimento, no entanto, estes voltaram ao normal, mesmo inoculation with the MFA-degrading bacteria Ancylobacter com a continuação da administração da planta. Todos os animais dichloromethanicus and Pigmentiphaga kullae can be transferred to do grupo controle apresentaram sinais graves de intoxicação e a susceptible goats by the transfaunation of rumen content. Two groups administração da planta foi suspensa entre e o 3o e o 7o dia. Conclui- of 8 goats and 2 goats resistant to A. septentrionalis poisoning were se que a transfaunação de líquido ruminal de caprinos previamente used. Goats in Group 1 received four daily doses of 160ml of rumen inoculados com bactérias degradadoras de MFA induz resistência à content from resistant goats and subsequently ingested 8 daily doses intoxicação por A. septentrionalis em outros caprinos susceptíveis. of 5g kg-1 of A. septentrionalis. Goats from Group 2 (control) received only the plant. In Group 1, only 2 goats showed mild tachycardia Palavras-chave: Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus, Pigmentiphaga and mild jugular vein engorgement on the 4th and 5th day, but they kullae, morte súbita, plantas tóxicas. subsequently returned to normal, even with the continuation of plant administration. All control goats showed severe signs of intoxication and the plant administration was suspended between the 3rd and 7th day. So, the transfer of ruminal fl uid from goats previously inoculated INTRODUCTION with MFA-degrading bacteria induces resistance to poisoning by A. septentrionalis in susceptible goats. Amorimia septentrionalis, more Key words: Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus, Pigmentiphaga commonly known as “tingui” (MAMEDE, 2010), is kullae, sudden death, toxic plants. part of an important group of toxic plants in Brazil that contain sodium monofl uoroacetate (MFA) RESUMO (LEE et al., 2012) and cause sudden death in cattle Amorimia septentrionalis é uma planta que (TOKARNIA et al. 1994, MEDEIROS et al. 2002), contém monofl uoracetato de sódio (MFA) e causa morte súbita goats (OLIVEIRA et al., 1978) and sheep (SILVA et em ruminantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar se a al., 2008). This group of plants, including Amorimia resistência à intoxicação conferida por A. septentrionalis em spp. Palicourea spp. and Arrabidaea spp., are caprinos inoculados com as bactérias degradadoras de MFA, Ancylobacter dichloromethanicus e Pigmentiphaga kullae, pode responsible for causing approximately 500.000 cattle ser transferida, por transfaunação ruminal, para outros caprinos deaths per year in Brazil (PESSOA et al., 2013). suscetíveis. Para tanto, foram utilizados dois caprinos previamente Alternatives to control these poisonings inoculados com bactérias degradadoras de MFA e dois grupos de oito caprinos para o experimento de transfaunação, denominados have been studied, including the induction of resistance Grupo 1 e Grupo 2. Os caprinos do Grupo 1 receberam 4 doses to MFA using bacteria that produce dehalogenases IHospital Veterinário, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), Avenida Universitária, s/n, Bairro Santa Cecília, Patos, 58708-110, PB, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]. *Corresponding author. IIUniversidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB), Campina Grande, PB, Brasil. Received 08.19.14 Approved 02.16.15 Returned by the author 07.23.15 CR-2014-1231.R2 Silva et al. and inactivate this toxic compound (PESSOA et transfer. Leaves were administered orally for eight al., 2013). CAMBOIM et al. (2012a) isolated two days by placing small amounts into the mouths of aerobic MFA-degrading bacteria, Ancylobacter the animals. Goats in Group 2 (control) received the dichloromethanicus and Pigmentiphaga kullae, plant in the same way as Group 1. The plant provided from the rumen content of goats and recent studies for the animals was collected in the city of Teixeira demonstrated an increased resistance to poisoning by (S7°12.24’ O37°15.11’, elevation of 749m), located MFA-containing plants in goats inoculated with these in the state of Paraíba, Brazil, in the same location of bacteria (PESSOA, 2014). Administration of small the plant utilized by DUARTE et al. (2014). quantities of fresh leaves of Palicourea aeneofusca Each day, before the administration of (OLIVEIRA et al., 2013) and A. septentrionalis the plant, the animals were observed and their heart (DUARTE et al., 2014) also induce partial resistance and respiratory rates, ruminal movements and rectal to poisoning by MFA in goats, suggesting that MFA- temperatures were measured. After the administration degrading bacteria may be normal inhabitants of the of the plant, the goats were forced to walk for 10 ruminal fl ora and that the ingestion of this substrate minutes before the aforementioned parameters were stimulates their multiplication (CAMBOIM et al., measur ed again. Plant supply was ceased in the goats 2012b). Furthermore, it was found that this resistance that showed clinical signs of intoxication (depression, could be transmitted from resistant animals to reluctance to walk, muscle tremors, incoordination susceptible animals by the transfer of ruminal content and sternal recumbency). (DUARTE et al., 2014). These results suggest the Before administering A. septentrionalis and need to study different ways of inducing resistance every 2 days after the start of its intake, jugular vein to MFA poisoning under fi eld conditions, including blood samples were collected in vacuum tubes without the inoculation of bacteria that degrade MFA and the anticoagulant (Vacutainer®). Serum samples were transfer of rumen contents from resistant animals. obtained after centrifugation (Eppendorf® centrifuge, The objective of this study was to determine model 5804R) at 1600G for 15 minutes. The serum whether resistance to poisoning by A. septentrionalis in activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma goats conferred by the inoculation of the MFA-degrading glutamyltransferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase bacteria A. dichloromethanicus and P. kullae may be (ALP) and the serum concentrations of creatinine, transferred, through the transfer of rumen content, to urea, total protein, albumin, globulin, calcium, goats that had never ingested MFA-containing plants. phosphorus, potassium and sodium were determined using commercial kits (Labteste®). Readings were MATERIAL AND METHODS performed in a semi-automatic biochemical analyzer (Bioclin Systems II) and the results were interpreted Sixteen young mixed-breed goats (8 according KANEKO et al. (2008). females and 8 males) raised in areas free of MFA- Animals that showed no clinical signs containing plants were randomly divided into two characteristic of intoxication throughout the period of groups of eight animals each: a control group administration of the plant were considered resistant. (Group 2) and a group of goats that received rumen Fischer test was used to compare the number of goats contents (Group 1) from two resistant goats. In that presented clinical signs between the two groups. these two goats, the resistance had previously been The difference in the serum levels of phosphorus and induced by daily oral administration for 10 days of a calcium in Groups 1 and 2 and the average amount 60ml solution containing A. dichloromethanicus and of plant consumed by these animals were analyzed P. kullae, diluted to 1 on the McFarland scale. After statistically using the non-parametric Mann-Whitney the tenth day of inoculation, the goats started to ingest test because the use of the Shapiro-Wilk test (ZAR, daily doses of 5g kg-1 body weight of green leaves of A. 1999) showed a non-normal distribution of the data. septentrionalis for an 8-day period (PESSOA, 2014). Data analysis was performed using the program R Rumen content of the resistant goats 3.0.3 with a signifi cance level of 5%. was obtained in sterile glass bottles, by means of a suction pump connected to a ruminal probe. After RESULTS being fi ltered through sterile gauze, 160ml of rumen juice was administered daily for four days to each The goats in Group 1 ingested
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