CREDITS Producer: Realmwarp Media (@RealmwarpM) Author: Sean Shannon Editing: Ryan Langr Layout and Graphic Design: Ryan Langr, Using Fallen Camelot template design by Anne Gregersen (@AnneofManyNames) Cover Art: (c) 2015 Dean Spencer. Used with Permission. All rights reserved. Other Interior Art: Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art (c) Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin Games. Sample file Vault of the Old Guard 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PlateoftheForgiving 4 DefenderoftheOldWays8 CoatoftheAvenger 4 FavoroftheLake8 Mentor’sHelm 4 TheLastStand 9 QuestingSaddle 4 Turncoat’sCoat9 PainofTruth 4 PersistentVestments9 BridgingSpike 5 BladeofPromises9 BladeofLastWill 5 HelmoftheEternalQuest9 UnwaveringCharm 5 ResilientDefender9 WardsProtector 5 Swift to Wrath 10 PendantofGracefulFailing 5 Hunter’sBow 10 HammerofVengeance 5 LoveNeverReached10 Redeemer’sChain 6 CompanionsPendant 10 Fool’sScarf 6 LegalInformation11 PragmaticBlade 6 Aspirant’sBlade 6 WarningRings 6 QuestingBlade 6 CeasingofSwords 6 FeyTouchedSword 7 Challenger’sBlade 7 Rescuer’sBeacon 7 KnightsBane 7 TheReadyingRing 7 TheManualofKnighthood 7 DefendersBoots 8 SampleLoyalBands 8 file BurningSpite 8 GloryPlate 8 Requester’sBand 8 Vault of the Old Guard 3 Plate of the Forgiving Questing Saddle Armor (plate), rare Wondrous item, very rare You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing While riding a mount that is wearing this this armor. Additionally, you have saddle, your journey becomes much safer. resistance to all damage you take from a As long as you know the exact location of friendly creature. your destination, you are immune to effects of divination magic that would scry This is the armor of Sir Accolon, who was your location or cause you to lose your killed by Arthur when he had been way. Your mount ignores difficult terrain, tricked by the fae to see Accolon as a foe. both magical and natural. As an action, Accolon felt only sadness for Arthur you can magically summon your mount because he had already forgiven the king to your location. and knew his death would hurt him greatly. This was the saddle of Sir Aglovale, the brother of the legendary Sir Percival who brought the soon to be knight to Arthur Coat of the Avenger through dangerous lands. Wondrous item (cloak), uncommon When you don this cloak, you utter the Pain of Truth name of one you wish to avenge. When a Weapon (dagger), very rare (requires creature who harmed the creature you attunement) wish to avenge sees the cloak, the creature hears the name of their victim in You have a +2 bonus to attack and their mind and the wearer of the cloak damage rolls made with this weapon. knows the name of the creature that When you hit a creature with this dagger, looked upon the cloak. you can force them to make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw, forcing them to This is the cloak of Sir Brunor’s father, announce one of their deepest kept who was slain in treachery, and as part secrets on a failure. of his oath of vengeance Sir Brunor wore the coat until he at least avenged his This was the blade of Sir Agravain, who father. sought out the darkest secrets of his fellow knights to claim some power over them. Eventually Lancelot ended Agravain’s life after succumbing to the Mentor’s Helm magic of the dagger. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) While wearing this helm, whenever a friendly creature within 30 feet of you misses with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to allow them to reroll the attack. This was the helm of Sir Ector. Though not a famous knight, legends say he secretly trained Arthur into young adulthood before Merlin took the soon to be king under his own tutelage. Sample file Vault of the Old Guard 4 Bridging Spike Unwavering Charm Wondrous item, rare Wondrous item, rare This magical pinion makes scaling cliffs While wearing this magical charm, you and castle walls extremely easy, and is a are immune to the charmed condition. much coveted tool for castle sieges. When Additionally, you have advantage on this pinion is hammered into the ground, Wisdom (Insight) checks made to it cannot be removed except by the determine when someone is trying to creature that placed it. misdirect you. While the pinion is in the ground, it gains This charm was worn by Sir Bors the the following effects: Younger, who followed Percival on his quest to retrieve the grail, and for his When a rope of any length is attached to selfless dedication to truth and justice, the pinion, it can be thrown up to 500 was allowed to see its holy power. feet and generates a second copy of the pinion. A