Vol. 71 No. 45 Friday, June 21, 2019 8 Pages • 75¢ Home of Stanley Mireles Trustees: STAAR scores ‘unacceptable’ By Steve Reagan test scores up. At the same because when scores come SDN Staff Writer I know we have teachers and ad- time, he said more needs to be back like this, that’s unac- ministrators working themselves crazy. done and everyone, including ceptable.” Frustration over Snyder We know it’s not because you don’t trustees, need to work harder Final STAAR results, in- ISD student performance on care, but maybe we need to take a toward that goal. cluding letter grades for the state-mandated testing has “I know this is eating a lot school district and individual reached the school board different approach, because when of board members up inside. campuses, will be released level. scores come back like this, that’s It’s eating me up inside,” he later this summer. During the trustees’ meet- unacceptable. said. “If you need our help in In other business Thurs- ing Thursday, board president - Trustee Lauren Collier any way, we’ll do it. It’s all day, trustees approved an Ralph Ramon and trustee of our jobs and we need to agreement with Grapevine- Lauren Collier both voiced Snyder Primary School stu- students to perform better be- do whatever we need to do to Colleyville ISD to provide dissatisfaction with what they dents passed the STAAR, cause we have high expecta- help. But we need to see re- instruction in some math and deemed as “unacceptable” compared to 65.2 percent at tions for them. We improved sults.” science courses and the pur- student scores on the State of Snyder Intermediate School, (on the STAAR scores), but Collier also said more chase of reading material de- Texas Assessments of Aca- 60 percent at Snyder Junior we all feel that, at this point, needs to be done to improve signed for English language demic Readiness (STAAR) High School and 68 percent at we would be moving a lot student test scores. arts and reading students. Jeremy Michael Moody exams. Snyder ISD students Snyder High School. faster.” “I know it’s not pretty. We Trustees also formally ap- U.S. Army showed some overall im- That performance was not Ramon didn’t lay blame at all know it’s not pretty and it’s proved a two-year-term con- 2002-15 provement on the STAAR enough to satisfy Ramon. the feet of any particular seg- more than a little frustrating,” tract for new Athletic Direc- during the latest round of “This is not what we expect ment of the school district, she said. “I know we have tor and head football coach Today’s Veteran sponsored by testing this spring, but grades out of our kids,” Ramon said. saying he understood that teachers and administrators Wes Wood, who will be paid Nix’s Auto & Tire Service identified as areas of concern “Students are not a product of everyone involved — stu- working themselves crazy. $92,000 a year. An interview 1510 25th Street 573-3567 in recent years continued to their environment, they are a dents, teachers and adminis- We know it’s not because you with Wood will appear in the struggle. product of their expectations, trators — were doing every- don’t care, but maybe we need weekend edition of the Sny- WEATHER Overall, 73.5 percent of and all of us should expect thing they can to bring the to take a different approach, der Daily News. One stitch at a time Hermleigh ISD becomes district of innovation Hermleigh ISD officially eral students take dual-credit became a district of innova- classes through Western tion on Thursday. Texas College and an earlier During a special meet- start date would benefit those ing, the board of trustees ap- students. Angel Martinez proved the distinction. Herm- Petty said she contacted the Thursday’s high: 103 de- leigh joins Snyder and Ira as Texas Education Agency this grees districts of innovation. morning of the board’s deci- Thursday’s low: 67 de- Becoming a district of in- sion. grees novation allows the Herm- With the new distinction 7 a.m. reading today: 75 leigh administration and in place, the board officially degrees trustees a greater degree of approved the 2019-20 school Rainfall: None local control over several as- calendar on Thursday. Petty 2019 precipitation: 13.84 pects of the school year, in- said the delay in adopting the inches cluding the school calendar, calendar was due to the dis- budgeting, curriculum and trict of innovation study. INANCES instruction, governance and Hermleigh students will F parent or community involve- begin the school year on Aug. WT-Int. Crude $56.65 ment. 15. WTIC Posted $53.00 The major incentive for Board members also ap- Natural Gas $2.18 Hermleigh, Superintendent proved an engagement letter Patterson-UTI $12.05 Cassie Petty said, is to elimi- with