ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT APPLICATION TO VARY EXISTING PLANNING PERMISSIONS TO EXTEND UP TO THE END OF 2016 THE EXISTING PERMITTED LANDFILLING OF HAZARDOUS WASTE AND LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE, SOIL TREATMENT AND OTHER ANCILLARY OPERATIONS AT EAST NORTHANTS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FACILITY, STAMFORD ROAD, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE MJCA report reference: AU/KCE/SPS/1612/01/ES April 2012 Baddesley Colliery Offices, Main Road, Baxterley, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 2LE Tel. (01827) 717891 Fax. (01827) 718507 1 AU_KCEp11821 AUGEAN SECTION 73 EAST NORTHANTS RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT FACILITY CONTENTS Page number Preface 7 Fact Sheet 9 1. Introduction 11 2. Approach to the Environmental Impact Assessment, screening and scoping 14 3. The site location and description of the surrounding area 17 4. Summary of the proposed development 20 5. Description of the current operations and the proposed development at the site 28 6. Restoration 49 7. Alternatives 50 8. Introduction to the assessment of the environmental effects 65 9. Population including impacts on health 70 10. Socio-economic impacts 85 11. Air quality 104 12. Ecology 113 13. Water resources 126 14. Flood risk assessment 144 15. Landscape and visibility including cultural heritage 147 16. Noise 155 17. Transport 161 18. Amenity 172 19. Conclusions 179 20. Glossary 184 AU/KCE/SPS/1612/01/ES 2 April 2012 AU_KCEp11821 AUGEAN SECTION 73 EAST NORTHANTS RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT FACILITY TABLES Table ES1 Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions associated with an increase in travel distance for example sites in the south of the UK that generate LLW Table ES2 Summary of the potential exposure pathways that are assessed Table ES3 Radioactivity exposure limits compared with natural radiation and more familiar exposure situations Table ES4 Expenditure at businesses and services local to East Northants RMF Table ES5 Augean contributions from Landfill Tax at East Northants Resource Management Facility Table ES6 Augean direct sponsorship and other contributions Table ES7 Estimated concentrations of air quality parameters around the East Northants RMF for 2011 Table ES8 Organisms and wildlife groups included in the terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems considered in the assessment of radiological impacts on wildlife Table ES9 Groundwater abstractions within 3km of the East Northants RMF Table ES10 The baseline noise monitoring data Table ES11 Predicted daytime operational noise levels for continuation of the currently permitted landfill area and the soil treatment plant until 2016 Table ES12 Predicted daytime operational noise levels for the proposed western landfill area including the operation of the soil treatment plant until 2026 Table ES13 Assessment of the ongoing operation of the gas flare overnight Table ES14 Number and nature of complaints made regarding operations at the East Northants RMF 2005 to 2011 FIGURES Figure ES1 The site location (drawing reference AU/KCE/03-12/16637) Figure ES2 The current site layout and the current planning permission boundaries (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16764) Figure ES3 Aerial photograph of East Northants Resource Management Facility (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16765) AU/KCE/SPS/1612/01/ES 3 April 2012 AU_KCEp11821 AUGEAN SECTION 73 EAST NORTHANTS RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT FACILITY Figure ES4 The site infrastructure (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16766) Figure ES5 Designated sites in the vicinity of East Northants Resource Management Facility (drawing reference AU/KCE/03-12/16641) Figure ES6 The soil treatment and recycling facility (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16767) Figure ES7 Currently permitted restoration plan (Scott Wilson drawing number D107125_LV_001E) Figure ES8 Elevations of the infrastructure associated with the soil treatment plant (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16765) Figure ES9 Soil treatment and recycling facility schematic process flow diagram (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16769) Figure ES10 Monitoring and site investigation borehole locations (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16770) Figure ES11 The predicted situation in Phase 5 at August 2013 (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16771) Figure ES12 The approximate locations of merchant hazardous waste landfill sites and soil treatment facilities which accept a similar range of wastes to the wastes accepted at the East Northants Resource Management Facility (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16772) Figure ES13 The approximate locations of the facilities at which the majority of the LLW is produced (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16773) Figure ES14 The