BoCaATIONGhANE my bieeaffoe: ach}ey wNK Woah ong > a* we pi Soesd ke teed ae L. RON HUBBARD (COMMODORE, FOUNDER,R) ” CSG ASSISTANT FOR INFORMATION (CSG ASST INFO) COMMODORE STAFF-GUARDIAN (CSG) - MARY SUE HUBBARD (CON) b6 b7C _—_ (G Ww) DG INFO WW (DG | WW) DG PR WW DG LEGAL WW (DGL DG FINANCE — FW) DG SOCIAL COORDINATION WW (DG SC WW) DEPUTY GUARDIAN US (DG US) DEPUTY DG US (DDG US) DG PRUS DG LE LUS) US (DG F US DG SOCIAL COORDINATION US (0G (DG SCSc LS tis) DG INFO US (DG I US) Td } FBI/DOJ * fo «Oe @ 2 Exce, AD-ty, " ae Exc. ADACHI pase ‘ th ft ve FFT Exce, AD-LES. Pray: WNGT Asst, Din: ° Adm, ‘Servs, val mn TPOGBA 325192072 7hie} 2 | Nov 79 19 312 , ten.Grim, fav. i Ent eaeeanepe RR HQ WF { Laboratory Legot Coun DE TP ' Pion & fas. Ree, Mont ea Tesh, Servs, Wo R 2119212 NOV 795 Tesiging Pubic ARS. OM, ee Re, Fil TAMPA (193-8) <P) ire Teloghone Fim. ae Brecter’s Sce’y To‘DIRECTOR (47-56689) ROUTINE //«sy- 9 /ASHING TON FIELD (47-1675) ROUTINE BT URCLAS = ry ET aLs[_.———SsS—S—™—~——sd «VICTIM, ELECTION LawSs — SSPIRACY$; HOBBS ACT, 00: TAMPA. Ow aa RE TANPA TELCAL TO WASHINGTON FIELD, NOVEMBER 21, 1979. bé i ; , ' ec INVESTIGATION i? ii DUE TO THE COMPLICATED NATURE OF CAPTIONED ’ -) QS “fo - mmPD WD; RELATED CASES IN OTHER DIVISIONS, ON NOVEMBER 20-5 19795 AUSA €> De MDF, TAMPA , FLORIDA, RECOMMENDED wFO CASE % AGENT| | TRAVEL JO TAMPA TO BRIEF AND USA GARY Le BETZ, AND TAMPA CASE AGENT ON EeOFyeyh fo ee EX PROSECUTION TW 4 GATION WHICH PERTAIN TOi THE FORTHCOMING CAPTIONED MATTER AT TAMPA. SACS AT TAMPA AND yFO CONCURY INO\THES 1979 NEED FOR SUCH TRAVEL AND UACB, SA WILL PROCEED To=t¢qMPac——> ~~ FOR SAID BRIEFING TO BE. HELD NOVEMBER 27 aND 28, 1979. | L- BI. FERS. ERO C REG ung SEP 9 1989 cP 10/29/79 me yy CRIMINAL TNVES@§CATIVE DIVISION 9.p By way of background, in August, 1978, 11 Church of Scientology (COS) members were indicted in Washington, D.C., on various Federal charges in connection with their break-in at several Government offices (including those of the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service) in Washington and elsewhere to obtain secret files containing information about the church. COS operatives also infiltrated Government agencies such as DEA and Coast Guard Intelligence Service to conduct burglaries, buggings and spying operations. The plot was allegedly directed by the Church's highest officials in the United States and England, including Mary Sue Hubbard, wife of the Church's founder. The indictments were based primarily upon documents and evidence seized during the execution of search warrants at COS locations in Los Angeles, California, in 1977. The trial concerning this matter was scheduled to begin in USDC on 9/24/79 with Judge Charles R. Richey presiding. Attached from Washington Field advises that all subjects indicted in this matter, with the exception of and appeared before be Judge Richey on 10/26/ 79 and agreed to stipulated b7c record of trial provided by the Government. seven of the subjects were found guilty of conspiracy to obstruct