―93― J. Soc. Photogr. Sci. Technol. Japan, Vol.62, No.2, 1999 Technical Report Design of Color Reversal Film with Improved Push-processing Characteristics 増感処理性に優れたカラーリバーサルフィルムの設計 Sadanobu SHUTO*, Masayuki KURAMITSU * and Shinsuke BANDO* 首 藤 定 伸*・ 倉 光 昌 之*・ 坂 東 信 介* Abstract Push-processing of a color reversal film is widely and generally used in saving a mistake due to underexposure, or in case of shooting when a high speed is required such as sports photography. Because of these, there is an extremely high demand from the market for improvement in push- processing characteristics of a color reversal film. This paper describes the push-processing mechanism of a color reversal film, and introduces the technology to improve push-processing behavior and its application to .an actual product designing. 要 旨 カ ラ ー リバー サ ル フ ィル ム の増 感 処 理 は,露 光 量 不 足 に よ る撮 影 ミス を救 済 した り,ス ポ ー ツ写 真 な どで高 感度 を必 要 とす る場 合 に,広 く一般 的 に行 わ れ てい る。このた め,カ ラー リバ ー サル フ ィル ム の増 感 処 理 性 能 の 向上 に対 す る市 場 ニ ー ズ は極 めて 高 い。本報 告 で は;カ ラー リバ ーサ ル フ ィル ムの 増感 処 理 の 機 構 につ い て説 明 し,増 感 処 理 性 向 上技 術 と商品設 計 へ の 応 用 に つ いて 紹介 す る。 Key words: color reversal film, push-processing, solution physical development, colloidal silver, multi- layer structure キ ー ワ ー ド:カ ラ ー リバ ー サ ル フ ィ ル ム,増 感 処 理;溶 解 物 理 現 像,コ ロ イ ド銀,多 層 構 成 times as high a speed (Exposure Index, EI1000) 1. Introduction as that for the standard process (EI100)1),2) Push-processing of a color reversal film is In this paper, we describe push-processing widely and generally used when one wants to mechanism of a color reversal film, and intro- save a mistake due to underexposure, or needs duce the performance of Fujichrome MS100/ high speed, for example, in shooting sports and 1000 and also technology for improving the push- so on. Therefore, we meet the high demand processing characteristics. from the market for improvement in its push- 2. Push-processing of Color Reversal Film processing characteristics. "Fujichrome MS100/1000" , which was put on 2.1 Purpose of Push-Processing sale by Fuji Photo Film Co. in march 1998, is a A color reversal film, which is an original multi-speed film in the pursuit of comprehensive appreciation medium of transmission type, is so improvement of push-processing quality. And designed that its exposure latitude is usually it has an advantage that it can be pushed to ten narrower than that of a color negative film. Received 20th, January 1999, Accepted 10th, March 1999 平 成11年1月20日 受 付,平 成11年3月10日 受 理 * Ashigara Research Laboratories , Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. 210 Minamiashigara, Kanagawa 250-0193 富 士 写 真 フ イ ル ム(株)足 柄 研 究 所 〒250-0193神 奈 川 県 南 足 柄 市 中 沼210 ―94― Sadanobu SHUTO et al J. Soc. Photogr. Sci. Technol. Japan Because of this, in case when one wants to save underexposure due to a mistake, or in case of shooting when a high shutter speed is required, push-processing is generally used. In some case, push-processing is one of convenient means to create an artistic picture by modifying grada- tion or color reproduction intentionally. 2.2 Method for Push-Processing Push-processing of a color reversal film is usually done by extending first development (black-and-white development) time in the color reversal processing described below. <Color Reversal Processing> First Development (Black-and-White Devel- Fig. 1 Characteristic Curves of Multi-Layer Color Rever- opment) •¨Wash •¨ Reversal •¨ Color Develop- sal Film ment •¨ Adjustment •¨ Bleaching •¨ Fixing •¨ Wash •¨ Stabilizing The standard time of first development is 6 attained by extending the processing time in minutes. Extending this time to 8 and 11 min- contrast with the system where only chemical utes, push-processing of +1 stop and + 2 stops development occurs. are carried out, and by specifying the first devel- B. Each BGR color-sensitive emulsion layer of opment time more minutely, push-processing a multi-layered color film consists of plural which is set up for speed corresponding to every photosensitive layers with different speeds, i.e., 1/3 stop may be carried out. high-speed emulsion layers for shadow gradation 2.3 Mechanism of Push-Processing and low-speed ones for highlight gradation (Fig. In the first developer of the color reversal 1). Because the speed of a color reversal film is processing, silver halide solvents, such as potas- estimated on the basis of the speed at the high- sium thiocyanate and sodium sulfite, are light rather than that at the shadow, it is depen- contained3). Because of this, in the first develop- dent on the speed of the silver halide grains in ment process, silver halide grains are partially the low-speed emulsion layers for highlight