PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission News Media Information 202 / 418-0500 Fax-On-Demand 202 / 418-2830 445 12th St., S.W. TTY 202 / 418-2555 Washington, D.C. 20554 Internet: http://www.fcc.gov ftp.fcc.gov DA 05-2048 Released: July 21, 2005 Media Bureau Notice Deadline for Filing Mandatory Media Bureau EEO Form 396-C is September 30, 2005 FCC Form 396-C, Multi-Channel Video Programming Distributor EEO Program Annual Report (September 2003 Edition) is due to be filed electronically with the Commission by midnight on September 30, 2005. Users can access the electronic filing system via the Internet from the Commission’s Web Site at: http://svartifoss2.fcc.gov/cgi-bin/ws.exe/prod/cdbs/forms/prod/cdbsmenu.hts Paper versions of the form will not be accepted unless accompanied by an appropriate request for waiver of the electronic filing requirement. The Commission has recognized the need for limited waivers of the electronic filing requirement in light of the “burden that electronic filing could place upon some [entities] who are seeking to serve the public interest, with limited resources, and succeed in a highly competitive local environment.” Streamlining Order, 13 FCC Rcd 23061. However, such waivers will not be routinely granted and the applicant must plead with particularity the facts and circumstances warranting relief. As in prior years, randomly selected MVPDs will be required to fill out portions of the Supplemental Investigation Sheet (“SIS”) at the end of the form. MVPDs, when they attempt to file Form 396-C electronically, will see a box on page one of the electronic version of the form next to the statement “Supplemental Investigation Sheet attached.” If the box is not checked, this means the filer does not need to file the SIS this year. Filers required to file the SIS will see that the computer has filled in the SIS box on their form. For these filers, we are requiring this year that job descriptions be provided only for the professionals category and that only questions one, seven and eight be answered in the question list. At the end of this Public Notice is a list of units required to fill out an SIS for 2005. As with other electronic forms, filers may fill out part or all of the form and press “save” to save what they have filled out. “Saving” does not file the form but it does keep what has been entered in the filer’s form so that the filer may return to the form later and complete it by the due date. When a filer is ready to file a form, filers need to press the “validate” button. Forms can be filed only if their status is “valid.” Pressing “save” at this point cancels the valid status. In order to actually file a form, the form must be in “valid” status and filers must press the “File Form” button and complete the filing process. The form may be printed at any stage while it is being filled out. Instructions for use of the electronic filing system are available in the CDBS User’s Guide which can be accessed from the electronic filing web site. Special attention should be given to the details of the applicant account registration function and form filing function. Failure to follow the procedures in the User’s Guide may result in a form being dismissed, returned, or not considered as officially filed. Internet access to the CDBS public access system at the Commission’s Web Site requires a user to have a browser such as Netscape version 4.78 or Internet Explorer version 5.0, or later. For technical assistance using the system or to report problems, please contact the CDBS Help Desk at (202) 418-2MMB. To request additional information concerning the Form 396-C, please call the EEO staff at (202) 418-1450. News Media Contact: Rebecca Fisher 202-418-7200. Media Bureau Contacts: Lewis Pulley 202-418-1450. FCC NOTICE REQUIRED BY THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT As required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. § 3507) (“PRA”), the FCC is notifying the public that it has approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), granted on July 22, 2004, for the information collection contained herein pursuant to the PRA. The OMB Control Number for the FCC Form 396-C is 3060-1033. The annual reporting burdens for this collection of information, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data and completing and reviewing the collection of information, are estimated to be: 2,200 respondents, 10 minutes to 2.5 hours per response per annum, for a total annual burden of 3,188 hours; no annual costs. If you have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to Les Smith, Federal Communications Commission, Room 1-A804, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC, 20554. Please include the OMB Control Number: 3060-1033, in your correspondence. We will also accept your comments regarding the PRA aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to [email protected] or call (202) 418-0217. Under 5 CFR § 1320, an agency may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a current valid control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid control number. The OMB Control Number for this collection is 3060-1033. THE FOREGOING NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY THE PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995, PUBLIC LA W 104-13, OCTOBER 1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. § 3507. -FCC- MVPD Units Filing SIS in 2005 EMP. UNIT MSO/OPR NAME LOCATION LOCATION ID NUMBER CITY STATE 599970 ACE TELEPHONE ASSOCIATION HOUSTON MN 512 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION GLYNN GA 552 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION LOS ANGELES CA 735 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION CAYUGA NY 1000 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION