![Manchester Historical Society](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
I, X'-' MONDAY, JUNE 17,1940 r Ettmbio Itoatt ./ FAOTTWBLVS Average Daily Cim Ution Th* Weatiwr An alann/Sraa turned In at 8 For the Month of May, I9W FofUMSt of i). 8. WoaMNv Bmmu Mrs. Annie Lalley, and daugh­ It waa pointed out; today that Everett, Barbara and) Jean He­ the meeting tonight at A in which o’clock Saturday afternoon for a Olbiwna Aaserobly, Catholic La­ ter, Margaret, and Louis Sadler, Cloady, light ehoerara tonlglrti witt. children of Mr. and Mrs. John delegatee to the American Legion fire from Box 18. It proved to be f/. " dles of Columbus, will have a spe­ of Norwood, Mass., vlsltod rela­ HALE'S SELF SERVE 6,401 ^edaeadayi partly cloady and Hewitt, of 30 “i;!* state department convention win of little Importance as the rechll mi Town cial, Important meeting tomorrow spending this week with Mrs. Her­ tives In town yesterday. was sounded at 8:14. .^ e cleaning | The Original In New England! ^ r Member ot the Audit . artuinot, akewera. he elected la not a Post meeting evening at 8:80 at the K. of C. fluid on a car caught Are. bert Sargent add her children at Girl Rcout Leadsm will meet at but a meeting ^of tbs Auxiliary. Bureau ot ClrealatleBa clubrooms and all members .are the Sargent cottage at Gloucester, ^ Manchester—‘A City o f Village Charm 1k> fm**T*g commlttM of Hom urged to be present ' ^ the Center tomorrow at 5:80 to i - ____ ______________________________ ConpsBsr S win id m I tonight Mass. • ^ leave for the picnic at the Girl AND HEALTH MARKET r i t i S e e l tiM flrehouM on Spruce Scout camp. -■ Each one Ig re­ Mrs. Mary Behiifleld whO'^^as Members of the Ladles’ Guild (CSaaiMlia A«vartia»8 os Fagu IS) MANCHESTER,* CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 18. 1940 (TWELVE P A G E S ) I^RICB THREE Cl rtnrt An m om b^ arr .requeet- been visiting friends to t o ^ s ln « quested to bring plate, knife, fork VO L. L IX m n o . 221 •d to attonA and Women’s auxiliary of 8t. her return from *’T®*^4ar has left Mary’s church will have an outing and spoon. Hale’s June Sale of tues6ay specials for Matuxet Terrace, Wat?h Hill, St Houston Inn, NarragaMett Thua win be a •pacUl meeting where she will remalh for the sum ■ Tan Cedare of Pier', June 26. Mrs. John Darl­ of KatoMC Poreet, mer. ' The Dorcas society's committee jjeaaBbn, tonight at 8:00 at the ing, chairman of the committee ot Double Grein Stamps Given With Cash Sales arrangements would like IjnVe who has charge of the cookbook, Sheets, Towels, Linens ’IMmmrmlr Ttmple. Tuesday.______ . Girl Scout'Q>uncll members wltt #11 r**8frvaUons In ncforc Fnoay will meet this evening at 7:80 be guests of the taadera’ assocla- with Mrs. Thorsten Gustafson of of this week. OBBtor Hoaa Company, No. 5 Uon at a picnic tomorrow evening Church street. \ Hale's Quality wm bold a Are drIU toolght, meet at 6 o'clock at the Girl Scout 'Battle log at the hoee houae tonight a r Mrs. Esther Hallengren of New f. •V C ^ p , and each onie Is reminded Rochelle. N. Y.. is visiting with I lAiaves 11c y A o’clock. to provide her own plate and sU Bread \ the Andrew Johnaon* of Clinton PUBLIC SETBACK 1/ verware. A business meeting atreet. * . TOMORROW NIGHT The Pollah-Amerlcan athleUc will be held at 5 o’clock preceding Gold Medal 1/^, club wlU hold a apecial meeUng Highland Park Conummity Club ■* t the meal. \ Miss Hazel 'iVotter of East Cen­ tonight at 8:80 at the ainton Refreshments! ■treet clubrooms. , ^AII members ter street who Is a member of the 5-Lb. Bag 2 5 c James Knight, son of Mr. and executive board of.the Connecticut 8 Cash Prizes! Flour \- ki« urged to attend thU meeting. Mrs. B. U Knight of Pine street, Council of Churches, attended the tdmlssloa ...................... tSe. will be one of three boys from m W Edith H. Peterson of 58 board meeting this afternoon, and Premier Pure Hartford County leaving tomor­ will be present at-, the fafewell, West Center street will present row for the Hl-Y conference at her pupils in her annual piano re­ banquet this evening at the Mart- Oberlln College, Oberlln, <^lo. ford Y. M. C. jir ^ h o n o r oT Dr. Grape Juice 15c cital tomorrow evening at 8 The boys will be In charge of Cur­ o'clock In the Hnll Meworlnl J. Qiilnter Miller who has done HOUSTON INN Hale’s Finespun tis Smith of Hartford. conspicuous work In the Connec­ school. South Wllllngton; Local Matthewson Btreet No. 8 Tin Pure Florida ' V ,t7\ , ^ Fraiice'n Fleet Awaits Its Fate pupils will have a part In the pro­ ticut field for several years, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brennan has been called to New York by Narragansett Pier, R. I. ^A dm iral Advoicates Defeat Will gram. Sheets, and daughters Evelyn and .leanne the Federal Council of Churches of W ill Open June 22 SH” Extra Length. Grapefruit Juice of Quincy, Mass., were week-end Christ In America. All members of the Junior Choir guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry For the Hsaaon With Ita 2 4 " Hem On Both Ends of Bhsst. 