gra- dissolved by these silver halide solvents to sup- dation. And since silver halide grains in the ply silver ions in the developer solution in paral- low-speed emulsion layers are usually smaller in lel with chemical development where the devel- size as compared with those in the high-speed oping agent directly reduces the silver halide emulsion layers, they have a tendency of dissolu- grains to form silver. These silver ions are tion by silver halide solvents in the first devel- reduced to separate out on developed silver oper. Especially in the push-processing where nuclei by the solution physical development the first development is prolonged, dissolution of process. the silver halide grains proceeds more easily. The push-processing of a color reversal film Thus, at the push-processing, the low-speed makes use of this solution physical development emulsion layers contribute less to the speed than phenomenon in the first development, and a at the standard processing, and in place of them, higher speed is achieved by extending the proces- the high-speed emulsion layers play the part of sing time according to the following mechanisms the highlight gradation which then come to of A and B. determine the film speed. As a result, the den- A. In addition to the fact that the solution sity is lowered by push-processing, which yields physical development increases the developed a characteristic curve as if it were one with only silver amount, internal latent images which can- high-speed layer, and one gets an even higher not be developed at the standard development increase in speed in addition to a substantial processing time come to be developed as the first increase in speed as described in A. development time is extended. Thus, in the color reversal processing, much speed increase is Design of Color Reversal Film with Vol.62, No.2, 1999 Improved Push-processing Characteristics ―95― 3. Push-Processing Improving Technologies Intermediate Layers (MFIL) which carry out functions of inter-image effect control and push- As described before, push-processing of a processing characteristics control in addition to color reversal film makes use of the effect of their primary function of color mixing preven- solution physical development during the first tion, are coated between each layer of B (Blue), development. So, it is necessary to introduce G (Green), and R (Red). the technologies for controlling the solution MFIL adjusts each speed of BGR emulsion physical development, when one wants to layers through the speed range from EI100, the improve push-processing characteristics. minimum speed by standard processing, up to For instance, it is known that addition of EI1000, the maximum speed by push-processing. colloidal silver to a emulsion coating enhances Fig. 3 shows the conceptual diagram of func- solution physical development°. One can tions carried out by MFIL. Usually in a color enhance the speed at push-processing by adding reversal film, a yellow filter layer containing a small amount of colloidal silver to an emulsion yellow colloidal silver is coated beneath the layer or to an intermediate layer neighboring the blue-sensitive emulsion layer. This colloidal emulsion layer5)6). Instead of colloidal silver, silver has an effect of promoting solution physi- one can use silver halide fine grains with fog cal development in the neighboring blue nuclei on surface or inside of them so as to photosensitive emulsion layers. During the expand the speed increase by the push- push-processing, development of silver halide processing7"e. On the other hand, one can grains in the blue photosensitive layers are espe- decrease the speed at push-processing by instal- cially enhanced, and the color balance sifts to be ling an intermediate layer between a layer bluish as a result. The MFIL positioned containing colloidal silver or fogged grains and between the blue photosensitive emulsion layer an emulsion layer so as to prevent enhancement and the yellow filter layer has a function of of solution physical development 9). controlling the solution physical development in the blue photosensitive layer and regulates its 4. Application to Product Designing too much speed increase during the push- The following technologies are introduced in processing. On the other hand, the MFIL's "Fujichrome MS100/1000" so as to realize excel - positioned under the green photosensitive layer lent push-processing performance with very lit- and the red photosensitive layer which contain a tle variance in gradation, gradation balance, and small amount of colloidal silver adjust the speeds color balance.
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