VOL. XXI. CKANBTJRY, N. .J., FRIDAY," AUGUST 1&, 1905. NO. 2 OPPORTUNITY. "Would yon have any objection t SINKING STEAMER SAVED ipginnlng nil over again?" Ono sraichril Hie town and ' country NEW MUTATE NEWS •INOR EVFNTSOFTHEWEEK .throusli, "Why hliould I do thnt? I'm nearly M winter'** snow** .ind hummer's heat, inlf wuy through now.' Death Wakes New Shoroliamf With* ilole in HOP vonv.is there any |ialli but knew "I don't menu the book. I mean our WA.sniNinoN. , The pacinic ut Ins weary feet. cqualntancc" Gunpowder Wizard of Japan. Aroused ;it laM hv the frigblPnIng UK, lull, Makes Run to Hir Dcok. The contract for the conatrucllon of He watched tliruiiiflioul 4he lingering "If you luul not said you thought ; dc.ilh of MISH Ixii'i-tta A. I'fellTor in the now Cusioui House at Sail Kran- Witli laum well (rimmed, tuid door fijnr ;nylng things when there wns nothing j "I.lttlc Coney Island." near North Her* elbco IIIIH liL'vn awarded to Thomas Htit- Icr. of that city, at his hid of $1,104,- Ami Jistciic'tl. lest norne font fall hpht :o say was uncalled for I should be gen. the police of upper Hudson Coun- KbOl)Id hint the friMlcir.il god afar. a^— ty are determined to stump out the r and FJrrmen Hflek lo Their 000. the Imlldhig to be completed by- "orced to believe (but you luul unusual disreputably reports of that locality. I'o.u on lllock Iblinil March I, 1003. _ The god tame not. JtuL there w,n one kill iu Ihc nrt of nmking tnlk." HII-K the wholo world Is nl compound, hu look il liiode.stly to Crooks from New Vork 'City "have TV. E. Daticliy. who hn6 been the en* U ho reck not ol' OIL* flltling dnyt, -'But I mean what I'm saying." tiMed will) nma^cment, nnd Is , Ctovcrnment, wIHi results^ now Hocked then: f jr several ye:ii*s without IS or any thoii^Mn pi deeds undone 1 glncer lu charge of Ibe Culebra dlrl-. Disturbed the tenor ol liia wais. "I know. Yon told me you were oven constcrnntioii, nt Hie nown to alt tin. world. Interference. "Strong arm" men. slon of the canal work and an appoin- tot golntr to'h.'iy nnyllihiK merely to "yi'gK" nien and an orgnnlz'.%d' ping of 1 jrie toiled tio'M sought nn Knotlly prize; ^Iclorioiirf nrnis of .Tniinn "It 'Is fhe ino^t wonderful stuff I '1 .THE a chnnnlng accompaniment to tee of former Chief Engineer Wnllnc* , H*on nn he nlcpt th."* pmt'cnmp 'there erp from disturbing the silence." alike on Pea nnd litiifl, few ever cruuu ucros":," rcniarked a ) p " hnvp nourished. The hood York City.—Tliye e new Hlock Is!-Is! " Mas resigned. •And pouicri lie fore Ins drenny dimmed cyc», The new woman seems to have "evo*, tlie light frock, and will often supple- lie'drew a chair to when.* she sat people glvr a thought to apanese artillery Major to the writer. Innis and rufllans frefiut'iitly disabled nnd passenger steamer the New Shore- Theodore I\ Shonts, .who has re- His more of treasure rich nml fuir. 1 luted" lo the pofnl whei-e'it is it mutter ment the transparent collar and. chem- ,""*'• O'Nciil CJitil.ijfliLT, in London Diu'ly ml. lenning over* tin tmck uf It. aMtcd: havp seen Shiuiiise heap coals of turned from Panama, declared that the. the wonderful powder known as "HIII- of douhl as to which is nan* really iM\-te ' or guluipe very, acceptably. 111 1 11 ".May I hpenk 10 3011 very frankly?" inose," after Its Ingenious nnd expert. ire-on a stack of It. lump; it with all :t f K In thl> 1Unt k chief problem at present was the hous- the "ueakir «ex." At there arc Then; Ore, too tdmllar scarfs of t-oft £;Miiu> Wcouple Ks Inive"* bee^ n^ held up^. "° ' I'laml lmrbor, nnd "IH it anything that will Interest ebemibt-Inventor, which lias wrought 1B force with nn iron mnllrt. and even ing nnd feeding of the employes. home •woman who evftleutly' consider luce* laid over sheer silk with a veU- When monej wa«* not hunicdiiilcly "fler n itnilling run of a mile and n ne?" • such teri'UIc hiivoc among the hosts of ire shot injo.il. Rut the most alarm- -Before leaving- for his vacation, IW- themselves physically superior to those ing of chiffon, nnd bordered by .1 nar- lorHicoiuiin,'. Uin-.tts to drag the wom- hnlf H.mk at her dock-JiM att the Inat "I hope so. For'one thing. I have imporlRl lltiH^in. thhiK he could make it do-under an Into lhe woods-"to as<anlt licrjwere mnster-Gcn?riil Coi-tcfeoli directed the who weie once regarded an lords of IOW line of ostrich or marabou or hy pas;,enger got to shore. Issuance of a new form of nioney or- iscovered tbnt I never fell toward As nil the world known, every nntlon he.se and olher conditions was to burn a niching of Hi tic fnlN of lace, or filU". often made, wlileli gcuenilly brought ny other girl as I feel, toward you." creation. In all times of danger the With I'J3 pass'.