Amber Infrastructure Ltd. Proposed Care Home at Land adjoining Holywell House, Patterdown, Chippenham Transport Statement April 2018 Amber Infrastructure Ltd Proposed Care Home at Land adjoining Holywell House, Patterdown Transport Statement DOCUMENT REGISTER CLIENT: AMBER INFRSTRUCTURE LTD PROPOSED CARE HOME AT LAND ADJOINING HOLYWELL PROJECT: HOUSE, PATTERDOWN, CHIPPENHAM PROJECT CODE: CTP-17-481 REPORT TITLE: TRANSPORT STATEMENT PREPARED BY: SIMON GARNER DATE: APRIL 2018 CHECKED BY: MIKE FULLER DATE: APRIL 2018 REPORT STATUS: ISSUE Prepared by COTSWOLD TRANSPORT PLANNING LTD 121 Promenade Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL50 1NW Tel: 01242 523696 Email: [email protected] Web: Registered Company Address: 121 Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 1NW. Company Number: 9228763 Amber Infrastructure Ltd Proposed Care Home at Land adjoining Holywell House, Patterdown Transport Statement List of Contents Sections 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1 2 The Site and Adjacent Highway Network........................................................... 2 3 Site Accessibility ............................................................................................... 4 4 Development Proposals .................................................................................... 8 5 Forecast Trip Generation ................................................................................ 10 6 Traffic Impact Assessment .............................................................................. 13 7 Summary & Conclusions ............................................................................... 144 Appendices APPENDIX A: Correspondence with Wiltshire Council APPENDIX B: Accident Data APPENDIX C: Commited Development Plan APPENDIX D: Access Junction and Internal Layout Drawings APPENDIX E: Traffic Survey Data APPENDIX F: TRICS Data Amber Infrastructure Ltd Proposed Care Home at Land adjoining Holywell House, Patterdown Transport Statement 1 Introduction 1.1 Cotswold Transport Planning Ltd has been instructed by Amber Infrastructure Ltd to prepare a Transport Statement (TS) to analyse the potential traffic and highway impacts of an outline planning application that seeks to develop a 74-bed residential care home on land at Showell Farm, Chippenham (adjacent to Holywell House). 1.2 Proposals look to provide a mix of 37 nursing/close care beds and 37 general care beds with associated catering, treatment, recreational and ancillary facilities. 1.3 Pre-application discussions and scoping have taken place with Wiltshire Council as the local planning and highway authority. Key issues that need to be addressed/reviewed within this Transport Statement have been given as: i) The access arrangements would need to conform to appropriate standards in terms of geometry and visibility. ii) Details of transport and pedestrian facilities that would be available to support a sustainable development. iii) There would be a need to provide appropriate pedestrian crossing facilities from the site in order to gain access to facilities at other developments in the surrounding area at Rowden Park and Hunters Moon. iv) Details of parking for staff, or for the servicing needs of the site need to be provided and justified. 1.4 A copy of the scoping correspondence with Wiltshire Council is provided in Appendix A. 1.5 A Full Travel Plan looking to reduce the reliance on private car usage will be produced and submitted as a separate document at an appropriate stage of the application. Cotswold Transport Planning Ltd Page 1 Amber Infrastructure Ltd Proposed Care Home at Land adjoining Holywell House, Patterdown Transport Statement 2 The Site and Adjacent Highway Network Site Location and Composition 2.1 The site access will be achieved from the B4528, adjacent to the access to Holywell House and within a layby area. 2.2 The site is located to the west of the B4528 approximately 2.5km south west of Chippenham town centre. The B4528 is subject to the national speed limit in the vicinity of the site and forms two-arms of a signal-controlled junction with the B3634 approximately 100 metres north of the northern site boundary. The site currently comprises undeveloped land and as such has no material trip generating capability. 2.3 The B4528 is one of the main access roads to the town centre from the A350, about 5 minutes drive away. It also provides connections to other major towns including Bath, Trowbridge, Warminster and Marlborough. 