·•:... ~.-·•"".: -..,.>··-· "". ,,: ..... ,---- - :,..,_,,,;,. _,,, ---:..:·.' J· ........... -·.... ..,... .. ,._ .,_--, •• ,, .. , .. ·;;.,·_ ...;_-.. _ ....... •-7•,·.,. .~ .-·--- --- ,. ... ~ ... .,,,, ~ ..·,.·. ,. ...... -. - .:i'- .\ ·- .-•• , ·..t .. ..,. "'• -,~• -- -- . ' . -,.. , . • ~-· "' . ~~- •. - J. _, -: ........ ' . · ...... _- t~-- -~'. l'dday,.lune 23, 1961 THE I SRA ELITE P·RESS 50th Jubilee Edition-Page 51 I MURDER, HATE /NC. j'lid,na'!aS I ,-oo,a-.-.--i-,-,o-,.-er.-·-,.-,,--.-. -HAMBi-.· -.-.-. "-tiltiM-. _-. •-c.-.-fess-.--. ·Canadian .1 ''JHE BOCBUK PROSECtmON omCE diKlose4 HANS GLOBKE, State Secmm:y in the West Ga- ' , W. weet that Heimicll N'amann, 51-Jear-old man CbanceTI'lf'a of&e,. has admitted that,,he /JJA I. ~- t.·. 'AP . fotmet' 55 leadtt. had 'con!eaed he ordered 'Wal Ole author of a Naz! law making it com- V. .,•• I Iii. ' and .participated in the eucution of. about pu1&ory for Getman Jen to any the name s, BEN TAUBER ... 2,000 .Jews aur Cracow in Nazi-occupied Poland "lmlel• or "'Sarah.n But the West German '. d~. the war. He ns also clmged with official told a U1erisioD intenie\lfer that by Adolf Eichmann found himplf a orderin1 the deportation of about 15,000 Jen wrt"" the Jaw he had been able to prevent it vociferous defellder in Clmada, Ad· to ataminaUon Qll1Jl$ and of .hlmlelf mur• from.lrequirinifJ'ewJS to add the word "Jew" to rien .Arcand, the well-known iascist. · dering. "'Jndhidual Jews in the most gruesome . thelr ·wt names. Herr Globke aid he w:rou: the leader who· iniUated muer 1D Brit- : CONGRATULATIONS TO THE rntnner!" " · · Jaw u an o{£trial of the Interior Ministry mider lsh North Ameriea during the ' the Nazi!. , 1930'• has aime .out of h1s retire- ·•.BONN: SWIIStika 'Ras/J ... ment in the village of Lanoraie, ISRAELITE PRESS , A NEW RASH OF SWASTIKA-daubing, and other n• iU'-"ltJI n1,__ r. Quebec, with a 11Pirited defense of, ' anU.&emitit' mantfedatlom has broke.11 out in · AIU,ffffllVffl rmllif ~flltemelll Eicbmanu, .and a bold. attad: upon I GEORGE Roe.KW.ELL, leadu of. the American Israel and upon Jewry for placl.ng Welt Germany, in connection with the cunent \ Nazi Party, baa encountered double trouble. A the ·German on bial. A well-read • trial of Adolf Eldmnmn. From Dusseldod it On. Its GOLDEN JUBILEE wa.. reported that Nazi alogang and awutil:u meeting be acheduled 1D nearby Front Royal MOJitreal tabloid "h"ouvelles mus­ ·· · were .smeared on. walls and on automobiles in failed to attnu:t an, audience at an. while h1s trees," devoted its front page to a the l>lweldorf suburb of Wermelklrchen. At appearaoce ··ilJ Domestic Belations Court here straight.faced headiog "Adrien Ar· Hamburg, ·-:n h."ie cardboard swastikas were touched off a ruling. bJ the couri that bis ilJ. cand Dares To Say 'The Eichmann found on the lawn in front of the new syna­ come tu statement. are "phony and con- Case is a Sinister Buffoonery'­ gogue there. Restaurants and other public eoded." Rockwell tried to ltage a Nazi recruit• Troubling Revelations of the N• from buildings lu variou.s parts of Germany have ing rally on the County Court House lawn. he tionallst Chief." been daubed with 1logans proclaiming "Free­ called h1s. ~g to order on t§!e city's public · In three, full, well-Wuatrated dom fc,r Eichmann" and "Hell Elrhmann" parking lot. Here in Arlington, Bockwell · ap- pnges, inside, Serg Brosseau nar- Swutlku have also been found painted on peared before Domestic Relations Court .Judge rates how he met Arcand quite per­ the walls of • Christlan church at Emmerich. Hugh Reid, &eekfng s reduction 1D a court chance in a cafe-and then gives order for the support of his three children, from Arcand free rein. Though the edi· $200 monthly to $150, To back h1s request, tors do uot commit themselves to BONN: lntensiHed Edutlltion he ahnwed the court .ii set of books, accounting agreements with Arcand, . there Js THE WINNIPEG TRIBUNE THE FEDERAL YOUTH RING, all-West Germany for an income of $1,190 I.Qt _year. Jndge Reid uot a word of diswociaUou from organization of youth organizations, announced said he wu convinced the books were "phony theH views, not a word of rebuttal, thla week it will intensify its educaUohil pro­ and concocted.n and DO warnlDg to the reader that bringing Winnipeg its "Man On The Spot" News Service gram aimed at instructing the youth of preseut­ such views have been responsible day Germany about the Nazi program for the ror rivers of blood, of which no annihilation of Jews. With' the . help of the KASSEi.: K,1/ed SIIIJ litele was Canadian. Government's Fedenl Press Bureau, the Ring FRANZ LECBTHALER, FORMER German police Indeed, the editors crown Arcand has sent four correspondents to Israel, who officer, ha:, rece.lved a . thlree-and+half year with the qualification of being "one are reporting the Adolf Eichmann trial for the prison term on conviction of having