Amtrak Fact Sheet, Fiscal Year 2017 State of Kansas Amtrak Service & Ridership Amtrak operates one National Network train through Kansas, the Southwest Chief (daily Chicago-Kansas City-Los Angeles via Topeka, Newton, Dodge City, and Garden City). During FY17 Amtrak served the following Kansas locations: City Boardings + Alightings Dodge City 5,208 Garden City 6,966 Hutchinson 4,294 Lawrence 9,834 Newton 15,828 Topeka 10,084 Total Kansas Station Usage: 52,214 (up 5.7% from FY16) Procurement Amtrak spent $3,321,504 on goods and services in Kansas in FY17. Much of this, $2,280,341, was in Parsons. Employment At the end of FY17, Amtrak employed 19 Kansas residents. Total wages of Amtrak employees living in Kansas were $1,441,330 during FY17. Expansion Planning The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) requested Amtrak study options for the return of passenger rail service along a route between Kansas City and Oklahoma City, via Newton and Wichita. The Feasibility Report of Proposed Amtrak Service provided an analysis of potential service scenarios, schedules, ridership and revenue estimates, required state operating contribution, and capital requirements, to establish new service. Kansas sought further refinement of the initial Amtrak study and continues to Amtrak Government Affairs: November 2017 investigate options for implementation. Amtrak has testified before a joint committee of the Kansas legislature on the benefits of and the railroad’s experience providing passenger service under contract for state governments. In June 2017, Amtrak, BNSF Railway, policy makers, and other stakeholders conducted an inspection trip from Oklahoma City to Newton. This well publicized trip was the next step toward restoring passenger rail service between Texas and Kansas. Service Improvements Newton-Wichita-Oklahoma City Thruway Service: Amtrak actively engages with intercity motor coach operators and private charter bus companies to expand the destinations available to Amtrak passengers. Under the brand name Amtrak Thruway, rail customers get interline ticketing and coordinated same-station connections to destinations not served by rail, but reachable on motorbuses, ferries, and other railroads. In April 2016, Amtrak Thruway bus service began, to and from the Newton rail station providing rail customers convenient connections to Wichita and Oklahoma City. At Oklahoma City direct connections are made Amtrak Heartland Flyer service to southern Oklahoma and Texas destinations. Amtrak provides this service in partnership with Village Tours LLC of Wichita. Southwest Chief route The present route of the Southwest Chief in Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico could be altered if sufficient capital funding is not found to modernize the line. Amtrak has been working with the states and communities that would be affected and has informed them of the situation, which results from changing freight traffic patterns, and that effort has produced significant results so far. In September of 2014, through the TIGER VI program, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded a $12.5-million TIGER grant to the Kansas Department of Transportation to begin the process of modernizing the BNSF La Junta subdivision used by the Southwest Chief. Combined with matching funds from Amtrak ($4 million), BNSF Railway ($3 million), Kansas DOT ($2 million), and the cities and counties of southeastern Colorado ($250,000), almost $22 million was allocated towards the requisite rail infrastructure upgrades in Kansas and Colorado. The sum represented a significant down payment on this project and is part of a sustained effort by all stakeholders to keep the Southwest Chief on its current route. In 2015, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded an additional $15.2-million Grant via TIGER VII to the City of La Junta, Colorado, to continue the rehabilitation of the Southwest Chief line. The funding was used to add approximately 39 miles of new rail and repair over 20 miles of roadbed on segments between Waldo, New Mexico, and Garden City, Kansas. Combined with matching funds from Amtrak ($4 million), BNSF ($2 million), and the states of Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico ($1 million, each), over $24 million was allocated to upgrades and repairs via this grant award. 