

1f)'OU .....".,to~o'*obuteIQIvtu,._QfM~' .• :"e~".." ...e 177 Wan/Feb 20061 copy dudI,ne 28 November 2005 178 (Milt/Apt 2(06) copy de~hne_ 6 February 2006 1,11,1'-11,,1 ~, hr.t-V.}II,fi·h.itl,.f.lfflR'ilf..II.!,fJnAHlf.fii Contents Guest Editorial hfalIkllagon.~_""~ .. al04ci1111n1. News fanlo$fwriTtfSilaoJlA'llirh'heWllttFonlll\ll(,~lrom~hand8ilmillQhom sI;rO\lPSand rnvch mort... Check Point: Octoeon .lans8lKOll~hml-.rsIlllliallolJl il!/qlIoalII. Rewnames: Extinction Events sa.,t.lkldIt.-.kiI(I,...m..........,...,....~lIIIIwbr ~"'llUbM". Foundation Favourites: Things to (ome 10 w,....H6 .....sWlplIllllIrll .........II ........... Pulpitations: Sdfantast;e onc/Iton 11 WnkIillllldl ....1bI1aIIlt04..-. In Converstation: Mike Carey 12 JohnHlllI/eIlIIIIn'iNI!llrif!rand~o.,Mike<arey New Blood: Hal Duncan 14 lomHvnTtlTQlufIJmeQUT~alrhemU(h,anTi{ipo~VeIII!trl Greatest British SF Poll 16 lMillIMlnlmalllllo'lOllil1heBSfA'lpailodurll1heblSlBrililhSlaiallille. In Conversation: Pat McMurray 18 BSFA Offi,,~ _ ......Ia_BSfAO"fIl/Uunay, ... Iil,.IliI~lIlllIlllInyf'\lnel ..... SIo ....' .....m BSFAAwards 20 ....... ..-.. .. .............~(11fS( o.t8neler.""..m._"·I__1"'KS- -­ Media 21 '."'CIlI ..............1191lJ hr-._I1111Salletl'lllllell __.......... _-...:Ia!lIeIIDr!i*aal.....c.".. ---.. Subsaiplons 31 (W ~I f1Y1eo,s.........., .....IW.IIJ52M: o.·I_"'lIII_~_.,.8SlAwbl_ ---- ~ ... -- -- IUAI.",,llonlI•.IlI4I211.lKA Rage against: SF on TV 32 .- ChIlritlOrilrionooBlitishlelrMillll·llaiIUlllopmducl~uIl04drnl'llll. UK -­06"If (lhMpiI·rlI "J Uh......... ~_-''''' Oet*UK Ol(AinMil-071 -""~~ WilI:2 ".., ....E.., II·WAlJIl &IIIt............ Wor.ds of wisdom ....US IIC,o-io(lSf'J "I think the US is in a terrible state of denial. TlIoWA_ 19S1 I~ ..... ~ illoIIeot~~.....-.c....., nl_ Worse than that. we seem to be caught in a ........... • O"hooM.lloooolrr·l1· kind of Gotterdammerung response: we'd rather have the world go down in flames than change -..... - ,..le-,-........-...... ~SU4lJl our lifestyle or admit we're wrong. Even here in - - California, 50% of cars on the freeway are SUVs "~ ~s.tolCll7tS ---__~OI'".. and they're political statements: they soy. we're OIM. ....,.,.. a... SooIIooiooo.Nt-t.ooe.ewa-."-.(J4W-- going to take the rest of the world down with us because we don·t give a damn r...) There's a really sizeable minority here who bock measures -- Ofher BSFA Publications to reduce emissions. but the political process .,...TlIo"*lll,.....t...WA is controlled by the Republican administration ""-1........"c--.~mm which is basically in thrall to the oil industry. So - 1IIr~Ji'...... it'll come down to another election and with ......._.- e-t.yCMlra... the lost two elections both in their different ways u.en;e,r.-..........e-wr.ml111 perhaps having been stolen. we can·t even 1.......o..~o.-y,.......ll. really count on democracy anymore. It's pretty -- scary here." ,..f.-TlIo_·I~eI..-.""-tsfA.... -lJE.,-""'"'....MiI,~..SU Kim Stanley Robinson lem.