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MORUANE U6(0 fr>()RfA THE SUSTAINABtLiTY OF COMMUNITY PARTtCtPATION IN DEVELOPMENTAL PROJECTS: NORTH WEST PROVINCE BY DIMAKATSO SINAH MORUANE MINI - DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE MASTERS OF ARTS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENn IN THE FACULTY OF ARTS OF THE RAND AFRIKAANS UNIVERSITY SUPERVISORS : PROFESSOR MITCHELL TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNO~EDGEMENTS ABSTRACTS OPSOMMING LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL ORIENTATION . 1 cD Introduction . ([) (~ Problem orientation . ([J @ Motivation for study . -25 4. Study focus ..............................................•............................................................. 4 5. Statement of problem . 5 6. The Value of the study . 5 - ;.'~ ()) Aims and objects of the study . <ED 7.1 Aim . .~ 7.2 Objectives . 6~ 8. Assumptions ,...................................................................................•....... 7 @ Research Questions . on @) Definition of concepts . 8 10.1 CoInmunity participation .....................................................•........•........ 9 @ustainability . 9 10.3 Community development projects . 9 10.4 Motivational factors . 9 G Research methodology : . 1~9-> {-::g:::' ~G Type of research ....................................•............................................. ~. --':;,:.:..---.. \11.2)Research design . 10 . ~" , 11.3 Population and W8!f of sampling ............•............................................. 11 - .... ,"-.. .~ '>:1 ", (11.4, Methods of data collection ...............•.................•................................. "~. - >-..." lL< 12. Validity ..........................•............................•........................................................ 12 13. Reliability . 13 13.1 Piloting . 13 14. Umitations ofthe study 1"3 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVI8N ..'" '" 16 1. Introduction...................................................................... 16 1.1 Definition 17 .1.2 Factors intJuencing partiCipation '" '" 19 1.2.1 Need assessment......... 20 1.2.2 Organization. 22 1.2.3 Resource mobilization 23 1.2.4 Leadership 26 1.2.5 Management 27 1.2.6 Focus on the poor 29 2. Obstacles to Community Participation 32 3. Community Development Projects 34 Condusion . 35 Chapter3 OVERVIEWS OF POUCY ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: NORTH WEST PROVINCE 36 3.1 The department circular no 22 of 1981 36 3.2 National Parks Board .. 37 3.3 Agricor .........•................................•.. ......................•... 37 3.4 Community Development 37 3.5 The office of Governors and Local Government 38 Chapter4 PARTICIPANT'S OPINIONS ON COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: AN EMPIRICAL STUDy........................... 41 1. Introduction 41 2. Description of the Empirical Findings 41 2.1 Method of data collection 42 2.2 Population group . 42 3. Discussion of Empirical Resufts 42 3.1 Biographical data , 42 3.1.1 Table 1: Sex and marital status 42 3.1.2 Age in years 43 3.1.3 Highest educational qualifications 44 3.1.4 Religious affiliation 46 3.1.5 OCCUpation 46 3.1.6 Households ...............................•.................. 47 3.1.7 Level of Participation in projects 47 3.1.8 Housing 48 3.1.9 Period of participation 49 3.1.10 Problemsexperiencedduring participation 51 3.2 Experiencesduring participating 54 3.2.1 Improvement of communication and interactionskills 54 3.2.2 Need assessment 55 3.2.3 Screening 56 3.2.4 Training 57 3.2.5 Evaluation of the project 58 3.3 Strategiesused to counteract problematicsituations .. 59 3.3.1 Gossip 59 3.3.2 SUb-groups ......•...... 59 3.3.3 Lack of feedback 59 -.: 3.3.4 Absenteeism and poor performance by others 60 3.4 Opinion about ~~lon making lev~ 60 3.4.1 Table 10: Leadershipstyle preference 60 3.4.2 Opinionsabout profit sharing 61 3.5 Merits of governmentsponsored projects 63 3.5.1 Advantageswhich include 63 3.5.2 Disadvantages.. 63 3.6 State versus private funded projects 63 3.7 Motivationfactors for participation 64 SUMMARY 65 Chapter 5 CONCLUSIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 67 1. Introduction ......•.......•.............. 67 2. COnclu$ions ,. 67 2.1 Characteristics ofthe participants '" 67 @ Suitabilityof proj~ 68 2.3 Basic needsto be addressed first 69 2.4 Problemsexperienced by participants 69 2.5 Need Assessment 70 2.6 Screening 70 @Training 71 ~Technical assistance and funds 71 ~onitOring and Evaluation . 