THE LOGO The grey letters stand for the worldwide fraternal society which is subordinate to the Catholic Faith and the content of all publications. The content - the Faith and the patron saint - is more important than the fraternal society. The logo becomes more easily readable due to the difference in grey tones. The black letters stand for the organization itself. The design seeks to express something of the organization’s core values, showing ourselves fully “in the light”. Ite Missa Est Paradigms to order CONTENTS | < PREVIOUS PAGE | NEXT PAGE > FSSPX MANUAL | page 6 1 March - April 2020 Newsletter of the SSPX in Great Britain and Scandinavia The increasing ambiguity and mystery of each succes- sive theological paradigm indicates that they are less an attempt to better illuminate man’s path to his beatitude, and more an exercise in theological violence to bend the Church to a new purpose. THE SHADOW The icon’s shadow gives us a strong, yet subtle corporate element. The two hearts now have a light shadow, fitting into the spacious lay-out. There is recognition, but with a light touch. The watermark is always present in the background but is not overt, just like Ite Missa Est Newsletter of the Society of St. Pius X the FSSPX. Again, the content is the most in Great Britain & Scandinavia Price: suggested donation £1 important factor, with the FSSPX staying To Order: request in writing or by email Publisher Society of Saint Pius X St. George‘s House in the background. 125 Arthur Road Wimbledon SW19 7DR United Kingdom +44 20 8946 7916 [email protected] District Superior Rev. Fr. Robert Brucciani Donation options (specify "St. Michael's School" if desired) 1. Cheque to: "The Society of Saint Pius X" at the above address 2. Standing Order: contact us for a form either: at the above address or: [email protected] or: www.fsspx.uk/en/donate-gb 3. Transfer to: Lloyds Bank plc Account: The Society of St. Pius X Account Number: 00279661 Sort Code: 30-99-80 BIC/SWIFT: LOYDGB21061 IBAN: GB07LOYD30998000279661 4. Paypal: [email protected] Please ask for a Gift Aid declaration form if you pay income tax or complete online form at www.fsspx.uk/en/donate-gb Internet fsspx.uk CONTENTS | < PREVIOUS PAGE | NEXT PAGE > FSSPX MANUAL | page 7 THE SHADOW The icon’s shadow gives us a strong, yet subtle corporate element. The two hearts now have a light shadow, fitting into the spacious lay-out. There is recognition, but with a light touch. The watermark is always present in the background but is not overt, just like the FSSPX. Again, the content is the most important factor, with the FSSPX staying Paradigms to order Editorial 6 Traditions's Response by Don Davide Pagliarani 12 in the background. Philosophy Love of Nature 22 Catechism Light of the World 26 Ite Missa Est Society of St. Pius X in Great Britain and Scandinavia Chronicle 33 Liturgical Calendar 38 Year Planner 2020 43 Mass Times 44 Addresses 46 5 CONTENTS | < PREVIOUS PAGE | NEXT PAGE > FSSPX MANUAL | page 7 Editorial Paradigms to order Rev. Fr. Robert Brucciani, District Superior My dear faithful, It is a difficult text to understand, because post Vatican II theology In recent editions of Ite Missa is evolving by steps and each suc- Est, we have traced the demise of cessive iteration or paradigm is Christendom by assaults from with- increasingly unintelligible. Each out – the Protestant Reformation, new take on the Catholic Religion Rationalism, Atheism, Liberalism, is more mysterious and ambigu- Egoism. We have then shown how ous than the last, not because it the structure of the Church has approaches the heart of revealed been inverted since the Second mysteries which are beyond reason, Vatican Council because its mission but because it tries more boldly to is no longer to teach, govern and appropriate the Catholic Religion to sanctify, but to listen to the world. a purpose which is radically alien In this edition of the Ite Missa Est, to it. we present an abridged text of a discourse given by the Superior General, Don Davide Pagliarani, The Paradigms which describes the changes in the- ology that attempt to legitimise the The first paradigm of the new reli- effective apostacy of the hierarchy. gion, unveiled at the Second Vati- 6 March - April 2020 can Council, ignores the distinction conversion (cf. Catholic Tradition), between the natural and super- neither by man following his con- natural order, bringing God down science (cf. Dignitatis Humanae), to the level of men. The words but by the Incarnation, which “justification”, “supernatural” and sanctified all humanity whether “sanctifying grace”, for example, individuals knew it or not (cf. Re- are not used once in the Declara- demptor Hominis). In other words, tion, Dignitatis Humanae. Fur- men are already redeemed: the ob- thermore, the first paragraph of