CATTARAUGUS NY 1239 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION COLO. SPRINGS CO 1387 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION SURRY NC 1463 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION SEYMORE CT 1596 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION GUERNSEY OH 1704 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION WARREN NY 1948 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION NIAGARA NY 2103 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION TUSCARAWAS OH 2167 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION BLAIR PA 2201 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION CAMBRIA PA 2388 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION LATAH ID 2473 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION WASHINGTON VT 2520 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION ANDROSCOGGIN ME 3921 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION ELMORE ID 4563 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION ERIE PA 4614 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION LASSEN CA 5621 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION MIFFLIN PA 6898 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION SUMMIT OH 7588 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION IREDELL NC 9629 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION HAMILTON OH 9983 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION BARROW GA 9986 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION PENOBSCOT ME 10187 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION YATES NY 10188 ADELPHIA COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION POTTER PA 11856 ALLEGIANCE COMMUNICATIONS, LLC. BOWIE TX 182118 ALLENDALE COMMUNICATIONS OTTAWA MI 234 AMERICAN TELEVISION & COMMUNICATIONS ROCK WI 2854 ARMSTRONG UTILITIES INC MAHONING OH 3585 ARMSTRONG UTILITIES INC LAWRENCE OH 4533 ARMSTRONG UTILITIES INC BUTLER PA 10588 ARMSTRONG UTILITIES INC BUTLER PA 11803 ATLANTIC BROADBAND (PENN) LLC UNION PA 11805 ATLANTIC BROADBAND (PENN) LLC WARREN PA 188 BEE LINE, INC. CLEARFIELD PA 4265 BEE LINE, INC. SOMERSET ME 10421 BELLSOUTH CORPORATION DEKALB GA 10361 BENCHMARK CABLE COMMUNICATION, LLC ROGER OK 10362 BENCHMARK CABLE COMMUNICATION, LLC POWHATAN VA 4017 BLYTHEVILLE TV CABLE CO. INC. MISSISSIPPI AR 11009 BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS MORGAN CO 11010 BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS MESA CO 11023 BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS MISSOULA MT 11027 BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS CAMPBELL WY 11029 BRESNAN COMMUNICATIONS ALBANY WY 253 BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS LLC GRANT IN 453 BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS LLC POLK FL 1608 BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS LLC HILLSBOROUGH FL 7506 BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS LLC WAYNE MI 9067 BRIGHT HOUSE NETWORKS LLC CITRUS FL 10610 C&W ENTERPRISES, INC. SAN ANGELO TX 8203 CABLE AMERICA CORPORATION PULASKI MO 8725 CABLE ILLINOIS BERRIEN MI 342 CABLE ONE, INC GILA AZ 460 CABLE ONE, INC JACKSON MS 1179 CABLE ONE, INC BECKHAM OK 1573 CABLE ONE, INC WASHINGTON AZ 3432 CABLE ONE, INC SANDOVAL MS 3925 CABLE ONE, INC NAVAJO AZ 4315 CABLE ONE, INC ADAIR MO 4489 CABLE ONE, INC JACKSON OK 9975 CABLE ONE, INC GRAY TX 10011 CABLE ONE, INC LINCOLN MS 10801 CABLE ONE, INC BONNEVILLE CA 10854 CABLE ONE, INC ASOTIN WA 394 CABLE TV OF EAST ALABAMA RUSELL AL 9261 CABLEVISION OF LAKE HAVASU CITY MOHAVE AZ 3966 CABLEVISION SYSTEMS CORPORATION WESTCHESTER NY 10363 CARSON COMMUNICATIONS LLC. NEMAHA KS 209 CATV SERVICE, INC. MONTOUR PA 339 CENTURY COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION VENTURA CA 18 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS WORCHESTER MA 95 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS JACKSON OR 298 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS MCCLOUD MN 439 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS STANISLAUS CA 456 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS SOMERSET PA 576 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS LOS ANGELES CA 1422 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS MADISON IL 1713 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS BEAUFORT SC 1715 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS KENT MD 1735 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS WASHINGTON UT 1892 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS JEFFERSON AL 2238 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS ST. LOUIS MO 2495 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS LEE NC 3284 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS SULLIVAN VA 3420 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS IOWA WI 6577 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS PULASKI KY HQ0183 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS ST. LOUIS MO 7410 CITIZENS TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC. SUMTER GA 3120 CITY OF COVINGTON NEWTON GA 11881 CITY OF GROTON DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES NEW LONDON CT 10872 CITY OF POPLAR BLUFF MUNICIPAL UTILITIES BUTLER MO 10132 CLEAR CREEK TELEPHONE & TELEVISION CLACKAMAS OR 57 COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. JEFFERSON CO 311 COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUEBLO CO 726 COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. UNION NJ 1152 COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. DALLAS TX 1550 COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC. LANCASTER PA 1707 COMCAST CABLE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
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