72 3. Recommendations. 73 3.1 Recommendations for Research 73 3.1.1 Basic needs 73 3.2 Recommendations for Pradise 74 3.2.1 Manpolllfer 74 3.2.2 Training 74 3.2.3 Contrading. 75 3.3 Recommendations for Policy ,. 76 3.3.1 Funding.. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY n ANNEXURES LIST OFFiGURES FIGURE NO. FIGURE TITLE PAGE NO 1. Qualifications of respondents 45 2. Period of Participation 50 3. Ratings of Various Problems 52 and 53 4. Mode of Recruitment 56 5. Opinions on collective selling 62 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO TITLE OF THE TABLE PAGE NO. 1. Sex and Marital status 42 2. Age in Years 44 3. Educational qualifications 44 4. Households per house 47 5. Level of Participation 48 6. Types of I?welling 48 ....."- 7. Problems experienced 51 8. Opinions on Communication 54 9. Evaluation of Projects 58 10. Leadership style responses 60 11. Opinions about sharing profit 61 12. Preferences for Government Versus 63 and 64 Private sponsored CD projects ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank the following persons who contributed towards making the compilation of this dissertation a success: Professor Mitchell, My course leader for his enormous guidance and support .... The office of Community Development for availing information District Office Rustenp\.Jf~ and particularly Miss Anita Viljoen, for typing the document. ABSTRACT The North West Province is predominately comprised of rural areas. The occupants of these areas are mostly rural, underprivileged with only a few of the important basic facilities. In most areas the community still get water from the village tap, use wood for heating and candles for lighting. Unemployment is rife, despite the fact that there are mines around Rustenburg, the area in which this study is carried out, has quite a number of people who are jobless. Community Development Projects have been started in this area of the province to uplift the standard of living ofthese communities, but to no avail. The aim ofthis study ls to investigate the opinions of participants concerning these projects, with thefinal aim of improving maximum participation. The failure of these projects is a concern to service providers, service consumers and funders. OPSOMMING Die Noord-WesteJike Provinsie bestaan hoofsaaklik uit landelike gebiede. Die inwoners van hierdie gebiede is hoofsaaklik landelik, minder bevoorreg met slegs 'n paar van die noodsaaklike basiese fasiliteite. In meese gebiede word water nog steeds van die gemeenskaplike kraan verkry, hout word vir verhitting gebruik en kerse vir beligting. WerKJob~heid is wydverspreid, ten spyte van myne rondom Rustenburg, is daar 'n groot aantal mense in die gebied waar hierdie studie uitgevoer is wat werkloos is. Gemeenskapsontwikkelings projekte is in hierdie gebied inisieer om die lewensstandaard van hierdie gemeenskappe op te hef, maar sonder sukses. ~,:doeIstelling ,~, van hierdie studie was om die menings van deelnemers betreffend hierdie projekte te ondersoek, met die finale doelwit om maksimum deelname te bevorder. Die mislukking van hierdie projekte is 'n bran van kommer vir diensverskaffers, diensverbruikers en fondsverkaffers. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL ORIENTATION 1. INTRODUCTION The ~eed to develOI:LcommunitLes in the North ~E!J:~t..PrO,,-il1~_~D_r:!QLQe.~.unger emphasised. The former Bophuthatswana Government had also been highly --------~--- iI)YQI"e(:Lpr~ITI()!iDgthe development of cgmmunities which falls mostly, within the •... ------_:..~._.,.-.~. -_.-.•. _.. _-~---.---"-...,--.~_._--~ North West Province boundaries under the new dispensation. The Government of National Unity implemented strategies for Development, the RDP to improve the standard of living of rural and deprived communities. The system of local government pioneered a special field under its realm, TLC, to link into the issue of facilitating development in their areas, today much on development is still to be desired. All the structures did not impact in any significant or adequate ---'-"--._--.__ .~,--~.,-_ .....- .. ,-,,--~_._-- way to change theJives of the marginalized and disadvantaged. In the former Bophuthatswana a special department was established for development, the department of Lands and Rural Development. Parastatal bodies like Agricor and BNDC (Bophuthatswana National and Development Co-operation) also had a stake in development. Government officials would corne
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