Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 November 21, 2013 Email: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 38, No. 42 Holiday closings set The Leader office will close at noon Wednesday, Nov. 27, and remain closed until Rumors cause 100+ students to flee Dobie Dec. 2. The deadline for copy will be Thursday, Nov. 21, at noon, and the deadline for paid More than 100 Dobie students either didn’t threat was discovered by school offi cials early The targeted student was later determined to ment, including the FBI, have positively deter- advertisements and classified word ads will be show up to school or checked out early Monday, Monday after a current Dobie student showed his have recently transferred to a Houston Indepen- mined that a recent Facebook threat is not di- Monday, Nov. 25, at noon. The Thursday edi- Nov. 18, after a Facebook post sparked rumors of parents the message and said he was too scared dent School District campus. rected toward any students who currently attend tion of the Leader will be available Wed- a possible shooting at the area campus. to attend school. Nevertheless, school offi cials beefed up secu- Pasadena Dobie HS. Instead the student targeted nesday, Nov. 27. The rumors began to circulate the previous The student’s parents reportedly contacted the rity at the local high school and instructed staff in the post is a former Dobie student who attends Clear Brook City M.U.D. evening when an online comment of a former media before law enforcement – a practice Ivy- and students to be on alert for any unusual activ- a Houston ISD school. The Clear Brook City Municipal Utility Dobie student on the social networking site men- Sims highly discourages. ity. “As a precaution, Dobie HS has extra security District office will be closed Nov. 28 and 29 tioned his school getting shot up. “I can’t emphasize enough that if something PISD sent out automated phone calls to all in and around campus today, with staff and ad- for Thanksgiving. The office will reopen on According to Pasadena Independent School like this happens, immediately contact law en- Dobie parents notifying them of the event and ministrators being vigilant to report any unusual Monday, Dec. 2, at 8 a.m. Payments may be District spokeswoman Renea Ivy-Sims, the forcement,” the spokeswoman said. also posted a statement on its own Facebook activity. We will continue to do everything in our left in the drop box located on the drive- page, as well as Dobie’s home page. power to keep everyone at Dobie HS safe today through window side of the building. The statement read as follows: and every day.” Parker Williams Branch Library “Just like you, the safety of our students and At press time, no arrests had been made, as no The library will close at 5 p.m. Wednesday, staff is a primary concern to us. Law enforce- specifi c threat was made. Nov. 27, for Thanksgiving and will reopen Veterans lend helping hand Monday, Dec. 2. Holiday trash pickup Dobie leads PISD in homelessness Clear Brook City M.U.D. By James Bolen law requires school districts to identify homeless Residents living in the Clear Brook City Dobie High School leads the Pasadena Inde- children and help them stay in school by provid- MUD will not have trash pickup on Thanks- pendent School District for having the largest ing free transportation, lunches, supplies and giving Day, Thursday, Nov. 28. Regular ser- number of homeless students, according to re- school uniforms. vices will resume on Monday, Dec. 2. cent statistics released from the district. For their part, school districts receive federal City of Houston With 113 students offi cially listed as being funding to assist with associated costs. Residents living in the City of Houston will without a permanent residence, Dobie’s number The law also requires the school district to im- not have trash pickup on Thanksgiving Day, of homeless easily exceeds that of Sam Rayburn mediately accept homeless children rather than Thursday, Nov. 28. Residences scheduled for High School, which with 96 is the second high- wait until paperwork is completed. that day will have their service moved to est in the district. Pasadena Memorial has 91 The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Friday, Nov. 29. Residences normally sched- homeless students, South Houston has 60 and Assistance Improvements Act defi nes homeless- uled for Friday, Nov. 29, will have their ser- Pasadena has 59. ness as not having a permanent place to live. vice moved to Saturday, Nov. 30. As a district, PISD has a total of 2,099 stu- “Most people immediately think of someone dents listed as being homeless – 1,117 in el- living under a bridge or in their car,” said PISD Christmas Light Parade set ementary