INDE X '\ '\rrn shrinc of- A:rron, the Jel', 39 St. Blasc, 13 ,\cca, St., ro:--1 St, Chad, roo Adrian, St,, 15,::, 76 St. Eclburga, r-1 Aichstadt, 79 St. Georgc, l-l Aiclan, bishop of Linclisfirnrc, r7E, St. Gregorl', r-1 r86 St. Fluilh, r-1 --\lan,prior of Christ Chrrrch,C:rntcr- St. I-:rchtin, 7, S brrrt', r49 St. llcllitus, 7, ro9 .\ib:rn, St., proto-nl.Lrtlr, r;, l!i, :9, St, )Iilclrecl, r-1 30, 35-.13,stl, 75, r3.l St. C)srralcl,7,26, 2to Albin, St., r5 St. C)slth,6 r\lburg:r, St., l; St. Richarcl, l3 Aldegunrla, St., r5 St. Sirneon,r3 Aldhelm, St., ro9, r ro St. \\-ullstan, r3 Aclulf, bishop of \\-orcestcr, r ra ,\rran, Scotlancl,:7 --\lfred the Gre:rt, ;E .{shridge, colleg't. of 13onshomrnes, Algar of Lcicc-ster,7o I+I .\lkrnund, St., liing of Northurnbri:r, -\ston H:Lll, ro: 2ro -\thclstan, bishop of Hcreford, zr3 Altar of the Ss'ord's Poinr, r.57 ,\lthelstan, iiine, tEo -lr -\ltars at shrines, 3o, .\ugustine of Hippo, St., r.1 -\ltars or-er relics, -l Arr.gustine,St., .::, r1.5-E -\m;rlbur.q'a,St., r; i\rr.gustinc,St,, monastcr_r'of,r'i, r9, Arnphibalus, St., 13-6, 75 toq, t-16 7, t67 Ampulles, rr, rz -\r'zrllon, Isle of, r' ,\nastasius, St., r; --\ndreu',St., oil frout his tonrb, 33 D -{ngilbert, St., 76 l3:rleerus,monkr ir-+ ,\nketill, golclsniith, rE, :7 l3:rmborough, : ro -\ppollinaris, St., r5, r6 R:rrbar:i, St., r.; Arrn reliquaries, 2:, 78 Bardnet', : r r .'\rrn shrine of'- L3ardsel', Islc of, r'i, 9,5 St, 13artholomes',t3 t3:Lrking,abbess of, ro5 I L- Fr 244 SHRINES OF BRITISH SAINTS 'F INDEX 245 .,il of Herlrl' \-llI. :- Deusdedit, St., zz Rartholomcrv, St,, r3, rE C U Cornmissiouers Dr., rl5, 196 I)iscipulrrs,St., r5 Raslc Cathctlral, 6 Caicloc, St', ;6 { Lee, I: r l)ompierre, 76 t3attlc ,\bbc1', r7, 18 Calfhill, sub-cleatr of Christ Church, Pollard, I:t Donoughnrore, 7 Bat'crrx t.rpustr]', 17' ?:: Oxforcl, 66' 67 \\-illianrs, r:t Dorchestcr, reo I3ccli, sre Rrli Cantbulln,:t l)astoral stalT, Sfr \\'riothcsler', \\'hithc'rrrr',Sq, roz Comurissiotrers of Hcrlr-r' \-111' for I)orrar',5o 13erlc,St., :(i, 3o, 75, I ro-I6, r93 Clrrdida C:tsa, lt the clestrtrctiorr of shritres, :i6 l)orvnpatricli,3t,3: Rt'crc,:rlrboi of Cl;lstonlrrrrr', t;r C'anclicla,51" 7i;,7+ (r Cotyltssiu' I )r'urnlane,[Jo Ilcli, -\rrthortt', r:1 Cancliclus, St', I tS, lg,3o' r:r, Conla, bislrolt :tntl ltrtist, t9 I )Lrbricius,St. , 9,5 Ilc.k,'-fhomas, r:, t3: Canterbun',6, 13-16, ro t)Lrclley,prebetrdar-r', t oo St., 16 r-18-55,t7t Coperrha{en, I3enctlicta, : r I St, r\tlqustitle s rllol)as- Corona, Canterlltlr,r', t i7 l)uiiicld, 13ercltarius, cortnt of I-aon, 77 canlerbrrrt', Ioc), I+6-7, ro7 Cosruas, St', t1 L)unfcrnrlinc,l$ Rcnrartl, St.,76 ter-\',\i. I!)' to+' :t.; Cr:rnruer, arcltbishop ot' ClanLcrburr', [)unkeld, 3: Rcrqucs! Flanrlcrs, ;-1 C:Lnttte, Iiing, i6' .;r, [)ur]stan,St.. r1$-53 -.)