72 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY TYPE-LOCALITY.—Annobon Island, 01°25'S, far north as 17°S. No representatives of the family 05°38'E, Gulf of Guinea. were taken by the Pillsbury. DISPOSITION OF TYPES.—The holotype (Crust. Corysles cassivelaunus (Pennant, \111). Southern D. 31543), a male specimen with carapace length Norway and Sweden southward to Gibraltar and and width 2.6 mm, is in the Rijksmuseum van the Mediterranean, in depths between 7 and 90 Natuurlijke Historic, Leiden. Two paratypes, a m; both Zariquiey Alvarez (1968) and Christian­ male and a female, also are in that collection and sen (1969) gave accounts of this species. a male and two female paratypes (USNM 169534) are in the National Museum of Natural Genus Nautilocorystes H. Milne Edwards, 1837 History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Dicera de Haan, 1833:14 [invalid junior homonym oi Diem D. C. Germar, 1817 (Hymenoptera); type-species: Corysles [Di­ ETYMOLOGY.—It is a great pleasure to dedicate cera) octodenlata de Haan, 1833, a subjectivejuniorsynonym this new species to Dr. Isabella Gordon, British of Corysles ocellalus Gray, 1831, by monotypy; gender- feminine]. Museum (Natural History), who was the first to Naulilocorysles H. Milne Edwards,, 1837:149 [type-species: make the existence of the genus Sirpus known to Naulilocorysles ocellalus H. Milne Edwards, 1837, an invalid the world and who exhaustively treated the first junior homonym of Corysles ocellalus Gray, 1831, by two species assigned to it. monotypy; gender: masculine], DISTRIBUTION.—Our material of Sirpus gordonae Alyples Gistel, 1848:ix [substitute name for Dicera de Haan, 1833; type-species: Corysles {Dicera) octodentala de Haan, was obtained at Annobon during a fish poison 1833, a subjectivejunior synonym of Corysles ocellalus Gray, station at a sandy beach in a rocky cove. Sirpus 1831; gender: masculine]. zariquieyi is a Mediterranean species, known from scattered localities between Spain and Israel; it Nautilocorystes ocellatus (Gray, 1831) has been found in depths between 1 to about 40 Corysles ocellala Gray, 1831:39. m. Sirpus monodi is known from NW Africa, from Naulilocorysles ocellala.—Barnard, 1950:303, figs. 57a-c [South Mauritania and Senegal, and has been taken in Africa].—Monod, 1956:155 [Great Fish Bay (= Baia dos depths between 0 and 12 m. This represents the Tigres), Angola].—Rossignol, 1962:115 [listed].—Cros- first find of the genus in the southern hemisphere. nier, 1967:324 [Congo]. Naulilocorysles ocellalus.—Capart, 1951:110, fig. 38 [Walvis Bay, Southwest Africa], Family CORYSTIDAE Samouelle, 1819 SYNONYMS.—Corysles {Dicera) oclodenlala de Haan, 1833; Naulilocorysles ocellalus H. Milne Ed­ CoRYSTiDAE Samouelle, 1819:82 [name 357 on Official List]. wards, 1837. NAUTILOCORYSTIDAE Ortmann, 1893a:26, 28. DISTRIBUTION.—South Africa and South-West EuRVALiDAE Rathbun, 1930:10. Africa northward to Angola and off the Congo, EASTERN ATLANTIC GENERA.—Two, only one of in depths between 18 and 82 m. which, Naulilocorysles, is represented in the tropical Family BYTHOGRAEIDAE Williams, 1980 fauna. The other genus is Corysles Bosc (1802:65). Type-species: Hippa denlala Fabricius, 1793, by BYTHOGRAEIDAE Williams, 1980:444. monotypy; gender: masculine; name 1571 on Of­ This family, comprising a single genus and ficial List. species from the Galapagos Rift in the eastern EASTERN ATLANTIC SPECIES.—Two, the first of Pacific, is not represented in the study area. which is the only species of the family occurring in tropical waters: Family PORTUNIDAE Raflnesque, 1815 Naulilocorysles ocellalus, was first discovered there PoRTUNiDiA Rafinesque, 1815:97 [corrected to Portunidae after Monod's account of the tropical species; by Samouelle, 1819:83; name 69 on Official Lisl]. Monod remarked (1956:155) that it occurred as MEGALOPIDAE Haworth, 1825:184, X NUMBER 306 1% CARCINIDAE MacLeay, 1838:59. Cronius ruber Cronius ruber * LupiNAEDana, 1851b: 129. Neplunus vocans Portunus vocans ARENAEINAE Dana, 1851b:129. Neplunus validus Portunus validus* PLATYONYCHIDAE Dana, 1851b: 130. Neplunus inaequalis Portunus inaequalis* PoDOPHTHALMiDAE Dana, 1851b: 130. Callinecles gladialor Callinecles pallidus * Neptuniden Nauck, 1880:65. Callinecles marginalus Callinecles marginalus * THALAMITINAE Miers, 1886:170, 193. Callinecles lalimanus Callinecles amnicola * CAPHYRINAE Miers, 1886:170. PoLYBiiDAE Orlmann, 1893a:66, 68. The extralimital species are as follows: CARUPIDAE Ortmann, 1893a:66, 68. Balhynecles longipes (Risso, 1816). England to LissocARCiNiDAE Ortmann, 1893a:67, 87. Portugal, Madeira, Mediterranean; sublittoral, LupocYCLOiDA Alcock, 1899a:22. 20-90 m (Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968; Tiirkay, PoRTUMNiNAE Ortmann, 1899:1170. CiONiocAPHYRiNAE Borradailc, 1900:577. 