Artificial intelligence index Reading between the lines From facial recognition to drug discovery, these emerging technologies are the ones to watch. ew applications powered by artificial (P. J. Grother et al. NIST Inter agency/Internal intelligence (AI) are being embraced Report 8280; 2019). The systems also had by the public and private sectors. difficulty identifying women. Their early uses hint at what’s to In a seminal paper published in 2018 by come. Timnit Gebru, former co-lead of Google’s Eth- N ical AI Team in Mountain View, California (see page S116) and Joy Buolamwini from the Massa- Recognizing bias chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Facial recognition Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, male and light-skinned subjects were found to be more In June 2020, IBM, Amazon and Microsoft accurately classified than female and dark- announced that they were stepping back from skinned subjects. The study states that such facial-recognition software development amid errors occur largely because the systems were concerns that it reinforces racial and gender trained using mostly white, male-dominated bias. Amazon and Microsoft said they would data sets. One widely used data set was roughly stop selling facial-recognition software to 75% male and 80% white (J. Buolamwini and T. police until new laws are passed in the United Gebru Proc. Mach. Learn. Res. 81, 77–91; 2018). States to address potential human-rights “There is a realization in the computer facial abuses. IBM has called for an industry-wide recognition community that there are high- review of the technology and how it is used. stakes consequences, especially for marginal Earlier in the year, Sundar Pichai, chief exec- communities,” says Ellen Broad, an AI govern- utive of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, ance and ethics expert at the Australian National backed a proposal by the European Union to University in Canberra. temporarily ban the technology in public places, A Nature survey, featured in a November 2020 such as train stations and stadiums. special issue on facial recognition, revealed dis- comfort among some researchers working in “There is a realization the field, particularly with regards to how its use might affect minority groups (see Nature that there are high-stakes 587, 354–358; 2020). The 480 respondents said consequences, especially for they were most uncomfortable about the use of marginal communities.” facial recognition for live surveillance in schools and workplaces, and by companies to monitor Joy Buolamwini from the MIT Media Lab says facial-recognition software has the highest error rates for darker-skinned females. public spaces, but were generally in support of it Facial-recognition systems are trained using being used by police in criminal investigations. to create and maintain facilities for the sharing a vast number of images to create ‘faceprints’ The New York Police Department (NYPD) has of facial images and other identity information of people by mapping the geometry of certain been using facial-recognition technology since between government agencies and, in some facial features. Faceprints are used to classify a 2011 to match faces of unidentified criminals in circumstances, private organizations. Leigh face into categories such as gender, age or race, surveillance footage and crime scene photos to Dayton and to compare it to other faceprints stored in those on watch lists. The NYPD states that no databases. According to a 2018 report by the US known case in New York City involves a person National Institute of Standards and Technology being falsely arrested on the basis of a facial- Blink and you’ll miss it (NIST), between 2014 and 2018, facial-recog- recognition match. Deepfake nition systems became 20 times better at find- Despite concerns, facial-recognition soft- ing a match in a database of 12 million portrait ware use is on the rise in many countries. It is The origins of deepfake, using AI to create falsi- photos. But a separate study, published by now widespread in China and its use is grow- fied photos, videos or audio files, can be traced NIST in December 2019, found that African- ing rapidly in India. In 2019, the Australian to 2017, when pornographic videos spliced with American and Asian faces were misidentified government’s Identity-matching Services Bill celebrities’ faces were posted online. The early 10 to 100 times more often than Caucasian men authorized the Department of Home Affairs iterations that followed were relatively easy to S126 | Nature | Vol 588 | 10 December 2020 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved. ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved. Joy Buolamwini from the MIT Media Lab says facial-recognition software has the highest error rates for darker-skinned females. SENNE/AP/SHUTTERSTOCK STEVEN detect, says Siwei Lyu, professor of computer create hyper-realistic, but false, versions. The voice of a chief executive from an unnamed science at the State University of New York at ‘discriminator’ detects poorly made fakes by UK-based energy firm to complete a fraudulent Buffalo, who pioneered a technique when he comparing them to the real thing. The two €220,000 (US$261,000) bank transfer. noticed that people in deepfake videos blinked parts might compete back and forth millions of Li hopes that the more people learn about far less often than they do in real life. As the times before the generator creates something the existence of deepfakes, the less effective technology advanced, so did Lyu’s detection realistic enough to ‘fool’ the discriminator. they will become. In September 2020, Micro- algorithms. They are now designed to identify The more advanced the GAN, the less training soft Research launched its Video Authenticator the subtle changes left by creators when they data it requires. That’s one reason why Hao Li, software to combat the spread of disinforma- resize or rotate a person’s face to merge or professor of computer science at the University tion through deepfakes, particularly those superimpose it onto an image or video. of Southern California in Los Angeles, thinks designed to undermine electoral processes One way to create a deepfake video, Lyu the battle to detect deepfakes could already and COVID-19 health advice. explains, is using a neural network called a be lost. “The fakes are getting so much better Although there is an urgent need to combat generative adversarial network (GAN), split that they’re undetectable in real time,” he says. deceptive deepfakes, the technology is increas- into two parts. The ‘generator’ is trained using In 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported that ingly being embraced by researchers, particu- thousands of photos, videos or audio files to deepfake audio was used to impersonate the larly in fields such as medicine and astronomy. Nature | Vol 588 | 10 December 2020 | S127 ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved. ©2020 Spri nger Nature Li mited. All rights reserved. Artificial intelligence index In 2019, for example, a team from the Institute are increasingly partnering with AI firms for number of publications that mention ‘emotion of Medical Informatics at the University of drug development. In August 2020, Exsci- AI’, ‘sentiment analysis’ and ‘opinion mining’ Lübeck in Germany proposed the use of GANs entia was named alongside Pfizer, Bayer and has increased almost tenfold between 2011 and to create hyper-realistic medical images to Merck as one of 37 partners in the new Corona 2019, from 1,225 publications to 11,926. train AI used in cancer diagnosis. And a team Accelerated R&D Europe initiative, the largest Companies such as Affectiva, founded by led by the Lawrence Berkeley National Labo- undertaking of its kind to discover and develop researchers from the MIT Media Lab, offer prod- ratory in California is using its ‘CosmoGAN’ COVID-19 treatments. Leigh Dayton ucts aimed at detecting consumer reactions to system to produce maps of dark matter in the brands and advertisements. In South Korea, Universe. Bill Condie nearly one-quarter of the top 131 corporations Emotional intelligence say they are using or plan to use emotion AI in Reading non-verbal cues recruitment, according to the Korea Economic Quicker treatments Research Institute. Companies selling these AI drug discovery Emotion AI describes systems that can rec- systems, such as Midas IT, based in Pangyo, ognize, respond to and simulate moods and South Korea, claim that they can determine if In January 2020, researchers launched the emotions. Designed to detect non-verbal cues, a candidate is more likely to have qualities such world’s first human clinical trial of a drug including body language, facial expressions as honesty or tenacity, based on expressions discovered using AI. Intended to treat obses- and tone of voice, technologies based on emo- and word choice during interviews. sive-compulsive disorder (OCD), the com- tion AI are being developed by industries such Researchers are calling for caution. They pound DSP-1181 was identified using an AI drug as recruitment, health care and education. point to a lack of evidence that current emo- discovery platform called Centaur Chemist. In offices or classrooms, for example, emo- tion AI products can accurately deduce an indi- After trawling through chemical libraries tional cues could be used to detect those who vidual’s emotional state. Lisa Feldman Barrett, /REDUX/EYEVINE containing thousands of molecules, Centaur are overworked or disengaged, says Simon professor of psychology at Northeastern Uni- Chemist found the most relevant compounds Lucey, director of the Australian Institute of versity in Boston, Massachusetts, says it is also for regulating serotonin, a chemical in the brain Machine Learning at the University of Ade- concerning that such technologies assume that has been linked to OCD. These were syn- laide, South Australia. “It’s a fantastic appli- that certain facial movements are universally thesized and tested in the lab before DSP-1181 cation base to flag early signs of people who perceived as expressions of particular emo- was selected for a clinical trial in Japan.
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