PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. TEEMS $8.00 PER ANNUM -nT™r<„ icon • IN ADVANCE JUNE 23, 1862. ESTABLISHED VOL. 13. __ The new government in New Hampshire Our Sew York Letter. DAILY PRESS INSURANCE. ENTERTAINMENTS. THE THE PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, _WANTS. PEESS. is to be organized to-day, and it won’t be a Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the red-letter day for (he Democrats. It will be The Rcult in Nrw Stationers. NTAT£.UENT PORTLAND MUSEUM. naaipiklrr-Capliwi Booksellers and TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 1G, 1875 to them to see a Democratic ad- PUBLISHING wanted! OPPOSITE TOE CITY HALL. very galling Fanli-Finiiiag—Caacas ftrfsrm-Tbe PORTLAND CO„ HOYT. A FOOD No.Ot Middle Street. ministration down and aad a Re- I*. Congreu St. OF TOE step out, Nonihtm Claim*. T. Mc«OWAN,354 by In *ncce»s of the At 109 Exch ange St., Portland. engagement w ith a kind and solect family consequence of ihe grunt Every regular attache of the Press is furnished """ administration up and in. an afteciinnate colored man w,,!‘ publican step They AN yonng rot a with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. Terms: Eight Dollars a Year in advance. To Book Binders, testimonials to set as their servant SEA OF will have another chance to wince in Con questionable ICE, Editor. All steamboat ami hotel mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if in ad- Room tl, Printer’* chance of a education. Pullen, railway, New paid WOT. A. QUINCY, obtaining thorough il will be continued every Evening until necticut next and fall the harness Yobk, Mar. 15 U78. vance. Ill St. will confer a favor us monlb, by Exchange, No. Exchange Please address, further notice. managers upon by demanding is to the E. KING, Student, Democracy state,what gariio is to the No, 33 Plum RICHARD Inactive ITInvourn*en of to our will become unendutable. SMAIiIj A SIIACKFOKD, D. ■ preparation Kathleen credentials every person claiming represent THE MW marl5d3wm* Post Office Washington or Ht, A*atrick’s fe22dtf cuisine, a thing you can easily get loo much of. MAINE STATE PRESS Street. Eve. journal, as we have intormation that several ‘•bum- extreme Rad cal as he is The Wisconsin tried it for a year and mers” are seeking courtesies in the name of the Gambetta, gen- people is published every Thursday Morning at a Wfinted. $2.50 Confectionery. Fire and Marine Insurance Co., alter all to then exclaimed, “No more in ours lhauk year, if paid iu advance, at $2.00 a of a e, SELECT READINGS Press, and we have no disposition to be, even pas- erally thought to be, appears be year. manufacturer of YOUNG MAN, lietween 25 and 35 years Kj. J. PERKINS plain for advance- — BY — a to such frauds. And now New which after ilS7 who wishes to secure a change sively, party the main support of tht new French minis- you.” Hampshire, Rates of Advertising; One inch ot the and fancy Candies, C'ongres* St, OF BOSTON, MASS., A business m space, Portland Hie. ment in connection with a well known to and fro for to such a length of constitutes a between HENRY j. MURRAY, Esq., The is teetering years degree column, “square.” this city. Inquire at Preble House, Room 42, try. ministry thoroughly representa- $1.50 per square daily first 75 cents week and will be given in the of the India St. Chnreli, in as to occasion constant for her week; per the hours of 9 an 110 A. M., Monday,'! uesday vestry tive of the and were it not sus- anxiety safety three or and Builders. January 1st, 1S75. behalf of the Ladies connected with the We do not read anonymous letters and communi- right centre, after; insertions, less, §1.00; continuing Carpenters Wednesday, March 15,1G and 17. malodJt Social Circle at last and lost her in the every other after first w cents. Society on toppled over, place day eek, 50 WHITNEY A: HIEANS, Pearl Street, op- cations. The name and address of the writer are in tained by Gambetta, could not for a moment Halt square, three or less, 75 cents; one 'M Republican lifts herself out of the insertions, posite Park. hnrsday Evening) March I8tli, all cases indispensable, not necessarily tor xmblication hold left centre. galaxy, week, $1 00; 50 cents per week after. Stock, $500,000.00 Wanted. itself against the left and Capital at 7J o’clock. Tickets had of S. H. Coles- slough with an of mingled Special Notices, one third additional. 