WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION . BIBLIQGRA P R_Y OF A E R Q N A Q_T. I_C^S Supplement to Part.48 - Parachutes Part 49 - Rocket Propulsion Part 50 - Stratospheric Flight Compiled from the INDEX OF AERONAUTICS of the INSTITUTE OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York City This Index has been prepared for publication by workers under the supervision of the FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS, ADMINISTRATION For the City of New York O.P. 65-1-97-S1-W.P. U March 194 1 FOREWORD to SUPPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHIES Since the publication of the original fifty subjects of this Bibliography, many favorable comments have been received as to its usefulness0 The demand from aeronautical organiza­ tions, both in the United States and abroad, for supplementary volumes bringing the subjects up to date, has been so great that authorization has been granted and funds allotted by the Work Projects Administration for that purpose^ This supplement­ ary volume is issued in response to this demands The Project, sponsored by the Mayor of the City of New York, receives the cooperation of the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences which directs the research and publishing staff workers„ DISTRIBUTION Requests for these bibliographies have been received to such an extent that it has been impossible to supply the demand. Be­ cause of the limited number of copies published, distribution is necessarily restrictedo They cannot be sent to individuals or soldo Organisations desiring copies may apply for same by letter, stating the use for which they are requiredD These requests will be considered in the order received* Should the supply be ex­ hausted, such requests will receive first consideration when addi­ tional copies are published,, Address all. correspondence to; John Ro Palmer Work Projects Administration 1505 RoCoA, Building West New York City ABBREVIATIONS AaRoOe Ro & M. Great Britain- Aeronautical research committee., Reports and Memoranda, A»SoMD£o American society of mechanical engineers, New York. 5 Atti Assoc g italc aerotecn0 - Atti dell Associazione italiana di aeroteenica0 Roma. CoAoHolo •• Central aero hydrodynamical institute, Moscowo CoLN.Ao Commission internationale de navigation aérienne, Geneve0 Co R0 Acado scia ••- Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences, Pariso DoVoLo - Deutsche Versuchsanstalt für luftfahrt, Berlin. F.A.I. •« Fédération aéronautique internationale, PariSo H.Mo Stata off. - His Majesty!s Stationery office, London. NoAoAo - National aeronautic association, Washington» N0A0C.-,Ao - National advisory committee for aeronautics, Washington^ NoPoLo - National physical laboratory, Teddington, England. Pubo scient, tech. Min* de l'air. - Publications scienti­ fiques et techniques du Ministère de l'air. Service des recherches de l'aéronautique, Paris* RoAoF. - Royal air force (Great Britain) R.AoS,, - Royal aeronautical society (Great Britain) Renda Istituto sper<, aeru - Rendiconto dell'Istituto, sperimentale aeronautico, Roma, SoAcE» - Society of automotive engineers, New York» UoS. Govts print. off, - UaS- Government printing office, Washington. VoD.I. - Verein deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin. WcG.Lo - Wissenschaftliche gesellschaft für luftfahrt, Berlin. ZuAoMoM:. - Zeitschrift für angewandte mathematik und mechanik, Berlins ZaFnMo - Zeitschrift für flugtechnik und motorluftschiffahrt, München0 PART 48 - PARACHUTES Section I BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS Section II ARTICLES, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS - CLASSIFIED Airplane Parachutes 2 Caterpillar Club 3 Design and Construction 3 Development 4 Materials • 5 Military Uses 5 Operation and Maintenance 7 Personal - 8 Records 8 Testing 9 Training 9 Types Aviorex 11 Eagle .' 11 Salvator 12 Schoffner ^ 12 Switlik 12 General 12 Section III PART 49 - ROCKET PROPULSION ARTICLES, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS , .14 Section IV PART 50 - STRATOSPHERIC FLIGHT BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS 18 Section V Periodical References.. 20 AUTHOR INDEX 45 Section I BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS The Parachute, by Roscoe Turner and J. H. Dubuque. (in their Vin your wings. Chicago, Frederick J. Drake and company, 1940. p. 26S-98. illus.) Parachutes, by H. F. Lusk. (In his General aeronautics, New York, The Ronald Press, 1940. Chap. 8, p. 310-23) Parachutes, by C. II. Chatfield and others. (In their Airplane and its engine- New York, McGraw-Hill book company, 1940. Chap. 17, p. 396-98. illus.) Parachutes, by Assen Jordanoff. (In his Your wings. New York, Funk and Wagnalls company, 1940. Chap. 3, p. 22-30. illus.) Types of parachutes find method of operating them, by H. P. Oldham. (In his How to fly a plane. Boston, Waverly House, 1940. Chap, 4, p. 47-48) Wings of silk; parachutes; aerial life preservers, by Burr V/. Leyson. (In his American wings. New York, E. P. Dutton and company, 1940. Chap. H6, p. 193-200) The Parachute, by Watson Odell Pierce. (in his Air war: Its