Local Government Elections 2008 Results (UNOFFICIAL) NOTE: Sort by clicking on the column title. Import to Excel Acclamations will appear in this report prior to Nov 15. Local Jurisdiction ID Firstname Lastname Middlename Gender Experience Elected Address 1 Address 2 City ProvCode Postal Acclamation Elected Number Updated Government (PK) Type Code of Votes 100 Mile District 746 Mitch Campsall M Served MAYOR Box 340 385 Birch 100 Mile BC V0K YES 332 2008­11­ House prior to Avenue House 2E0 15 2005 23:57:39 100 Mile District 843 Bill Hadden M None COUNCILLOR Box 340 385 Birch 100 Mile BC V0K YES 352 2008­11­ House Avenue House 2E0 15 23:57:39 100 Mile District 764 Mel Torgerson M None COUNCILLOR Box 340 385 Birch 100 Mile BC V0K YES 343 2008­11­ House Avenue House 2E0 15 23:57:39 100 Mile District 763 Jeanne Best F None COUNCILLOR Box 340 385 Birch 100 Mile BC V0K YES 328 2008­11­ House Avenue House 2E0 15 23:57:39 100 Mile District 759 Dave Mingo M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR Box 340 385 Birch 100 Mile BC V0K YES 397 2008­11­ House Councillor Avenue House 2E0 15 23:57:39 Abbotsford City 1298 Dave Loewen M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 32315 South 32315 South Abbotsford BC V2T YES 10308 2008­11­ Councillor Fraser Way Fraser Way 1W7 15 23:17:21 Abbotsford City 1323 John Smith M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 32315 South 32315 South Abbotsford BC V2T YES 11310 2008­11­ Councillor Fraser Way Fraser Way 1W7 15 23:17:23 Abbotsford City 1296 Lynne Harris F Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 32315 South 32315 South Abbotsford BC V2T YES 13913 2008­11­ Councillor Fraser Way Fraser Way 1W7 15 23:17:21 Abbotsford City 1294 Moe Gill M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 32315 South 32315 South Abbotsford BC V2T YES 13248 2008­11­ Councillor Fraser Way Fraser Way 1W7 15 23:17:21 Abbotsford City 1217 Les Barkman M None COUNCILLOR 32315 South 32315 South Abbotsford BC V2T YES 10542 2008­11­ Fraser Way Fraser Way 1W7 15 23:17:19 Abbotsford City 1313 Patricia Ross F Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 32315 South 32315 South Abbotsford BC V2T YES 15415 2008­11­ Councillor Fraser Way Fraser Way 1W7 15 23:17:22 Abbotsford City 1185 George Peary W M Served MAYOR 32315 South 32315 South Abbotsford BC V2T YES 15186 2008­11­ prior to Fraser Way Fraser Way 1W7 15 2005 23:17:17 Abbotsford City 1290 Simon Gibson M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 32315 South 32315 South Abbotsford BC V2T YES 10549 2008­11­ Councillor Fraser Way Fraser Way 1W7 15 23:17:21 Abbotsford City 1303 Bill MacGregor M None COUNCILLOR 32315 South 32315 South Abbotsford BC V2T YES 9390 2008­11­ Fraser Way Fraser Way 1W7 15 23:17:22 Alberni­ Regional 2148 Glenn Wong M Incumbent­ DIRECTOR 3008 Fifth 3008 Fifth Port Alberni BC V9Y YES YES 0 2008­11­ Clayoquot District Director Avenue Avenue 2E3 14 09:19:20 Alberni­ Regional 2147 Patty Edwards F Incumbent­ DIRECTOR 3008 Fifth 3008 Fifth Port Alberni BC V9Y YES YES 0 2008­11­ Clayoquot District Director Avenue Avenue 2E3 14 09:19:22 Local Jurisdiction ID Firstname Lastname Middlename Gender Experience Elected Address 1 Address 2 City ProvCode Postal Acclamation Elected Number Updated Government (PK) Type Code of Votes Alberni­ Regional 2146 Penny Cote F Incumbent­ DIRECTOR 3008 Fifth 3008 Fifth Port Alberni BC V9Y YES YES 0 2008­11­ Clayoquot