EEK'S COMPLETE TITLE ISION PROGRAMS THE SUN AY ORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEE LY PIGTORIAL MAGAZIN Clifton East Paterson Lawn Garfield H•edon Hawthorne Lif?le Falls Mountain View North Haledon Po•erson Passaic Pompton Lakes Pro:'pect Park nga½ Totowa Wane We•t Paterson SECOND BIRTHDAY FOR PAAR SHOW IULY 26, 1959 VOL. XXXI, No. 30 WHITE.rid SHAU-GE.R,Inc. • A Good Name to Remember for • . FURNIT'URE ',' .... LivingRoom - BedRoom , •.:•-1 DiningRoom• -•'• '........ RUGS A.ND CARPETS A, StPECI.ALTY' 39Quality Years Servingand Lo• 'th' Price Public ß 435 STRA!•It• STP•'• (•orm• 20th Av•) PATERSON, N. & "The Pirate with the Clock" .-- MUlberry 4.7880 Headquarters for Engaged Couples THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE NEWSSAFARI -- NBCNews commentator Chef Huntley studies the globebefore leaving for Africa to film the first of two full-hourspe- cial-programs6n African nationalismto be telecast in prime eve- ning time on the NBC-TV Network. Huntley will be accompanied by a four-man film crew in his on-the-scenestudy of nationalist movements in Africa. During the past year, the commentator has traveled about 50,000 miles'gathering material in Israel, France, BROILED LOBSTER-., -- DAILY ... --. Lebanon,Germany and other countriesfor the "Texaco Huntley. TROUT-•H•LIBUT - SALMON- Brinkley Report" (Mondaysthrough Fridays), "Chet Huntley Re OYSTERSFROGS' LEG'- CLA - F'œCOD SHELL FISH -CR•,•- •WO•D •lLU•rlgM ••O• porting" (Sundays}and variousnews specials- all on NBC-TV I&lBELMONT AVF_'[Cer.Burh,•). HALlDON .... LAml•t #•4• J .......::'•..... •:•....• •..i•!•:i.•.i•!:.•.:•:•.-.:..-.....;. •'":::•'%'•-:'!::•-½'::•::.•.•::' ' ß• *•- .- "*:' • .. ' . •...-.?•$i:.. •..... •. :•.-•,: • ß•"" . ........•.. '.... ;** •.,•.'•.-.c..;*....,.•." '.. * ,::• "* •' "..-...'-:.:': ..........."";'!;:;?;:<;:'•';•::;'..•:" '.;;i":•.,*• .....: ' -e•,.**- ' ,47;I;:* .'-•.... "'*"•': .... ß ß--:•.-•.:.•,?-.q.:;•.•..'•!:•:"::" ;.-;...;-;•;,...•{ i?"•,:../.:•,.'.'?'-.•.....•.,., ..... :*-: ..c•:..•!:-!:!-'-:!:;-.'-:i-:•:.......,.'½i!;:::i!•-.. •. ..•.::<'.,..•':....... ' ':'"'•............' :.:....!i•-•.•, ! .-•*--'.•**.;.;;**/?:..:% -• -:' : '.::..,• . ..,:..- .... ... I. PARRILLO '- _...'.';*.-.";.":'•.•$":';;::•'•..*:.*-':.:•I• .. - ' '" ', x,• :•;•;i.;:;:'"".*.'.'-; ""x•':;':'•.$:.•." .,•:-:* ... ...•.. .x .. '. .:.:::....- •..,-,•-+..:•:....... •, ......, .• ::•... :.:...;.,.•... •. * ,.•.. •_ • • .• :-ß ...•4:.. .:;i'•":"' .. - :• *"4'.4•..'.... • $,.-...• '... • ...,½.;. .-- " ß ' .... ' ;*' ,ti'-;-.-'7 .... ../.•-:./•.: ,'.i•. ': ' ' TheMan from Equitable asks- --• '"....:•,;½ .., :-::.• ':•'...?.•..-.:.,...,.; :/i..' ::• .... -- ; . • .