HAGIOTOPONIMI NA ISTARSKIM GRADINAMA1 HAGIOTOPONYMS ON THE HILL FORTS OF ISTRIA1 Klara Buršić-Matijašić na prostora, hrvatski i talijanski. Crkvice ili njihovi Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli / Juraj Dobrila ostatci, ili samo toponimi sa svetačkim imenom, po- University of Pula kazuju kontinuitet života na određenom mjestu, kao Filozofski fakultet u Puli / Faculty of Humanities in i sigurnost koju su jamčile unutar svojih zidova. Naj- Pula učestaliji hagiotoponim jest Sveta Marija i sve njezine Ivana Matetića Ronjgova 1 inačice (Sveta Marina). HR - 52100 Pula KLJUČNE RIJEČI: Istra; prapovijest; gradine; hagio- [email protected] toponimi UDK/UDC: Abstract 811.163.42’373.21:623.1(497.57 Istra)“ 631/638“ Place names (toponyms) are reflections of lands- doi: 10.15291/misc.1368 cape appearance, economy, historical development Stručni rad / Professional paper and social relations. They speak of stratification of settlements of a certain territory. During the Bronze and Iron Ages in Istria, hill forts were ‒ in addition Primljeno / Received: 19. III. 2017. to caves ‒ the main settlement type. Up to now, 450 hill forts are identified on the map, and 85 of the- se (i.e., 19%) are named after saints. On the basis of field research and data from both historical and Abstract contemporary topographic maps, a detailed topo- Mjesna imena odraz su izgleda prostora, gospodar- graphical layout of toponyms and an analysis of their stva, povijesnog razvitka te društvenih odnosa. Ona distribution have been made in relation to two main govore o slojevitosti naseljavanja određenog teritori- physical features, sea and land, and two linguistic ja. Tijekom brončanog i željeznog doba u Istri, osim areas, Croatian and Italian. Small churches, or their pećina, glavni oblik naselja bile su gradine kojih je remains, or just the toponyms with names of saints, kartirano oko 450, od kojih čak 85 ili 19 % nose show the continuity of life in a particular site, as well svetačka imena. Na temelju terenskih istraživanja te as the security that was guaranteed within its walls. korištenja podataka s povijesnih i suvremenih topo- The most frequent hagiotoponym is St Mary with all grafskih karata napravljen je detaljni razmještaj topo- of its variants (Sv. Marina [St Marina]). nima i analiza njihove rasprostranjenosti s obzirom KEYWORDS: Istria; prehistory; hill forts; hagioto- na dva fizička prostora, more i kopno, i dva jezič- ponyms 1 “Hagiotoponimi na istarskim gradinama” bila je tema izla- 1 A paper entitled “Hagiotoponyms on hill forts of Istria” was ganja na Međunarodnoj konferenciji Jezici i kulture u vremenu presented at the International conference “Languages and cultu- i prostoru 5, održanoj 31. listopada 2015. na Filozofskom fakul- res in time and space 5” (Abstracts and programme conference, tetu u Novom Sadu (Srbija). (Sažetci i program konferencije, 15, October 31st, 2015, Faculty of Humanities in Novi Sad (Serbia), ISBN: 978-86-6065-329-3.) ISBN: 978-86-6065-329-3). K. Buršić-Matijašić, Hagiotoponimi na istarskim gradinama, MHM, 4, 2017, 111‒135 1. UVOD 1. INTRODUCTION Pored klasičnih arheoloških istraživanja2 danas se In addition to classical archaeological sve više prostoru približavamo interdisciplinarnim investigations,2 nowadays we use the interdiscipli- pristupom jer je čovjek osim fizičkih materijalnih nary approach to the study of landscape more and ostataka ostavio i bezbroj tragova nematerijalne more because, in addition to the material cultural kulture. Popisivanjem, tumačenjem i istraživanjem evidence, its inhabitants left numerous intangible imenskog blaga obogaćujemo saznanja o našoj traces as well. We enrich our knowledge of the past prošlosti. U bogatoj onomastičkoj literaturi obra- by recording, interpreting and investigating nomi- đuju se dva polja: osobna imena (antroponimi) i nal corpora. Abundant onomastic literature studi- mjesna imena (toponimi). Toponimi ili mjesna es two fields: personal names (anthroponyms) and imena sastavni su dio svakog krajolika. Nastali su u place names (toponyms). The latter are constituent odnosu čovjeka i prostora i odraz su njegova izgle- parts of every landscape. They are born out of the da, gospodarstva, povijesnog razvitka te društve- man - landscape relationship and they reflect the nih odnosa. Oni govore o slojevitosti naseljavanja appearance of the landscape, economy, historical određenog teritorija i u stalnoj su mijeni. U krajo- development and social relations. They speak of liku Istre vodeći tip ostataka naselja prapovijesnih stratification of settlements of a certain territory metalnih razdoblja zauzimaju gradine ili kašteljeri. and they are in constant flux. Hill forts (or castelli- One su tip naselja na uzvisinama u prostoru pre- eri) are the main type of settlements from the Me- poznatljivima zbog