Singing Sets ChoraLine Vocal Scores Rehearsal CDs & MP3s Voice Part Rehearsal Voice Part RehearsalT e n o r Bach ChoraLine brings the vocal score to life 5SETHEBALANCEChoraLineCONTROL bringsON YOURthe voSTEREO Motets No. 2 (Der Geist hilft) / and makes learning your part a real SYSTEM TOandENHANCE makesOR learningDIMINISH yourYOUR calpVOICE score to life Alto 1 pleasure art a real 5SETHE pleasure PARTWHICHYOUWILLHEARINTHERIGHTHAND BALANCECONTROL ON No. 4 (Fürchte dich nicht) SYSTEM YOUR SPEAKERATs (EARAHIGHERANDVOLUMEANDACLOSER TOENHANCE STEREO s (EARANDASSIMILATETHEMUSICYOUARE ASSIMILATE ORDIMINISH PERSPECTIVETHANTHEOTHERPARTSTHE PARTWHICH YOUR going to sing going to sing MUSICYOU YOUWILLHEAR VOICE ARE SPEAKER INTHERIGHT ATAHIGHER HAND s 2EHEARSEUSINGYOURVOCALSCOREINTIME 4HEACCOMPANIMs 2EHEARSEENT USUALLYPLAYEDONAN PERSPECTIVE VOLUMEAND USINGYOUR THAN ACLOSER WITHTHEMUSIC WITH VOCALSCOREIN THEOTHER ORGAN ISHEARDINTHEBOTHMUSICSPEAKERS7HERE TIME PARTS sSING 0RACTICEWITHTHEIN C H O I R ORPROVIDE 4HEACCOMPANIMENT Bach s 0RACTICEINTHECARORWHENEVERYOU SOLOISTS THE CARORWHENEVER ORGAN USUALLYPLAYED St Matthew Passion CANNOTREADTHESCORE ACUEFORTHECANNOTCHORUS READTHEIRPARTISINA YOU ISHEARDIN ONAN THESCORE SOLOISTS BOTHSPEAKERS s ,EARNATYOUROWNPACEANDFOCUSON DIFFERENTsREGISTRATION ,EARN SINGWITH 7HERE ATYOUROWNPACE ACUE THEC H O R I OR CHALLENGING AND HandelFORTHECHORUS PROVIDE CHALLENGINGSECTIONS SECTIONS FOCUSON THEIR Choral singing requires dedication and MessiahDIFFERENTREGISTRATION PARTISIN s 0RACTICEHITTINGTHENOTESUNTILYOUARE s 0RACTICEHITTING A ChoraLine provides invaluableTHE help in PERFECT NOTES UNTIL Choral singing requi PERFECT ensuring you are fully prepared for yourYOU ARE ChoraLine provides invalures dedication and performance.#HORA,INE #HORA,INEISPRODUCEDBY,LOYD ISPRODUCED ensuring you are fully pre able help in 3ILVERTHORNE BY,LOYD 3ILVERTHORNEINANEUTRALWAYSOASNOT INANEUTRAL performance. pared for your SopranoTOCONmICTWITHTHEINTERPRETATIONOF TOCONmICTWITH WAYSOASNOT THEINTERPRETATION YOURCONDUCTOR YOURSTEREOCONDUCTOR YETHINTSATTEMPOSAND YET OF YOUR DYNAMICS HINTSATTEMPOS DYNAMICSVOICETHROUGHOUTTHEPIECE THROUGHOUT AND CONTROL ON YOUR THEPIECE DIMINISH HAND THEBALANCE OR !RIGHTNARRATORWILLGUIDEYOUWITHVERBALCUES !NARRATOR 5SE ENHANCE INTHE WILLGUIDE TO HEAR ACLOSER FORKEY YOUWITHVERBAL SYSTEM WILL ANDFORKEYBARNUMBERS CHORUSENTRIESAND BARNUMBERS CUES Voice Part Rehearsal YOU VOLUME CHORUS WHICH PARTSREHEARSALLETTERSSHOULDYOUGETLOST%ACH REHEARSALLETTERS ENTRIESAND PART ATAHIGHER OTHER AN -USIC$YNAMICSSHOULD,IMITED T e n o r Voice Part Rehearsal THE TRACKCORRESPONDSON TOASPECIlCBARNUMBER TRACKCORRESPONDS YOUGETLOST SPEAKER THAN PLAYED TO %ACH SOYOU"ISHOPS,EYS"USINESSASPECIlC0ARKBAR PERSPECTIVE USUALLYSOYOU7HERECANEASILYlNDANDPRACTICETHE CANEASILY NUMBER ChoraLine brings the vocal score to life ARE SECTIONS"UTTS,ANE 7OODMANCOTElNDANDPRACTICE -USIC$YNAMICS YOU SPEAKERSSECTIONSHIGHLIGHTEDBYYOURCONDUCTOR HIGHLIGHTED THE ,IMITED and makes learning your partMUSIC a real ACCOMPANIMENT INBOTH ORPROVIDE #HELTENHAM',BY1(YOUR "ISHOPS THE 4HE C H O IR A CONDUCTOR ,EYS"USINESS pleasure ISHEARD THE ISIN %ACH "UTTS 0ARK ASSIMILATE TIME ORGAN WITH %ACHPARTVOICEISREPRESENTEDBYAMUSICAL %NGLAND VOICEISREPRESENTED5+ ,ANE 7 O O D M A N C O TE SING THEIR BY V o i c e P a r t R e h e a r s a l s (EARAND SCOREIN CHORUS INSTRUMENT3&LUTE !