PART No. Part Description ELIGIBILITY R.R.P BI-PODS BPO-S Picatinny Mounted Detachable Bi-Pods Short Picatinny / Weaver Rail €97,75 BPO Picatinny Mounted Detachable Bi-Pods Picatinny / Weaver Rail €97,75 BPO-L Picatinny Mounted Detachable Bi Pods Long Picatinny / Weaver Rail T.BA SB Side rail mount base for bipod legs set of 2 Picatinny / Weaver Rail €23,00 RB Bottom rail mounted base for bipod legs Picatinny / Weaver Rail €23,00 SNIPOD Sniper mounting System (Tri-Pod is not included) €540,00 LIGHT & LASER PICATINNY ADAPTORS BK1 Picatinny Mounted Flash Light Adaptor 3/4" diameter Picatinny / Weaver Rail €20,39 BK2 Picatinny Mounted Flash Light Adaptor 1" diameter Picatinny / Weaver Rail €20,39 OFEK 1 Under Forearm Flash Light Adaptor Grip Picatinny / Weaver Rail €33,99 UFH1 F l a s h li ght/laser mount 5 position .76" - .63" Picatinny / Weaver Rail €39,00 UFH2 F l a s h li ght/laser mount 5 position .96" - .88" Picatinny / Weaver Rail €39,00 UFH3 F l a s h li gh t/laser mount 5 position 1" - .98" Picatinny / Weaver Rail €39,00 UFH4 F l a s h li gh t/laser mount 5 position 1.25"- 1.14" Picatinny / Weaver Rail €39,00 UFH1P F l a s h li ght/laser mount 5 position .76" - .63" Picatinny / Weaver Rail €39,00 UFH2P F l a s h light/laser mount 5 position .96" - .88" Picatinny / Weaver Rail €39,00 UFH3P F l a s h li ght/laser mount 5 position 1" - .98" Picatinny / Weaver Rail €39,00 UFH4P F l a s h li ght/laser mount 5 position 1.25"- 1.14" Picatinny / Weaver Rail €39,00 OFEK 2 Flashlight holder / Grip Adaptor Picatinny / Weaver Rail €50,99 TACTICAL FOREARM GRIPS OFEK 1 Under Forearm Grip & Flash Light Adaptor Picatinny / Weaver Rail €33,99 SVG Front arm short vertical grip Picatinny / Weaver Rail €25,49 AVG Front arm ergonomic vertical grip Picatinny / Weaver Rail €25,49 FFG-2 Front arm folding vertical grip 3 positions Picatinny / Weaver Rail €33,99 FFG-2B Front arm folding vertical grip 3 positions with Battery storage Picatinny / Weaver Rail €37,40 FFG-4 Front arm folding vertical grip 5 positions Picatinny / Weaver Rail €39,94 FFG-4B Front arm folding vertical grip 5 positions with Battery storage Picatinny / Weaver Rail €42,49 OFEK 2 Flashlight holder / Grip Adaptor Picatinny / Weaver Rail €58,00 TACTICAL PISTOL GRIPS FOR AK47 & M16/AR15 G27 Ergonomic Pistol Grip for M16 M16 / AR15 €25,46 AG-47 Ergonomic Pistol Grip for AK47 / Galil AK47 / GALIL €25,46 UPG16 M 16 / A R 15/M4 6 piece Interchangeable finger groove pistol grip M16 / AR15 €33,99 UPG47 AK 47 6 piece Interchangeable finger groove pistol grip AK47 / GALIL €33,99 RAIL SYSTEMS HX1 M P 5 - H andguard with Integrated Picatinny Rail MP5 €130,00 G3X3 Selective Integrated 3 Rail System for HKG3 with thermal plastic covers HK G3 €250,00 X3 Triple Picatinny Rail System for Front Sight M16 / AR15 M16/AR15 €76,49 X5 Selective Integrated 5 Rail System for MP5 with thermal plastic covers MP5 €254,15 X6 Selective Integrated 6 Rail System for M16 with thermal plastic covers M16/AR15 €254,15 X6X Selective Integrated 7 Rail System for M16 with thermal plastic covers M16/AR15 €279,65 X6L Selective Integrated 6 Rail System for M16 with thermal plastic covers M16/AR15/A2 Carbine €318,75 X6LX Selective Integrated 7 