-a! --) 3o, Crrracloc' St',9t / Rinscr',7o rg, 16, llj' lblr trlo St' Daricls' Clratfield, :rl;bot of 13ttt'-t',::ir l)rrrh:rrrt, .;o,i.:, Ririnus, St., r:o C:Lrcrv, bisltop of 93 abbot. of \\-e sttrtinste t', ::: I)_inrpna, St', 7U Birminghant Catheclrnl. to: Carlo Rorrornco, St" :.; Crispin, Clttacorlrlls, '; Crispir, St,, t5 lilack Death, r43 i, 66 St., r5 Blase, St., 6, 13, l+ Catherinc of -\r'ason' Crispinian, l{tlrtort' I16, I l7 rlitc of Petcr llartl'r' 66' Cronrl'eil, \-icar-Getterai' ltrI, 1l+ Iiadburg, ltbbessof Blathmac, St., 3: Catherine, tt6, tr7 Iiansu'ithe, St., :6, 7r Rlithe, (ieoffr1'. bishop of Liclificld' 67 Cro,r'land, :r shriue Chrtrch, Cr:dd, St', Cutndoc/t, -st', lI!llister' Eastern .; 9d + satchel, Eo' -s:, U3 Erlburga, St., I-1 Bllthnrarr, royal corlrtrlissiollt-r, I l-t, Cdl--t''8ild, +t 78 FtrL'|ri, I l+, I3.;' Fidgar, l(irrg, 6:. t :ct 196 Ccltit: rcliquarie s' 9, t'; Ctrstos 3o' 9i, Iidinburgh, to Cr'tltulc, l'ir:ardr-' 7(r r9:. lQ3, .l-2o Bobio, Tli I?' :5' St., -1, r5, I9, trs! tr6, 3I' Eclnrrrncl,St., of C:rntcrbur,\'' liolcvn, Qucen.\unc,9c1 Chad, St'' 97-to: Crrtbbcrt, l7t-5 Chad, St', his goslrels' 9(r rr2, lt+, 176-:ob :6, lionifacc, St', ;;, 79 :5' :it Lastin.gltant. -1 Erlnund, St,, king and lnarl)'r' Book of St, Cirad, 96 Charles I', :ofi Cr,\'pt t.1 :t:,2r+-f,o [3ooth,archbishop of Yorl<. 16o Ctrlssc of St' f'rstrla' tI' -19 C)r'riacus, St', Edrvard I.,6i, t 19' 127,l3i, I+I I3ovo, Rishop, j-1 i Chr-f, t,, Flcacl shrinc I) Edn'ard 1I., :o6, ::E l3radsha*,, utonk antl attthor, 6r Chester, 6o, 6r 179 lldrv:rrd VI., injunctiorrsof, :37 Breac lloeclog, ro' Sl L:hester-le-Strec'1, Dageus, St., artist, r9 -.io r;L lidu'arcl, St., king :t'rtclmzrrt-\'r, ::7, Rrecan, St,, :7 Lltichestcr, tr' l:6 Dalderb-v. St. Joltrr ul'' -i :8, z.:o Iiritlgtt, St., r9, r Chri;tophcr', Sr' ' r -i Damian, St., r-1 (lhrlsostorrr, r-cnctatiou of 6r, t ro' Eclrvard,St,, thc Contcssor!+, 19,?6, Brithnoth, abbot ofE11',6: St', on Danish itrcttrsious, 56, 7li. r rg, 2ro-31 L3rithstan, St,, r:o relics, -1 r17, riTt r8o, :o9 Egu'in, St., Britlrrv:rltl, St., :: (loire, catrton tii thc Li|isons' 79 Dalicl, St',9t-5 "1 r(r7, r69' :.;6 Elias cle Dereltatn, ;irtist, rS, r6'tr Rrixu'orth,79 Coltt:llb:r, St',.;t'.i: " Declar;Ltion of Ii:lith," Elizabeth, 66 Ilrorvne, bishop of Rristoi, lo: -1 Colunlb:rn, St . 7S Defence of shritles, 3o Queen, of Hcnrr-\'lll':- liloi, St., goldsrnith, 77 13ruges' bospital of Sl 'lolrtr' rr' I Cornnlissiorlcrs Denttlark, ro, rS, 3.1 St.,:5' r:t lllvtltlll:rIr' I I5' Iq6 I)erb1', z r r lilphegc-, r '29 lill', r', 16, 55, 6o, 6:z liulls, utttaurecl, to decidc place o1' Iirnele'r', Derehatt,6o-: 3o, Place, Londotl, 6o I (;orin3', Il9 Desecratiorr, r, 2t 59t 66,61, !)' toot Ely relics, 3r, 77 ro I{errley, Dr', I l5' r97 t2t' rz;t r:!r 13or I3Er Errarnelled reliquarics, )Surghcastle,76 , ttq, tt6, Lipturrtatltt, trtirr