psychological, technical and social implications. New York, Modern age books, 1939. Chap, 5, 6 and 15, p. 68, 72-74', 203) Parachute troops, by Liddell Hart. (in his The Defence of Britain. London, Faber and Faber, 1939. Chap. 8, p. 147-162) Parachutes, by E. G. Vetter. (in his Aeronautics Simplified. Buffalo, N.Y., Foster and Stewart publishing corporation, 1939, p. 122) Parachutes, evolution of; first designed by De Vinci; general description, by C. C. Fraser. (In his Storm of aircraft. New York, The Thomas N. Crowell company, 1939. Chap. 4, 11 and 12, p. 77, 240, £43-71. diagrs.) Parachute jumping, by Richard Duncan. (In his Aircraft flight instructor. Chicago, Goodheart-Vilcox company, Inc., 1938. Chap. 8, p. 114-20. diagrs.) Teoría y empleos del paracaídas, por Juan F. Fabri. Buenos Aires "Aviación", 1938. 3 p. illus., diagrs. (Biblioteca aero­ náutica 39) Parachutes; first and early use of, by M. J. B. Davy. (In his Interpretive history of flight. London, Science Museum, 1937. Chap. 1, 6, 8 and 11, p. 20, 46, 85; 157) z Section II ARTICLES, BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS - CLASSIFIED AIRPLANE PARACHUTES Manufacture of parachutes, by Leonard P. Frieder. Aero digest, New York, Dec 1940, v. 37, no. 6, p. 164. The Life preservers,, Aeroplane, London, Sep* 13, 1940, v. 59, no. 1529, p» 298-99» illus» Le Parachute de sûreté allemand, type Schoffner. L'Aéronautique, Paris, Apr, 1940, v» 22, no» 251, p. 140. Le Parachute d'avion, invention française. Les Ailes, Paris, Jan. 4, 1940, v» 20, p» 3= illus» (Abstract in Groupement pour recherches aeronautiques, Paris, Jan. 20, 1940, v. 32, p, 4893) Automatic lighting signal in life jackets» Aero digest, New York, Jan. 1940, v. 56, no. 1, p. 168. Parachute for fast aeroplanes. American aviation, Washington, Do Co, Oct. 15, 1939, v. 3, no» 10, p» 12» Aerial lifesaver: plane parachute passes first test. News week, New York, Oct. 9, 1959, v„ 14, p. 55. Stratosphere "diving suit" carries bottled air. Popular mechanics, Chicago, Jan» 1939, v» 71, no. 1, p. 165. illus. DroLkomponentenmessung an fallsehirrakappen verschiedener form, von Hans Doetsehe. Luftfahrtforschung, Berlin, Dec 10, 1938, V, 15, no. 12, p. 577-82» diagrs. Paracadute. Rivista aeronautica, Roma, Oct. 1958, v, 14, no, 10, p. 141-46. diagrs. Detachable cabin with parachute, by Herbert Luthen Adams. Aero digest, New York, Aug* 1938, v. 55, no. 2, p» 111« Quelques etudes et notes sur le parachute et le parachutisme. Revue de l'armée de l'air, Paris, July 1938, v, 10, no. 108, p, 781-97, diagrs., illus„ Il Paracadute, di Rodolfo Verduzio* Rivista aeronautica, Roma, May-June 1938, v. 14, no. 5, 6, p. 285-303; 564-96. illus. (Abstract L'Aeronautica, Roma, Dee. 1958, v„ 18, no. 12, p. 1409-1Ï.1- Acrobazia notturna» L'Ala d'Italia, Roma, Apr» 1958, v. 16, p. 104-06. illus. * s Tail chutes. Flight, London, Nov. 11, 1937, v. 32, no. 1507, p. 470. Parachute In tail of plane pulls ship out of spin. Popular mechanics, Chicago, Jan. 1936, v. 65, no. 1, p. 75. diagrs. CATERPILLAR CLUB The First caterpillars, by George R. Reiss. Popular aviation, Chicago, Mar. 1939, v. 24, no. 3, p. 34-35, 78-79. illus. Mailman overboard I by Charles A. Lindbergh. Popular aviation, Chicago, May 1938, v. 22, no. 5, p. 25-26/78. illus. Bilancio di salvataggi con paracadute, di Prospero Freri. Rivista aeronautica, Roma, Jan. 1938, v. 14, no. 1, p. 63-84. Heroes of the Flying Cross. Popular mechanics, Chicago, Oct. 1935, v. 64, no. 4, p. 568-70, 120A. illus. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Shock absorbing parachute. Flight, London, Feb. 15, 1940, v. 37, no. 1625, p. 153. tables. Parachute jumping with delayed opening, by K. Kaitanov. Aero­ plane, London, Feb. 1940, no. 3, p. 16-18. Fall insurance - Life hangs on these silken threads. Canadian aviation, Toronto, Dec. 1939, v. 12, no. 11, p. 8-10, 16. illus. Italy's new parachute. Flight, London, June 8, 1939, v. 35, no. 1589, p. 586a. illus. Maneuverable parachute. Aero digest, New York, Apr. 1939, v. 34, no. 4, p. 94. illus. Automatic parachute opens self without pull of ripcord. Popular mechanics, Chicago, Jan. 1939, v. 71, no. 1, p. 94. Dreikomponentenmessung an failschirmkappen verschiedener form, von Hans Doetsche. Luftfahrtforschung, Berlin, Dec. 10, 1938, v. 15, no. 12, p. 577-82. illus. Self opening parachute is new safety invention. Science news letter, Washington, D. C, Nov. 5, 1938, v. 34, no. 19, p. 294. illus. Airplanes can use parachutes, by Harold Keen. Popular aviation, Chicago, Nov. 1938, v. 23, no. 5, p. 20-22, 85. illus. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Paracadute» Rivista aeronautica, Roma, Oct. 1938, v. 14, no. 10, p. 141-46. illus. Parachutes, by Neil Ewart» Flight, London, Aug. £5, 1938, v. 34, no» 1548, p. 168A-168D. illus. Detachable cabin with parachute, by Herbert Luthen Adams. Aero digest, Nov; York, Aug. 1938, v. 33, no. <£, p. 111. Il Paracadute, di R» Verduzio» Rivista aeronautica, Roma, May- June 1938, v. 14, no. 5-6, p. £83-303; 564-96. diagrs., illus. Parachute device, by Stanley Switlik. Aero digest, New York, May 1938, v.
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