~01 ... edltorlal:3 Flash! Bang! Codswallop? Richard KMorgan on the dumbing-down and blowing-up of sf cinema COUP,e ofmomhs ~go.l "Wow thar wa~ so (",,/1" design our enrt'rramlllem because -h..'srheoncwhom'llhi!ateda h~d ~ moment ofcbrity Perhaps I shouldn't have been somewhere, a poim has been mwed. whole planet full ofpeople (tWO A lllourlOCllClllCrlU.l'd aU rhat surprlSC'd by this rnpame. An exploding bus full ofpeople is if you countrhe DeathSrar) on gone wuh ;l few friends fO sec Sa,dr....n and hlsfrienrnhad not "cool", however )'QU nuy film screen,andlhenlfiiu$totheend 11,t ftJI«ptrfn. which for those spenr mOSI ofIhe mO'Vl" up to II. It qu.alifies fora fall few adj«tivC's urlcs:l.lnJdjubi6.m ch"el"S and who hn-en'! also ~n II.l1 a r:uhcr thar paml ral"lng 10 ..ach Ofh..r - shocking, hOrrific, IJc"emng. t;l"e partymg.SF nleans, '''IIJI l11ean, good pohu,;ulhnlkr dll"CClro by m 'rntmngly loud \'oien about a your pic" - hut "cool" II not, or big bangs - and oh ha\'C'n'I",\: all Sydn()' PoUack "';Ih much Ihe hosl ohubJ«1S unreLtr.-d to th.. c..n:unly IDould nOI be on.. ofmemo mull. ,.mlt old school focus J.nd g~ll;u film rhey werewppoSC'd to be But, depro.smgty. my leen fdlow This IS why "''C' go tlom the dUI Clint bsrnvod broughl 10 hl$ "'':Itchmg. It "'':IS prelty ekarthat ;ludienc.. mnnbeq hOld obviously sharp :mel edgy pmnuse of Alrh I'Kcnl CTIIIIC dnnu .\lysru' R",rr. 711(' they'd ITUde a mlSU.... m choosmg ~n wean.-d on a di..1 ofnlO\'les m BlMIt 10 rh.. blnllled goJIt/.._./IM... fllft'fJ'frfn 111 violnll fIlm. In Ihat their enl..nammenl that ....'C'mng. such uplOSJons are ..:oedy ~ntoltl1ll1e mherem in the R,,,II(I,la 11 ....'1Ihpohttc;tl V1okncc1S1 1M III/np~n "':IS dearly not fast, Ihat - rod. Gosh/wow,loo" al <if ChmUl", This IS why nl<' M",n.>.· thelllC'. bur Ihe violcnc... IS bfb,<,ly VIolent or nOllY enough 10 engage IhO!.C jlama! Old rou see the "';I)' trilogy degcn.:r,ufii A)'nha-lJke IlIIplicd rather Ihan evidem, and rheiranennon long r..rm il blew Ih~ peopl.. offtheIr fet'l? before our \'C'ryC')'t"S fmm CUlling whclllld()('Scnlplfmmagencnl WeU,r1lOlt's faIr enough. l\'\: ,"ll,"sc",rl Look ar the u'n'I""ka.f!. nun! .:dge ,:,"er,,,-mmem to tired eGI al1l1osphcreofmcnacc ~lld tension, doud otT Itl the odd B..rgman or Cool! glullony. itha'thalllluchmoreimpact;u;> lynch movie mySC'lf,andgencr:llly r So. What does this have 10 do This is why sfgems like Galt,..-" resull .. li"e my plolS 10 mo,'\: at a pace 'har wirhsfandwhyam lbellyachmg and S",lrt.~rD.,ysrenUI11alrnQjr OncsuchcruptiolllSlh.. would ha\'\: your aVl:r:lge European aboutlt here? unknown and unremarked oUl'lde dC'SITucuon by bomb ofa bus filled Atlhouse fan wrmlding their n~ Well, I'm compbllllllg thegenn' ghelto.why ""ran' with N~Yorke-no In dlSdun. We all ha\'\: our O\\'n - worrying perhaps - bc=use I InsleOldfon::e-fedClnenuIlClr:l.\'t"Sues II's a powrrful and cmou\"l." engagcmenl SC'Ulngs, and who am thmkSFfindsltselfmth.. fon'tlom hkej,*""yM....mmr"'and ~lttrk, moment III lhe film. nptul'C'd 110 define someone else's (so long oftim parricubr bailie for heam In which aU ofme gcnum.. Yl'Qndc-r In slow mOl:ion. and my own OlSlhC'),sJ,lIllhtj»tIt"pwhdeOfher and nunck. sf. more dun petlups and mugm..mon of{h.. ongllul moment of{)("nonll duny amc people are tr)"lng 10 "';lteh the anyotherfilmgcnre,lSamO'Vle nut" ,mffiC'dlOndy ",ft.