•.. ß ...:::•- ß / ,',;..'.!:i"'"'" ',* .,-..• ß: :: . •. '. : ;•.:'. •'-.•.. ,,:.,, .•-'..- •,,'-:.; .... Howbig a MedicalBill could you stand? f..•.-,-'.:..',;"*-.:" :-'".' ,,, -. - A millionfamilies last,year had medical bills ßI• •.".-'•:.i:•.t-¾' -"::*':..":';%:..' '::.--.•,-½; -!: • ' '" -'. , ß. "' ." :,,"' that consumedhalf their income-and more! ,•::•.'...'½:'.:•..i;i:? .'-.'"'. ..... " '.- '" ßi;.•.?.-.!,;•:.':.*'*"-"'.'..;• ..;,':.-....;:.,,.:...:,,:: •"-'":':';... • 'ß •" • '•'" ß.,...½. ' . '...' ,..-.:...... " , ..,.:' ß ' '•':. .4. NOW A NEW EQUITABLE PLAN can protect your ,..::'.;..•!;.•:...•:. ....... -•-. .... ... •:.., . ..,' ß"ii•' ' •'"' : ':' • ":'"':'• i:i:..:.i -. .....•..,.:- .. , . ß , .. family against such major medical expensesthat i'"'•..... 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This is importantto •ou whzther or not you .... ,(, .•' •r . •.•.,... o, es . •'•:, . are now coveredby the usualmedical or hospitali- : ' X' -*'".. !:' . -•' .:.•':'- :-..'...... ,. , .;'*½'"": ,, - . •, :•+ .... zation plans.For completedetails call... %% ß . ß .:.- ß ':.-"•. ß ii:::. : ß .. .. ß•.*'.4. ' •..•::: , -.. ,, .. f :. ß ß ß ,,r •-. I. PARRILLO .•,•,•,:.....".:.. ß k,•....½4;:,:.'i.:.'.'.q: " • ß -.x.... '::-.; ':-";.' :-,,,:; ':: "•' ' ' :'"-'-::!.!'..?-:.'½..':2.:: ;;:.': ... 200 EAST !•IDGEWOOD AVENUE ß:::.'•;•:!x.'i:..:':;i•:'""::.8.-.""'"'" ':-':: :'"-':::.".'--':•.'i:i:..... i• " ß.... ß .::;:::.::.:.. ....:.•:..•. - •." ..-........ -:.'x•.i:-. RIDGEWOOD, N.J. GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 A KING TAKESSTEPS --' Comedyroutines are interspersedwith songsand dances when the Kraft MdsicHall Presentsthe Dave Letthe man from Equitable bring you ' ' ' ' King6how" colorcasts Wednesday nights on the NBC-TV Network. King,top-rated British comedian, has receivedhigh praise from Americancritics and viewersfor his comedy,song and dancetalents. peaceofm•nd, Page Two ß...::? .... THE •.....}-.. ... .•,..,.. • . .::... .-.•..:...:'• :•. ..•..-:.•..•,--...•-:•.. ½..•-...... • '•. ß .:,/• • . • .-.• ß" ..:•'. :.•.i•:&e.:•:..•'•:,: • ',': ' ' ../ ..... .--'." . ...'"; .:.:...: ß ! , •:',. t. '•'.... • ...• • '...':L:-.i.•:½'.:•':"•..:-•¾4:S.:•<½"t-'L• •-':• I: • • .• - ß- ;•-. , .• - ,.• ß-. '..•iC:'-:.'-'•.... :•:':'• '••. •.:.- ,-•-- ' •:':"4-•; '•'". •"-•{.•,ß ' .. ß . I •.:•.ß•-:. .z •--.-. ß . ,, -. .-.; ..::::-.:x.-.-•-• . Published Weekly by THE CHRON!C• COl•PA• s/.... • ..-. .. -. ,. •..•. •.•.... ; ß ..•**,,...._. 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 V•NCENT S. PARRiLLO, ManagingEditor '-' .'-' •:'" ' ..• 2 :.•:-'."".' --:'/-''.%:/':-' ". , .... -- -4. •ß. ••.-,..-.