2 AMTRAK ROUTES IN KANSAS Woodruff C edar Bluffs Northbranch Webber R epublic Hollenberg S ummerfield Herndon Almena Long Island Narka Hanover Oketo S abetha R eserve Traer Burr Oak R epublic Highland S aint Norcatur Norton P rairie View S mith Lovewell Washington Marysville S eneca McDonald Ludell Lebanon Belleville Fairview Hiawatha Troy Francis Wheeler Oberlin P hillipsburg Athol J ewell Winifred P owhattan Atwood S mith C enter Mankato C ourtland Agenda G reenleaf Vermillion Denton Bird C ity C layton Norton Was hington Mars hall Nemaha B rown Wathena C heyenne R awlins Decatur S peed G lade G aylord Ionia Doniphan J ennings R andall Horton Logan P hillips Kirwin J ewell J amestown P almer Linn Blue R apids C orning G off E dmond C lyde Atchison S elden Dresden Lenora Harlan P ortis Netawaka Whiting G len E lder C oncordia C lifton Wheaton Duluth Downs S cottsville Morganville Onaga S oldier Holton E ffingham G em S tockton Woodston Aurora Olsburg Atchis on R exford C loud Westmoreland Levant Hill C ity Bogue Osborne Beloit C lay C lay C enter J acks on Denison Nortonville G oodland C olby Hoxie R ooks Os borne Tipton S impson G lasco Kanorado Menlo Miltonvale Bala P ottawatomie Leavenworth Brewster Morland Damar C overt Mitchell R iley Valley Falls Kansas Thomas G raham Oak Hill E mmett Lansing S herman S heridan P alco P lainville Hunter Delphos R iley Belvue Oskaloosa Angelus S aint P eter Natoma Ottawa Wamego S aint Marys Hoyt City Zurich Ada Longford J effers on Oakley P ark C odell Barnard Minneapolis Milford Manhattan Kansas C ity Luray L incoln Manchester R ossville S ilver Lake P erry Winona Quinter P aradise Denmark Ogden L eavenworth Wyandotte P age C ity G rainfield WaKeeney Lincoln Bennington Overland E llis Lucas Tescott S haron G ove C ity C ollyer Fairport R us s ell C hapman Alma Topeka P ark Ogallah E llis S ylvan G rove J unction C ity S hawnee S prings L oRguasnsell S prings G ove R ussell C ulver S olomon G eary Wabauns ee Trego Hays G orham Alta Vista Auburn J ohns on Olathe Weskan Wallace Yocemento Abilene Dwight L awrence Victoria Dorrance S aline E skridge C arbondale G ardner Wallace Antonino Wilson Brookville Dickins on Douglas P arkerville Harveyville Os age S choenchen S aline Hope Woodbine Baldwin C ity E llsworth G ypsum HeringtonMorris C ouncil G rove Burlingame Utica Brownell S usank Assaria Healy Liebenthal E lls worth Wilsey Ottawa R ansom G alatia Lindsborg R amona Dunlap Osage P eoria P aola S cott S hields Holyrood Tampa Lost S prings L yon Lyndon Louisburg Nes s McC racken La C rosse Hoisington C ity Franklin Tribune Leoti Marienthal Dighton McP hers on Lincolnville Americus Williamsburg P rinceton Miami Horace Ness C ity R ush C enter Albert B arton Bushton G eneseo Durham S elkirk S cott C ity Amy Strong City Emporia R ichmond Osawatomie Beeler Bazine R us h McP herson G alva Marion Waverly G reeley Wichita L ane G reat Bend E llinwood Marion Lebo La C ygne S hallow Water Hillsboro E lmdale C ottonwood Falls Hartford C offey Harris R ice Lyons G arnett P arker Friend P awnee R ock Dundee R aymond Florence New S trawn L inn S terling Inman Olpe Anders on Burdett R ozel Larned Alden Moundridge C has e Burlington P leasanton R adium Nickerson Finney Hanston P awnee Buhler Hesston P eabody Madison Westphalia K earny Hudson Matfield Goreuenthwest Chief Le R oy Kincaid Mound C ity C oolidge Kalvesta Hutchinson Harvey E lbing S G ridley Garden City J etmore G arfield S aint J ohn S tafford S outh Hutchinson Burrton G reenwood Lone E lm S yracuse Holcomb C assoday Virgil Mildred Lakin Hodgeman Kinsley S tafford Halstead Hamilton Fulton G ray P levna R eno Newton Woods on Vernon Iola Moran Kendall Offerle Macksville Yates C enter B ourbon C harleston S pearville Lewis Haven S edgwick Allen E U Q R E U Q U B L A Hamilton P ierceville E dwards Fellsburg E ureka Humboldt Fort S cott C imarron Windhorst Turon Langdon Valley C enter P ark C ity Toronto O Ingalls E l Dorado E lsmore T Iuka Byers P enalosa Andover C limax P reston S edgwick Augusta Buffalo C hanute S tark Kingman Beaumont Wils on Hepler S tanton Has kell Dodge City Ford C ullison P ratt C heney Benedict Ulysses E nsign Ford Mullinville P ratt B utler Fall R iver Johnson C unningham Wichita S every E arlton E rie C rawford Montezuma Kingsdown G reensburg K ingman Haysville Derby Latham Fredonia Neos ho Arma Big Bow Hickok Bucklin K iowa C oats S awyer C learwater Douglass Thayer S aint P aul S aunders Manter G rant C opeland S pivey Mulvane Howard S ublette Minneola Bloom Nashville Atlanta Neodesha G alesburg G irard S atanta C onway S prings Belle P laine E lk S un C ity P ittsburg G renola Longton P arsons Fowler C lark Wilmore Medicine Lodge Moline R ichfield Moscow Harper Wellington Oxford C ambridge C herryvale L abette S tevens E lk C ity C herokee Kismet P lains Meade C oldwater B arber S haron Harper Winfield Labette Morton Ashland Attica S umner Dexter C hautauqua Independence Altamont C olumbus S eward Meade P rotection Freeport C owley S edan Liberty Hugoton Anthony G euda S prings Montgomery Oswego C omanche Aetna Hazelton C orwin G alena R olla Liberal E nglewood Havana C offeyville E lkhart Hardtner Kiowa C aldwell Hunnewell Arkansas City Baxter S prings C aney TRACK OWNERSHIP Amtrak NS UP CP BNSF CN CSX Other --Amtrak Government Affairs, summer 2011.
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