_i§^^k'^i^_^?^ =sM*si 5?!2s3 Complete Fifteen Day Army Doty Tour Who Needs A 'MISS BRONZE OHIO' CONTEST WINNERS See Back Page SEATED IS SP-1 HELEN PATRICK, 1524 HAWTHORNE AV., Columboa, "** itandlng SP-« Lorna Gothard and P-2 Paul Gothard, 93 Woodland av., who hava just completed a 16 day tour of active duty at Ft. George G. Meade, Md. They are mem- NAIL BUN CHECK hera of 2678th ARASU, Ft. Hayes USAR school, Ft. Hayea, Columbus. Meeting* re- lune Wednesday, Sept. 4. Anyone having a reserve obligation and Interested in be­ coming a member of an actlva unit may contact U. S. Army Reserve Center, Building 8 . Ft Hayes, Columbus 18. ^__ ama$ i •• ii-.wMi_.ii_i in m •i—_ia« ••• » "•••"• " —•' •""•• — •••-••-»••••••• _• i • ••» •••-.••••••— • -..-.-.-••-___•.-. •_..-—- -•- 'Miss Bronze Ohio 1957' - ' College Women's Conference in Dayton THE SUBJECT IS JOANN CURRY. The photo is the proverbial picture that speaks a thousand words. And The Sentinel believes the combination is pukhritu- dinously unbeatable. Agree?—3111 Carter Photo. • .- ?• 1 Slory And Photo On Page 2 wt*m *m.- Think You Gel Problems! — » DR. ANNA ARNOLD HEDGEMAN (LEFT), assistant to N. York City's ma­ yor, and Dr. Helen G. Ed_nonds (center) spoke" for 34th annual conference1 of Nat'I Ass'h of College Women In Dsyton, which ended Aug. 17. Also pictured is Mra. Mar­ vin Poindexter, president of Dayton chapter of organization. CLARENCE McLEOD, RIGHT, chairman of Ohio Pardon and Parole Commission, announced this wee- The Lady Presides that Virginia L. Covington, left, has been, appointed stenographer on the staff of the commission. Pictured center is Daniel L. Mann, Jr., assistant director of State Dept. of Highway Safety. Miss Covington, a native of Columbus, is a graduate of East High. She resides at 376 N. Garfield av. The 20 year old stenographer be­ comes the first Negro in history of the commission to be employed in that capacity. ./ .y JUDGES TABLE AT "MISS BRONZE OHIO" context Sunday was the scene of feverish activity and furrowed brows stemming from problem of narrowing field of 40 bronze beauts to ten finalists. Fated with the unenviable problem were, from left: i . ..,.„...- _./...--..::.; CITY GORGEOUS BRENDA BLALOCK OF DAYTON, :< EUNICE H. CARTER, NOTED LAWYER, former assistant district attorney THE FOUR BOYS PICTURED ARE ADOPTED Sonjia Norris, Lorene's School of Modeling, contest tabulator; Lorene Edgar, director, for N. York county, presides at seventh general conference of Consultative Non-Gov­ sons of Mr. and Mra. Victor Williams. 722 Whittier St., Lorene's School of Modeling; George Smallsreed, Jr., Columbus Dispatch; former "Miss Bronze Ohio 1957." For page spread of run- ernmental Organizations held recently at Geneva, Switzerland. Mrs. Carter, who as Cincinnati. From left: Victor, Jr., George, David and assistant to former N. York Gov. Thomas E,. Dewey won international reputation aa Eugene. The latter two have just received the news "Miss Bronze" Jean Robinson Wright, and Beth Dade, ex-Columbusite and current op­ nersup see back page, details elsewhere this edi- a brilliant trial lawyer, is representing Internat'i Council of Women. 'it's back to school."—C. Smith Photo. erator of Los Angeles modeling school.—Staff Photo By Roosevelt Carter. fion.-SlafI Photo By Roosevelt Carter. .> •^rt*pfr^rtEfrye^l"je___^„ mamagai * rrffsfsfirvasinpsT. '•-:.- »' SATURDAY, AUGUST 81, 1957 THS .OHIO SENTINEL; PAGES tMKmu SATURDAY. AUGUST 81,. 1987 ! t'• t THE OHIO SENTINEL PAGES ; "* - " ; -gagga-* ~ — Handles $2 Million In State Funds Yearly 'Practitioner Ot The Year' appraisals, It offers opportunity to express a wide range of de- ciiioni based on individual Nob Bum Check Passer Again judgement." • * • • THEN TOO, HE IS enthusias­ ll TEAR *W Columbus of executing sad delivering was arrested oa a complaint of Edward Sullivan, who tic because "every day you learn nan, arrested em a bad cheeks wllksat safflrlent A fond*. cashed a K9 bogus chock at something new. You never check rap a month aga, was Lemmen's Drug Store, 1531 meet anybody who says, "I bn-a in jail again this week • # • Mt. Veraoa av., Deckard said. know It all!" faring a similar rharte. AT A PKEUMINAHT hear- a a a On the detail aide, LaCoor's lag la municipal court, he Paw L. EatUff, 1332 tote AT HIS ARRAIGNMENT ia job assumes many quasi legal St., launched his first "bad p I e a t a d innocent te four aspects — such as title search­ rouuu of bad checks and was municipal court Tuesday on a cherk passing spree" in late forgery charge, RaUlff plead­ ing, closing real estate deals J«ly. held to tbe grand Jary under or delving into property law." $300 bond. ed guilty and was held to the Daring that time he wrote a grand Jury under 13004 bond. LaCour, who is of slight built After bail was posted aUt- string at IS checks, ranging