2,930,777 United States Patent Office Patented Mar. 29, 1960 1. 2 mer rubber. However, it has now been discovered that 2,930,777 treating rubber with an aliphatic amine or mixed aliphatic SYNERGISTC STABILIZER COMPOSITIONS FOR aromatic monoamine, either the free amine or in the RUBBER COMPRESING AN N-NETROSO ARO. form of a salt, in conjunction with a nitroso aromatic KN AMINE AND AN ALPHATIC MONO amine achieves advantages unobtainable with either in gredient alone. The combination exerts a synergistic Harold M. Leeper and Dudley B. Merrifield, Charleston, effect against aging, mitigates activation of cure, im W. Va., assignors to Monsanto Chemical Company, St. proves the resistance to exposure cracking, especially in Louis, Mo., a corporation of Delaware synthetic rubber, lowers hysteresis and in general pro vides economical protection to rubber against degradation No Drawing. Application July 19, 1955 10 as well as improving the processing of the raw stocks and Serial No. 523,118 the physical properties of the vulcanizates. 10 Claims. (CI. 260-45.9) The amines suitable for practicing the invention in clude common aliphatic monoamines whether primary, The present invention relates to improvements in rub-. secondary, tertiary or mixtures thereof, and simple mixed ber compounding and is particularly directed to the prob 5 aliphatic-aromatic monoamines. The organic substituent lem of preventing degradation of natural and synthetic on the nitrogen will usually be a hydrocarbon radical rubbers. but substitution is permissible, notably by cyano, halo The causes of degradation vary and a general object gen, hydroxy, keto, and lower alkoxy groups. Aliphatic of the invention is to inhibit the various deleterious in groups include benzyl which is predominately aliphatic fluences to which rubbers are subjected in service. A 20 in properties, saturated bivalent radicals attached to a particular object of the invention is to prevent exposure central nitrogen atom to complete a saturated heter cracking of sulfur vulcanizable rubbers. A further object ocyclic ring and alicyclic as well as saturated and un is to provide rubber compositions containing amine anti saturated open carbon chain radicals. Addition of the degradation agents which can be readily processed. A amine in the form of a salt is usually preferred and has further object is to inhibit prevulcanization or scorch 25 the advantage of lowering volatility. in rubber compositions containing cure-activating amines. Salts of dicyclohexylamine have been studied exten Another object is to prevent the heat embrittlement of sively and found to be generally effective. Fatty acid butadiene-styrene copolymer rubber. Still another ob salts are fully equivalent to the free amine if added to ject is to inhibit the aging of sulfur vulcanizable rubbers, provide an equivalent amine content. The preferred whether natural or synthetic. A further object is to 30 salts are the stearate, acetate, oleate, adipate, oxalate, provide a combination of anti-degradation agents which formate, nitrite, toluene sulfonate and dodecylbenzene exert a synergistic effect. Also, another object is to sulfonate. Less desirable are the benzoate, salicylate and provide a combination of anti-degradation agents which phthalate. A combination of dicyclohexylamine and a economically inhibit degradation. Still another object is nitroso aromatic amine is an outstanding general pur to improve the hysteresis of rubber vulcanizates. 35 pose anti-degradation agent for natural and synthetic One of the major problems of the rubber industry is rubbers. the protection of vulcanizates of sulfur vulcanizable Many other aliphatic amines inhibit exposure crack rubbers against exposure cracking, that is degradation of ing, especially of natural rubber. Examples of aliphatic the vulcanizates due to ozone while under static or amines which have been tested and found suitable for dynamic stress. The problem is a serious one, particu 40 use in practicing the invention comprise: cyclohexyl larly with respect to the service life of rubber tires, and amine stearate, N-methylcyclohexylamine, N-methyl is aggravated by the fact that in general chemical anti cyclohexylamine acetate, N - methylcyclohexylamine oxidants have little or no value in protecting vulcanizates stearate, N-2-cyanoethylcyclohexylamine, N-2-chloro against deterioration by ozone. Waxes which form a allylcyclohexylamine, N-(3-chloro-2-butenyl)cyclohexyl protective surface film are useful to inhibit exposure amine, N-nonenylcyclohexylamine, N-dodecenylcyclo cracking if the rubber is not flexed but protection is lost 45 hexylamine, N-dodecylcyclohexylamine, N-methyldicyclo once the film breaks. When a rubber surface, whether hexylamine, N-methyldicyclohexylamine formate, N natural or synthetic, comes into contact with an at