Bomb Tokyo in Daylight Raid Man Spricht Deutsch lei On Parle Franqais Der Autobus geht schneller. H#TRIPES Oil est le quartier des magasins? Der Outaboocs gayt shnellexu Oo ay luh cart YAY day magaZAN The bus goes faster.. in the European Theater of Operations Where is the shopping district? Vol. 1—No. 124 lFr. New^Yorfcr-PARIS—London lFr. Saturday, Nov. 25, 1944 7th Army in Strasbourg Jap Capital Nazi Pooch Barks Up the Wrong Tree Patton Crosses Hit by New B29 Outfit Saar; Allies Move Superfortresses of a new 21st Bomber Command based On Cologne Plain in the Marianas Islands bombed Tokyo by daylight yesterday. U.S. Seventh Army troops held virtually all of Stras- This first blow by the big bourg, France's great eastern anchor, yesterday and front B29s against the Japanese dispatches quoted unverified reports that advance elements capital marked the opening had crossed the Rhine into Germany. of a campaign to soften up These elements, front reports said, apparently were Japan itself "for ultimate in- reconnaissance forces and not necessarily spearheads of a vasion by the combined United major drive across the river. The Allied force would be the Nations' land, sea and air forces," first to cross the river since the last world war if reports said Gen. Henry H. Arnold, USAAP are confirmed. chief and commander of the 20th Air Force, which operates the Northward in Lorraine, U.S. Third Army troops smashed Superforts, in a report to President southward and crossed the Saar Roosevelt. River ne: r Postroff and Kirrberg, "This won't be accomplished in a Draftees Must 26 miles outh of Saarbrucken, and short time," Arnold reported. "The drove on two miles, Reuter reported battle is just beginning. But today from the front. ■ we opened against Tokyo an attack Serve Abroad, Advance on Cologne Plain which will be carried on relentless- The Stars and Stripes Corre- ly from the air until the day of the spondent Earl Mazo with Third land invasion." U.S. Army Signal Corps Photo. Canada Rules Army said that 3,125 Germans still Simultaneously, Washington dis- Sgt. Harold Jahnki right), of Chicago, an interpreter, and Sgt. John held put five encircled forts outside closed that the bomb load of a Siavin, of Nashville, Tenn., prepare to read the note sent over with OTTAWA, Nov. 24—The Cana- of Metz. Superfortress, hitherto a top mili- this dog from the German lines. The enemy has been using this type dian government, after fighting five In Germany meanwhile, three tary secret, is at least ten tons, as of communication to ask the Americans to surrender. " years of war by sending only volun- other Allied armies—the U.S. First compared with a Flying Fortress's teers abroad, abandoned the policy and Ninth and British Second— normal maximum load of three tons. last night under a wave of opposi- crawled through November fogs to- Some B29 missions have included tion which threatened to put the ward the Cologne plain and battled 100 planes. Lone Tank Annihilates 125 veteran Prime Minister Mackenzie savage German counter - attacks The raid, carried out at noon King out of office. which threw the British back a and lasting, by Tokyo accounts, for Before a tense House of Com- hall-mile out of Hoven in the Gei- two hours, was directed at industrial Nazi Vehicles in Six Hours mons meeting to debate the crisis lenkirchen sector. arising out of the immediate need targets in the Japanese capital. Some Street Fighting For days beforehand the crews had for reinforcements on the Western been specially briefed to avoid WITH THE THIRD ARMORED DIV. — When 1/Lt. Front, the Prime Minister announced Orderly crowds of civilians lined hitting the imperial palace and Vernon G. Dingley turned his Sherman tank, the "Elimi- that partial conscription for over- the streets of liberated Strasbourg, religious shrines. seas service had been effected by cheering and waving flags, front Maj. Robert Morgan, who piloted nator," loose on a 125-vehicle German column in a six-hour an order in council and that 16,000 dispatches said; as French armor the renowned B17 Memphis Belle onslaught recently, he not only "eliminated" the column— men were available for overseas. took up positions in squares to fire in the ETO, was at the controls Mackenzie King disclosed yester- into. Germany. Of the first B29 over Tokyo. he annihilated it! day he had written earlier this The three Rhine bridges east of Washington announced, that two Dingley, with the support of one month that he believed conscription the city, only permanent spans be- planes out of the "sizable task Phone Strikers other tank, had been ordered to for overseas duty would almost in- tween Strasbourg and the Swiss evitably bring a general election frontier, were reported intact by (Continued on Page 4) intercept and destroy the fleeing enemy convoy, while the rest of the and risk national dissension and the dispatches, but Germans held Return to Jobs Thud Armored went on to knife perhaps weaken Canadian unity a perimeter around each of them Primed for Action through the Nazi lines. Moments and strength "for generations to (Continued on Page 4) WASHINGTON, Nov. 24 (ANS).