UDK 355/359 CODEN SMOOAM ISSN 1409-8199 МЕЃУНАРОДНО НАУЧНО СПИСАНИЕ The magazine is published twice a year www.morm.gov.mk/contemporary-macedonian-defence/ 3739 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA ONTEMPORARY ACEDONIAN 39 C EFENCE CHRISTOPHE CHICLET M Vol. 20, Number 39, 2020 TONI MILESKI, EIKE ALBRECHT D ARMIN KRŽALIĆ IVAN JOVETIC IGOR GJORESKI CONTEMPORARY MACEDONIAN DEFENCE KARLO PALJUG, ROBERT MIKAC 3939 VOL. XX GJORGJI VELJOVSKI SKOPJE DECEMBER 2020 BOJAN MIKLOSH, LAZAR DJUROV LIDIJA KOS-STANIŠIĆ, ANTE ŠUNJIĆ NATAŠA MILETIĆ IGOR GELEV, BILJANA POPOVSKA СОВРЕМЕНА МАКЕДОНСКА ОДБРАНА Год. Број Стр. Скопје 20 39 1-182 2020 CONTEMPORARY MACEDONIAN DEFENCE Vol. No pp Skopje MINISTRY OF DEFENCE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA CONTEMPORARY MACEDONIAN DEFENCE ISSN 1409-8199 e-ISSN 1857-887X Година 20, бр. 39, декември 2020 / Vol. 20, No. 39, December 2020 Skopje December 2020 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA ONTEMPORARY ACEDONIAN CM EFENCE Vol. 20, Number 39, 2020D Izdava~: MINISTERSTVO ZA ODBRANA NA REPUBLIKA SEVERNA MAKEDONIJA Ministerstvo za odbrana „SOVREMENA MAKEDONSKA ODBRANA“ „Orce Nikolov“ 116 1000 Skopje Telefoni: 02 3128 276, 02 3113 527 Internet adresa: WEB na Ministerstvoto za odbrana: http://www.morm.gov.mk/sovremena-makedonska-odbrana/ Списанието излегува два пати годишно. ISSN 1409-8199 Скопје, декември 2020 година Site prava se rezervirani Se zabranuva reproducirawe na publikacijata i nejzinite delovi, kako i nivno transformirawe vo razni mediumi: elektronski, magnetni lenti, mehani~ko fotokopirawe, snimawe i drugo, bez pismeno odobrenie na izdava~ot i avtorite. CONTEMPORARY MACEDONIAN DEFENCE Publisher: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA Ministry of Defence „CONTEMPORARY MACEDONIAN DEFENCE“ „Orce Nikolov“ 116 1000 Skopje Tel.: 02 3128 276, 02 3113 527 Internet address: WEB of the Ministry of Defence: www.morm.gov.mk/contemporary-macedonian-defence/ The magazine is published twice a year ISSN 1409-8199 Skopje, December 2020 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical photocopying, recording or othewise, without permission in writing from the publisher and authors. МЕЃУНАРОДНО НАУЧНО СПИСАНИЕ НА МИНИСТЕРСТВОТО ЗА ОДБРАНА НА РЕПУБЛИКА СЕВЕРНА МАКЕДОНИЈА Радмила ШЕКЕРИНСКА, претседател на Издавачкиот совет Марина МИТРЕВСКА, главен и одговорен уредник Беким МАКСУТИ, заменик главен и одговорен уредник МЕЃУНАРОДЕН УРЕДУВАЧКИ ОДБОР Мухамед РАЦАЈ Нано РУЖИН Тони МИЛЕСКИ Николина КЕНИГ Никола ДУЈОВСКИ Наташа ПЕЛИВАНОВА Ана ЧУПЕСКА Александра ДЕАНОСКА ТРЕНДАФИЛОВА Елениор НИКОЛОВ Менде СОЛУНЧЕВСКИ Џелал НЕЗИРИ Жанет РИСТОСКА Паскал МИЛО Антон ГРИЗОЛД Зоран КЕКОВИЌ Синиша ТАТАЛОВИЌ Јанцислав ЈАНАКИЕВ Дезире ПАНГЕРЦ Оливера ИЊАЦ Мајкл ШУЛЦ Патриција ФАРАЛДО КАБАНА Емануела Ц. ДЕЛ РЕ Еике АЛБРЕХТ Секретар: Жанет РИСТОСКА Техничка подготовка: Умит Реџепи CONTEMPORARY MACEDONIAN DEFENCE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ΝΟRΤΗ MACEDONIA Radmila SHEKERINSKA, Chairperson of the Editorial Board Marina MITREVSKA, Editor–in-Chief Bekim MAKSUTI, Co-Editor–in-Chief INTERNATIONAL EDITORIAL BOARD Muhamed RACAJ Nano RUZHIN Toni MILESKI Nikolina KENIG Nikola DUJOVSKI Natasha PELIVANOVA Ana CHUPESKA Aleksandra DEANOSKA TRENDAFILOVA Elenior NIKOLOV Mende SOLUNCHEVSKI Djelal NEZIRI Zhanet RISTOSKA Paskal MILO Anton GRIZOLD Zoran KEKOVIĆ Siniša TATALOVIĆ Yantislav YANAKIEV Desirėe PANGERC Olivera INJAC Michael SCHULZ Patricia FARALDO KABANA Emanuela C. DEL RE Eike ALBRECHT Secretary: Zhanet RISTOSKA Processing: Umit Redzpi Proofreading and Editing: Rozi GROZDANOVSKA, Martina KIMOVSKA CONTENTS: Christophe CHICLET BALKANS: THE SOUTH-EAST GATEWAY TO EUROPE .................................................9 Toni MILESKI Eike ALBRECHT INTRODUCTION OF THE EU-CHINA RELATIONS: HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP .......................................................................................19 Armin KRŽALIĆ MIGRANTS IN THE PUBLIC DISCOURSE OF THE CITIZENS OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA .......................................................................................................................39 Ivan JOVETIC TECHNOECONOMIC CHANGES AND SECURITY: NEW PARADIGM? ....................53 Igor GJORESKI NATO BURDEN SHARING POLICY AND COVID 19 IMPLICATIONS ON DEFENCE EXPENDITURES ......................................................................................................................69 Karlo PALJUG Robert MIKAC CONTEMPORARY CRISES: CASE STUDY OF UBER .....................................................93 Gjorgji VELJOVSKI TERRORISM OR INSURGENCY? THE MOST COMMON STRATEGIC FALLACY .............................................................107 Bojan MIKLOSH Lazar DJUROV THE INF TREATY - CROSSROADS