justice. Another subject was found guilty of conspiracy to steal Government documents, commit burglary of Government offices and wiretaps of Government offices. One other subject was found guilty of Theft of Government Property. All subjects released on personal recognizan “e_ bond, No date set for sentencing. Subjects| jand are both in England await- ing extradition. Judge Ric hey made the remainder of documents seized in Los Angeles on 7/8/77, public record. Documents will be available to the public and held by the Clerk of the Courts' Office, USDC, Washington, D.C. 1 - Mr. Colwell 1 - Mr. Mintz 1 - Public Affairs 1 - Mr. Steel if JBL:pdh APPROVED: Leocl Coun. Cola Inv. if fiery Pro. & Inep. Director eo a | + Exec. AC-aivy eemeemervemnmanamnt . a PS. > Exec. AU-Acia. Pood “hae ey Exec, AD-LES bua iis, Cif » € VECZCWFO422 2 Tees " . 6% RRa‘HQ TP 2dNow 79 i DE WF 6004 3272322 DF ‘7 ZNR UUUUU R 252313Z NOV 79 Fl FBI WASHINGTON FIELD (47-10713) (CA-2) TO FBI DIRECTOR (47-56639) ROUTINE ee FRI TAMPA (193-8) ROUTINE BT UKRCLAS ; £2 ey _ b6 ET AL; -VICTIN-ELECTION LAWS; p7c CONSPIRACY; HOBBS ACT3 (OO:TAMPA)D REFERENCE TAMPA TELETYPE TO THE BUREAU AND WASHINGTON FIELD DATED WOVEMBER 21, 1979. __ - A SPECIAL AGENT WILL DEPART WASHINGTON ° (/- NATIONAL AIRPORT VIA NATIONAL AIRLINES FLIGHT 457 AT 9335 Ail. NOVE aBER als 1979, AND ARRIVE TAMPA AT 11:35 Acie, NOVEMBER 27, 1979. salwut THEREAFTER CONFER WITH AUSA AND TAMPA CASE AGENT REGARDING FACTS ‘OF INVESTIGATION WHICH PeRTAIN TO PROSECUTION OF CAPTIONED MATTER. ee ay yAI BT uN gis if 6 BBA FERENSESESWE eR ae | Ieje pl- 8¥ o7 JANS 1981 4 Ny 0-19 (Rev. 1-27-78) @ Exec AD Adm,.___ 1°? Exec AD Inv. Exec AD LES ___ Asst. Dir.: Adm. Seryss in, Crim. lav. Ident. Intell. Laboratory Five Scientologists :.: Legal Coun. ___ Plan. & Insp. Rec. Mgnt. Given Prison Terms *” Tech. Servs. __ Training By Kenneth R. Walker All of the defendants expressedre- Public Affs. Off. _ WashingtonStarStaff Writer > morse for the crimes, but each Telephone Rm. __. Four officials of the Church of . claimed to have beenmotivated ‘by iregtor's § yn Scientology are in jail and the wife the belief that the federal govern- of the church’s founderfaces a possi- ment wasout to destroy the church. ble five-year term as a result of their Prosecutors, however, claimed ‘ conviction of plotting to steal gov- that the church attacked’not only ernment documents. governmentagencies. “It was any- _US: District Judge Charles R.Ri- one who wascritical of them — indi- chey imposed . the sentences viduals as well-as private trade as- yesterday after comparing the de- sociations,”said one. fendants to those involved in the Eight of the nine,defendants were Watergatecase. convicted by Richey Oct. 26 of con- _ Richey ordered the immediate spiracy to obstruct justice or jailing of four church membersafter conspiracy to, obtain government CONTARED sentencing them yesterday. Sentenc- documents illegally. The ninth was ALL INFORMATION ing of four other church members convicted of a misdemeanor theft was to take place later today. count. HEREIN IS UNCLASSEEES ~ He- also ordered five years in Assistant U.S. Attorney Raymond prison for Mary Sue Hubbard, - the Banoun had urged the judge to im- Bde ‘wife of‘church’s founder, L. Ron pose the maximum five-year jail DATE22 we Hubbard, but gave herfive days to terms on the defendants. 