1976b). XAiviDAEBerg, 1900:224. Bathynectes maravigna (Prestandrea, 1839). See CATOPTRINAE Borradaile, 1902a:200. page 76. LiocARCiNiNAE Rathbun, 1930:18. Callinecles sapidus Rathbun, 1896. A. Milne Ed­ MACROPIPINAE Stephenson and Campbell, 1960:75, 76, 88. wards and Bouvier (1900:71, pi. 4: fig. 5) reported three specimens (2 6, 1 ?) of "Callinecles diacanthus, EASTERN ATLANTIC GENERA.—Twelve, of which Latr., var. africanus, A. M.-Edw." from Porto da nine, Bathynectes, Callinecles, Carcinus, Cronius, Lio- Praia (as Praya), Cape Verde Islands. The colored carcinus, Macropipus, Portunus, Thalamita, and Xaiva, are represented by tropical species. Three genera figure that they published shows definitely Calli­ do not occur in the tropical region: necles sapidus, having only two frontal teeth. As Monod (1956:204) pointed out, the figure is noth­ Charybdis de Haan (1833:3, 10). Type-species: Cancer sexdentatus Herbst, 1783, a subjective junior ing but a colored copy of the figure that A. Milne synonym of Cancer ferialus Linnaeus, 1758, by Edwards (1861:425, pi. 30: fig. 1) published of subsequent designation by Glaessner (1929:113); "Neptunus diacanthus. Individu male de gran­ gender: feminine; name 1616 on Official List. deur naturelle, rapporte des cotes de I'Amerique Polybius Leach (1820, in 1815-1875, pi. 9b: figs. septentrionale. (Variete a front quadrilobe)." As 1-4). Type-species: Polybius henslowii Leach, 1820, to the identity of the three specimens taken by by monotypy; gender: masculine; name 184 on the Talisman, Monod (1956:204) stated: "J'ai vu Official List. un des 6 d'africanus (M.P.): c'est un C marginalus." Portumnus Leach (1814:391, 429-430). Type- This identification is confirmed by Williams species: Cancer lalipes Pennant, 1777, by mono­ (1974:729), who likewise examined the male spec­ typy; gender: masculine; name 185 on Official imen in the collection of the Paris museum. The list. female specimen of the Talisman set now forms EASTERN ATLANTIC SPECIES.—36, of which 16 part of the collection of the Museum of Compar­ occur in tropical waters. The following species ative Zoology, Harvard University (no. 6530) and were recorded by Monod (1956): was likewise examined by Williams (1974:729); it also is C. marginalus. The third specimen of the lot, Name in Monod Current Name a male (USNM 23950), is now in the collection Carcinus maenas Carcinus maenas Xaiva biguUala Xaiva biguUala of the National Museum of Natural History, Xaiva mcleayi Xaiva mcleayi Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.; it Portunus arcualus Liocarcinus arcualus was examined by us, and like the two other Portunus corrugalus Liocarcinus corrugalus specimens belongs to C. marginalus. A. Milne Ed­ Porlunus luberculalus Macropipus rugosus* wards and Bouvier (1900:71) thus did not cor­ Balhynecles superhus Balhynecles piperilus, rectly report C. sapidus from West Africa. new species* Thalamila africana Thalamila poissonii A second dubious record of C sapidus from 74 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY West Africa is the one by Gruvel (1912, pi. 2: fig. Charybdis longicollis Leene, 1938. Eastern Medi­ 1), who in an account of the edible Crustacea of terranean, Egypt to Turkey (from the Red Sea); West Africa figured as Callinecles africanus a spec­ sublittoral (Holthuis, 1961; Lewinsohn and Hol­ imen that clearly represents C. sapidus. The expla­ thuis, 1964; Ramadan and Dowidar, 1976). nation of Gruvel's figure does not give any infor­ Liocarcinus bolivari (Zariquiey Alvarez, 1948). mation about the locality or origin of the speci­ Mediterranean, 8-60 m (Zariquiey Alvarez, men figured. As Callinecles sapidus otherwise has 1968). not been reported from West Africa, notwith­ Liocarcinus depuralor (Linnaeus, 1758). Norway standing intensive collecting, we agree with to Spanish Sahara, Mediterranean; in depths to Monod (1956:204) who thinks that "on est bien 450 m, usually shallower than 100 m (Zariquiey oblige de penser-qu'ici encore le specimen repre- Alvarez, 1968; Christiansen, 1969). sente est un sapidus (americain)." Liocarcinus holsalus (Fabricius, 1798). Hebrides Although so far there has not been a single southward to Portugal, Canary Islands, possibly reliable record of Callinecles sapidus from West also Cap Blanc, Mauritania (Monod, 1956, re­ Africa, and the species certainly is not native corded a juvenile 8 X 10 mm from there); in there, the possibility exists that it will be acciden­ depths to 350 m, generally in less than 100 m tally introduced in West African waters as it was (Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968; Christiansen, 1969). in Europe, the Mediterranean, and Japan; for an Liocarcinus maculalus (Risso, 1827). Mediterra­ enumeration of the European and eastern Medi­ nean records of L. pusillus are referable to this terranean localities of the species see
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