OF INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR STABILITY .........................................................................................................121 Lidija KOS-STANIŠIĆ Ante ŠUNJIĆ DEMOCRATIC CONTROL OF ARGENTINA’S INTELLIGENCE SERVICE DURING THE KIRCHNERS’ RULE (2003–2015) ...............................................................................135 Nataša MILETIĆ CONTINUITY OF WORK IN THE ENERGY SECTOR IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC................................................................153 Igor GELEV Biljana POPOVSKA HUMANITARIAN DIPLOMACY AND ITS IMPACT IN TIMES OF PANDEMICS AND HEALTH CRISES ...................................................................................................................163 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL Original scientific article 327(510:497) 327(470+571:497) 327(73:497) BALKANS: THE SOUTH-EAST GATEWAY TO EUROPE Christophe CHICLET1 Abstract: Since ancient times, the interest in the control of the Balkans by the Eurasian forces of world Hertland has been great. This geopolitical interest was not accidental, because the Balkans through the corridors of the Aegean Sea, through the Vardar-Moravian valley to the Danube and farther to the Rhine in Germany, served as a real gateway to Southeast Europe. Russia was constantly trying to break through the important Rimland belt and reach the warm seas. In the twentieth century, the USSR in the Stalin era hoped for a possible breakthrough through Tito’s Yugoslavia and Albania and eventually Greece to the Adriatic and the Aegean seas. After the historic split with Marshal Tito and the death of Stalin, the Soviet Union temporarily withdrew from such dreams. However, China made a spectacular breakthrough through Albania that lasted until the late 1970s. When the great Asian giant China at the beginning of the 21st century grew into an economic and financial superpower, China’s interest in a breakthrough in Europe re-emerged through its south-eastern door to the Balkans. The pharaonic project for the construction of the water road along Corridor 10, codenamed «The Silk Road», was renewed. China seeks to exploit the financial weakness of the impoverished Balkans and maked a spectacular entry into Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Republika Srpska. This time, China is backed by Russia, which has long dreamed of its own geo-economic interest in the Balkans. But such attempts have not met with much sympathy from the United States and the European Union. The United States is responding through its NATO allies to neutralize the Silk Road project across the Balkan corridor. Keywords: China, Russia, USA, South East Europe, Balkans, Geopolitics, Silk Road, Cor- ridor 10 Introduction By disembarking in the Balkans ten years ago, China did not arrive in terra incognita. The relations between these two important geo-historical spaces have existed since Antiquity. Although they experienced a long hiatus of nearly twenty centuries, they were resumed in the second half of the twentieth century due to the changes ensuing from the international commu- nist movement. Alexander the Great arrived at the borders of ancient China, Xi Jiping did the opposite. The Chinese Bucephalus was welcome when he arrived at the right moment, taking the place of the European Union and Putin’s Russia which disappointed the Balkans that was 1 The Author is doctor of history, specialist for Balkans and member of the Editorial Board of Confluences Méditerranée CONTEMPORARY MACEDONIAN DEFENCE 9 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL deeply upset by the fall of the wall, the implosion-explosion of Yugoslavia, the international financial crisis of 2008 and the decrees of the Troika by the IMF-ECB- EU Commission (1). In his latest book, Eurasia. Continent, Empire, Ideology or Project, (2) the geographer and geo-historian Michel Bruneau considers the Sino-European relations in general and the Sino-Balkan relations in particular throughout the long history. In the first chapter, he announces: “An immense continental space long divided in two, but connected since ancient times”. The affair began with the Alexandrian epic which took the opposite direction from the great and ancient migratory movements starting from the East to arrive in the West. Alexander of Macedonia is an atypical Greek. Out of the Greek tribes which arrived in the southern triangle of the Balkans, the Macedonians were the last ones and they therefore settled in the north of the Greek area with their city-states and their democratic system. Alexander’s ancestors lived, mixed and blended with the local non-Greek populations (Thracians, Peonians, Illyrians). Alexander,
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