jective and subjective redemption the same document infers that the happened at the Incarnation - no law is no longer determined by the conversion is necessary for heav- order of creation and revelation (ie. en. Again, the word “justification” the natural law and the divine [re- which literally means “being put vealed] law), but by the individual right with God” does not appear conscience. once in the encyclical. In consequence, given the objective The latest paradigm of Pope Fran- redemption wrought by Christ, no cis is the most radical. By the In- elevation of a soul to the super- carnation, God joined Himself to all natural order is deemed necessary creation – not just to men. Redemp- for the justification (i.e. subjective tion, therefore, is no longer about redemption) of the individual soul, welcoming the grace of conversion no membership of the Church is and living in conformity with really necessary, no sacraments God’s laws so that we may unite necessary, no particular religion ourselves to Him for all eternity in necessary: you can be saved in any heaven (cf. Catholic Tradition). Nei- religion or none at all so long as you ther is it about following one’s con- follow your conscience. science (cf. Dignitatis Humanae). Neither is it something to celebrate The second paradigm – champi- as having already happened (cf. Re- oned by Pope John Paul II – holds demptor Hominis). Redemption is that man was indeed redeemed about converting ourselves to serve by Christ, not by the fruits of the this deified earth. We are called to Passion being applied to individ- “ecological conversion” which is ual souls at the moment of their defined as the realisation, by means 7 Editorial of an “encounter with Christ”, that church fit for the New World Order. we have a vocation to protect God’s It is diabolical genius. creation (§216-221). While it is true that we must re- The Solution spect creatures, the clear impres- sion given to the reader is that a This year, the Society of St. Pius X conversio ad creaturas is more celebrates its 50th anniversary. Our important than a conversio ad history reflects in part the struggles Deum (which, strangely enough, of the mortal condition of its mem- is St. Thomas’ definition of sin). bers, in part the nefarious assaults This disordered love of the earth from without, but, by the grace of is particularly dangerous, not only God, the Society has been faithful because it appears to put earth in to her mission of combating the cri- the place heaven, but because it sis in the Church by forming priests encourages the belief that man is who both teach the Catholic Faith actually a threat to the new heav- in season and out of season and en. Such a belief is but a step away sanctify souls by the administra- from the barbaric nihilism of the tion of the sacraments. culture of death. It is important for our brother priests and faithful to appreciate The Purpose the role that the Society has played in the crisis. Where would we be The increasing ambiguity and mys- now if Archbishop Lefebvre had not tery of each successive paradigm taken a courageous stand against indicates that they are less an an entire hierarchy who were attempt to better illuminate man’s wittingly or unwittingly working path to his beatitude, and more an for the destruction of the visible exercise in theological violence to Church? Where would we be now bend the Church to a new purpose. if hundreds of young men had not There is no longer a need for grace, joined her ranks to fight what ap- no longer a need for conversion, pears to be the biggest battle in the no longer a need for law, no longer history of the Church? Even today, a need for heaven. We now have a the Society, together with her af- 8 March - April 2020 Objective Redemption (how the Subjective The Catholic gates of Redemption Religion vs heaven were (how we get to Role of the Law Paradigms Heaven opened) heaven) Church (path to heaven) Dwelling place Supernatural grace Teach Divine Law: both of God, the Catholic Religion Christ’s and conversion Govern natural and angels and the Incarnation, necessary Sanctify revealed saints Life, Passion, Death, No supernatural Dialogue Resurrection Immanent law of Vatican II grace, but conversion Accompany Dwelling place and Ascension conscience of God, the necessary Bless angels and all Pope JP II – No supernatural Reveal man to humanity Christ’s Redemptor grace, no conversion himself as Not necessary Incarnation Hominis necessary already saved Pope Francis – No supernatural Mother Earth Listen in the UN Sustainable Laudate si Not happened grace, but in perfect theological Development & Amazonian yet “Ecological harmony spaces Goals? Synod conversion” necessary This table illustrates how the paradigms have shifted.
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