pinion cannot generate more than one copy of itself at a time. Wards Protector When thrown, the copy drills itself into the place to which it was thrown, it Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement) cannot be removed except by the creature who placed it, and the rope cannot be cut You have a +1 bonus to AC while wielding by any means as long as the original this shield. When an ally you can see spike remains in the ground. within 30 feet is struck by a critical hit, you can use your reaction to reduce the This is an artifact of Sir Bagdemagus, a damage by half. Knight of the Round Table and king of a land called Gore. None of the other This was the shield of Sir Cador, who knights ever went to the land, but the some say was the half brother of Arthur legend persists that it was an island that or the guardian of Guinevere, depending can only be reached by walking over a on the bard telling the tale. razor thin rope bridge. Pendant of Graceful Blade of Last Will Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires Failing attunement) Wondrous item, uncommon You have a +2 bonus to attack and While wearing this pendant, you have damage rolls made with this weapon. advantage on Charisma checks when you When a friendly creature within 30 feet of reveal a personal failure to the person you you is reduced to 0 hit points, you can are trying to convince. use your reaction push the creature 15 feet in a straight line and immediately This was the pendant of Sir Calogrenant, make a death saving throw at advantage. who was a humble knight more than You cannot use this ability again until willing to tell of their failing so that others you finish a short or long rest. may benefit from the lessons he learned. This is the sword of Sir Bedivere. According to legend, he was the only knight to hear Arthur’s last words and Hammer of Vengeance took Excalibur from the battlefield. No Weapon (warhammer), very rare (requires one knows where he might be or where attunement) he took the legendary sword. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. When you are hit with a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to make a single melee weapon attack against the Samplecreature that attacked you.file This was the hammer of Sir Caradoc, who was once humiliated by a sorcerer and took up a quest with his son to exact vengeance against him. Vault of the Old Guard 5 Redeemer’s Chain Aspirant’s Blade Armor (chain shirt), very rare (requires Weapon (sword), very rare attunement) This blade seems to feed off the success of You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing those around it. When an ally within 30 this chain shirt. When a creature within feet of you rolls a critical hit with a 5 feet of you hits an ally with an attack, weapon attack, until the end of your next you can use your reaction to give yourself turn, your next attack with this sword advantage on your next attack against automatically scores a critical hit, even if that creature until the end of your next it would otherwise miss. turn. This is the blade of Sir Elyan, who was This was the armor of Sir Claudin, the brought to Arthur’s court as a young son of a king who challenged Arthur, but squire, and with training and dedication, he chose to stand with Arthur against his became a Knight of the Round Table father instead. worthy of the name. Fool’s Scarf Warning Rings Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare This scarf is knitted with a wild array of This pair of rings must be worn by two colors. As a bonus action, the wearer can separate creatures to be used. When one choose to activate the scarf. While active, person wearing the ring can see the you cannot roll attacks at advantage or creature wearing the other ring targeted disadvantage. If an attack hits while this by an attack, they can use their reaction effect is active, it deals an extra 1d6 force to impose disadvantage on that attack. damage. If an attack misses while this effect is active, the attacker is randomly These are the rings of Sir Erec and his teleported to a random empty space wife Endine, who together went on a within 30 feet (World Runner’s choice). grueling journey to prove their love. This was the scarf of Arthur’s jester, Sir Dagonet, who was allowed to become a knight as a joke. But their chaos and Questing Blade determination made them a name Weapon (scimitar), very rare (requires whispered in admiration among the attunement) round table. You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this scimitar, which also scores a critical hit on a 19 or Pragmatic Blade 20 on the d20.
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