HANDBOOK OF STATISTICS ON INDIAN SECURITIES MARKET 2017 i Conventions used in this report: ` : Indian Rupees Lakh : One Hundred Thousand Million : Ten Lakh Crore : 10 Million Billion : 1000 Million / 100 Crore $ : US Dollar NA : Not Available Na : Not Applicable O Difference in total may be due to rounding off and may not add up to exactly hundred percent. O Data in a few tables have revised and hence may not match with previous issues. Copies available at: Department of Economic and Policy Analysis Securities and Exchange Board of India Plot No C4-A, “G” Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051 ii FOREWORD A comprehensive, dependable and up-to-date statistical information base is essential for sound decision-making by regulators worldwide. There is a need to disseminate information about the Indian securities market at one place to all stakeholders, viz., investors, intermediaries, institutions, researchers and others on a regular basis. With this objective, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has been making continuous efforts to IXO¿OOWKLVVSHFL¿FQHHG:KLOHWKH¿UVWHGLWLRQRIWKH+DQGERRNRIVWDWLVWLFVZDVSXEOLVKHGLQWKHFRQWHQWRI subsequent editions have been continuously updated and enriched. 7KLVHGLWLRQRIWKH³+DQGERRNRI6WDWLVWLFVRQWKH,QGLDQ6HFXULWLHV0DUNHW´SXEOLVKHGE\WKH6HFXULWLHV and Exchange Board of India serves as a useful publication. The Handbook provides historical data on the Indian securities market at one place arranged in an annual and monthly series. The volume also contains tables on the international securities market. The data for this Handbook has been compiled from SEBI, Reserve Bank of India, stock exchanges, commodity exchanges, credit rating agencies, depositaries, World Federation of Exchanges and others. The Handbook is available both in hardcover and online on SEBI website with download option in various formats, which enables users to access the most up-to-date data around the clock. I believe the Handbook will be useful for policy-makers, institutions, market participants, academicians, researchers and all others interested in the development of the Indian securities market. We would welcome feedback on the same and suggestions for further improvement. Ajay Tyagi Chairman iii iv Table No. Page No. Part I : Indian Securities Market (Annual Series) Primary Market 1 Resources Mobilised from the Primary Market 3 ,QGXVWU\ZLVH&ODVVL¿FDWLRQRI5HVRXUFHV0RELOLVHG 4 3 6L]HZLVH&ODVVL¿FDWLRQRI5HVRXUFHV0RELOLVHG 5 4 Sector-wise and Region-wise Distribution of Resources Mobilised 5 5 Resources Mobilised through SME Platform 6 6 5HVRXUFHV0RELOLVHGWKURXJK4XDOL¿HG,QVWLWXWLRQDO3ODFHPHQWV 6 Preferential Allotments Listed at BSE and NSE 6 8 Private Placement of Corporate Debt Reported to NSE & BSE 9 ADR/GDR Issues and ECBs 10 Offer for Sale through Stock Exchanges Secondary Market 11 Trading Statistics of Stock Exchanges 8 Turnover at Equity Cash Segment of Exchanges 9 13 Trends in Equity Cash Segment of BSE 9 14 Trends in Equity Cash Segment of NSE 9 15 Settlement Statistics for Equity Cash Segment of BSE 10 16 Settlement Statistics for Equity Cash Segment of NSE 10 Percentage Share of Top ‘N’ Securities/Members in Turnover in Equity Cash Segment 11 18 Annual Averages of Major Indices and Market Capitalisation of BSE and NSE 11 19 City-wise Distribution of Turnover of Equity Cash Segment at BSE and NSE Trends of Broader Stock Indices Volatility of Major Indices 13 Indicators of Liquidity 13 Trends in Equity Derivatives Segment of BSE and NSE 14 Settlement Statistics of Equity Derivatives Segment at BSE and NSE 15 Commodity Derivatives Market Commodity Exchanges - Number of Permitted Commodities 16 Trends in MCX COMDEX and DHAANYA Index Trends in Commodity Futures at MCX 18 Trends in Commodity Futures at NCDEX 19 Trends in Commodity Futures at NMCE 19 30 Trends in Commodity Futures at ICEX 31 Trends in Commodity Option at MCX Trends in Commodity Futures at Regional Commodity Exchange 33 Product segment wise percentage share in turnover at MCX,NCDEX,NMCE & ICEX 34 Participant-wise Percentage Share in Turnover & Open Interest at MCX 35 Participant - wise Percentage Share in Turnover & Open Interest at NCDEX 36 Participant-wise Percentage Share in Turnover & Open Interest at NMCE Participant-wise Percentage Share in Turnover & Open Interest at ICEX 38 Commodity-wise Snapshot at MCX 39 Commodity-wise Snapshot at NCDEX 40 Commodity-wise Snapshot at NMCE Intermediaries Associated with Securities Market 41 SEBI Registered Market Intermediaries Exchange-wise Brokers Registered with SEBI in Equity Cash Segment i Table No. Page No. 43 Exchange-wise Brokers Registered with SEBI in Equity Derivatives Segment 30 44 Exchange-wise Brokers Registered with SEBI in Currency Derivatives Segment 