Luxt nrbttr3' ;'1 Uury St. Edrnuncls'zri i La'r'ton, Dr', t:'1 r67, r96, 2o9! zio & INDEX 2+7 OF BRITISH SAINTS v 2+6 SHRINES llenlel-, Dr', roval collllDlssrol]ert Katherine, St,, oil from tornb of, 33 (lenasitrs, St.' ti Er:rsttns, t 3 I r5, l96 I{ilbrecan, Irelancl, :7 Gervilrus, 76 Ercor.r*'ald, 77 llcrrr,r'II.. 9:, r5i, :.r:l Kclls,3r St. AlbeLns' Gheel, l3c)gitrnr, 75 Ergrvin, sacrist ot 3b Ilcnrt IiL.65, r1E, Ii7. r:(.,,-rr; Kertelnt, St., :oti, :o9 Io-1-9 Olasgori- Cathcdr;rl' 9o Erkcnlalcl, St.' Henr.r'\-I., :o7 Kenneth, XI:rc-\lPirl, Iiirlg' 3: C1:rstonl;ttn '\bbcr', Ii, 30' 32' r48, Ernrt'uilcl:t' St.. 56 7 LIenn' \-II., :3o Iientigcrn, St., 9o t l9r r ,51 Erneler', rtl.r':r1 eotttmissiotrcl-' Hcrcforcl,rr, I+1, l7o,:)+ l{enrrlf', king of }Iercia, :o9 Gloucesttr, )o7,2to r30 Heshatn, to: Ke-r'neburga, St., ri ()oblral, S1', 76 Escuri:rl 1l;tlact', .5o 'I-hotnas, Iletrrr', too Kitchin, deart of L)urh:rul, r r.; 6 Ilodsheeds, :Lllcltlr;Ll1r r, t.i9' Goldcl ht'ad of St. Ethclbc-rt, St., liirlg Hodsheeds, \\'illiltrtr, roo Knights Ternl>l:trs, r4z Currlliclt, lrislrrp ot' Ll1 . 6o r z9-3o Holl' Crr:ss, 7.1 ol- litlrl' :o (i orirrg, ro,t'lrl comtnissiotrerr lithclbert, St., liing I-Iol1'hcacl.r'i L tr5, bo (iosPcls of St, Chrcl' 96 Erhr'ldrccl:r, St.' +. .i.i Honoratus, St'. I.; I-lclrtin,St., his arnr, 7, li ;:<;,61, t t; Cr:rce, St.,:6 Uthelre<l, liing' zS, I-Ionorius,St., :: Laebhan, art;str l9 of -\birtgclon' Gr:rttchester' 5-1 Iirhels'olcl, :rbbot .57 Hol'dun, Yorkshire, b3 Lagnr-, near Iraris, 76 r:o (iregorl'' 5t., r+, r -; Ethcls'olcl, o1 \\-itlchester. ltis :rrrn, r4; hi> shrilre, Lanrbert,St., :: (lrirrdal, FIugh, St.: t tcr Bi:hcP,67 litlrrl*ulf, KirS-' r3r-9; his tooth, r2, r:i6 Larubert, St., nl:trt1'r, t5 Llrosseteste, bishop of Lincoltt, I3r Etto, St., 76 St., bov tn:trLlr, t36, t37 Langtou, bishop uf l-ichtleld, 95 :6, r l6-rS Hugh, St.' 6' Guthl;Lc. St., Eust:rcc, 7E H1'de Abbc,v, 78 I-astingharn, -i Evesh;lrn Abbe]'' + Larvrence, St., :: H I L:rrlorr, I)r'. Io-r'alcontrttissioller,t:+ r Hand reliquarl' of St. '\rnphibalus, lndrrlgcnccs:rt shrirle5' l:9 Leaping pilgrirnagc' 79 -16 Iieretorl', I9 Iljunctions of Etlrvard \-l', :36 I-ee, bishoir of Lichlield, 99 oi sl:r'ittt'' H:rnclrt,liqrt:Ln'ol St. )loedoc, 8o l?tr,'!ritts, ertstudi;rtt 1o Irrverttori,: ul- L)ttr'IttLrtt,t9i I-ee, Dr., ro"r':rlcotnnissiotrer, r r5, -). :l H:rrs llenrlirtg, :rrtist, r t, 5o ,hat(lru)il, .i, Inventories of Lincoln, 5' t: r96 :7 lii:rcc, St', S.] Hartlepool, 8,1 Ion:r,r'i, 3t, 3: Leith -\bbc-r, t)slr':Llcl' Hc:Ltl shritreo1- l'-inger shrinc ot' St' 9 Ives, St., S7 I-ernanagltatr,Ireland, tor S-1 Thcoderc, St. -\ustrobcrti{, I+ Fingcr shrinc ol St. 9 h'o, St., :6 Lcnne,bishop ofChichester, t:E Lilasc, (r, z-1 Fiocail Pltatlru ig, '\ St, I-eo,St., t5 St.
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