aided in of the best informed men in the variOU5 publications IJ;sued by the Ring's con­ the shooting of more than 500 Jews in Nazi world on international politics, a INCLUDING stilµent youth groups. The announeem.ent occupied RussJa ·in World W'ar n. Willy Papen- distinguished linguist who speaks stated that two more youth representatives kort, a co-defendant who was a company com• five languages includiog Hebrew wlll be sent soon to Israel to help obtain fur­ mander of Lechthaler'11 polli;e battalion, was and Yiddish ••• the unquestiooed ther material in the drive to apprise modem freed for lack of evideuce. chief of Quebec uationallsts in spite German youth of the facbl of the Nazi holocaust. of his silence and proverbial mod­ MOSBACH: On/en esty." THE NEW YORK TIMES SERVICE ·.FRANKFURT: litlunitn Gare The editors state that, in. 1939, SOUTHAM NEWS SERVICES Litlmanians SJ,ot THE MOSBACH COURT this week sentenced a Arcand had 300,000 members in 'A WF.ST GERMAN PHYSICIAN and four other former SS officer to a life term at hard labor with its world-wide coverage. with Bureaus in men were on trial here this week on charges his National Unity Party. "The fu­ on charges .of murder and complicity in mur­ ture Arcand, Exclusive in Manitoba with Ottawa, Washington, London , of responsJblllty for the deaths of 220 Jews fn der of Polish Jews during the war after reject• will tell :whether the , Lithuania fn June 1940, Dr. Werner Scheu, chief, will one day again be able to The Winnipeg Tribune Exclusive in Manitoba with iDg his defense he had simply carried out become the. active leader of .his lU of Bochum, and Karl Struve, 1.18, both former orders of former Gestapo colonel Adolf Eich­ The Winnipeg Tribune SS officers, were charged with ordering on nationalist party, and realize the mann. Franz Joseph Mueller, 50, who served dream of its members which is one , their own initiative the shooting of Jews alleged BB commandant of three camps for Jews at to be unemployable. Otto Bastian, Wilhelm Craeow fn Nazi-occupied Poland fn 1942 and day to take power in Ottawa." Schmidt and Friedrich Jagst were accused of 1943, was judged guilty of killing 22 Jewish These statements recall'the omin- particlpatillg in the murders without hlgh inmates, coutributlng to the murder of 58 ous days of the 1930's and 1940'& ·' authority, All pleaded not guilty to the others, four cases of homicide and assisting in when Arcand was indeed a menace charges. the murder of five more inmates. to Canada and to Jewry. Simultaneously, the French-lan­ YOU ARE ALWAYS PRESENT AT All THE HOT SPOTS IN THE guage edition of MacLean's Maga, ~e .also resurrected Arcand and c'.Som11 Progres, Se11n·: -... cited a follower who . iltlll hopes WORLD Of NEWS WHEN YOU READ THE Wl~NIPEG TRIBUNE that a Clmadian crisis will bring ' him into power under condltlolis similar to· those which favored de Gaulle. ... , 1n· the meantime, Arcand seems Negative StereotYPeS.Ban content to be the potential center for any revived fascism.in Canada, and busies himself with distribut­ ing some 24 tape recorded lectures Jews From Top· Bank .Jobs across canada and in some of the . ~ YORX (JTA) - Major ,slll'\1eys of major banks throughout with. "bank .. officials, college and United States. ' · · b~g firma in the United States .the, United. States; : ; · ·• . ;-: ' · . · univentty placement · staffs and are beginning to show a willing• The survey showed that fn Phila- others related to the general' field. call··Both Arcand'& friends entry and intoopponents the hate re- •-------------------------------------------------...1 n~ss to grant equal opportunity to delphla, Jewa comprise 25 percent Meetings were held with ranking world of anti.Semitism, As a mod• Jews seeking an executive career of the college graduates. In con- officers among the six major banks erately successful journalist on tlie in banking, according to a study .trast, only slightly more than one- and a number of the smaller banks. Montreal daily La Presse, he was disclosed thls week at the 54th an• half of ,..,. p-"'nt of the m......:a approached by some churchmen to nual meeting of the American at the v~•-8 ;::::.... b--1.-0 w·~er-e" Some of.the bankers interviewed conduct a campaign in 1928 against "ewish committee """ .... 6 """' ....._ acknowledged that even on lower a proposed school system for Jews " · Jewish. Four .'of the•"'"" ,.....-•-. •b--"-......., and.nlfddle·levels of banking some similar to that enjoyed by Protes­ -• The two-year survey in Phlla- had no Jewish .officers at all d~ hostility might "~ ·toward Jews. tants and catholics. A series of delpbia of employment practices in spite the drfact th!!_ mothst bankksofii. This; they .said, is frequently a anti.Jewish articles aroused the sev• major banks found that barriers cers are awn .u-om e ran · of Pf9~Uct.
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