W. AND L. TRACK TEDDY BAIR JOINS SCHEDULE FOR 1913 ROWDY ELLIOTT ON IS ANNOUNCED B. A. C. Five Meets Auburn Tonight VERNON LINE-UP ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES MAKE “HOW TO GET AWAY THOUGH GIRL WINS GREAT REPUTATION IS EXPERT FIGURE SKATER AUBURN CAMPUS BUSY SCENE YOU UMPIRE,” NOW EXPLAINED an all star team from tho Alabama foot- CLASS FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL ball league. II7 HUGH W. ROBERTS AND TRACK WORK FORM THE Next to Auburn the first educational Institution Irf all the history ot Birmingham punching hag, turned on the bully and to play the game in the south beat him half to death. SPORT — BASE- Is Marion. A game will be played against there was never a hotter afternoon PROGRAMME As a result of the sternness of his' a team from that institution on March i. It was so than that of July IS, 1912. nature he had no friend in the world. BALL SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED Other games will be played with tho hot that the earth steamed. Men, coat- Think of Napoleon on the rock of Helena. Atlanta soccer association. Well, Buxley didn't even have the rock Baseball practice will soon begin and less and collarless, forsooth, sat upon The players talked aloud about the prospects for a good team seem to Buxley. f Auburn, January 30.—(Special.)—With the bleachers. For Birmingham and He was a horrible fellow to hear them be fair, though there is the usual dearth the many athletic activities the Auburn tell the tale. At any rate of pitchers. Davis, who was ineligible were at tooth and toe nail. they pretty Atlanta it, these is a scene. soon got his goat, and through the ac- campus days busy last year will have the brunt of tho Atlanta seemed to be getting the bet- tion of the judge, got his job to boot. Each class has 25 to 30 football candi- work, while Williams will do most of the • * • The schedule Includes ter of the running, too. And it was dates out in an endeavor to he In the catching. games There is every reason why the fans with colleges that are always strong in dreadful hot. running tor the class championship. The of the Southern circuit should regret baseball, and is as follows: games this year promise to be better Dan Pfenninger was calling them that Billy Carpepter will not be among March 28-29— University of Georgia, in us this spring. For if someone should than ever before as the classes seem Athens. that hot and sultry afternoon. You ask the writer of this column of gar- very evenly matched, some being strong April 10-11-12—University of Florida, at know how Dan calls them. As he sees rulous inanity jiow umpiring should be Talahassee. ■ in one department and some in another. done, the writer of this column oft 1. April 18-19—Georgia Tech, in Auburn. them, of course. But It is very sel- g. T’nder the training of the varsity play- would reply: April 25-26—Mercer, In Amerlcus. dom that Dan sees them as really ers football material Is being de- they “Emulate Carpenter.” much May 1-2-3—Marion, in Auburn or Ms-' are. Foi that reason he Is known as Bill misses them. Everybody does. Our veloped for future Auburn teams. rlon. grandfather who could ride around a football are s-O-10—Clenison in Auburn. “Honest” Dan. tree Those not engaged In class May on and shoot his or horseback, initials in out for the “soccer” team. This game Either Tulane some strong profes- And the moment came when Dan the bark, sometimes missed them. But sional team will be placed on the open- increases in every dany and in the first makes the popularity a bad one. A fat guy whose Bill, place, play- dates. pulled on the ers understand that he will always do the competition for the places A schedule Is also being arranged for pouch was lined wiih lobster salad and his best to j&e them, and makes them, team is very keen. The first big gam? the track team and other meets will b.-> whose face, as a direct consequence, in the second place, understand that if will be played in Birmingham on Febru- arranged for in addition to the usual May as he was larding the earth alone he sat, misses them they have no right to ary 15, when a game will be played with | day meet with Georgia Tech. lie the mopped his neck. j complain. And gets about field. He is on And so "They tell me,” he finally said, “that every play. by doing he makes the players and specta- Dan Pfenninger Is night watchman tors knowr that he is always on the the winter season.” Track during job. Washington and Lee "He is," said the lad, who was retail- We could write a column at the ex- ing coca-cola. "He