ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT VOL. 109 No. 10 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 © 2009, Baylor University Box Get ‘informed’ for Huckabee’s Waco visit: Matt Damon’s new kids check out photos, interviews at flick teases baylorlariat.com corporate PAGE 4 s PAGE 3 world top PAGE 4 Recent graduates find relief in payment plans ADEO L A ARO nette Kucera, associate director years regardless of whether in- given, but they may have to pay college,” Allotey said. compare it to alternatives, simu- STAFF WRITER of counseling in the office of come increases. taxes on the remaining amount. For example, a recent college late IBR results under different academic scholarships and fi- “This gives (students) more While, there isn’t a great deal graduate with an entry-level job income assumptions, access the The federal government is nancial aid. time to get on track,” Kucera of detail on the newly created starting at $31,000 who also has likely time to pay in full and providing ways to ease the bur- Under the Income Based said. plans, Kucera said it provides $31,000 in federal Stafford loans evaluate the total cost of each den of debt for recent graduates Repayment Plan, the required Students nows have the abil- benefit to those who find them- would pay $170 less per month option. with loans to pay off. monthly payment is capped at ity to prolong their individual selves unemployed. utilizing one of the new plans, Dr. Chuck North, associate The government has intro- an amount that is intended to be repayment schedule up to 25 Nathan Allotey, a recent Bay- compared to the payment due professor of economics, agrees duced two new plans for federal affordable based on income and years. lor graduate, said that although under the standard plan, ac- that while the program would student loan repayment that family size. “The downside is that the he is not currently enrolled in cording to information from a relax some debt constraints, it will give recent graduates relief Under the income contingent longer a student takes to pay, the program, he plans to as soon SallieMae press release. may have harmful effects for fu- when repaying loans. repayment, guidlines are simil- the more interest will accumu- as he finds employment. Students can calculate wheth- ture students. The new plans will consider lar to the IBR. late,” Kucera said. “I think the plan addresses er they qualify for this program Students with loans could income, family size and debt However, the biggest differ- Also, students that do not the fact that students may not on Web sites such as www.stu- potentially pay for a longer amount when determining ence is that payment amounts pay off their loans in the 25-year get the dream jobs they thought dentaid.ed.gov, which will also monthly payments, said Jea- will be increased every two period will have their loans for- they would when they entered give students the opportunity to please see LOANS, pg. 6 Carter: Wilson’s Pregnancy center public outburst brings Huckabee, ‘based on racism’ Tuesday’s rebuke was a BY Ass OCIATED PRE ss rare resolution of disapproval raises awareness pushed through by Democrats ATLANTA — Former Pres- who insisted that Wilson had BY LAURA REMSON to everyone involved with the ident Jimmy Carter said Tues- violated basic rules of deco- STAFF WRITER event. day that U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson’s rum and civility. Republicans “Care Net had invited me to outburst to President Barack characterized the measure as Care Net’s 25th Anniver- come and help them with their Obama during a speech to a witch hunt and Wilson, who sary Celebrate Life Banquet event tonight,” Huckabee said. Congress last week was an act had already apologized to was a success in the minds of “I do quite a few pro-life events “based on racism” and rooted Obama, insisted he owed the its coordinators and featured around the country because it’s in fears of a black president. House no apology. former Arkansas govenor and something near and dear to my “I think it’s based on rac- Wilson’s spokesman was presidential candidate Mike heart.” ism,” Carter said at a town not immediately available for Huckabee. He insisted that his partici- hall held at his presidential comment, but his eldest son The event was held Tuesday pation in this event was not po- center in Atlanta. “There is an defended his father. at the Ferrell Center. Also in at- litically minded. inherent feeling among many “There is not a racist bone tendance were numerous state “For me this isn’t a po- in this country that an African- in my dad’s body,” said Alan and local