Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 29 AUGUST 1961 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Appropriation Bill No. 1 [24 AuGusT] Questions 85 TUESDAY, 29 AUGUST, 1961 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) took the chair at 11 a.m. APPROPRIATION BILL No. Assent reported by Mr. Speaker. QUESTIONS CLOSURE OF BRANCH RAILWAY LINES Mr. DUGGAN (Toowoomba West-Leader of the Opposition) asked the Minister for Transport- "(!) What branch railway lines, specify­ ing individual mileages involved, have been closed down in Queensland since August, 1957, and on what dates did the closures operate?" "(2) How many persons have been dis­ missed from the service as the direct result of such closures?" "(3) What revenue has been derived from the sale of steel rails, buildings, and any other equipment, and from land, subsequent to the closure of these lines?" Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer) replied- "(1)- " Section of Line Miles Date Closed Closed Closed I ----~--- Dimbulah-Mount Mulligan 29·9 1 July, 1958 Bunda Street- Qunaba 5·2 I August, 1959 Victoria-Eton .. 1·9 I August, 1959 Gowrie Junction- Wyreema .. 11-7 ! December, 1959 Glenelg Street-Ter­ minus of South Brisbane, Wharf Branch .. 0·2 I February, 1960 Munbilla-Mount Edwards 16·2 1 November, 1960 Lota-Cleveland .. 8·3 I November, 1960 Warwick-Maryvale 18·5 1 November, 1960 Tirroan-Mount Perry .. .. 35·2 1 November, 1960 Innes-Morganville 4·8 1 November, 1960 Lappa-Mount Gar- net 32·5 I July, 1961 Malbon-Selwyn .. 41 I July, 1961 Kajabbi-Dobbyn 19·5 I July, 1961 Barli1-Windera .. 12 1 July, 1961 Kingaroy Saleyards- Tarong .. 17 I July, 1961 Nerane-Tweed Heads .. .. 20 I July, 1961 Allora-Goomburra 9 1 July, 1961 Pengarry Junction- Crew's Nest .. I 29 1 July, 1961 "(2) Only six persons have been dis­ missed-three station-mistresses and three temporary fettlers. However, one station mistress and one fettler have been re-employed and the other two station mistresses are wives of gangers." "(3) Certain materials have been retained for Departmental use. The pro­ ceeds from the sales of materials, buildings, equipment and land so far offered for sale amount to £181,429." 86 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions SUPPLY OF SCHOOL REQUISITES be sold to migrants until they had acquired some appreciation of the value of our Mr. DUGGAN (Toowoomba West-Leader native fauna? If so, will he give con­ of the Opposition) asked the Minister for sideration to this suggestion?" Education- "(!) Is he aware of charges made in the Hon. 0. 0. MADSEN (Warwick) replied- editorial of the Queensland Teachers' "(!) Officers of my Department are con­ Journal for May, 1961, that despite depart­ stantly on the alert for breaches of the mental promises to improve the position Fauna Conservation Act. Further, all stock for State schools was being supplied police officers are ex officio fauna officers in insufficient quantities and too late for and have full authority to investigate com­ use, that head teachers had complained that plaints. During the year 1960-1961 there stock which should have been received late were nine successful prosecutions under in 1959 had not arrived till late in January, "The Fauna Conservation Act of 1952" 1960, that promises of a rapid redress of including the confiscation of firearms the problem had not been fulfilled in 1961, involved. Currently there are four (4) and that no pastel drawing books had been prosecutions approved for Brisbane, and received in the larger primary schools for prosecutions are under consideration for two years, occasioning a consequent real Cairns (6), Toowoomba (1), Atherton (2), loss in pastel work?" Ingham (2) and Brisbane (1)." "(2) Mr. Pringle's letter which appeared "(2) Are these charges true, and, if so, in the Courier-Mail in April was noted in what is the explanation?" my Department. However, generalised complaints such as contained in the letter Hon. J. C. A. PIZZEY (Isis) replied- are of little value. The experience of fauna "(!) I am aware of the charges made in officers in this field is that any follow-up the editorial of the Queensland Teachers' enquiry is often fruitless. If indiscriminate Journal for May, 1961." shooting occurs in any district, factual "(2) Despite the statements made in the reports should be submitted to the local editorial the schools have not suffered from police for enquiry. If incidents are report­ a general lack of school stock. Information ed immediately they occur, and suitable received from Principals of secondary evidence obtained at the time, appropriate schools and the Inspectors of secondary action as a deterrent can then be under­ schools indicate that. in general, the taken. It should also be kept in mind, position with regard to the supply of however, that it is permissible for certain science equipment is satisfactory. It is true game and pest fauna to be shot legally. that certain items of science equipment not In order