serves as custodian pense of R. Carpenter. We would do Schedule Is Announced for the judge." it, too, but for earnest consideration of those who are awaiting this issue of Thi "Humphl” retorted the man who Age-Herald, and but for the fact a trifie On March 1 the White and Blue runners mopped. nearer our heart that we are thinkins WHITE AND BUTE TEAM WILL will in the indoor meet Dan another participate great And pretty soon pulled right now' of visiting the show. arranged by Georgetown, to which the one. It was awful. It smelled to heaven. But wfe have reason to regret that Bill PARTICIPATE IN SOME CRACK majority of the colleges and universities The Barons fumed. They ran around won't be among us. There Is no um- MEETS DURING THE COMING will send representatives. “Honest” Dan and him unkindly pire in either of the big leagues who jerked On April 12 the entire track team will has an edge on him, and some of the In many directions. But Dan had called, SEASON. go to Chapel HUl, N. C., where a dual big guys have some edges we have beeu called. IN SKATING^ meet has been scheduled with the i'ni- and It remained told. CLAUDINE DUNCAN AND J. FRANKLYN SAMMIS FIGURE this of North Carolina and on April And the man who mopped got busy. Figure skating—that is, the Continental style of figure skating—is becoming more in vogue in country than verslty been here — 19 there will be another dual meet be- "Say, kid,”—he was speaking again We miss Bill more than ever when ever before. degrees the rules which have governed the sport in Enropenn countries have adopted Lexington, Va., January 30.—(Special,) By tween Washington and Lee and Virginia to the just tell we see others. We cannot say that we of has been far more than that to which Americans have been accustomed J. P. Richardson of the Wash- dope boy—“didn't you until this winter this style skating prevalent Manager institute in Blacksburg. our ltslef on Polytechnic was a watch- rejoice whenever eye claps track team has announced me that Pfenninger night for years. ington and I>>e On April 20 the big interscholastic track the staff which Judge Havana ugh has States there are none more and more graceful The man?” Of all the exponents of this style of skating ia the United adept the schedule for the 1913 season. and held games will be held on Wilson the as- chosen. They will get by—with and J. Sammis. “I certainly did," returned the young than Miss Claudlne Duncan Mr. Fraaklyn first event Is the Indoor meet which will Held under the auspices of the Washing- sistance of the president—perhaps. But the abroad Mr. Sammis has made an exhaustive study of the difficult figures which are demanded by authorities In the Fifth ton and Lee Track association. merchant, prising at the same time a they will have a hard time. Think of be held with Johns Hopkins and of the of the body while these twists and turns. Not only that, but he has Instructed many splinter with his bare toe. starting the season if you had to um- poise executing armory In Baltimore on Febru- one who has to the Regiment and had with which to do others and has coached them until at the present time he counts among his pupils more than gone "Well,” retorted tho fat guy, "how In pire nothing 16. To this meet Washington and side nnd In ary the it. But we should not find fault. We other competed eommetfdably championship meetings. the h- can he see them In I.ee will send a relay team of four me.i TO AWARD O P IV THE enjoy a game the umpiring of which is time when he misses everyone of team of men V A MIO or PHKSIDKNT night bad as much as one of the other variety. and an additional composed them in the broad daylight?” All umpiring is bad save that in the ENSLEY TO PLAY who show themselves as probable point Boston. January 30.- President- The lad, unable to answer, strolled games we win. Have you thought of CONNIE MACK THINKS RUBE winners. elect Wilson today notified the in- that? And there is no more COLUMBIANA FIVE away—nonchalantly strolled away. appetizer One week later the track and relay ternational committee that the • • • startling in its effect that a game In Ameri- THE GREATEST HURLER team will go to Washington to partici- winner’s cup in this year’s which we roasted the and WADDELL Columbiana, January 30.—(Special.>-Th# All of which reminds, as would say umpire forget can-German Wonder yacht races those in after in which we won pate In the Indoor meet with George that of all the old Romans, years Columbiana basketball team will play the be in his name.
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