30 45 Stock Brokers on the basis of ownership in Equity Cash Segment 31 46 Stock Brokers on the basis of ownership in Equity Derivatives Segment 33 Stock Brokers on the basis of ownership in Currency Derivatives Segment 34 48 Brokers on the basis of ownership in National Commodities Derivatives Segment 35 49 Brokers on the basis of ownership in Regional Commodity Exchanges 35 50 Registered Sub- Brokers 36 Mutual Funds 51 Trends in Resource Mobilisation by Mutual Funds Scheme-wise Resouce Mobilisation by Mutual Funds 38 53 Net Resources Mobilised By Mutual Funds 40 54 Trends in Transactions on Stock Exchanges by Mutual Funds 55 City-wise Resource Mobilisation and Assets Under Management of Mutual Funds 43 56 Resource Mobilised by Mutual Funds under Direct and Regular Plans 44 Type-wise Resource Mobilisation by Mutual Funds: Open ended and Close-ended 45 Foreign Portfolio Investment 58 )RUHLJQ,QYHVWPHQW,QÀRZV 46 59 Trends in Foreign Portfolio Investment 46 60 Foreign Portfolio Investment in Equity and Debt Segment 61 Notional Value of Offshore Derivative Instruments vs Assets Under Custody of Foreign Portfolio Investors/Deemed FPIs Assets under the Custody of Custodians 48 Other Activities 63 Trading in the Corporate Debt Market 49 64 Ratings Assigned to Cprporate Debt Securities 49 65 Review of Accepted Ratings of Corporate Debt Securities 50 66 Receipt and Redressal of Investor Grievances 50 Investigations by SEBI 51 68 Nature of Investigations Taken up by SEBI 51 69 Nature of Investigations Completed by SEBI 51 Action Taken by SEBI Substancial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers Progress of Dematerialisation at NSDL and CDSL 53 Part II : Indian Securities Market (Monthly Series) Primary Market Resource Mobilised from the Primary market (Public and Right Issues) Resource Mobilised by Corporate Sector (Public,Rights and Private Placements) 59 ,QGXVWU\ZLVH&ODVVL¿FDWLRQRI5HVRXUFHV0RELOL]HG 61 6L]HZLVH&ODVVL¿FDWLRQRI5HVRXUFHV0RELOLVHG 69 6HFWRUZLVHDQG5HJLRQZLVH&ODVVL¿FDWLRQRI5HVRXUFH0RELOLVHG Resource Mobilised Through SME Platform 5HVRXUFH0RELOLVDWLRQ7KURXJK4XDOL¿HG,QVWLWXWLRQDO3ODFHPHQW 80 Preferential Allotments Listed at BSE and NSE 81 Offer for sale through Stock Exchanges ADR/GDR Issues ii Table No. Page No. Secondary Market 83 Monthly Averages of S & P BSE Sensex 80 84 Monthly Averages of Nifty 50 80 85 Comparative Valuations of Indices (P/E and P/B Ratios) 81 86 Volatility of Major Indices (percent) 83 Trends Sectoral Stock Indices 85 88 Trends in Broader Stock Indices 89 Mode of Trading in the Cash Segment at NSE (as percentage of Total Turnover) 89 90 Mode of Trading in the Cash Segment at BSE (as percentage of Total Turnover) 91 91 Trends in Equity Cash Segment of BSE 93 Trends in Equity Cash Segment of NSE 95 93 Advances/Declines in Equity Cash Segment of BSE and NSE (No.of Companies) 94 Percentage Share of Top ‘N’ Securities in Turnover in Equity Cash Segment 99 95 Percentage Share of Top ‘N’ Members in Turnover in Equity Cash Segment 101 96 Settlement Statistics for Equity Cash Segment of BSE 103 Settlement Statistics for Equity Cash Segment of NSE 105 98 Categorywise share of Turnover in Equity Cash Segment of BSE and NSE (percent) 99 Mode of Trading in the Equity Derivatives Segment at NSE (as percentage of Total Turnover) 109 100 Mode of Trading in the Equity Derivatives Segment at BSE (as percentage of Total Turnover) 111 101 Trends in Equity Derivatives segment of BSE (Turnover in Notional Value) 113 Trends in Equity Derivatives segment of NSE 116 103 Settlement Statistics for Equity Derivative Segment of BSE and NSE 119 104 Category wise Share of Turnover & Open Interest in Equity Derivative Segment of BSE (percent) 105 Category wise Share of Turnover & Open Interest in Equity Derivative Segment of NSE (percent) 106 Instrument wise Turnover in Index Derivatives at BSE Instrument wise Turnover in Index Derivatives at NSE 108 Trading Statistics of Currency Derivatives Segment 109 Settlement Statistics of Currency Derivatives Segment 131 110 Instrument wise Turnover and Open Interest in Currency Derivatives Segment of BSE(percent) 110 111 Instrument wise Turnover and Open Interest in Currency Derivatives Segment of NSE(percent) 134 Instrument-wise Turnover and Open Interest in Currency Derivatives Segment of MSEI (percent) 136 113 Trading Statistics of Interest Rate Futures Segment at BSE,NSE and MSEI 138 114 Settlement Statistics in Interest Rate Futures Segment at BSE,NSE,and MSEI 140 115 Instrumentwise Turnover in Interst Rate Derivatives of BSE,NSE and MSEI 116 Business Growth on the Negotiated Trade Reporting Paltform of NSE 146 Instrument-wise Share of Securities Traded in Negotiated Trade Reporting Platform
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