NlW YORK CHAPTER VOLUME 64, NUMBER 7/8, MARCH/APRIL 200a 21 Planning New York New Visions Reconsidering the W6rld Tirade Center LIBRARY & ARCHU 35 Now York Ave, f«oV\ •ashlngton* O.a HAY 2 8 2flC2 M _ My staff wanted a big league pla I wanted minor league costs." ''Ifs a win-xvin for my small firm." m introducing our new low cost Economy Plan for your small firm. professionals than any single With our convenient referral-free plan can offer. And, as always new coverage and rates starting Healtl^^ with HealthPass, you'll get one Economy under $180. It's a cost-effec• bill, write one check, with no Plan from tive addition to our range of extra costs to you. HealthPass. 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EYE ON NEW YORK ARCHIYECYURE I OCULUS Volume 64, Number 7/8, March/April 2002 I THE DRAWING BOARDS OCULUS 5l«« tystone Bakery, by Maya Lin with Cybul and Cybul, Acropolis Museum, by Bernard Tschumi JaviK MrrkrI Nc->»s K.limt: Craig Ki-lli>gK hitecls; Ruth and Raymond Perelman Pavilion of the Philadelphia Museum ol Art, Picasso Ki aiiin^ Kdiioi: SiiiA K.i|>pa|K>il C :|M|>II-I News K<lilc>r: Trvi layloi seum in Malaga, and Mori Art Center in Tokyo, all by Gluckman Mayner; Taller Boricua (>>py Edilur. Michael B< ik leries, by Miguel Angel Baltierra. DiiiH mill .uul I'KMIIK tioii ('.iililn ii Milili<-ll. McRt>lKTl> Miirlicll Drsigii (.iinip ta Fe Railyard Park Competition Finalists: Ken Smith, Frederic Schwartz, and Mary Miss; James Dc-Mgii Cuiisiiluiiil: Mic had ( K-rif kr. Peiiuigrani Vv.iMaiii Kililiir: Palty Wi-M les' SITE, Roger Sherman and Margie Ruddick, Tom Leader and Bard Cloeplil, and many Stall I'liotiigraplirr: IKiriilliv .Alcx-iiKli t sultants on each team; Frederic Schwartz, third prize winner in Tucson Gateway Competition. Board oi Directors 2002 U«-\i Kill. .M.\. /•midml. Ikut&hluui,m (rf-oigr H. Miller, ¥.M\. Ihnidml-tJfiU THE STREETSCAPE gmiUrr9p<f-p. com Ihiiia K. Pi/7ella. Viir /•truilriil /m DTM^I itrian Cultural Forum, by Atelier Raimund Abraham; Temporary Noguchi Foundation Museum, ExffUmtr, lifnzzrtlaOhhpa.nm William II Si. iii \L\. \ i,r fmuU-nl for Sage Wimer Coombe Architects; Ritz-Carlton Battery Park City, by Gary Handel & Associates I'm/rssumal Dntiufmml. uvilnn9flitllnn.i<im i Polshek Partnership. Mark K. S(raii«. .MA. Vur I'mnilnil /or /l/W;- (tulJnuh. m\li(iu\\^fnxlini'if.n?m M Headquarters in SoHo, Altos de Chavon Regional Museum ol Archaeology in the Dominican Pamela |. t.iK-Frelinaii. AL\. SnrrUni. filnrflrimji n Ohhpa. mm )ublic, and Prada store on 57th Street, all by MSM Architects; Bayard Building restoration, by JoM'pli Marolil Ihiiim-aii. MX. /'tmium. nk Adams Slavin with Sawicki Tarella; Clay gym, by Studios Architecture; Municipal Asphalt Plant filonmvin&i'iJImrr.iiim Slepheii .V Kliiiienl. F.\l.\. IHrrrtof fm ovation, by Pasanella + Klein. < irmmaniratums, \/MtmnilQrmotL m.\n.fom ( ..1 ilil ( .III I.IIMI ^AIA l>:i.,l.ir l.n THE PODIUM tduiaOoiuil .\(/ait\ ngr^OauLam NiilKilasP. K<MiiM>iiiiii« \|.