methyldicyclohexylamine stearate, 2-dicyclohexylamino mosphere containing even a few parts ozone per million ethanol, dicyclohexylamino-2-propanone, N-butyldicyclo a myriad of cracks form on the surface. The cracks hexylamine, N,N-dimethylcyclohexylamine, N,N-di cohntinue to grow so that the useful life of the article 50 methylcyclohexylamine, stearate, dibutylamine, dibutyl rapidly terminates. The severity of the problem when amine oleate, diamylamine, dioctylamine, diethanolamine, . rubber articles must be stored for a long time will be morpholine, morpholine stearate, N-2-cyanoethylbutyl readily appreciated. amine. ... .". Deterioration of rubber due to aging is another well The mixed aliphatic-aromatic amines contemplated defined problem. The degradation is manifested in the 55 contain in addition to an aliphatic substituent which is . case of natural rubber by loss of tensile strength and it preferably one or more cyclohexyl groups, one mono-, i. is usually attributed to absorption of oxygen. It has valent aromatic substituent attached to nitrogen. By long been known that such deterioration can be greatly monovalent is meant that the aromatic group is linked retarded by treating the rubber before or after vulcaniza to the residue of the molecule containing the amino tion with substances known as age resisters or anti 60 substituent by a single valence and is linked to only one oxidants. The age resisting characteristics of a Vulcan amino substituent. Examples of mixed amines which ized rubber product can be readily ascertained by Sub have been tested and found suitable for practicing the . jecting samples of the vulcanized rubber to the action invention comprise, N-cyclohexylaniline, N-cyclohexyl of air or oxygen at elevated temperatures. 65 p-phenetidine, N-cyclohexyl-o-hydroxyaniline, N-2-cyano Aliphatic and mixed aliphatic-aromatic amines inhibit ethylaniline, N-2-cyanoethyl-p-toluidine, N-2-cyanoethyl exposure cracking but the utility of common aliphatic p-amylaniline, N-ethyl-p-phenetidine, N-benzyl-p-pheneti and mixed amines is limited. They are accelerators and dine, N-2-cyanoethyl-p-phenetidine, N-2-cyanoethyl-o- accelerator activators with a low critical temperature, phenetidine, N-allyl-p-phenetidine, N,N-diethyl-p-phenet weak age resisters and are generally deficient for pre idine and N,N-dimethylaniline stearate. it is venting exposure cracking of butadiene-styrene copoly 70 Nitroso aromatic amines suitable for use in practicing 2,930,777 3 4. the invention have been disclosed in the chemical and Using these base formulae stocks were compounded by patent literature. These include age and exposure crack adding the ingredients shown below. The resistance of ing resistors but vulcanizates containing sufficient nitroso the raw compounds to scorch was evaluated by means compound to afford a practical level of protection are of a Mooney plastometer. The scorch point was taken deficient in hysteresis. However, the effect can be over as the point on the plasticity curve when the plasticity come and compensated completely by use in conjunc had risen 10 points above the minimum value. tion with an amine. Nitroso aromatic amines are rep resented by N-nitroso-di-3-naphthylamine, N-nitroso diphenylamine, N-nitroso-di-o-naphthylamine, N-nitroso Table I phenyl - B - naphthylamine, N - nitrosophenyl - or - naph O thylamine, N-nitroso-di-o-tolylamine, N-nitrosophenyl-o- Stock----------------------------------------------- 2 3 tolylamine, N-nitrosophenyl-p-tolylamine, N-nitrosoben zylphenylamine, N-nitroso-N-methylaniline, N-nitroso Parts by weight N - ethylaniline, N - nitroso - N - B - naphthylpheneti dine, N,N' - dinitrosodiphenyl - p - phenylenediamine, 5 N,N'-Dinitroso-N,N-diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine.-------Dicyclohexylamine stearate.------------------------ 5 f5 - Ethoxy - 1,2-dihydro - 2,2,4-trimethyl-1-nitro N,N' - dinitroso - dinaphthyl - p - phenylenediamine and Soquinoline--------------------------------------------------- 0.5 the N-nitroso derivative of the reaction product of di Mooney Scorch, Iminutes: phenylamine and acetone. The latter is described in Natural rubber, 121 C---------- 12 17 U.S. Patent 1,945,577 to ter Horst. Still other examples GR-S rubber, 135 C--------------------------- 17 18 are the N-nitroso-2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinolines 20 disclosed in U.S. Patent 2,268,419 to Paul. Further ex amples of effective compounds are N-nitroso-N-aryl-N- It will be noted that the addition of a nitroso aromatic alicyclic or alkyl p-phenylenediamines, as for example amine significantly increases the resistance to scorch. In N-cyclohexyl-N,N'- dinitroso - N' - phenyl - p - phenyl another experiment, replacing 0.5 part of the dicyclo enediamine,
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