1 seek an order from the U.S. Court of | Attorneys for all the church offi- Appealsthat would permit herto re- cials sentenced yesterday pleaded main free until her legal appeals are . with. Richeyto allow their clients to exhausted. perform community servicein ‘lieu Richty also said ‘that he would de- of jail terms. cide within-90 days of the start of But the judge denied the requests, her’sentence whether the prison calling the crimes “heinous.” Richey _ term shouldbe modified. also said he hoped to deter others The four others éach yr eivedsén- - from committing similar crimes.- tences of four years nc a $10,000 The Washington Post Richey denied requests from de- . “a find. They are Henning fense attorneys to allow thedefend-- Washington Star-News A)_£7 S Snider, Gregory Willardson.Richard - ants to remain free on bond pending Daily News (New York) Weigand. appealof their convictions. Richey called any appeals.“frivo- The New York Times lous” and said the defendants were The Wall Street Journal likely to flee if released and that The Atlanta Constitution they were dangers to the com- munity.. os The Los Angeles Times Following the ~ sentencings, churchofficials released a state- ment calling the jail terms a “mock- Date 19-979 ery of justice. , . fhe conspiracy included stéaling © documents from, the Internal Reve- nue Service and the Justice Depart: _ ment. BY AY “BEER 121980 FBI/DOJ Cim, tov. 2 Rate f po 2 RSs . Les 5 Sle a . Tec. ts. H? . , * Ln VICECZOWFOBST oo, ne A a Bisa ESS Be ceeete ‘ RR HG LA wy’ TP eget i Cen vi WE #6845 $418244 \ mo , Talankoss f : : Za UUULjl w ms oo, Dirze’ci’s Sec’y ASHINGTOU FIELD2 ATT #Bl (AT-56689) ROUTING + | oe PEE LOS -ANGELYS (47- 12236) ROUTINE ee . | TANNED FBI Bear YURK ROUTINE MLwe S : Y us SATB PBI -TANPE ROUTLNE oR le DEFENDAWTS IN THIS MATTER APPRARZD BEFORE JuDed arcuay,t Kf 4 Use UIStRICT Cun Ts WASHINGTON, D.C. C40) FOR SEHTE ROT iG AT S240 Ay, DECRMBER 6, 1979, JUDGE RICHEY ‘AGJOURNZS AT APPRUIKIVATELY 6289 Pel. AND ONLY Fl Ve DSFENDASTS HADSSEEA PEATEsons reACAD.my gy SENTEWCINGne bare ye woe WILL5 ReCOticuCeeyed ‘Aono yt ATatt , Ssu5One Aatlene DECE MEEeyER ryTy 8 NL N . ~ “XN : _— ‘ ty7o. mos \ ; 4 , “ gpveci779 PAG E THO DE wF+ #OW45 te aa byyt Cid tot, 1979 te had b6 b7C ‘ =, 5 YE A ry— A TAG SETEffh CED FOU i LASS A! ¢ beat fs uN te, a tet a / we :‘ .' a“ “ t i 4 :: j Exes. Ad-isc. of x 3 » hp i Exec, Al-8.212% Exo. AS bie. f vzczczewrosas Assi. Bin: RR Ha LA ay rP | hg TL Rom fee ‘ ;Po5 Gia. hat Me DE WF #9030 $420248 | . , ~ Lexgel ce: a Lo cwe yuuutig) ee SECTION Cf Pin 6 eo H BTB245 Z deg 73 ‘ Ries. Ri. ° . / : , Tech. Servs. 2 1 i 13) " a .
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