A Classic Retold Author Title Original Work Atwood, Margaret The Penelopiad The Odyssey (Homer) Atwood, Margaret Hag Seed The Tempest (Shakespeare) Baker, Jo Longbourn Pride and Prejudice (Austen) Barker, Pat The Silence of the Girls The Iliad (Homer) Bohjalian, Chris The Double Bind The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald) Brooks, Geraldine March Little Women (Alcott) Brown, Eli Cinnamon and Gunpowder Scheherazade Chen, Katherine J Mary B. Pride and Prejudice (Austen) Chevalier, Tracy New Boy Othello (Shakespeare) Cunningham, Michael The Hours Mrs. Dalloway (Woolf) A Classic Retold Davidson, Andrew The Gargoyle Inferno (Dante) Dev, Sonali Recipe for Persuasion Persuasion (Austen) Dev, Sonali Pride Prejudice and Other Flavors Pride and Prejudice (Austen) Donnelly, Gabrielle The Little Women Letters Little Women (Alcott) Anna Karenina/Madam Bovary Essbaum, Jill A. Hausfrau (Tolstoy/Flaubert) Faye, Lyndsey Jane Steele Jane Eyre (Bronte) Fforde, Jasper The Fourth Bear: a nursery crime Goldilocks and the Three Bears Fforde, Jasper The Eyre Affair Jane Eyre (Bronte) Fforde, Jasper Big Over Easy Humpty Dumpty Fielding, Helen Bridget Jones's Diary Pride and Prejudice (Austen) A Classic Retold Forsyth, Kate Bitter Greens Rapunzel Fortier, Ann Juliet Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) Gabriele, Lisa The Winters Rebecca (DuMaurier) Gardner, John Grendel Beowulf Grahame-Smith, Seth Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Pride and Prejudice (Austen) Hale, Shannon Goose Girl Goose Girl (a Brothers Grimm collected story) Hanlow, Janice The Other Bennet Sister Pride and Prejudice (Austen) Harback, Chad The Art of Fielding Moby Dick (Melville) Hoffman, Alice The Ice Queen The Snow Queen Ivery, Eowyn The Snow Child The Snow Child A Classic Retold Jalaluddin, Uzma Ayesha at Last Pride and Prejudice (Austen)) Jordan, Hillary When She Woke The Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne) Kantra, Virginia Meg and Jo Little Women (Alcott) LeGuin, Ursula Lavinia The Aeneid (Virgil) Livesey, Margo The Flight of Gemma Hardy Jane Eyre (Bronte) Maguire, Gregory After Alice Aice in Wonderland (Carroll) Maguire, Gregory Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister Cinderella Maguire, Gregory Hiddensee Nutcracker Maguire, Gregory Mirror Mirror Snow White Wicked: Life and Times of the Wicked Maguire, Gregory Witch of the West The Wizard of Oz (Baum) A Classic Retold Martin, Valerie Mary Reilly Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson) McCall Smith, Alexander Emma Emma (Austen) McEwan, Ian Nutshell Hamlet Mieville, China Railsea Moby Dick (Melville) Miller, Madeline The Song of Achilles The Iliad (Homer) Miller, Madeline Circe The Odyssey (Homer) Moore, Christopher Fool King Lear (Shakespeare) Murakami, Haruki Killing Commendatore The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald) Novik, Naomi Spinning Silver Rumpelstiltskin Oyeyema, Helen Gingerbread Hansel and Gretel A Classic Retold Oyeyema, Helen Boy Snow Bird Snow White Park, Patricia Re Jane Jane Eyre (Bronte) Philbrick, Nathaniel In the Heart of the Sea Moby Dick (Melville) Rhys, Jean The Wide Sargasso Sea Jane Eyre (Bronte) The Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)/The Bonfire of Rushdie, Salman The Golden House the Vanities (Wolfe) Sa'Dw, Amad Frankenstein in Baghdad Frankenstein (Shelley) Segal, Francesca The Innocents The Age of Innocence (Wharton) Shamsie, Kamila Home Fire Antigone (mythology) Sheck, Laura A Monster's Notes Frankenstein (Shelley) Shoemaker, Sarah Mr. Rochester Jane Eyre (Bronte) A Classic Retold Sittenfeld, Curtis Eligible Pride and Prejudice (Austen) Smiley, Jane A Thousand Acres King Lear (Shakespeare) Smith, Ali Girl Meets Boy Metamorphoses (Ovid) Smith, Zadie On Beauty Howard's End (Forster) Sonneborn, Julia By the Book Persuasion (Austen) St. Aubyn, Edward Dunbar King Lear (Shakespeare) All the Ever Afters: the untold story of Teller, Danielle Cinderella's Stepmother Cinderella Tyler, Anne Vinegar Girl The Taming of the Shew (Shakespeare) Valente, Catherynne Six-Gun Snow White Snow White Winterson, Jeanette Frankissstein Frankenstein (Shelley) A Classic Retold Winterson, Jeanette The Gap of Time The Winter's Tale (Shakespeare) Wyler, Susan N. Solsbury Hill Wuthering Heights (Bronte) Yamashita, Karen Tei Sansei and Sensibility Sense and Sensibility (Austen).
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