Bolinger, Segars and Oxy-Permian $51.01 nate the state’s uniform start Moss, LLP, for auditing ser- Kinder Morgan $21.24 date requirements from the vices for the 2018-19 fiscal school calendar. She said sev- year. TODAY’S QUOTE Progress always in- volves risk. You can’t steal Beautification association second base and keep your foot on first. - Frederick Wilcox plans clean-up for Saturday SDN Photo/Steve Reagan The Snyder Community a few will be mowing yards,” LOttERY Anna Poe (left) and Ruth Morrell worked on a quilt at the Scurry County Senior Citizens Center Beautification Association Calvert said. this morning. (SCBA) latest clean-up effort Calvert expects between 15 Thursday’s Results will be held Saturday morn- to 20 people to take part in the Two Step ing. clean-up, but said others are 6-8-0-33 BB: 4 Crews will meet shortly welcome to participate. Today’s appraisal review board meeting canceled before 7 a.m. on the Gallery “We’ll provide trash bags Cash Five Today’s Scurry County Appraisal Review However, a meeting scheduled for Thursday Warehouse Furniture park- and bottled water for people,” 15-20-29-34-35 Board (ARB) meeting was canceled and re- noted the board would meet in closed session ing lot on College Ave. before she said. “We ask they wear Pick 3 Morning scheduled for next week. to discuss litigation and hold a public hearing fanning out to tackle their brightly colored clothing, 5-1-2 Fireball: 4 Board members were scheduled to meet to “determine good cause for issuance of a re- respective projects, SCBA dress for warm weather and in closed session today to discuss pending or quested subpoena regarding Scurry County President Tona Calvert said. wear closed-toe shoes. Also, Pick 3 Day contemplated litigation with its attorney. No Appraisal District vs. Kinder Morgan, ARB “Most of the people will be they need to bring their own 0-7-8 Fireball: 5 action was scheduled. Case Numbers 342-931.” picking up trash Saturday, but work gloves.” Pick 3 Evening 8-6-7 Fireball: 0 Pick 3 Night Constitutional amendments to be on Nov. 5 ballot 4-3-8 Fireball: 3 Checking lines Voters throughout Texas will decide the a qualified caretaker in certain circumstanc- Daily 4 Morning fate of 10 constitutional amendments on Nov. es. 9-0-7-4 Fireball: 8 5. • The constitutional amendment authoriz- Daily 4 Day The order in which the amendments will ing the legislature to provide for a temporary 7-8-7-3 Fireball: 1 appear on the ballot will be decided at a later exemption from ad valorem taxation of a por- Daily 4 Evening date. Early voting will be held Oct. 21 through tion of the appraised value of certain property 9-9-2-3 Fireball: 3 Nov. 1. Here is the text of how the amend- damaged by a disaster. ments will read on the ballot: • The constitutional amendment prohibit- Daily 4 Night • The constitutional amendment providing ing the imposition of an individual income 2-7-3-4 Fireball: 1 for the creation of the flood infrastructure tax, including a tax on an individual’s share fund to assist in the financing of drainage, of partnership and unincorporated association ASK US flood mitigation and flood control projects. income. • The constitutional amendment authoriz- • The constitutional amendment permitting Q. — When is the Texas ing the legislature to increase by $3 billion a person to hold more than one office as a mu- tax-free holiday weekend the maximum bond amount authorized for the nicipal judge at the same time. scheduled this year? Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of • The constitutional amendment providing A. — The back-to-school Texas. for the issuance of additional general obliga- tax-free weekend will be • The constitutional amendment dedicating tion bonds by the Texas Water Development held Aug. 9-11. the revenue received from the existing state Board in an amount not to exceed $200 mil- sales and use taxes that are imposed on sport- lion to provide financial assistance for the de- INDEX ing goods to the Texas Parks and Wildlife velopment of certain projects in economically Department and the Texas Historical Com- distressed areas. Classifieds....................6-7 mission to protect Texas’ natural areas, water • The constitutional amendment authoriz- Community Calendar.......2 quality and history by acquiring, managing ing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem Dear Abby.........................5 and improving state and local parks and his- taxation precious metal held in a precious Entertainment..................4 toric sites while not increasing the rate of the metal depository located in this state. Obituaries........................2 state sales and use taxes.
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