\. Ihiriliit fin ig Down Gulliver: the Fresh Kills Design Competition, with finalists Field Operations, JMP l'ii>fpam\ nmt Slralrfpi /Yiiroiix^', idscape and John McAslan Partners, RIGS Associates, and Tom Leader Studio. I |<iM-pli Sheiii. /VI.-\. IhmUn fm l^\lalnf :laiming the High Line: publications and discussions ' .\//am. J\hnnKti\/pritiTi hilrdi. torn Billion l.l.i>.l Riishii. AIA, Ihrrilai fm about Glass at the Architectural League 1( /miuitry Affitin. rosh<i"m\ulttinl&ii-il.n<m |< ieiii\ S, FxtniiiiKk. .VvvK iaie M.\. AiUMiaU Ihirtliir. j-rtlmuniis&ftriipt .lom THE BOOKSTORES AND ON THE LAND Ri< li.U(l -Sclialler. IhiNi, l>n„l,n. F/V I HCii'liiml'in nlii use: American Houses for the New Century an6 Houses by Hariri & Hariri, Robert Siegel Architects, Mifhael Zetliii. Ksq.. //JT"' </>MinW. ma0zdlaui.com dio a/b, Stamberg Aleriat, CR Studio Architects, Alexander Gorlin Architect, Garrison Architects, OCUIUS Committee :hitecture Research Olfice, Belmont Freeman Architects, Nishan Kazazian, Robert Kahn Architects, Fwranlo AgiKloJeflmoii. .U\ rtin Holub Architects, Messana O'Rorke Architects, James Dart Architects, and Archi-Tectonics. 1 I .\r\i<l Kleiii. F,\l\ SaiMirt) Mai|>illen>. Al.\ Margaret -Solw-ski RieUi lil. Fretlnc M. B. II. F.\LV EYE ON AN ISSUE: All the World Is Watching (While New York Rebuilds) 3 ions of Lower Manhattan at the Max Protetch Gallery Chapter SuH and Services 14 KM .111. M. Ml. F.UA. hjcrrulnr Ihrrclm. ^newing, Rebuilding, Remembering" at the Van Alen Institute (at 2'l Mieaiany.org 15 Su phcii (;. Siiggt. lir/nily IHrrclm lecting on Downtown: panel discussions at the Century Association, the Institute of IfxI. 19) \ugip&aiaTii.mf! 9an Design, Columbia University, Baruch College Newman Real Estate Institute, and Pamela PuchalULi, (jtmpiugn Ihmlc^ - (rntn fm .\rchilrauir Irxt. 16) fifniihalfki9aiany.org itt Institute. M.iiliKli li.iu. \;,i'i,;-.j / 7 ( 16 l\ogrami and KUrtronic C^immunicalicm^ nning New York New Visions 21 irxl. 17) mlonrs^auinvorg ( liaiili l Rixirigiie/. StcmlirrOiip Ihrrclm (rxl ISI aidiigua&cuant.mg TRIBUTE TO JAYNE MERKEL Pall\ West. Manager of (imtmunicalionx and SfitnnI I'nigmm.f (rxl. H) [iwalOruanyotg th comments from Craig Kellogg, Carol Clark, Robert A. M. Stern, Bruce Fowie, Dave Fraiikel. .\ilinlL\iiig ltrfnr\mlaltir Irxl. 12) < hinil-ihe-Box .Markeliiig. .\ihrrliMtig Salrf vrvid Klein, Michael Sorkin, Susan Chin, Alexander Gorlin, Raymond Gastil, (2/2-726JJ5/2; egaO>niU>flhrh<xmaikrling.nrl jxander Garvin, Suzanne Stephens, Nina Rappaport, Sara Caples, Audrey Matlock, HSM'for ( Juipirr lmjgnm\ Irxt. 211 jne Lewis, Paul Goldberger, and Claire Weisz. American Institute oi Architects New Yor1( Chapter 2(XI l.exlngliiii .\veiiiic- \. u ^..l^.. \. u -loik iiHiii. fOUND THE CHAPTER 2I'2-6«»<K)2S )rk Naked F.-niail: in/udtiany.arg installing the Temple of Dendur • Hills. piihliUied leii limes a \eai. SeplemVK-r lliKiiigli Siiiiimet. is a Ix iielil ol .\l.