HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE OIL SHALE REGION AS AN INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE, RECREATIONAL, SPORTS AND SPORTS RECREATIONAL, THE OIL SHALE REGION AS AN INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE, OF HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE OIL SHALE THE INFLUENCEREGION AS AN OF INDUSTRIAL GROWTH CONDITIONS HERITAGE, ON RECREATIONAL,PHYSICO-MECHANICAL SPORTS AND PROPERTIES TOURISM OFDISTRICT SCOTS PINE (Pinus sylvestris L.) WOOD IN ESTONIA PÕLEVKIVIREGIOONI TERVIKLIK ARENDAMINE TÖÖSTUSPÄRANDI-, PUHKE-, SPORDI- JA KASVUTINGIMUSTE MÕJU HARILIKU MÄNNI (PinusTURISMIPIIRKONNANA sylvestris L.) PUIDU FÜÜSIKALIS- MEHAANILISTELE OMADUSTELE EESTIS KAIE METSAOTS REGINO KASK A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy A Thesis Professor in Landscape Architecture for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks maastikuarhitektuuri erialal Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks metsanduse erialal Tartu 20192015 Eesti Maaülikooli doktoritööd Doctoral Theses of the Estonian University of Life Sciences HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE OIL SHALE REGION AS AN INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE, RECREATIONAL, SPORTS AND TOURISM DISTRICT PÕLEVKIVIREGIOONI TERVIKLIK ARENDAMINE TÖÖSTUSPÄRANDI-, PUHKE-, SPORDI- JA TURISMIPIIRKONNANA KAIE METSAOTS A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Landscape Architecture Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks maastikuarhitektuuri erialal Tartu 2019 Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Estonian University of Life Sciences According to the verdict No 183 of May 9, 2014, the Doctoral Committee of the Agricultural and Natural Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences has accepted the thesis for the defence of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Landscape Architecture. Opponent: Prof. Dr. Dietwald Gruehn Chair of Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning of School of Spatial Planning TU Dortmund University Supervisor: Prof. Kalev Sepp Department of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation Estonian University of Life Sciences Defence of the thesis: Estonian University of Life Sciences, Kreutzwaldi 5, Tartu, room D239, June 27, 2019, at 10:15 a.m. The English language in the thesis was edited by The American Manuscript Editors and the Estonian by Urve Ansip. Publication of this dissertation has been supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences. © Kaie Metsaots, 2019 ISSN 2382-7076 ISBN 978-9949-629-85-5 (trükis) ISBN 978-9949-629-86-2 (pdf) CONTENTS LIST OF ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS .................................................7 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................8 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................10 2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND CONCEPTUAL ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK ..............................................................16 2.1. From industrialisation to deindustrialisation ................................16 2.2. Problems with industrial landscapes .............................................16 2.3. The concept of heritage ..................................................................18 2.4. Industrial Heritage............................................................................18 2.5. Challenges with industrial landscapes and heritage ....................20 2.6. Evaluation and protection of industrial heritage ........................25 2.7. Background and context to the study ...........................................28 2.7.1. The meaning and extent of mining and industry ................28 2.7.2. Landscape and socio-economic circumstances ...................33 2.7.3. Territorial or spatial planning in the Soviet era ....................37 2.7.4. Positive directions for industrial heritage from recent decades ..................................................................................................37 2.7.5. Reclamation of industrial landscapes under legislative acts ..39 2.7.6. Oil shale industrial heritage in strategic and planning documents ............................................................................................40 2.7.7. Cultural heritage theme plans and projects ...........................46 2.7.8. Successful adaptive reuse projects on industrial landscapes ............................................................................................49 2.7.9. Institutions dealing with industrial heritage tourism ...........51 3. AIMS OF THE STUDY ........................................................................52 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS ........................................................54 4.1. Inventory of industrial sites ............................................................54 4.2. Social science study ..........................................................................56 4.2.1. Qualitative research Part 1: Focus group interviews ...........56 4.2.2. Quantitative research: Questionnaire .....................................58 4.2.3. Statistical data analysis ..............................................................60 4.2.4. Qualitative research Part 2: One-on-one interviews ...........60 5 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...........................................................64 5.1. Oil shale industrial heritage landscapes study .............................64 5.2. Awareness and perception of landscapes and possibilities .......67 5.2.1. Landscape perceptions .............................................................67 5.2.2. Existing and lacking possibilities for sports, tourism, and recreation .....................................................................................70 5.2.3. Problems and how to address them .......................................71 5.2.4. How to improve the public and stakeholders’ involvement .........................................................................................75 5.2.5. Development possibilities for the Ida-Viru County ............77 5.3. What was learned from experiences in other countries .............82 5.3.1. Statements about differences between other countries and Estonia ...........................................................................................83 5.3.2. What experiences could be useful for the oil shale industrial region ...................................................................................95 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..........................99 6.1. Conclusions .....................................................................................100 6.2. Recommendations .........................................................................105 REFERENCES ..........................................................................................109 SUMMARY IN ESTONIAN ..................................................................128 APPENDICES...........................................................................................139 Appendix 1. Data sheet for inventories .............................................139 Appendix 2. Questionnaire ..................................................................140 Appendix 3. Samples of the examples ...............................................147 Appendix 4. Descriptions of the examples from other countries .149 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................156 PUBLICATIONS ......................................................................................159 CURRICULUM VITAE ...........................................................................238 ELULOOKIRJELDUS ............................................................................243 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ....................................................................248 6 LIST OF ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS The present thesis is based on the following articles, which are referred to by their Roman numerals in the text. The articles are reproduced by the kind permission of the publishers. I Metsaots, K., Sepp, K., Roose, A., 2011. Evaluation of oil shale mining heritage in Estonia. In: Brebbia, C.A., Beriatos, E. Sustainable development and planning V. WIT Press, 453–468. II Metsaots, K., Printsmann, A., Sepp, K., 2015. Public opinions on oil shale mining heritage and its tourism potential. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Special Issue on Baltic Tourism 15(4): 380–399. III Metsaots, K., Printsmann, A., Kaart, T., Sepp, K., 2015. What hinders and what facilitates good living in the oil shale mining region? Oil Shale 32(4): 373–392. IV Metsaots, K., Sepp, K., Kuusemets, V., 2019. Exploring redevelopment options for the Estonian oil shale region. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. In print. Author’s contribution to the articles: I II III IV Original idea KM, KS KM, KS KM, KS KM KM, AP, KM, AP, KM, KS, Study design KM, KS KS KS VK KM, KS, Data collection KM KM KM AR KM, KS, Data analysis KM KM, TK KM AR Manuscript KM, KS KM, KS KM, KS KM, KS preparation KM – Kaie Metsaots; KS – Kalev Sepp; AP – Anu Printsmann; AR – Antti Roose; TK - Tanel Kaart; VK – Valdo Kuusemets. 7 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AIA The Association for Industrial Archaeology AS aktsiaselts; joint-stock company CILAC Comité d’information et de liaison pour l’archéologie, l’étude et la mise en valeur du patrimoine industriel; the Information and Liaison Committee for Archaeology, Study and Development of Industrial Heritage CRT The Coalfields Regeneration Trust E-FAITH The European Federation of Associations of Industrial and Technical Heritage EU
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