-e, ",hn},;as II>... mO'Vle). But du"s noI II.Tb..;r.t "':ISn'l experience undemood - at InS! "" nuke mom for - }'OU gunKd 1l cxploslondlC'da"'3)'andlhe my epiphany, mOYie extrul1\'t'5. and lrIcrenmgly -rooIs"'ffa"d~ mulling nrnage "'as re\'ealed, some No.whatlre.tllSC'dalthar by audIences - as a story Catn.-d b dUoI Wlul w~'re all abour :u a IdlOI reenager liltmg behmd me momenlWOllllhatsomethingis by fU'Q hours ofg..uh/I1'(7\\' Special genre? wn 1I10\~d ro exdaml 10 hiS ffJenrn senously wrong wnh Ihe \\':1)' wC' etTcclS.Blam.:Lucaslf)'Quh"e Fuck,J hope nm. 4:new$ Avengers rescued F:::::n;.tA=K:~ha$ Th,,,,,,,,,,,mugh • Science Fienon Club t~ been found In the arch,,·es of n\,1\· be cdebnnng.n Unl\'enlt)· ofCalifornia- Onguu.ll) I .~,",anm\'e.,.,r... mf\u\ b~ast by lTV In tlMo 19fi" 2'111(, but In hardh· mlmg on It M:ncs OpcncT f~ on ~\·~r;·lTLlln laurek, I+. n~wh- K'"mped \\eb-uC" prougonlSt Dr David K~I (pl.a~ at WW\\ psfc_o"l;_ul conUlIl\ bylanHendr)-}l'1llbertlan mfornl.1uon on lh" dub\ meellnp gov~mcnt agent John St~ or ;Uld IJ.n ~ Wide range of a~"\·lllC,'" any ofhiS kathcr-ebd partners. and C\"C'ntJ for SF fan,.rel1ecnng K~l M:ch to a>·~ngc thc death the groupsbro;oder<pcnrum of his wlf~ kIlled In a dnvc by ofmlel'l."'<U r~ther th~n rocunn~ shootmg. The first twcnty mmutes purcl)' on Klence fiction -·NOI ofthecplsode,entJtledHQIS>JQIl', JUSt rockets. robot~ and r~y-guru' is have httn recovered and are lhe dub's mOHO. believed to have survived thanks to I'SFC w~~ originally founded syndicatIOn on Canadian televisJon m 1<;17('.1$ currently workmg hard manera when linlelhought pLmlllllg cd"brariom for in )(r" p~n'mg was paid to showli for lnlll\OCl"SJ,ryn~xIMl) posteril)' (or DVD bonUli material) Th.. Blrllllnghllll .. Science Ficlion Group" progranulleoflulhof ~..,nu gelS otT 10 l great the arthur c... cJirke award sun m 2Utlh ""llh app"uan,,~ from bn MacLeod (F.,bnur\ 1/1) r'.~ fund fa'S ng effort for the Science FICtion FoundatJOO. suppoctel'5-OOly party fOf the lnd Bmn Stabklord (M.ntch ](I) Att '"' Arthur C Osrke Award thlSS not enough to keep the announcement of the ShOrtl st. has been launched. Award going. Supporte1'S of and £2 off The Arthur Caarl\e F~IU arc lho 'm"llffl to lltcn.! Supporters of 5ereodlp ­ 5erendlP (SoS) can provide Award: A CnlJClJl AntlJolob, due rhe groups I+.GM on j.lIluar\ D. named for 5erendtp FoundatIOn, support .....hde sponsorship IS to be publIShed tn January 2006. :!tlllt>.•md po"slbh· ,...,..,n Jom the the orgamsatloo that now beiDt souant. AilOIlo Supporrer (donatlOOS comnultec IIthev Icd danng runs the Clarke Award - gi'o'eS There are three levels of SoS over £100) receive all the enough Meetings sun at 7.4:'ipm md,vlduals and organisations the support With different levets above benefits plus an exclUSive (wnh the ulk Itsdfsurtmg at oppotlunity to make a regular of reward.

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