-. ........,½.•...,••...v-e- -.-4 ..........--,. • .• . •..• •.....<• ....................,• ß.•........ ß ... •.. .- .- .½•.:.,,-..•'-..,>..•s....½• -•....•'2p-:;•, :,-.:• :,.-.:..... :-... -.-.-..•-:.:..:.:.:.:,,/:•.:. :.: ß.:.•::•....-.:.- .....:-..... • ½ .. ••..'• ' EnteredOffice 'atas Paterson,Second ClassN.J., matter under August the act2'4, of.192'6, March at the3, 1879.Post ..•..:... ß..• :'&:•:'-•'ßß•*s':...,. ........':'"'• "''.• ....:•-e: -.... ".' ,--."- •}':' .... :" •-• - , • • *• ,•.-..-=½• -. •"*' -,,, ...... ' • ' ' t; ....' JULY 26, 1959-- VOL.XXXI, 'No.30 ß':'•q ;(. • '•- • s:' •: ......... ' ß' ' .•&• ,• - •- •, '-' ß ' .•-•t•,,.•:• -•.... •.•..:•-•. -•.':• •.,;-,,-.:}• ,...,:•..--•:...•. ,.- -....... -.; ..... , •.•' 4.,', ••,, • . • .y½ ...... • . ½... .g:., ,.. EingleCopy 10 Ceats ..•22 $5.00a Year by Mail e<}•.•..+•.x'-: .•.•.,<::.•.--. e• - ,:-:.:,•.... ..," ; :. ' -- •'-- • -.•.,;' 4' ß * ;-' . ß '.• .'"-'•'.4.: " :•:•;i::•.:...•,...-'"k :::8'•: ':: -,,•:.•......... ß-:-:4 !.-•. •.•.•::.• -..•.--•-............ •..-. ½;,• ' ................... • .......... ..•'• ß .::e•::::_?•$ -...'<:•-....' CONTENTS INVESTIGATORS- Dennis Morgan stars as Dennis Chase, a vate investigatorin the new series,"21 BeaconStreet," and Joanna -.. Barnesplays Joanna, his girl Friday.The crime investigationseries is telecast Thursday nights on the NBC-TV Network in the time period of the vacationing "Ford Show." ". FEATURES ß .'.:%:•.< ,:•,-•. •., ,:;•.t,. ,;.• &•.. .: -- , . , ' ½•x-.:•;:':•'.-•".',•.½• ß f•. • .2-•,• '•:••"•'•:• •.•'2< '... • -'•...... ':'...... ;: '.' ':.. ;,.-•';k" "-:.... --; :' " . ß ' :":' ::•; • • • a--½• M' a' %•-% ':'•" :''"' :' ß ß "":":-" '•'{-k•'¾;•.½•;½•:•:-:5•½•:•;......:'" '- ' ' '*"':;'. Chronicle of the Week ........................... , .%•., .2'!.•4Z•;•'&4•:•;•:}':t::" .... - '.'.... ß'•Ct'•2•Y•: • ,•?:.::•-.z'. • .- '.!.. ß '.ß,•a.•.•,. ½;:•4•:'•{•';½ x ........' .' '½, .... .:.... ..... :;;k::':;. ..... '-'%;, Short Story 14 ; ,,•-'.:'•;e;;•: .... " . ........ ß..... .' t-,;•;-;,•f;-;;•;;:;. •½' •;.•---•-:.•. .. ß..'... ... ...... ..,½ .,. ... .. .;.:...ß::. i >" '; •:.•.:•:%•(½$•:..•.- '". ...... .:...... ::--....":' :::::::::'i"- >.. :. :'"i •ß y. ,..•..> ½+--•:•½•z½,-•:•:'. --. :,•f.,.<. -•..... :' :•<.• :.: , ...-ß ß. - .: .ß .'..... ... :-.:-..:.... ..... .?.... American History 15 I '-.'-:•<'.•½:a"9"4•½:%-'<: ß ': ' ß : ..... ...... • .'-. •I ' >,3'?;*½"<;• • • ::'': :•'> :'Tff•'-• :•.•&: :",•}, •;•' .-. .... •**. .•: . '-', ....'-.',' .' ß. .?-... ß ......... :;-•::...•.::x e ..•.. >-.....•.• .½•.>.•./.. .. •> . .. .. • ,•- '•;•:•:..•.-.•,.•:.½(:• >.. 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