Deckard said Ratllff's alibi and unassuming in a quiet way, from tM to 125 In amounts, liif was released. And from feels that his associates, Norm waa he couldn't find a job and according to Vet. O. W. Boek- that dais until Aug. 24, he ia-' Folpe and William Allen, have he had to have some money. ard of th*. hotel and cheek sued a series of eight bad made his job interesting as well squad. checks, Orchard said. So far, Decaaro said 23 as pleasant. futiitr* Jast back racket Aa far as had ooea deter­ worthless eheeka have keen A native of Columbus, he was was temporarily halted with mined, according to the detec­ traced to tha well known for­ graduated from Ohio State uni his arrest Jaly tl em ckarges tive, Ratliff made three of tha mer GI. BERNARD LaCOUR, RIGHT OF WAY ne.otia- versity with a pro-law degree in cheeks payable so himself, The law provides a one to 20 ' tor for Ohio Highway Dept., confers with City Att'y arts college. sod forged the names of his year prison term for each Russel Leach on negotiations pending under Columbus' Incidentally, more and more wife, Mattio, » George Watson count of forgery, aad one to highway program. industry is recognizing the arts Akronile Name- aad Baal Wlentraab to three three years oa esch count of college graduate with his back­ executing and delivering of­ By WILHELMINA JONES UOWEYER, ''COLUMBUS ground* in the humanities, the others. PAUL L. RATLIFF tn his last escapade, he fense. If convicted. Every second there is a trans­ has shown compassion in the social sciences and the arts as IBM Operator action involving money in pattern of negotiations," La­ good executive material — and America. Cour thought. "That is, they LaCour justifies this trend. In Highway Dept. Big or little, these pecuniary have tried to compensate for in­ The young negotiator is at­ negotiations are the lifeline of tangibles as well as for pecu­ tending Franklin university law Dorothy M. Walker, daughter American life. niary allowances." college part time. ©f Mr. and Mrs. Oree Walker of Bernard LaCour is an exam­ Time is another Important Up until a year ago, LaCour Akron w«.i recently employed as ple of the level headed young factor. traveled on his Job often living *n IBM operator for tbe Plan­ American with business acu­ "It is important now because several months in Springfield, ning Survey Division of the State men, based upon education, ex of an accelerated highway pro­ Mansfield, Youngstown, Tole- Highway Dept. periencet foresight and ability to gram. A deadline has to be ob­ do and Cincinnati. Miss Walker, sixth place win­ evaluate factors and arrive at a served," he pointed out. But today he, his attractive DR. LAWRENCE W. LONG OF UNION, S.C. ner in Sunday's "Miss Bronze decision quickly. Contrary to what might be wife Jane and their three daugh­ (seated right), named "General Practitioner of the Ohio" beauty .contest attended LaCour has handled almost $2 supposed, the more valuable ters, Cherlyn. Avril and Lynn year" by Nat'I Medical Ass'n, and winner of first Ha- University of Akron. million of Ohio's money during property is not always the most live at 2026 Millbrook way. milton-NMA award of an electric watch, is congratu­ She graduated from Barberton the last year. difficult to settle. Because of his sojourn in the lated by Dr. E. Mae McCarroll, chairman of NMA S- h.»<4 of Commerce in the field Sometimes a single dwelling awards committee, Dr. T. R. M. Howard, NMA presi­ of secretarial science. • • • business' world, LaCour may FOR ALMOST FOUR years worth five or six thousand might steer away from criminal law dent, and Paul D. Newland, director of public relations PHOTO ON BACK PAGE the 30 year old OSU graduate give more trouble than a $100,- when he begins practice. for Hamilton Watch Co. has been right of way negotia­ 000 corporation, LaCour aver­ Absorbed in his job and "in­ In Akron. Miss Walker was a tor for the State Highway Dept. red. tensely interested" in being of number of Antioch Baptist and His job involves direct nego­ Possessed with a keen percep­ service, he really "appreciates a model with —-Mode Charms. tiation for acquisition of proper­ tion in the rudiments of the eco­ circulating in the economic Demand GOP Repudiate Miss Walker is tbe niece of "MISS BRONZE OHIO" ASPIRANTS JOIN mo- afternoon in Vet* Memorial.—Staff Photos By Roosevelt ty for highway projects. nomic sphere, LaCour is forte* sphere" — people, negotiations, Mr. Getha Walker who ia an ac­ Currently he is on loan to Co­ nate enough to have a sincere contracts, big business — the tive member of the Republican torcade of Eastside Colurnbus area, furnished by Univer- Carter, aity Auto Sales, shortly before event was staged Sunday • lumbus' city attorney's office, liking and interest in people.
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