20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Sat., Feb. 12, 1983 Hinckley's condition Big school cuts serious after overdose are improbablel DOUBLE COUPONS ... page 5 page 3 REDEEM MANUFACTURERS CENTS-OFF COUPONS FOR DOUBLE THEIR Each of tho«# otfvortitod ilo m i it roq^uwo^ l o ^ t o » VALUE. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 19TH, 1983. I M k al or botow tho advortitod prica lo aaeh A iP Slof#. aictpt at •pocH tcally nolod in Itiit ad. ) ALL STORES OPEN Manchester, Conn. MONDAY FEBRUARY 21 ST i C T ; Freezing rain fCOw Monday, Feb. 14, 1983 WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY or snow tonight PLEASE CHECK LOCAL STORE FOR EXACT HOURS Single copy 25c — See page 2 ErralJi Roads in good shape; PORK LOIN FRESH GENUINE AMERICAN ^ O A BEEF ROUND (STEAKS 2.59 LB.) PORK LOIN (LOIN 1.99 LB.) cleanup cost $1 million Whole Oven Ready | o " Boneless Top 99 Pork Chops 89 SirloinPortion lb. lb . lb. The state Department of Transportation Leg-O-Lamb b X Round Roasts Rib-Center'Center Cut Pork Roasts By United Press International Saturday had more than 600 vehicles and 1,600 FRESH (LESSER QUANTrnES99> LB.) ^ FRESH GENUINE AMERICAN (BEEF 1.LB.PKG. 1.49) SLIC E D J99 State officials put the cleaning bill at more Related stories workers on the road after the fickle storm Chi^enLej^ cJSf ib.o9 than $1 million for the weekend’s near-blizzard flirted with the state’s shoreline Friday night Lamb Chops-Shoulder Blade m 1 leat Franks F Ann Page Bacon and then punched across the southern width of FRESH 44 that dumped up to 21 inches of snow in FRESH GENUINE AMERICAN_AMERICAN Connecticut and was blamed for three deaths Connecticut. (Loin Chops Snow removal was costly, but A DOT spokesman said 576 snow plows were Lamb Chops-Rib ' 3.99 lb.) . 3*’ FRESH FISH AVAILABLE ( QE)IILenten Scafoods) Chicken Breasts and a freight train accident. QUICK FROZEN-DUTCHFRYE-2LB.(>Ka / y ‘%A still out Sunday “slowly winding down" ihe CHUNK ^WED. THRU BAT. ----- ------------------- ^ Commuters found highways in good shape it went virtually without inci­ CEN TER S LIC E D LENTEN FAVORITE today, however, after milder temi^ratures cleanup operation Sunday night and early Kahn’s Braunschweiger s:9 9 ‘ Weaver Chicken-Variety Padc 3 dent in Manchester. Page 3. today. .2 " QUICK FROZEN-ITALIAN STYLE . /^OQ Sunday and a massive plowing operation made HILLSHIRE FARMS jBEEF 2.49 LB.) Fresh Steaks a ” Fresh Perch Fillets even more difficult when huge drifts were Bright sun and warmer Bradley International Airport in Windsor FRESH CAUGHT FROM NEW ENGLAND SHORES . locks, was shut down for 12 hours because of the Polska Kielbasa . 2 ” Weaver Fried Chicken ^ 2 whipped By 30 mph winds to clog the state's temperatures Sunday helped roads and highways. storm, the second to hit Connecticut in one Fresh Pollock Fillets A” Fresh Cod Fillets week. CLEANED LENTEN FAVORITE State police said a freight train slammed into expedite the dig-out in New ^49 a car at the height of the storm early Saturday England. Page 4. The National Weather Service at Windsor CT Fresh Smelts ,.F Fresh Haddock Fillets I b . ^ after the driver abandoned it on a railroad Locks said a snowfall reading of 21 road inches QUICK FROZEN CRUNCHY RSH PORTIONS 12-OZ. PKG. OR ^ QUICK FROZEN (HADDOCK DINNER SO Z 99<) crossing. An icy gale is charging up the surpassed the two-day total depths of 46.9 i4 « z . M^y Police said Leon Touchette, 47, of Pomfret A&P Breaded Fish Sticks pkO- T aste-0^ Fish Dinners 5:^89^ southern Atlantic coast today, inches in the blizzard of 1978 but was not as Treesweet -1 Center, became stuck in a snow bank about 4; 30 ferocious because the winds were much less. QUICK FROZEN-BATTER DIPPED QUICK FROZEN (FISH FILLETS t $4)Z. 1.89) aimed at the Northeast. Page 4. 24-oz. ^ 19 12Vk-oz. 159 a.m. at the crossing on Route 101 in the rural Bob Steele, WTIC-Am radio’s morning man Orange Juice A&P Fish Portions pkG- ^ Mi^ Paul’s Fish Sticks pkG. X Dayville section of Killingly, near the Rhode was stranded temporarily and was about 10 FROZEN QUICK FROZEN QUICK FROZEN-HOWARD JOHNSON’S Island borfler. minutes late for the start of his morning show froz. 149 i(k»z.189 The driver left the car behind, and returned for only the second time in his career, which has A&P Crispy Shrimp pkG. X Haddock AuGratin pkG. ± home without notifying authorities, police said. attack while shoveling snow and was pro­ spanned more than 40 years. Police said a southbound freight train, whose nounced dead on arrival at New Britain The storm also stranded several hundred Hospital. Norman Furrow of Southington was CWSP SHREDDED COLE SLAW OR engineer apparently mistook the vehicle for a