government figures, litical endeavor at all, and I’ve American should not be presi- Wilson, an Iraq veteran who is judges and Mayor Virginia Du- always said the pro-life issue dent.” running for state attorney gen- Puy. and the pro-life movement for The Georgia Democrat said eral. “He doesn’t even laugh “Well it is incredibly awe- me are not political. It’s some- the outburst was a part of a at distasteful jokes. I won’t some, over the top, a God-sized thing I deeply believe in, and I disturbing trend directed at comment on former President experience,” said Judy Pat- did long before I ever thought the president that has includ- Carter, because I don’t know terson, director of community about running for something,” ed demonstrators equating President Carter. But I know outreach for Care Net. Huckabee said. Obama to Nazi leaders. my dad, and it’s just not in “We had about 1500 (tickets Care Net CEO Deborah “Those kind of things are him.” JED DEAN | PHOTO EDITOR sold) before the day started and McGregor, DuPuy and Hucka- not just casual outcomes of a “It’s unfortunate people we’ve continued to have peo- bee spoke at the event, and Mike Huckabee spoke at the annual Care Net fundraising banquet, sincere debate on whether we make that jump. People can ple buy tickets. We’ve had them Keron Jackson provided music. which was celebrating its 25 Anniversary Tuesday at the Ferrell should have a national pro- disagree — and inappropriate- Center. buying them all day,” Patterson Also on the agenda were video gram on health care,” he said. ly disagree — on issues of sub- said. ”When our phones went testimonies from former Baylor tivities. Bears for Life and the Catholic “It’s deeper than that.” stance, but when they make off at noon to come here, people student and her mother. After The event, in addition to Student Association helped at Wilson, a South Carolina the jump to race it’s absolutely started calling the Baylor office finding herself pregnant last raising money, was also to raise the registration table and ush- Republican, was formally re- ludicrous. My brothers and I to get tickets.” year, she considered having an spirits for the pro-life cause. ered for the event. buked Tuesday in a House were raised by our parents to Many people were excited abortion before visiting Care “I think that one of the good Salem, Ore., freshman Sally vote for shouting “You lie!” respect everyone regardless of to see Huckabee speak. Net. After her experience there, pieces of news is that the Gal- Ann Moyer joined Bears for during Obama’s speech to background or race.” “It’s kind of exciting to have she decided against it. lup polls over the last few Life because it suited her per- Congress last Wednesday. South Carolina’s former a celebrity come to Baylor,” “There’s nothing closer to months have shown a dramatic sonal beliefs. The shout came after the Democratic Party chairman said Boston sophomore Trisha God’s heart than an innocent shift and more people now are “I’m very concerned about president commented that ille- said that he doesn’t believe Kelley, a Catholic Student As- heart, and there’s no hearth actually claiming to be pro-life, the issue of abortion and I gal aliens would be ineligible Wilson was motivated by rac- sociation member. more innocent than an unborn which is very encouraging,” for federal subsidies to buy ism, but said the outburst en- As keynote speaker, Hucka- baby’s heart,” McGregor said, Huckabee said. health insurance. Republicans couraged racist views. bee’s presence was important see PRO-LIFE , pg. in her portion of the night’s fes- Student volunteers from 6 expressed their disbelief with “I think Joe’s conduct was sounds of disapproval, punc- tuated by Wilson’s outburst. see WILSON, pg. 6 Campus gets Crowd-ed presence would be more than a his intelligence. He spent most Local musician talks lecture,” said Dr. Randall Brad- of the time, however, answering on ideals, inspiration ley, director of the Center for questions from the audience. behind Chrisitan music Christian Music Studies. “We “He presented with a style BY LENA WATERS are all impacted in one-on-one that was personable, not just RE P ORTER or small group kind of moments trying to teach us something, and we tend to remember those but to answer our questions and While some may think Waco and tend to ask the questions doesn’t have much to offer, it that are most important for us.” does have David Crowder, gui- While most of the event was “David is certainly tarist and lead singer for the Da- intended for church music stu- on the forefront of vid Crowder Band.
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