to conserve the fauna of the procurable in Australia and ordered from Mount Isa district two good sanctuaries are certain Brisbane business houses, were established at Rifle Creek and the Leich­ unfortunately held up by the Dockers' hardt River, and these are patrolled by Strike in Britain. These items have been officers of the Mount Isa Mines Co. My distributed to schools as they have become Department is constantly giving publicity to available. Pastel books and drawing books fauna conservation in the form of press were in short supply at the beginning of the and radio releases, journal articles, talks year, but the Government Printing Office and, more recently, television. A range of has now effected delivery of considerable Departmental literature is available on quantities and all school needs for the fauna conservation. The Commonwealth current year have been met." Immigration Department also provides suit­ able literature on fauna to migrants and their migrant newspaper, which has a wide DESTRUCTION OF NATIVE ANIMALS AND BIRDS circulation among New Australians, regul­ arly features fauna protection. As a fauna Mr. DUGGAN (Toowoomba West­ conservation device, licensing and/ or Leader of the Opposition) asked the Minister legislative control of the sale of firearms for Agriculture and Forestry- do not have a great deal of merit. On the "(!) In view of frequent protests appear­ other hand it has been established that the ing in the city and country Press that licensing of the shooter is of much more persons armed with shotguns and rifles are value. A limited shooter license system is slaughtering protected animals and birds, is already in force under the Fauna Conser­ he able to inform the House whether any vation Act and consideration is now being of the fauna officers in his Department given to the licensing of all hunters." have reported such offences and whether there have been any recent prosecutions under the Fauna Conservation Act?" SMOG SURVEY OF BRISBANE AND IPSWICH "(2) Is he aware of a letter in 'The Mr. DUGGAN (Toowoomba West­ Courier-Mail' of April 11 last by J. Pringle Leader of the Opposition) asked the Minister of Mount Isa who, when stating that at for Health and Home Affairs- week-ends carloads of New Australians go "(!) Is it a fact, as reported in the ~ut a?d slaughter all wild life in sight, 'Telegraph' of June 28 last that Brisbane's mcludmg kookaburras, wagtails and plain smog survey programme has been virtually turkeys, advocated that no firearms should abandoned?" Questions [29 AuousT} Questions 87 "(2) If so, what is the explanation?" Appeal Board, comprising a Stipendiary "(3) Has the report of the air pollution Magistrate, a representative of the .Com­ committee appointed by the Government missioner of Police, and a representative of been completed and, if so, will he make it the Queensland Police Union." available to Parliament?" CHARGE OF RAPE AGAINST POLICE OFFICER Hon. H. W. NOBLE (Yeronga) replied- BY MRs. PosTMA "(1) The Air Pollution survey of Bris­ bane and Ipswich was designed to start on Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) asked the March 1, 1959, and to end on February 29, Minister for Labour and Industry- 1960. The survey was carried out and "(1) Did a woman naJ?ed Posti?a completed as planned. It was never recently make a charge agamst a police intended that the survey should continue officer that he attempted to rape her indefinitely. However, certain measure­ while she was being held in custody in ments were made after the survey had been the watchhouse?" completed and one deposit gauge is still operating." "(2) If so, did the Government Ana.lyst support the allegation after an ex~ma­ "(2) See reply to 1." tion of stains on certain clothes submitted "(3) l understand the Air Pollution to him for examination?" Committee has completed its report but I "(3) What action, Departmental or have not yet received it. A statement will or under the Criminal Code, has been be made after I have studied it." taken or is proposed to be taken against the police officer concerned?" POLICE OFFICER CHARGED WITH RAPE Hon. K. J. MORRIS (Mt. Coot-tha) Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) asked the replied- Minister for Labour and Industry- "(1) A complaint was made by a wom~n "(1) Was a police officer recently regarding the conduct of a Constable m brought before a closed Departmental the City Watchhouse." Inquiry Board or similar body on a charge "(2) An examination was made at the of having raped a sixteen years old girl Laboratory of Microbiology and Pathology in a police car in New Farm Park?" of certain articles, which came into the "(2) Was he found guilty and dismissed possesssion of the investigating Officer dur­ from the Police Force?" ing investigations regarding that woman's "(3) If the answers to Questions (1) and complaint." (2) are in the affirmative, why was he not "(3) After the complaint had.
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