people who attended a concert at the Hartford large snow drift, slammed into the car, which pronounced dead at Bradley Memorial Hospital Civic Center and hotel owners in mafiy cities a e f Salad Mix was destroyed. No injuries were reported. and Health Center after collapsing while rolled out the red carpet for unexpected guests. U.S. N 0.1-Aa PURPOSE YELLOW ONIONS OR Touchette faces a court appearance Feb. 25 shoveling snow. Gov. William O’Neill, who has been on a on a charge of abandonment of a motor vehicle. State police reported at least three injuries resulting from traffic accidents during the vacation in Florida, contacted LI. Gov. Joseph Baking Potatoes Police said they had not determined whether he Fauliso early Saturday to keep abreast of the realized he had left his car parked on a railroad storm that finally subsided by mid-morning I.enten Frozen Favorites IMPORTED JUICY SWEET i situation. crossing. Saturday and gave way to bright sunshine. Fauliso, serving as acting governor, was at Nectarines ibl l.c'iik'ti 1 iiMMitts In Hartford, where a state of emergency was Police said Charles Ballou, 45, of Inverness, Fla., was injured when'struck by a hit-run auto the Capitol to oversee the slate’s operations and U.S. N O .1 -2 % ” M IN .-C R ISP JUICY declared to keep autos off the streets, a said “things were under control” as the storm woman's frozen body was found in the enclosed as he tried to repair his stalled truck on Route 6 LaPizzeria 99 McIntosh Apples porch of her home. Police said Jessie Ash, 64, in Windham. He was listed in stable condition at began to slacken off by midmorning. 15-oz. He said the storm was reminiscent but not as FLORIDA JUICY PINK Hood was apparently locked out of her apartment Hartford Hospital. severe as the February 1978 bUzzard that forced Cheese ftzza pke- around midnight and may have suffered a heart Two youths were also admitted to the hospital Family Bag Grapefruit Ar QfmlrA after their car crashed on Interstate 91 in the late Gov. Ella Grasso to issue a statewide 1&02. $1 Oninge Juice state of emergency. CALFORMA SWEET SEEDLESS /» q q QUARTERS-UQHTLY SALTED In New Britain, Lee Scott, 70, suffered a heart Cromwell. A&P Broccoli Spears 2 pkgs. X Hb. Family Bag Navel Oranges o«-o2 A&PBu&r A&P Spinach Chopped 3 r 8 9 ' FLORIDA JUICY SWEET-SIZE ISA’S) / m r“ *STOCFFFR’S MAIN DISH ENTREES* " Jumbo Temple Oranges O 1 Sealtest Cottage Cheese Arafat STOUFFER-S RICHINVITAMW“A” CALFORNIA SWEET SEEDLESS ^ Macaroni & Cheese x W Fresh Spinach Soft Imperial Margarine 2l£79^ STOUFFERS Jumbo Size (56’s) VI 11W-OZ. MAKE YOUR OWN SALAD (MCLUDINQ SALAD DRESSING) urges Tuna Noodle p k g . Dannon Yogurt STOUFFERS The SaiM Bowl Navel Oranges A. Herald photo by Pinto s h e l l e d Qieese Stuffed Shells Diamond Walnuts Kraft Casino Mild Swiss ’^ 1 ^ caution P NEWI "GATHERS" .NmbomSOct PWQQ A break from shoveling Pampers Diapers :S£iraS"*‘" -ch7 Del M onte K«llv Wynn, of 141 Scott Drive manages to smile this ALGIERS, Algeria (UPI) - PilsburY morning, as she takes a break from the heavy lob of PLO chief Yasser Arafat today Baggies Food Storage Bags — (LENTEN favorites; argued against outright rejection Vegetables shoveling snow from the sidewalk. of President Reagan’s Middle East G00DBUY5 EARLY GARDEN PEAS 17.QZ. • CREAM peace plan at a crucial meetingpf STYLE CORN 17.QZ. • WHOLE KERNEL CORN Lestoil Liquid Cleaner ’ST 1®*^ HELLMANN’8 MA a H 170Z. • CUT QREEN BEANS 1S4JZ. • FRENCH Palestinian leaders. a s s o r t e d VARIETIES STYLE GREEN BEANS 1SOZ. Tartar Sauce Arafat and other Palestine Lib­ X Fresh ServHX Fish Dept y PACKEOMWATER eration Organization leaders were Pillsbury Cake Mixes 69^ Valentine industry embroiled in debate on the Reagan PaiSBURY-ASSORTED VARIETIES Fresh Cut Scrod Fillets id.2*’ A&P Solid White lima ’^9 9 ° plan calling for a Palestinian pt KRAFT /« .W | entity in the West Bank and Gaza Ready To Spread Frosting '‘J P’ under Jordanian supervision, as 270 Fresh Norweigian Salmon Steaks m. 5 ^ Velveeta Slices ’S? 2^ began in Worcester delegates gathered for the opening of the Palestinian National Pillsbury Quick Bread Mix cans m KRAFTOELUXE ^ o / X / > Fresh Dressed Lake Smelts it>. F ’ Council. M ^ qiil& Cheese__— ’5? 89^ Even that first year whenEsther “He (Arafat) thinks a total Thomas’ English Muffins By Carol Rosenberg Howland, fresh out of college, tried Fresh Monkfish Fillets ( , ^ ) ib.2*’ United Press International rejection is against Palestinian Snow's Clam Chowder ^ land '^^9^ to sell the cards it was a great interests,” said Mahmoud Labadi, Comstock Cherry FMe Filfing’^ F ’ Fresh Soft Shell Steamer Clams ib.F’ WORCESTER.
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