-\ New Viii k ireer Moves ChafHer menil>ersliip Piililic memlH isliip is $*iO. ..1 .1 x ai 'v «iil.s< iiplioii I.. 1 K I I I s 1, $ 111 s, ml ., st-Selling Architecture Books rhe< k anil voiii luailing address u> ;adlines oci'll'S SIIIM<ripliims. New Yolk Cliapler. "200 | lexingloii .Avenue. New Yoik. NY' I()0I6. )rrection$ To iuKertise in <KJ 11 s. please <all •2l2-7'2tVH.'>r2 chitectural Exhibitions around New York or2l2-«8»<K)2.S.cxl. 12. impaign Update For more inforinalioii on profe&.sioiial and piihlii menil>erships. plea.se (all lli<- Cliapli i ai iw York Leaders Honored at AIA Conference 2\2Jr<SMmX ext. 18. cond Annual Blacklines Conference The views expressed in in I 11 s aie noi in-< ew arilv itiose of the Board ol l»iie< lois or stall of chitectural Educator Tom Vecchione Honored the MA New Yoik Chaplei. Willi the exception of dpaper: Pothole Commentary by Executive Director Rick Bell the inalerial ap|M-aiing iindei the lilU- ".Vroiind ihe C.liaplrr." this puhlicalion is produi ed In the A New York Chapter Committee Meetings IK 1 11 s ediioi iiil learn. ©2(H)2 The .\iiierican Insiiiiiie ol .\ii hitei ts. New York ctures. Discussions, Tours, Exhibitions, and Events at the Chapter and around New York Chapter. .Ml rights reserved. RepKKliictioii in whole or in (>an withoiii wrillen permission is strii iK prohihiled. ALL THE WORLD IS WATCHING WHILE NEW YORK REBUILDS "New York is now talking about architecture. Even outside academia," Werk, bauen * wohnen's Andre Bideau noted in the latest issue of the Dutch magazine, Archis. Comments from writers and editors of journals in various countries make it clear that we are not alone I'li'/iiisiit for thr Whilil li/iili- t j iitir sili: in our obsession with the World Trade Center disaster. Nor were we on September 11: /•VIA I tiii'lr Architectural Design's Charles Jencks was watching the events on television in London, as we were here. Jencks writes about "the responsibility of professionals in modern Risk Society where the state no longer pretends to look after our health, employment and livelihood except in the most rudimentary way." He predicts that architects and engineers will have to devise /Vc./x-s<i/ I'-i Ihr World I'nuli- Ouln sile. Sill better means of escape from skyscrapers. As Aaron Betsky, another American expatriate (he directs the Netherlands Architecture Institute) notes, "the violence that did occur...was already anticipated by an architecture of fear," surveillance, and exclusivity before tfie attacks. "Violence," /.ofus'Alessandro Rocca observes, "is more effective in bringing about change than any planning scheme whatsoever." Harvard Design Magazine editor William S. Saunders assumes that from now on, "the fake will make us sick." I'ro/iiiuil ///'• Worl'l Iriiilr Onin site. Oaiiii Xorlli Not surprisingly, perhaps, our colleagues elsewhere are taking the long view, while in New York, even in academic circles, discussions are focused on the present—on what deci• sions created the conditions we have inherited, and on what we should do now.
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