school, 221 in middle school, 322 in spokeswoman Rena Ivy-Sims. “But in reality, intermediate school and 439 in high school and there are several other scenarios in which a stu- The Highland Meadow Christmas Light technical campuses. dent would be classifi ed as being homeless.” Parade is set for Sunday, Dec. 8, at 6 p.m. First-, Locally, Burnett Elementary has 39 homeless Other examples include living with a friend second- and third-place prizes will be given for students, Stuchbery has 24, Atkinson and Fra- or family member (when not by choice but in the best decorated entry in adult and child cat- zier each have 20 and South Belt has 17. Melillo cases of emergency, such as fl ood, fi re, divorce, egories. Parade lineup will be at 5 p.m. For reg- Middle School has 27 homeless students, and lost job, domestic violence, student kicked out istration form or route, contact Rudy Alafa at Morris has 11. Thompson Intermediate has 43 by parents, parent in military, parent incarcer- 281-415-8003. homeless students, and Beverly Hills has 40. ated, etc.), in a shelter, a hotel or motel or even in By comparison, the Houston Independent one’s own home if the residence has no electric- Leader seeks photos School District had a total of 6,480 students list- ity and/or running water. American Legion Post 490 and VFW Post 5619 are partnering to help provide holiday The Leader is seeking 2013 Thanksgiving ed as homeless last school year, or about 5,000 Ivy-Sims said student residency is verifi ed meals for needy families in the South Belt community. Shown above presenting the meal on any given day. through phone calls and sometimes through photos for publication. Indoor Schlitterbahn tickets to Leader co-owner David Flickinger (center) are, left to right, Rene Guerrero, tickets will be awarded to the first- (10 tickets) Nationwide the number is approximately 1.1 “home” visits, where staff will go to the location VFW Post 5619, and Daniel Rodriguez Jr., American Legion Post 490. million, with roughly 85,000 being from Texas, listed on the pupil’s registration. and second-place (8 tickets) winners. Submis- Photo by James Bolen sions should be emailed by Nov. 30 and include according to the U.S. Department of Education. “It’s not a ‘gotcha’ type thing,” the spokes- when and where the photo was taken and iden- Many of the affected students remain in woman said. “We go there to make sure they tify each person in the picture. school despite their circumstances due to the have the necessary resources, such as food and American Legion, VFW help needy McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assis- shelter, and to make sure they know how to apply tance Improvements Act. Enacted in 2002, the for assistance like food stamps.” Kirkwood South meets American Legion Post 490 and VFW Post plaining their circumstances. Families must be The Kirkwood South Committee will hold 5619 are coming together to help feed area needy from the immediate South Belt area, and need its last HOA meeting of the year on Nov. 21, for the holidays. will be verifi ed. FEMA seeks help with flood maps at 7:30 p.m. in the courtroom of Judge Jo Ann The pair of veteran organizations has teamed The two veterans groups will also be partici- Delgado, 10851 Scarsdale at Beamer Road, up with the Leader and the Fuqua Luby’s to pro- pating in the Leader’s 31st annual Christmas Leaders from Harris County and the Federal risdictional boundaries or any other non-appeal- Ste. 500. All residents are encouraged to attend. vide a limited number of Thanksgiving dinners program. See future editions of the Leader for Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are able change. to local families in need. additional information. asking the public to participate in a 90-day ap- Comments and appeals should be sent to Blood drive scheduled Interested families in need should email the The Christmas drive will begin after Thanks- peal/comment period for preliminary fl ood maps FEMA through the local fl oodplain administra- The Alpha Chapter of Eta Sigma Alpha Leader at [email protected] ex- giving. that have been issued for the coastal areas of the tor. National Home School Honor Society will host county. Anyone who hasn’t had a chance to participate a blood drive on Friday, Nov. 22, at HEP Homeowners, renters and business owners in in local fl ood insurance meetings or to review the Bookstore from 1 to 6 p.m. The Gulf Coast Final state school ratings released coastal Harris County are encouraged to view new fl ood maps is encouraged to contact their Regional Blood Center will conduct the blood the preliminary fl ood maps to better understand county or community fl oodplain administrator.
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