— after he left his unit, he spotted come." Telephone operators who had quit the Jerry column, and, under the The government's new course re- their jobs in 29 Ohio cities, Wash- cover of the second tank, ripped up sulted in at least one Cabinet re- ington and Detroit were back at and down the road until the breecn signation, that of Air Minister C. O. ETO Veterans their switchboards today. of the tank cannon was blistering Power, of Quebec, It soon will be up to the War hot, firing with everything he ana' May See China Labor Board to adjust differences his crew had. Russians Drive Enemy between the ex-strikers and their When Nazi resistance ceased, al- employee -CHUNGKING, Nov. 24 (ANS).— most six hours' later, trie ~oad From All of Esthonia Maj. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer The National Telephone' Workers looked like Hell's main highway. said today that U.S. troops event- Federation, an unaffiliated union, Tallying his kill, Dingley found that An order of the day from Marshal had not heeded the WLB pleas to ually will be used in China for a the "Eliminator" had smashed five Stalin last night "announced that continental campaign against Japan return to work, but in the face of 170mm artillery pieces, an 30mm the Germans have been eliminated prospects of government operation and indicated that soldiers from high-velocity gun, and more than from -Oesel Island, which domi- the ETO would be inciudea of the telephone companies, it called 100 other vehicles. Some of the the strike off nates the entrance to the Latvian Wedemeyer. who succeeded Gen. Germans manning the convoy had port and capital of Riga. Joseph W. Stilwell as head of U.S. escaped, but most of them lay "With the liberation of the island forces in China and chief of staff Overseas-Bound Smokes sprawled dead, along with their of Oesel, the whole territory of the to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, artillery horses, beside their smok- Soviet Esthonian Republic has been told a press :cnferfnce: Stolen; 3 Nabbed by FBI ing vehicles. freed of the enemy," the order said. "Wher the war in Sur>pe ends I want to be ready to tell Geri. NEW YORK, Nov. 24.—The theft Marshall. 'We can use certaui forces of 200 cartons of cigarettes from and supplies for a definite purpose." a North River pier where they were Long, Long Trail Winds Up You can be sure sucn plans are awaiting shipment to troops over- being made." seas led to |he arrest yesterday of two longshoremen and a truck- For U.S. Red Ball Highway 8th Spans Cosina River, driver on charges of stealing gov- ernment property. The famous Red Ball Express the one-way highway handled 7,728 Sets Up 5 Bridgeheads The FBI and police said they Highway, its job done, has been tons from Normandy alone, with caught ■ William P. Dowd Jr. and discontinued. 200.000 gallons of gas being con- ROME, Nov. 24—British Eighth Fred F. Monti ripping open wooden This was announced yesterday by sumed daily. The bulk of ship- Army troops crossed the Cosina Danielle Darrieux, French film cases of cigarettes and that the U.S. Army Transportation Corps ments was food and gasoline. River three and a half miles south- queen, announced last night in truck driver, James F. Reaney, had authorities, who said trucking units east of Faenza and established five agreed to sell them for $1 a carton. The highway transport job now Paris that she would return to that rolled over the 700-mile Mgb can be handled by the railway sys- small bridgeheads on a front two the screen, provided that some- way from the French coast to tem put in shape by Transportation and a half miles wide. Allied Head- one furnishes her with a "good P. G. Wodehouse Released the front are now being rushed Corps railway units and engineers. quarters announced today. scenario." She had retired to The Paris police reported yes- to points farther east. Discontinuation of the Red Ball Ex- Heavy fighting raged there and southern France during the oc- terday that P. G. Wodehouse, Brit- Red Ball carried over 500.000 tons press was ordered Nov. 13, accord- on a sector to the west where Pol- cupation by the Germans. ish author, has been released. of supplies in 81 days. At its peak ing to the announcement.
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