District Director Avenue Avenue 2E3 14 09:19:23 Alberni­ Regional 2145 Tony Bennett M Incumbent­ DIRECTOR 3008 Fifth 3008 Fifth Port Alberni BC V9Y YES YES 0 2008­11­ Clayoquot District Director Avenue Avenue 2E3 14 09:19:24 Alberni­ Regional 2144 Michael Kokura M Incumbent­ DIRECTOR 3008 Fifth 3008 Fifth Port Alberni BC V9Y YES YES 0 2008­11­ Clayoquot District Director Avenue Avenue 2E3 14 09:19:24 Alberni­ Regional 2143 Stephan Ochman M Incumbent­ DIRECTOR 3008 Fifth 3008 Fifth Port Alberni BC V9Y YES YES 0 2008­11­ Clayoquot District Director Avenue Avenue 2E3 14 09:19:26 Alert Bay Village 916 Paul Friesen M None COUNCILLOR Bag Service 15 Maple Alert Bay BC V0N YES 90 2008­11­ 2800 Road 1A0 15 22:27:07 Alert Bay Village 674 Doug Aberley C M None COUNCILLOR Bag Service 15 Maple Alert Bay BC V0N YES 160 2008­11­ 2800 Road 1A0 15 22:27:02 Alert Bay Village 478 Linda Gilarski M F None COUNCILLOR Bag Service 15 Maple Alert Bay BC V0N YES 111 2008­11­ 2800 Road 1A0 15 22:27:11 Alert Bay Village 477 Brenda Gordon F Served COUNCILLOR Bag Service 15 Maple Alert Bay BC V0N YES 136 2008­11­ prior to 2800 Road 1A0 15 2005 22:27:11 Alert Bay Village 473 Michael Berry D M Incumbent­ MAYOR Bag Service 15 Maple Alert Bay BC V0N YES YES 0 2008­11­ Councillor 2800 Road 1A0 14 09:18:23 Anmore Village 1861 Chris Sedergreen M Unknown COUNCILLOR 2697 2697 Anmore BC V3H YES 311 2008­11­ Sunnyside Sunnyside 5G9 15 Road Road 22:30:14 Anmore Village 1859 Mario Piamonte M Unknown COUNCILLOR 2697 2697 Anmore BC V3H YES 336 2008­11­ Sunnyside Sunnyside 5G9 15 Road Road 22:30:14 Anmore Village 1858 John McEwen M Unknown COUNCILLOR 2697 2697 Anmore BC V3H YES 368 2008­11­ Sunnyside Sunnyside 5G9 15 Road Road 22:30:14 Anmore Village 1857 Kerri Palmer Isaak F Unknown COUNCILLOR 2697 2697 Anmore BC V3H YES 347 2008­11­ Sunnyside Sunnyside 5G9 15 Road Road 22:30:14 Anmore Village 1856 Hal Weinberg M Incumbent­ MAYOR 2697 2697 Anmore BC V3H YES 370 2008­11­ Mayor Sunnyside Sunnyside 5G9 15 Road Road 22:30:14 Armstrong City 256 Chris Pieper M Incumbent­ MAYOR Box 40 3570 Bridge Armstrong BC V0E YES 816 2008­11­ Councillor Street 1B0 15 22:43:45 Armstrong City 255 Paul Britton M Unknown COUNCILLOR Box 40 3570 Bridge Armstrong BC V0E YES 591 2008­11­ Street 1B0 15 22:43:45 Armstrong City 306 Shirley Fowler F Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR Box 40 3570 Bridge Armstrong BC V0E YES 709 2008­11­ Councillor Street 1B0 15 22:43:45 Local Jurisdiction ID Firstname Lastname Middlename Gender Experience Elected Address 1 Address 2 City ProvCode Postal Acclamation Elected Number Updated Government (PK) Type Code of Votes Armstrong City 254 Ron O'Sullivan M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR Box 40 3570 Bridge Armstrong BC V0E YES 636 2008­11­ Councillor Street 1B0 15 22:43:45 Armstrong City 252 Ryan Nitchie M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR Box 40 3570 Bridge Armstrong BC V0E YES 688 2008­11­ Councillor Street 1B0 15 22:43:45 Armstrong City 365 John Trainor M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR Box 40 3570 Bridge Armstrong BC V0E YES 532 2008­11­ Councillor Street 1B0 15 22:43:45 Armstrong City 637 Kelly Rowe F Unknown COUNCILLOR Box 40 3570 Bridge Armstrong BC V0E YES 410 2008­11­ Street 1B0 15 22:43:45 Ashcroft Village 466 Colin Williams G M Unknown COUNCILLOR Box 129 601 Bancroft Ashcroft BC V0K YES 418 2008­11­ Street 1A0 15 23:48:00 Ashcroft