1 of SL Mary's church are urged to belster and Miss Catherine Bren­ meet In the parish house at 6:30 Excellent Food and l.«rge. Airy Guaranteed For At Least 4. Years’ Hale’a Red Bug Biggest Nayy Ever ' ± nan of Hackmatack street. Fri­ Rooms. Wear. tomorrow night for an Important day evening a birthday party was Bring New Dark Age; meeting. Roofing & Siding For particulars write Mrs. John Cellophane Wjajpped. ■ Lbs. given for Miss Margaret Leister C offee 2 7 c :m H who wss 18 j ^ s old. ,, Our Specialty Houston at the above addrSaa. Rev. and Mrs. Slgfrld E. Creen To Float on Seas and daughter Patricia have left Past Matrons of Temple Chap­ Reg. $1.29, 81x1041/2 Hale’a Creamery for Duluth. Minn., where Mr. A. A. Dion/Inc. $1.09 ter, O. E. S.. will hold their an­ Green will attend a conference of nual picnic Wednesday all day, at 81 Wells St. Tel. 4860 Owner Asserts Hen Lays Deciding French Fate; the Covenant Churches of Amer­ Bptter Stark, Chief of Naval the. cottage of Mrs. Ernest Bantly Reg. $1.19, 72x104V2 99c Eight Eggs in One Day ica. at Coventry lake. Mrs. H. W. -Operations, Unexpecl- Robb will be In charge of trans- \- Liorralns and Robert MorIconI portaUon, Mrs. Bessie Wlnterbot- ecllv Recommends $4,* | I ' Bellevue, Wash., June 18.— Fateful Meeting Prom­ Boy Believed' DroWRcd W i l l P lu n g e E v e n U i of Bummer street have entered St. Reg. $1.10, 63x104V2 89c Pure (>P)—Mrs. Chris Olsen reported tom, meaJa Walka Into Search L’lfriy yyands hospital for tonallectomles. SPECIAL t 000,000,000 Expan-1 her Rhode Island red hen laid ises to Muke^iiieiulH. to States in Abyss; k i Lgc. eight eggs Thursday, rested Miss Lillian KltUe. Miss Con­ sion; Would Add 200 j Of Battle of Fi j i ' Thomas A. Hayes of 57 Summer / Friday, then rallied with two GeniiuHH for Peaee Gf aienwood Springe, Cm stance Kehler, Constance and Inner spring We Hale’s Finespun Pillow Cas^ Pkgs. June 18.—on—Thlrteen-yeaiV street left yesterday for the Tor­ Phyllis Rogers, Margaret ^and Call For aad Rinso Figiit,iiig Ships lo Fleet | Saturday and ^ve Sunday. Westphalia When Ger­ But Urges Frendi pedo SUtlon at Newport R. I. Deliver Your old Bob Slmlllon, given up aa Betty Boyd and Blanche Mason,' Mrs: Olsen said there couldn’t \ drowned In the awUt (folorado A graduate of the local High and Regular 25c 42' I a a • s 4 I KeUog’e -7---- . i C o n t in u e to R e s is t F s Manchester pupils of Mrs, Ines MATTRESS Doctor*a Preacrlptlnua be any mistake because biddy many Split Into Frag­ VWer, walked Into an aatound- trade schools he has been em­ Main Momm, took part In her clos­ ea. Washington, June 18.— i bee a pen to herself. ployed by Cheney Brotherti. He WELDON DRUG CO. Regular 27c 45' 23c (A P )— Admiral Harold R,. ments; Determined to ed. sheriff’s force searching for Ro4x>unta Men ing piano recital at Ijer homo In waa tendered a farewell party Eri- ipkgs. 20c hla body. South Windsor Friday evening. Prcacrlptlnn Pharmacists Corn Flokes - Stark , unexpectedly recom-, Ships Which Brit day evening by friends from this 901 Main Street . Make Own Terms Ef- Carried three-quarters of a tosm, Simsbury, Hartford and $ mended to Congress today a mile by the current, Rob was 12.95 Will Use to Rf $4,000,000,000 expansion of feelive; Fight Goes On. near exhauatlon when hs strug­ New Britain-.. Peck 1 2 C Senate Downs Fresh Spinach the Navy to give this country ■>5': gled to shore. London, Jun* 18,— ( i KEMP'S the greatest fleet the world Berlin, June 18.— (A P )— The eyen of Europe turned to­ Winston Churchill, a LICK UOniAN has ever seen. Testifying be­ Plan to Cease ed today to his Pi (ItaowB As Queen Allen) fore the House Naval Com­ ' *• - X J ■ day toward Munich where No 1 New Potatoes peck 39c and people the beginniag, BPIRITUAI MEOIDM mittee after a closed session, Hitler and Musaolini begin to A xis H eads gevsath Daaghter ot a Seventh Son Buying Silver The offer to surrender France's army shrouded In a smoke-ecreen of uncertainty the fato of the “the battle for Britain" the chief of Naval operations French navy.
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