regions which provide the majority of wastes to the East Northants Resource Management Facility (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16774) Figure ES15 Comparison of average house prices in Kings Cliffe by year with the national average (England & Wales) and the average for the county of Northamptonshire Figure ES16 Habitat plan for the site (drawing reference AU/KCE/04-12/16775) Figure ES17 Groundwater elevation levels at the site from November 2003 to December 2009 Figure ES18 Zone of theoretical visibility and representative viewpoint locations (David Jarvis Associates drawing number 1960/007) Figure ES19 Illustrative photomontage VP8 (David Jarvis Associates drawing number 1960/017) AU/KCE/SPS/1612/01/ES 4 April 2012 AU_KCEp11821 AUGEAN SECTION 73 EAST NORTHANTS RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT FACILITY APPENDICES Appendix ESA Proposals for the scope and content of three Section 73 applications to vary planning permission conditions and an Environmental Impact Assessment for an extension in time for the landfill disposal of hazardous waste and potentially low level radioactive waste, an extension in time for the operation of the soil treatment facility and other associated development at the East Northants Resource Management Facility, Stamford Road, Northamptonshire. Reference AU/KCE/MM/1583/01S73scoping February 2011 Appendix ESB Scoping Opinion, consultee responses and table of responses to scoping consultation Appendix ESC Copies of the current Environmental Permits for the site Appendix ESD Surface water management plan Appendix ESE Noise management and monitoring scheme Appendix ESF East Northants RMF: Ecological baseline survey and assessment report. Final March 2012 Appendix ESG Application for disposal of LLW including HV-VLLW under the Radioactive Substances Act 1993 for the East Northants Resource Management Facility. Supporting information. July 2009 (on CD) Appendix ESH Letter from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority dated 15 September 2010 Appendix ESI National Farmer’s Union ‘Farm Select’ Insurance Policy Appendix ESJ East Northants Resource Management Facility. Transport Assessment February 2012 Appendix ESK Preliminary hydrogeological risk assessment for the proposed extension to the existing hazardous waste landfill site at East Northants Resource Management Facility. Report reference AU/KCE/CN/2719/01 February 2011 (on CD) Appendix ESL Borehole logs and lithological descriptions Appendix ESM East Northants Resource Management Facility Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment March 2012 Appendix ESN East Northants Resource Management Facility. Cultural Heritage Assessment. February 2012 AU/KCE/SPS/1612/01/ES 5 April 2012 AU_KCEp11821 AUGEAN SECTION 73 EAST NORTHANTS RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT FACILITY Appendix ESO East Northants Resource Management Facility, Stamford Road, Northamptonshire. Assessment of Environmental Noise. Report number R12.6219/08/GS dated 5 March 2012. Appendix ESP An assessment of the nuisance impact of dust generated from the proposals at the East Northants Resource Management Facility, Stamford Road, Northamptonshire. Report reference AU/KCE/SPS/1604/01ESdust. March 2012 AU/KCE/SPS/1612/01/ES 6 April 2012 AU_KCEp11821 AUGEAN SECTION 73 EAST NORTHANTS RESOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT APPLICATIONS MANAGEMENT FACILITY PREFACE i. Augean South Limited (Augean) operates the East Northants Resource Management Facility (RMF) in Northamptonshire. The facility comprises an active hazardous waste and low level radioactive waste landfill and soil treatment and recycling facility with clay extraction operations and associated infrastructure. The planning consents for the landfill site state that it shall be progressively restored and completed not later than 31 August 2013 and the planning consent for the soil treatment and recycling facility states that it shall cease operating by 31 August 2013. ii. Following market studies, Augean concluded that due to the recession and the general reduction in the quantities of wastes which are deposited in landfill sites the site is unlikely to be completed by 2013. In order to complete and restore the site to its current permitted landform it is necessary to submit applications to seek an extension of time for operations to continue on site for a further three years. iii. In addition, so that Augean can continue to provide a facility for the treatment and disposal of hazardous waste and low level radioactive wastes in the longer term, they are submitting a full application for the extension of the soil treatment activities with an increase from the current consented capacity of 100,000tpa to 150,000tpa and the continuation of landfilling the current landfill void with hazardous waste and low level radioactive waste and the construction of a new landfill area and void extension within the current site boundary. Permission is being
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