/BOE 4 &RENCH INSTRUMENTMUSIC CHORALINECOM AMUSICAL #HELTENHAM TOSING VOCAL SOLOISTS THE 3&LUTE !/BOE ',1( GOING YOUR FOR (ORN t""ASSOON 4 &RENCH %NGLAND USING ACUE REGISTRATION (ORN ""ASSOON MAKINGITEASYTOFOLLOW MAKING 5+ YOU YOUR ITEASY MUSIC CHORALINECOM Alto 1 s 2EHEARSEMUSIC DIFFERENT YOURPARTANDMEANINGYOUCANUSEANY PARTf AND TOFOLLOW THE ORWHENEVER MEANINGYOU WITH CAR EDITIONOFTHEVOCALSCORE EDITIONOF CANUSEANY t THE ON www.choraline.comTHEVOCALSCORE SCORE FOCUS Choral singing requires dedication and Soprano s 0RACTICEIN THE AND Voice Partf Rehearsal READ ChoraLine provides invaluable help in CANNOT OWNPACE www.choraline.com ATYOUR YOUARE ensuring you are fully prepared for your SECTIONS UNTIL s ,EARN NOTES performance. CHALLENGING THE s 0RACTICEHITTING PERFECT BY,LOYD NOT SOAS ISPRODUCED WAY OF #HORA,INE INANEUTRAL AND INTERPRETATION THE ATTEMPOS 3ILVERTHORNE HINTS TOCONmICTWITH YET PIECE ,IMITED THE 0ARK CONDUCTOR CUES $YNAMICS YOUR THROUGHOUT VERBAL -USIC "USINESS YOUWITH AND ,EYS DYNAMICS ENTRIES "ISHOPS WILLGUIDE %ACH 7OODMANCOTE CHORUSGETLOST ,ANE !NARRATOR NUMBERS YOU NUMBER "UTTS ',1( KEYBAR SHOULD BAR #HELTENHAM FOR LETTERS ASPECIlC THE 5+ TO %NGLAND REHEARSAL ANDPRACTICE CORRESPONDSlND CONDUCTOR TRACK MUSIC CHORALINECOM EASILY BYYOUR YOUCAN t SO HIGHLIGHTED AMUSICAL BY SECTIONS 4 &RENCH f ISREPRESENTED FOLLOW VOICE !/BOE TO www.choraline.com %ACH 3&LUTE ITEASY ANY MAKING USE INSTRUMENT YOUCAN ""ASSOON MEANING (ORN AND SCORE YOURPART VOCAL OFTHE EDITION Choir Folders Choral Music Singers’ Performance CDs Music Bags Choral singer specialists www.choraline.com 01242 679379 orderline 2011/12 catalogue WELCOME Our experience and understanding of how choirs operate, our knowledge of choral music, and our appreciation of the dedication required by choral singers are the key reasons why our service sets us apart from general music suppliers and enormous internet companies. The guiding principles on which we continue to grow and develop are: Expertise Choral music is our passion. Our team includes a former Cambridge choral scholar, local choirmaster and contemporary music specialist, all on hand to give advice over the phone or by email. We are happy to help with questions and provide advice and if we don’t know the answers we will do our best to find out. Trust At Music Dynamics we conduct business with honesty and integrity and pledge to treat all our customers with fairness and respect. Service Our friendly team is commited to providing an excellent and efficient service. We welcome customer feedback and keep all compliments, suggestions and ideas on file, to help us maintain and improve our service. Our best wishes to all our customers from all of us at Music Dynamics. Andrew Andrew Grigg Managing Director [email protected] www.choraline.com orderline 01242 679379 [email protected] About us FOR SINGERS FOR CHOIRS Our recent emphasis has been Bulk Order Discounts to increase our ChoraLine SATB These are specific discounts