2.4 The development site is shown in relation to the local area and highway network is shown by the star on the site location plan on Figure 1. Plate 1 – Site Location Plan Cotswold Transport Planning Ltd Page 2 Amber Infrastructure Ltd Proposed Care Home at Land adjoining Holywell House, Patterdown Transport Statement Local Highway Safety 2.5 Personal Injury Accident (PIA) data has been obtained from Wiltshire Council for the most recent five-year period available to the end of December 2017. The raw data is included as Appendix B. 2.6 The search area included the B4528 in the vicinity of the site including its junction with Saltersford Lane. 2.7 The PIA data has been analysed showing that two PIA’s have occurred in the most recently available five-year period. 2.8 The first PIA occurred at 08.11am on 13th November 2015 in fine, daylight conditions where the road surface was dry. The incident involved a police car on an emergency response call proceeding through a red traffic light and turned left under the railway bridge and collided head on with an oncoming car who was proceeding on a green light. The driver of the second car sustained slight injuries. 2.9 The final PIA occurred at 16.20pm on 6th July 2016 outside Holywell House when a car travelling north west on the B4634 was weaving all over the road and failed to negotiate a right hand bend and left the carriageway colliding with a nearside stone wall. The driver sustained slight injuries. 2.10 Cotswold Transport Planning’s assessment is that the recorded personal injury accidents which occurred in the vicinity of the development site are generally random and suggest driver error rather than any definable trends or patterns which suggest an existing highway safety problem associated with its geometry. 2.11 As such the redevelopment proposal cannot be considered to have a severe impact on local highway safety. Cotswold Transport Planning Ltd Page 3 Amber Infrastructure Ltd Proposed Care Home at Land adjoining Holywell House, Patterdown Transport Statement 3 Site Accessibility 3.1 In order to ensure that the proposed residential development can operate sustainably in terms of minimising the overall level of daily vehicular trips from the site, particularly single-occupancy vehicle trips, it is essential to identify what local services and amenities are located in close proximity of the site, and also what alternative sustainable travel opportunities are present to enable future residents to choose to travel by non-car modes. 3.2 It is also necessary to establish the likely potential demand for public transport, walking and cycling trips by those who are likely to reside, work at the care home or visit regularly, particularly as residents will have different travel needs and capabilities according to the level of care they require. Proximity to Local Services and Amenities 3.3 Crest Nicolson (Rowden Park Garden Village) have secured an Outline Consent (March 2017) for an urban extension comprising 1,000 Homes, Primary School, Local Centre (A1-A5) and Public Open Space to create a 21st Century Garden Village to the north and north east of the proposal site. This includes provision for new bus routes, junction improvements, pedestrian and cycle links to the town centre. 3.4 Crest Nicolson (Showell Farm Employment Site) have secured outline consent for employment use to the south of the site (March 2017). 3.5 Bloor Homes (Hunters Moon) have been granted Full planning (all matters reserved except for access) for a mixed-use scheme comprising (west of the site, on other side of the railway): 450 homes 120 affordable homes 11.77 ha of open space 2.4 ha of employment land and associated infrastructure improvements (December 2017). This includes provision for new bus services, pedestrian and cycle routes. The location of adjacent planning application sites is illustrated in Appendix C. 3.6 The care home proposal provides on-site facilities including a central cafe lounge at the GF entrance offering access to hairdressing, therapy and treatment rooms. There is provision for laundry/linen to be washed and the home will benefit from attractive and secure garden/recreational space. Cotswold Transport Planning Ltd Page 4 Amber Infrastructure Ltd Proposed Care Home at Land adjoining Holywell House, Patterdown Transport Statement Walking and Cycling 3.7 Between the proposed site access and the nearest settlement, Patterdown, on the edge of Chippenham approximately 800m away, there are no footways or street lighting system, due to the relative absence of frontage premises. The national 60 mph speed limit applies. At Patterdown the speed limit reduces to 40 mph, footways commence on at least one side of the road and street lighting is provided. At Rowden, on the other side of Patterdown, the speed limit reduces again, to 30 mph and the road adopts a more urban character as it approaches the edge of the town centre. 3.8 National Cycle Route 403 crosses the North Wessex Downs and
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