-ugers In terror. En- der which. It Is bcliuic'd, will be proof hns its own pt>t rllh* for the nrmy, ami eebly like* tar, and give off a s'^;ly Long straight scai'f:: arc made, like forth ihi>*niaiiey from tier escort. The siifetj of women and Vh'lldreu has notorious resort:* hi that locallly. have glnecr Qiilnlnn stuck lo his post with ftgalnat altcrr.tlou at fie hands of forg- She went on reading. its pecullnr theories about nnvnl ord- 1 moke, Hut only UHP the simple little the little ennat.s, of little overlapping ers. • : "When I look at you I forgot that been suppo^eed to the llrst consld- allied the "creepers." They hnvr at- tlie water -slowly tilling the engine luiiicu also. Oermnny swriirB by her hemlcnl fulminating device which Its frills of, shevr stun* or lace, and one 11 ;n hour ngo I was sorry I bad allowed •ration. It Is different now. irt -least tracted many strain; !'**, who hnve room. Mauser, "we have our I.ec-Enfleld. nnil lventor has provided for it and then, v in some ijuartei's "S:IM> the men lirautiful imported sc.'irf of this shape tuade il iin))')-tsUilc for decent women j ^ «cn -Jiu boat rcncliLNl the "lock. ' OUlt ADOPTED ISLANDS. Mrs. Itidgcwny to Inveigle me byre. KI> on. SimllarlyT every nation bns it(» idecd.. you will see the force which It this moment I fet'l t!:a.t I owe lrer llrst!" was the cry nf Mine. CJast. own- had triple frills of chiffon for it border, to use the tiollet ml ley cars SatunlaSutunlav nnnndd j'"Klml e (Juinlaii W.IH standing waist The transport Logan, with Secretary own "high expTOsIve," the British :is annihilated the power of Imperial tl|l( h m m-everlasting debt of gratitude." er nnd skipper of the motor boat Cn- while the centre of the scarf was cov- Sunday pvpuhi:;*.'owing to tlie*ilriiuk> ' ThThe Kaugphuik ivn« Tflft, MIs.s Itoojevelt and the other, cordite, tlio French melinite, etc. In UMln. 1 ered throughout Us length .by huge en bullies that Infest them. County thrown out and the 12s passengers She put down her book and looked uilllt , when tile rescuers from .1 French niembers of the party on board, UF- all capes the various government chrm- "Dr. Shimofie once sprinkled Home of white silk and velvet poppies with Physician (.'onwr.so. of Hudson Coun- went nsliure safely. The last man hnd rived at Iloilo, Philippine IsIandH. from t him. warship got*oil board Ijpr poor little Ists pursue tlirlr inveHtlgntlons nrlil is ponder In n circle on 11 flat iron touches of yellow and green at their ty, examined the bndy of Ml-s Pfelf- scarcely stepped from the plank when Manila. Tugs with tlie local governor "Will1 you please turn your head to eiaft to snatch her nud the re«t of the tlie steamer careened ami Mink, Quln- experiniqnts in absolute secrecy. urfncc two Inches thick, and whrn he hearts. The puppies were applied fi-r and gave It u<- bh ofllcial opinion and n Inrgc reception committee, con- lie right?" she nsfced. "Now to the rrow frotn the violence of tlie sen. lan being forced to climb it ladder to sisting of^army and navy ofllcen), nnd As iu nl! other departments of Ja- aimed it to explode the mere powder flatly to a chiffon and silk foundation that the girl's dmtli was due to heart !ft. Now please stand up straight ;ind "Snve the men llrsT." It sums up In disease. He cciullrnieil the report of mve himself from drowning. leading citizens, mot the Logan down =XttftfcMI<TOJ(D had a hobby. -It pan's wonderful work, nn nil but im- lone drove n liolo rl^ht tlnoii^h the and their great loose crinkled silk * — ** look tliu fonii.ot'u desire lirow your shoulder* back." 1 a sentence the attitude of piunnclpatetl (he j)h3-Minis- who were »nlleil after j The passenger* were panic-stricken. the bay. penetrable \ell of secrecy has been on, exactly the •rime size ns the rhi). outer petals overlapped each other.— [ Members of the eivw endeavored to conven'tloital. He After he had obeyed her Instructions women.—Iiidlanapollf News*.
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