given Voice-Part Rehearsal range to include to choirs who wish to make a bulk order. the works of Gilbert & Sullivan and the Each discount is based on the volume wonderful new music of Karl Jenkins and value of the items purchased. and Bob Chilcott. The whole ChoraLine Bulk orders are, in most circumstances, repertoire is now available as MP3 orders of 5 to 500 vocal scores. The downloads from our new website cost of post and packing is covered www.choraline.com by us. An invoice is sent at the same time as the order, and payment is not Our SATB Singing Sets are included required for a month, giving plenty in the catalogue for the first time. of time to collect money from singers. These have been created in response Payment can be made by cheque, to requests from singers for a BACS or Card. performance CD to complement their vocal score and ChoraLine rehearsal CD. Choir Member Discount This discount is available for singers We have also increased our range of to make their own purchases from items Performance CDs, and introduced in this catalogue and on our website. CD Box Sets, Singers Music Bags, To set up the discount, all we need Tutor Books, Choir Folders, and is the name of the choir and a point Pronunciation CDs; all available on our of contact. website or over the phone on 01242 679379 Please call 01242 679379 or email [email protected] Welcome • About us 1 contents ChoraLine SATB Voice Part Rehearsal Page 3 ChoraLine Voice Part Rehearsal – Repertoire Page 4 Vocal Scores Page 6 Vocal Scores – Repertoire Page 7 Performance CD Page 26 Performance CD – Repertoire Page 27 Performance CD Box Sets Page 39 SATB Singing Sets Page 40 SATB Singing Sets – Repertoire Page 41 Singers’ Music Bags Page 42 Tutor Books Page 44 Choir Folders Page 45 Pronunciation CD Page 46 HoW to order Via the Website By Post www.choraline.com Please complete the enclosed form Music Dynamics Limited Over the Phone Bishops Leys Business Park In the UK 01242 679379 Butts Lane Outside the UK +441242 679379 Woodmancote By Email GL52 9QH [email protected] 2 www.choraline.com orderline 01242 679379 [email protected] sATB Voice PArt REHeARSAL Jenkins The Armed Man Over 15,000 singers every year use ChoraLine rehearsal recordings to make learning their part easier, quicker and more enjoyable than Voice Part Rehearsal the previous approach of unaccompanied Soprano note-bashing. ChoraLine rehearsal recordings are available on CD and MP3 for each voice part for all the major Handel SATB Choral Works Messiah l Hear and assimilate the music you are going to sing l Use in conjunction with your vocal score Voice Part Rehearsal Alto l A narrator guides you with verbal cues l Enhance or diminish your part with your balance control Bach l Rehearse in time with the music St John Passion l Use the track listing to focus on challenging sections l Practice in the car using your CD player Voice Part Rehearsal l Learn at your own pace T e n o r l Practice hitting the notes until you are perfect Fauré Requiem Voice Part Rehearsal Bass contents • choraLine sATB Voice Part rehearsal 3 ChorALine Voice PArt reHeArsal Repertoire
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