004,830.54 Room at the 25c to be but as a guaranty of good faith. again, expression Surplus, good Dining Boys, worthy, 102 Federal The eloquent young advocate seems to be de- Under head of “Amusements,” and “Auction Furniture-Wholesale and Retail. UNITED STATES HOTEL, St., W. H. Sargent Congress St., We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- disgust and penitence. Well, it is passiug TWO and at the door. murl0d3t Saleh.” $2.00 per square per week; thrqp insertions COREY A No. • mats the of a statesman. WALTER CO., Arcnde, Total Assets, $1,104,830.54 nications that are not used. veloping qualities strange that sensible folks who live arnoog r less $1.50. J s Free Street. _dlt Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State granite bit's, and build school houses and CEOROE A. No. 5tt Ex- The Missouri Democratic of Fresh” (which has a circulation in every part WHITNEY, ONE NIGHT ONLY! legislature, large change St. of ail kinds ASSETS. Wanted. churches, and have lyceums and libraries— of the State) for $1.00 per square for first insertion, Upholstering The Issue in flew course, has a convict-labor done to order. Hampshire. passed bill, by and 50 cents tor each nsertion. stock... 00 Alms- where there are few rum and no per square subsequent National Bank .§127,950 MAN and his wife t > take charge of the in the shops paupers Address all to 00 It is a matter of some moment to know which felons Missouri penitentiary are communications City bonds. 48,250 A bouse and town farm at Cape Elizabeth. Ap- CITY-HALL, —can be bamboozled into abetting the restora- PORTLAND PUBLISHING Co. and Toilet Railroad bonds. 64,005 00 office until oai out to hire and Hair Goods Articles. plication received at the Selectmen’s on what issue the battle in New put their cheap labor put in United States bonds. 60,125 00 Hampshire tion to national power, of a party which has at J. F. SHERRY, No. » Clapp’. Rlock urday, March 27, 1875 THURSDAY EVENING, March 18, with that of the honest Hall* Loans on stocks and mortgages, amply sc- THUS. B. HASKELL, Overseers was and won. Naturally local ques- competition laboring all limes heeu the of sectionalism Congress Street, opposite Old City 69 ) will be tought champ’on CARDS. cured. 384,082 ELISHA N. JORDAN, of Poor presented the beautiful and pleasing Operet- men and -mechanics of the BUSINESS } or tions entered into the for state. At the and caste—which measures manhood Ttcai estate—office building. 100,010 00 FRED’K HATCH. ) Cape Elizabeth. ta, Musical Comedy, prepared expressly for the largely canvass, to-day by in bank. 82 next election Jewelry and Fine Watches. Cash on hand ami 165,183 Cane Elizabeth, March 8, 1875. niarSd&wld the state had been under the control of the the laborers and mechanics will the absurd staudard of complexion—and has Bills receivable for marine premiums. 121,223 9i» AKNER LOWELL, 135 Middle Street. narrow J. Ti. DURAN, Interest accrued. 6,037 71 a never remember this. all the bigotry snd Hindoo exclusive- Agents for Howard Watch Company. Democrats lor whole year, and yet Premiums in course of collection. 27,078 42 Wanted. ism wlrch it Manufacturer, wholesale and retail dealer in BARNABEE a characterized when it bore sway Two Bedrooms and a Sitting room1 did a Democratic legislature get through The of ratification the Hawaiian treaty by in the Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. §1,104,836 54 WANTEDfurnished or unfurnished, in a respectable some foolish or Republic. session without passing op- the .Senate will not be as its Trunks and Valises, J. A. MERRILL A 13U Middle St. LIABILITIES. family, with or without Board. Must bo pleasantly conclusive, by Any organization, however is lia- CO., Address law the etTect to rouse the in- powerful, situated. Westbrook preferable. pressive having owu terms it cannot be ratified and J. A. MSRR1L A. KEITH. O. BOX 173C. OPERETTA pro- ble to he weakened and thrown into a tempora- TRAVELING BAGS, ETC., 00 of to its Unpaid Losses..*....§44,000 m*13d3t*___P. dignation the people and promoto claimed the President until shall 96 the l’ost by Congress ry minority through disaffection within its Exchange St., Opp. Office# Pattern aud Model Maker. Wanted. COMPANY own overthrow. So in states which have have the laws to it in- own ranks. never were PORTLAND. President. passed necessary carry Republicans pitient J. I. HA R ROC R, 350 Fore Street, Cor. ol SAMUEL GOULD, POSITION to sing in church as soprano in a entitled been Democratic for a the canvass can at short marlOdlw year to effect. It is the California under are mnc'i more apt to Repairing done notice, Cross, Portland. A quartet choir. Address Post Ofhce Box 1891, opposed by discipline. They JAMES J. GOODRICH, Sec’y* never be confined to uational issues. Portland, Maine* marStf wholly sugar refiners because it admits competition find fault unreasonably than to accept the SIR But in New as was the in- edicts of is WM.
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