Village 465 Jerry Fiddick T M None COUNCILLOR Box 129 601 Bancroft Ashcroft BC V0K YES 480 2008­11­ Street 1A0 15 23:47:59 Ashcroft Village 454 Andy Anderson M Incumbent­ MAYOR Box 129 601 Bancroft Ashcroft BC V0K YES 474 2008­11­ Mayor Street 1A0 15 23:47:56 Ashcroft Village 561 Helen Kormendy A F Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR Box 129 601 Bancroft Ashcroft BC V0K YES 512 2008­11­ Councillor Street 1A0 15 23:47:59 Ashcroft Village 555 Alice Durksen F Unknown COUNCILLOR Box 129 601 Bancroft Ashcroft BC V0K YES 325 2008­11­ Street 1A0 15 23:47:59 Barriere District 1096 Ron Glanville M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR PO Box 219 4936 Barriere Barriere BC V0E YES 367 2008­11­ Councillor Town Road 1E0 15 22:44:54 Barriere District 1116 Virginia Smith F Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR PO Box 219 4936 Barriere Barriere BC V0E YES 402 2008­11­ Councillor Town Road 1E0 15 22:44:54 Barriere District 1078 Mike Fennell M Incumbent­ MAYOR PO Box 219 4936 Barriere Barriere BC V0E YES YES 0 2008­11­ Councillor Town Road 1E0 14 09:20:15 Barriere District 1108 Pat Paula F Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR PO Box 219 4936 Barriere Barriere BC V0E YES 317 2008­11­ Councillor Town Road 1E0 15 22:44:54 Barriere District 1104 Rhonda Kershaw F Unknown COUNCILLOR PO Box 219 4936 Barriere Barriere BC V0E YES 308 2008­11­ Town Road 1E0 15 22:44:54 Barriere District 1122 Glen Stanley M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR PO Box 219 4936 Barriere Barriere BC V0E YES 362 2008­11­ Councillor Town Road 1E0 15 22:44:54 Barriere District 1119 Ward Stamer M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR PO Box 219 4936 Barriere Barriere BC V0E YES 402 2008­11­ Councillor Town Road 1E0 15 22:44:54 Belcarra Village 2039 Jamie Ross M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 4084 Bedwell 4084 Bedwell Belcarra BC V3H YES YES 0 2008­11­ Councillor Bay Road Bay Road 4P8 14 09:18:07 Local Jurisdiction ID Firstname Lastname Middlename Gender Experience Elected Address 1 Address 2 City ProvCode Postal Acclamation Elected Number Updated Government (PK) Type Code of Votes Belcarra Village 2037 Colin Richardson M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 4084 Bedwell 4084 Bedwell Belcarra BC V3H YES YES 0 2008­11­ Councillor Bay Road Bay Road 4P8 14 09:18:08 Belcarra Village 2033 Jennifer Glover F Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 4084 Bedwell 4084 Bedwell Belcarra BC V3H YES YES 0 2008­11­ Councillor Bay Road Bay Road 4P8 14 09:18:10 Belcarra Village 2027 Bruce Drake W M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 4084 Bedwell 4084 Bedwell Belcarra BC V3H YES YES 0 2008­11­ Councillor Bay Road Bay Road 4P8 14 09:18:11 Belcarra Village 2025 Ralph Drew E M Incumbent­ MAYOR 4084 Bedwell 4084 Bedwell Belcarra BC V3H YES YES 0 2008­11­ Mayor Bay Road Bay Road 4P8 14 09:18:12 Bowen Island Island 1804 Nerys Poole F None COUNCILLOR 981 Artisan 981 Artisan Bowen Island BC V0N YES 1001 2008­11­ Municipality Lane Lane 1G2 16 01:04:51 Bowen Island Island 1800 Peter Frinton M Incumbent­ COUNCILLOR 981 Artisan 981 Artisan Bowen Island BC V0N YES 748 2008­11­ Municipality Councillor Lane Lane 1G2 16 01:06:32 Bowen Island Island 1772 Bob Turner M Incumbent­ MAYOR 981 Artisan 981 Artisan Bowen Island BC V0N YES 1069 2008­11­
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