Rail System for M16 with thermal plastic covers M16/AR15/A2 Carbine €339,15 FL Forward Picatinny Rail for TPR15L,X6,X6L Rail Systems TPR15L,X6, X6L €28,05 X36C Selective Integrated 4 Rail System for G36C with thermal plastic covers G36C €382,50 X36K Selective Integrated 4 Rail System for G36K with thermal plastic covers G36K €382,50 X47 Selective Integrated 5 Rail System for AK47 with thermal plastic covers AK47/74 €382,50 BMX47 Selective Integrated 3 Rail System for AK47 with thermal plastic covers (Lower) AK47/74 €152,15 BMFX47 Selective Integrated 4 Rail System for AK47 with thermal plastic covers (Lower + Front UAKppe47r)/74 €304,30 BMRX47 Selective Integrated 4 Rail System for AK47 with thermal plastic covers (Lower + Rear UppeAK47r) /74 €304,30 LHV-47 Selective Integrated 3 Rail System - Lower Handguard for AK47 AK47/74 €38,25 LHV-47T Selective Integrated Rail System - Upper Handguard for AK47 AK47/74 €33,99 LHV-47SET Selective Integrated Rail System - Handguard Set for AK47 AK47/74 €69,70 M33 M16 Forearm Hand Guard with 2 integrated Picatinny Rails M16/AR15/M4 €75,65 M44SM M16 Forearm Hand Guard with 4 integrated Picatinny Rails (Aluminium) M16/AR15/M4 €90,00 M44L M16 Forearm Hand Guard with 4 integrated Picatinny Rails M16/AR15/M4/A2 Carbine €102,00 GLA37 37mm Grande Launcher 3 Rail Adaptor (less then Lethal) 37mm €136,00 GLA40 40mm Grande Launcher 3 Rail Adaptor (M203) M203 €136,00 GIS Scope Mount Tactical Adaptor for Glock Glock €59,50 FRONT SIGHT MOUNTED SIDE BY SIDE ACCESSORY RAILS TPR15L Side by Side Twin Picatinny Rail mount for M16/AR15 Front sight M16/AR15 Front sight €50,99 TPR15P S i de b y SAi42de Twin Picatinny Rail mount for M16/AR15 Front sight M16/AR15 Front sight €25,50 TPR16 Side by Side Twin Picatinny Rail mount for P90 P90 €50,99 TPR17 Side by Side Twin Picatinny Rail mount for Micro Galil Micro Galil €50,99 TPR5 Side by Side Twin Picatinny Rail mount for MP5, HK33, G3 MP5, HK33, G3 €50,99 PICATINNY RAIL - SINGLE STRIP & TRIPLE TRM3 T r ip l e P icatinny rails for accessories M16/AR15 €11,99 PR-A Picatinny Rail for M16/AR15 std. grip M16/AR15 Short std. grip €10,19 PR-B Picatinny Rail for M16/AR15 thick grip M16/AR15 Short thick grip and long €10,19 SR-A Short Picatinny Rail for thick grip M16/AR15 Short thick grip and long €6,38 SR-B Short Picatinny Rail for std. grip M16/AR15 Short std. grip €6,38 PDF vytvořeno zkušební verzí pdfFactory Pro PRFCS P ic a t i nn y Rail for Collapsible Stocks M16/AR15 OEM Stock €16,99 RAIL COVERS Rail Cover S Plastic thermal cover for Picatinny Rail - short cover Picatinny / Weaver Rail €4,25 Rail Cover L Plastic thermal cover for Picatinny Rail - long cover Picatinny / Weaver Rail €8,50 Rail Cover K Plastic thermal covers for Picatinny Rail - Kit (6 short + 2 Long) Picatinny / Weaver Rail €30,60 TOP PICATINNY / WEAVER RAILS MP5 TR1 Upper Picatinny Rail ( MP5-K (all models), MP5-SD (all models), SP89 pistol, HK33, HK33K, HK53, HK91, HK93, HK94, G3, G3K)€102,00 MP5 TRL Upper Picatinny Rail (MP5, HK33, G3) MP5, HK33, G3 €110,50 M16 TR1 Carry Handle Mount Picatinny Rail M16 / AR15 / A2 Carbine €68,00 BAYONET ACCESSORY RAILS TUZ-A1 Bayonet Mounted Picatinny Rail for UZI & Mini UZI UZI & Mini UZI Bayonet €33,99 TMUZ-A1 Bayonet Mounted Picatinny Rail for UZI Pistol UZI Pistol Bayonet €33,99 TM16FA1 Bayonet Mounted Picatinny Rail for M16 / AR15 M16 / AR15 Bayonet €33,99 HANDGUN ACCESSORY RAILS SIGA1 Picatinny Rail adaptor for SigSauer SigSauer 226/8/9 €55,25 GL-A1 Picatinny Rail adaptor for Glock 17/18/21/26 Glock 17/18/21/26 €55,25 BER-A1 Picatinny Rail adaptor for Beretta 92F Beretta 92F €55,25 COLT-A1 Picatinny Rail adaptor for Colt 1911 & all 1911 frames Colt 1911 & 1911 frames €55,25 SHOTGUN ACCESSORY RAILS & BUTT STOCKS UPR Universal Picatinny Rail (mounted on the Swivel Stud) Swivel Stud €38,25 TIKKA R1 Picatinny rail for Beretta TIKKA Swivel Stud Beretta TIKKA Swivel Stud €46,75 SG-R1 Shotgun Picatinny Rail Adaptor Shotgun €55,00 HG-R1 Hunting Gun Picatinny Rail Adaptor Hunting Gun €55,00 R870-BSA Remington 870 Butt Stock Adaptor with Tactical Pistol Grip Remington 870 shotgun €114,75 R870-BSAT Remington 870 Butt Stock Adaptor with Tactical Pistol Grip and Buffer Tube Remington 870 shotgun €136,00 R870-BSK Remington 870 Butt Stock Adaptor, Tactical Pistol Grip, Buffer Tube & CBS Stock Remington 870 shotgun €169,15 PART No. Part Description ELIGIBILITY R.R.P PICATINNY BELT CLIPS RC-1 Rotating Picatinny Rail Belt Clip 51mm Belt €16,99 RC-2 Rotating Picatinny Rail Belt Clip 54mm Wide Belt €16,99 LIGHT & LASER MOUNTING KITS TGK1V Vortex TC3+ Side By Side Mount, BK2 Light Adaptor,C123 Batteries in Hard Case M16/AR15/M4/P90/GALIL €131,75 TGK2 Beamshot Red Dot Laser+X3 Rail System, BK1 Laser adaptor In Hard Case M16/AR15/M4 €169,15 TGK3 Stinger Flashlight, OFEK1 (Stinger Adaptor with Grip) & Picatinny Rail M16/AR15/M4 €165,75 TACTICAL BUTT STOCK & ACCESSORIES ARS Multi Position Sniper Stock M4 buffer tube M16/AR15/M4/ Buffer Tube €345,00 ARS-U Multi Position Sniper Stock M4 buffer tube (less Uni-pod) M16/AR15/M4/ Buffer Tube €175,00 SRS Multi Position Sniper Stock A2 Rifle buffer tube SR25 / M16 Carbine €370,00 SRS-U Multi Position Sniper Stock A2 Rifle buffer tube (less Uni-pod) SR25 / M16 Carbine €195,00 ARS47 AK 47 Multi Position Sniper Stock, Buffer Tube & Adaptor AK47/74 €495,00 ARSG3 H K G 3 Multi Position Sniper Stock, Buffer Tube & Adaptor HK G3 €495,00 MPOD A d j u s t able Mono Pod for Sniper & Sharp Shooting Stock €195,00 CBS-G3 H K G 3 Multi Position Stock, Buffer Tube & Adaptor HK G3 €208,00 G3-BSA H K G 3 Buffer Tube & Adaptor HK G3 €166,00 CBS Tactical Collapsible Butt stock M16/AR15/M4 M16/AR15/M4/ Buffer Tube €46,71 CBS-T Tactical Collapsible Butt stock M16/AR15/M4 & Buffer Tube M16/AR15/M4/A2 €68,85 CBS-M Tactical Collapsible Butt stock M16/AR15/M4 & Magazine Attachment M16/AR15/M4 Buffer Tube €56,91 CBS-MT Tactical Collapsible Butt stock M16/AR15/M4 with Magazine Attachment & Buffer Tube M16/AR15/M4/A2 €76,46 AKSSA AK47 6 Position Buffer Tube Stock Conversion for Stamped - Aluminium AK47/74 Stamped €58,50 AKMSA AK47 6 Position Buffer Tube Stock Conversion for Milled - Aluminium AK47/74 Milled €58,50 MA16 Picatinny Mounted M16 Magazine Attachment Picatinny/Weaver Rail/RC1/RC2 €17,00 M16-TUBE M16 / AR15 Buffer Tube & Lock Ring M16/AR15/M4/A2 €38,25 SADDLE16 Tactical Butt Stock Saddle
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