NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE GLEANER Volume 82, Number 18 September 21, 1987 0 * gal). tiadO `41* ..,... .41P., .I. - v . IP • '' ,i, •' 00. 4t- a ft. • • • .......1 .0 6, *• • ' _ . Or. 411k "IP .414.111) • 0. 410 % ;r. fr 111 1W4 Editorial September 21, 1987 Dad turned to get his billfold out of his pocket to pay the man for his kindness, but Did an Angel Pick Up when he looked up there was no man and no car. He never even heard a car take off! Surely the Lord had sent an angel to help These Travelers? two weary travelers. Anne E. Davis writes from College Place, Wash. LETTE1 S Letters are welcomed for publication. The editor reserves the right to reject letters and where necessary, to edit for continuity and space requirements. Letters must be signed and should not be more than 150 words in length except, where, in the editor's discretion, more space is available. Address letters to Editor, Box 16677, Portland, OR 97216. Area Camp Meetings ... I have been an Adventist for 17 years and have attended camp meetings for all of those years. I've looked forward to each year for the full harvest I can expect to find there, relaxing in an attitude of prayer, seeking God for the encamp- ment duration. I support the decision regarding Gladstone. However, I would personally gain very little from regional camp meetings of a shorter duration. I've attended them and feel they're not properly titled By Anne E. Davis planned to put them on a bus in Spokane, and had arranged for my sister to meet the Several years ago my parents had an ex- bus in Calgary. For some reason they failed Sept. 21, 1987 \A,I. 82, No. 18 perience that undoubtedly was an en- to make connections. It was about 10 p.m. counter with an angel. I have recounted this by then, and my parents, not being veteran event many times to friends, and have travelers, felt kind of lost as to what to do. GLE4,YER always wanted to write it out. A GLEANER A bus was about to leave for Edmonton, North Pacific Union Conference article in a recent issue inspired me to get and it would be going through Lacombe, (USPS 394-560) it down on paper, for I believe to relate these their home town, so that seemed to them Member Associated Church Press experiences helps us to be mote aware of prac- the best route to go. When they arrived in Address all correspondence to: GLEANER ticing the presence of our guardian angels. Lacombe my dad asked the bus driver if he North Pacific Union Conference My parents migrated to America in 1910, would mind letting them get off the bus four P.O. Box 16677, Portland, OR 97216 before the days of jet travel, so they crossed miles out of Lacombe, which would put (503) 255-7300 the Atlantic by ship. After living in the them on the corner near their home. It was Editor, Morten Juberg Associate Editor, Ed Schwisow United States for a time they took up a far past midnight by then, and they were Published by the North Pacific Union Con- homestead in Canada. Farming had its hard weary travelers after such a long day. ference of Seventh-day Adventists times, but it was a wholesome and busy life. Before dad realized it the bus was beyond Please Note — Every reasonable effort is made The years sped by, and soon Mother and their corner by about two miles. When dad to screen both editorial and advertising materials Dad were alone again. Then there came the told the driver that their corner had been and to avoid error in this publication. But the time to celebrate their 50th wedding an- missed, he pulled off on the side of the road, North Pacific Union Conference GLEANER does not accept responsibility for categorical or niversary. no doubt feeling bad that the elderly cou- typographical errors, nor for advertisers' claims. My husband and I thought what a special ple with their heavy suitcase would be hard Second-class postage paid at College Place, Wash- event it might be for them to have a boat put to trudge back a couple of miles in the ington. Published semimonthly at Color Press, ride — they hadn't had one since they had wee hours of the morning. They were in except one issue in December. Subscription, crossed the Atlantic. So we arranged to take their late 70s at the time. Just then the bus $8.00 per year. Litho U.S.A. CPI9653 them to Seattle and we boarded one of the driver noticed a car parked by the side of POSTMASTERS: Send form 3579 to North Princess ferries for Vancouver Island. My the road just where they had stopped. Pacific Union GLEANER, P.O. Box 397, Col- husband and I had taken the trip over there With a sudden idea he said to dad, "Let lege Place, Washington 99324. several times and always found it such a de- me ask the driver of this car if he would take Don't send correspondence, GLEANER copy or lightful trip. you back to your homer The driver was very advertisements to the above address. All such Returning from the Island, my husband willing. He drove my parents right to their materials should be sent to GLEANER, Box being on a very busy schedule, we had door and helped them unload their suitcase. 16677, Portland, OR 97216. NPUC Gleaner Editorial 3 and bear no resemblance to week-long camp reprimand of the church as God's representative. meetings. The church suffers by not following God's counsel About Obituaries don't feel we are ready to discontinue camp and thus becomes a partaker of the sins. The cas- ual treatment of sin causes others in the church It has always seemed a shame that there is not meetings as we know them. My guess is that those more room in the obituary column to tell us a who attend year after year will have a difficult to regard lightly God's law. And last, our tolerance of sin weakens the influence of the church in the little more about the folks we read about. How- time . and seek camp meeting in other ever, we realize this would be impossible. We were states. community as it views our unwillingness to Riley Sanders rebuke sin and hold a high standard. saddened as we read of the death of Mrs. Mae Roseburg, Ore. In our eagerness not to be considered unkind Oss in the Aug. 17 issue of the GLEANER. She and unloving, let us not presume to be more was the delightful wife of our Pastor Elder Melvin generous than God who says, "whom I love, I Oss when we lived in Moses Lake, Wash., some Prayer Support rebuke and chasten?' 30 years ago. The outstanding thing we remember Sandra Haynes about Mrs. Oss was her love of children and all In reading "Confessions of a Caffeine Addict:' Roseburg, Ore. the hundreds of hours she spent in collecting and (Aug. 3), my heart has been touched deeply. Daisy making pictures, felts and stories to make the Owen's story might well be my own. Cradle Roll and Kindergarten Sabbath Schools I, too, have fought the fatigue headaches and St. Johns Reunion as interesting as possible. lethargy only to break down and give in to an- Even at the time we knew her, Mrs. Oss was other cup of coffee. I'm a new Adventist (two A happy group of 62 people gathered for good not in the best of health, but she always had time years) and have yet to be free from caffeine. It food and to refresh pleasant memories of 50 years for a friendly chat with anyone who needed her. seems to be a never ending struggle. ago of the old St. John's, Ore., Adventist Church. We also noticed in the obituary that none of But I'm not writing this for me. I know there Included was a reunion of an eighth-grade her surviving grandchildren were mentioned. She are many others like Daisy Owen and I'm sure graduation class of 1933. The five members were was so proud of those children and rightly so, the numbers would be shocking if all came Dr. Richard Duncan, Corona, Calif.; Lawrence because they were very talented. There surely forward. Givens, Yosemite, Calif.; June (Armstrong) Cusic must be some great grandchildren by now as well I am moved to begin a prayer and support group and Caroline Scull, Portland, Ore.; Katherine and we would have been interested to know just for others with similar problems. Those who don't (Scull) Andregg, San Mateo, Calif.; and a teacher, how many . wish to be known may remain anonymous. Dorothy (Peterson) Running, Ashland, Ore. Herb and Anna May Waters I am going to need help. Would anyone who Name tags were a must and as recognition took Battle Ground, Wash. needs help or who can help please get in touch place, hugs and kisses followed. The happy group with me. melted into one and the sound of voices became We wish we had space to list all of the Ms. T (503) 668-5706 a hum. As one was heard to say, "This is a once- names of children and grandchildren of those in-a-lifetime happening?' who pass away. Unfortunately space is always June Cusic at a premium in the GLEANER and we have Portland, Ore.
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