zaravnjenih vrhova i padina tal Ages prehistoric periods. They are settlements podijeljenih u terase koje štite zidovi od velikih ka- placed on elevations, easily recognisable in the menih blokova. U Istri je kartirano oko 450 ostata- landscape for their flattened tops and terraced slo- ka prapovijesnih naselja bez kronološke distinkcije pes protected by walls made of large stone blocks. onih iz brončanog i željeznog doba.3 Također, ovo Approximately 450 prehistoric settlements from je cjelokupni broj nalazišta u koje smo ubrojili one Istria are mapped from both the Bronze and the s materijalnim dokazima (materijalni tragovi na te- Iron Ages, but with no chronological distinction renu, rezultati arheoloških istraživanja), kao i onih between them.3 This is also the total number of hipotetičnih (bez vidljivih materijalnih dokaza). sites which includes both those with material pro- Na temelju terenskih istraživanja i korištenja poda- ofs (material traces on site, results of archaeological taka s povijesnih i suvremenih topografskih karata investigations) and hypothetical ones (with no vi- izradila sam detaljni razmještaj toponima i anali- sible material proofs). On the basis of field research zirala njihovo postojanje s obzirom na dva fizička and data from both historical and contemporary prostora, more i kopno, i dva današnja jezična pro- topographic maps, I made a detailed topographi- stora, ono hrvatsko i ono romansko. U projektu cal layout of toponyms and analysed them in rela- su od presudnog značaja bili podaci s povijesnih tion to two main physical features, sea and land, karata, katastarskih mapa (preglednih listova) i and two linguistic areas, Croatian and Italian. The dobiveni od ispitanika.4 Posebnu kontrolu izvršila data from historical maps, cadastral maps (survey sam pregledom popisa imena Anala leksikografskog sheets) and those obtained from informants are zavoda FNRJ, svezak 3, iz 1956. godine gdje su of the utmost importance for the project.4 The abecednim redom navedeni svi toponimi zapadne 2 P. BARKER 2000. 2 P. BARKER 2000. 3 K. BURŠIĆ-MATIJAŠIĆ 2007: 582. 3 K. BURŠIĆ-MATIJAŠIĆ 2007: 582. 4 During my long-standing field-work I met many informants 4 Dugogodišnjim radom na terenu susretala sam mnoge ispita- who provided me with valuable information that has never been nike koji su mi davali dragocjene podatke koji nisu bili zabilježeni registered on any map that I have used. Most of them are re- na korištenim kartama. Većina je zapisana u knjizi Gradine Istre, corded in the monograph Gradine Istre, Povijest prije povijesti (K. Povijest prije povijesti (K. BURŠIĆ-MATIJAŠIĆ 2007: 317), dok BURŠIĆ-MATIJAŠIĆ 2007: 317), while the others, the ones I su drugi koje sam susretala nakon 2007. godine uvršteni u radove met after 2007, are recorded in other publications. So, for instan- tiskane u drugim publikacijama. Tako sam npr. za toponime uz ce, I am very grateful to Anton Meden for the toponyms of the Limsku dragu zahvalna Antonu Medenu. Limska draga region. 112 K. Buršić-Matijašić, Hagiotoponyms on the hill forts of Istria, MHM, 4, 2017, 111‒135 examination of alphabeti- cally listed toponyms from western Istria, Cres and Lošinj presented in Anali leksikografskog zavoda FNRJ (vol. 3, 1956)5 enabled an additional control of the data, and these names were added to the table, in the “Name variants” column. Hill forts, as one of the most remarkable features in the prehistory of Istria, attract attention for their appearance, archaeological finds (both architectural and small finds), as well as for their names. The latter are usually connected to the function of the place: city, fort. In addition to such toponyms, hills througho- ut Istria are known by va- rious other names, some of which are motivated by the physio-geographic features (Gromača) or by the loca- tion (Brdo, Glavica, Vrh), vegetation (Lanišće, Mon- kodonja), animal (Konjski vrh, Orljak) or water (Bo- Karta . Karta Istre s označenim gradinskim naseljima (K. BURŠIĆ-MATIJAŠIĆ 2007) ljun). Besides the names Map . Map of hill forts in Istria (K. BURŠIĆ-MATIJAŠIĆ 2007) that have a meaning of affi- Istre, Cresa i Lošinja.5 Njih sam dodala u popis u liation or express the belonging of a terrain to indi- rubriku inačice imena. viduals or groups (Barbolan), there are others that Gradine kao jedna od najzanimljivijih pojava u express the influence of men on the terrain (Kući- prapovijesti Istre privlače svojim izgledom, arhe- ne, Kaž, Straža).6 The latter encompass the eleva- ološkim nepokretnim i pokretnim materijalom, ted positions of hill fort type named after saints, kao i imenima. Njihova su imena najčešće veza- the hagiotoponyms (from Greek hagios ‘holy’).7 na uz funkciju mjesta: grad, kaštel. Osim ovih to- Churches were built on elevations
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