VOLUME XXXV, BUCHANAN, BERRIEN CO., MICH., THURSDAY, MAY. 9, 1901 N U M B E R 11. plode.!. i.ere again mere Was much danger for the firemen. Cartridges be­ SEVEN DIE IN THE FLAMES gan to explode and bullets began to Death Comes to Them While Asleep—An fly around and the effort to fight the Accused Train Crew. flames at this point had for a time to ■Chicago, May 6.—Seven persons \ HARK YE NOW be abandoned. were burned to death while asleep Y It is. not only unnecessary but a nuisance to go or send out of > Visits Jacksonville, Fla., and This was only the start of the most President Swaps Felicitations early yesterday in a tenement house Wipes Out a Big Section intense part of the fire. The new y town for your paper hangings if you can be suited here and you Furchgott building was soon ablaze, with the Man Who Is Run­ at South Chicago. A freight train of v of the Town. and then quic kly the Gardiner build­ ning Mexico. five cars which was standing in front Y eau for our * ing was also a mass of flames. Down of the building, and which it is claimed the street the fir spread with rapidity, the crew refused to move, blocked the t STOCK IS COMPLETE. LOSS ESTIMATED AT $15,000,000 and the entire section of Bay street, DIAZ NOT ABLE TO BE PRESENT, firemen, who were unable to get near from Market to Main streets, and ex­ the burning building with their en­ \ W e Carry tending for five blocks back, was burn­ gines until it was too late. The train ing all at once. The city building ? INGRAINS, TAPESTRIES, TILES, REDS, BURLAPS. ETC. 0 Outside Communication Cu*- Off for But Is Represented by Gen. Hernandez crew was arrested, but was released •event, the fire department building, the on bonds. Besides tbe dead three ? We Sell Hours by the Fire. trmory, the county court house, the —Impressive Scene at the Alamo were fatally injured, and others seri­ 5 . PAINTS, BRUSHES, OILS, TURPS, PUTTY, MOULDINGS AND SHADES clerk’s office, with the county records, in San Antonio. ously hurt. the criminal court house, the city jail The names of the.dead are as fol­ The advantage of buying from stock are many chief of which is Tw o Miles o f Havac in tlie Busi n ess and and the graded' schools and the Roman lows: Mrs. Josephine Cooley; Mabel El Paso, Tex., May G.—Tbe presi­ Cooley, 6 years old, her daughter; An­ Residence Section—Ten Thou­ Catholic church aud orphanage, St. that you pay for no more than you use and there are no John’s Episcopal church, and the con­ dential party reached El Paso, the nie Cooley, 15 months old, another sand Homeless—Several vent. All this (It struction was gatoAvay to Mexico, at 9 a. in. yester­ daughter; Peter Zook, owner of the delays, and you can buy cheaper. Lives Lost. wrought in less than four hours. day and Avill remain here until noon building; Mrs. Peter Zook, Victoria Arjong the prominent hotels burned today. President Diaz, of Mexico, had Zook and Nicholas Zook. CALLANDSCE US were the St. James, the United States hoped to meet the president here and The injured are: William Cooley, the Flaejde and the Windsor. husband of Mrs, Josephine Cooley, will Jacksonville, Fla., via Yxilee, Fla, shake hands Avith him across the bor­ die; Louisa Christenson, will probably % May 4.—Fifteen million dollars’ worth SCENE DUOVE P E O P L E MAD. der, but as the Mexican congress is die; Mabel Christenson, 2 years old, Magnet Store in session he could not leave the capi­ of property gone up in smoke and Women Tear Their Hair aud Clothes— will die; Harry Murphy, slightly J B u c n m i l , 10,000 people made homeless is the Heartrending- Facta. tal. He sent a personal message to burned, both legs broken; John Zook, badly burned and bruised; Mrs. Julia result of a hit of innocent-looking wire W. W. Cleveland, in whose premises Erwin, burned and bruised. C'W aAfcldentally getting into the shredding the fire originated and who was one The train crew is from Elkhart, Iud. ./m ach in e of the American Fiber com­ of the heaviest losers, dropped dead Officials of the Lake Shore and Michi­ from excitement. A stalwart negro pany at the corner of Davis and Union gan Southern railway, on whose tracks ceafeu \, eapohs by taking- ounrricense v?as the alleged offending train, de­ streets y. sterday. The fire started be­ bringing a trunk on his head from a FOR MICHIGAN PEOPLE. from the chief of police or sheriff. burning building went crazy from the clare that they haA'e eAndence that the tween the hours of 12 and 1 o’clock in The house gave fifty-one votes to the horror of the situation. He ran around blocking lasted hut a few minutes, and Bolton bill to allow the state bank the afternoon, and owing to this fact in a circle with the trunk cn his head that the members of tlie train crew eommisisoner to appoint bank receiv­ did everything in their power to make the loss of life will he comparatively until he sank exhausted and died. State Items Which W ill Be of General ers instead of circuit judges, but un­ way for the fire engines. Interest. small. The fiber factory was a wood­ Women i .u tl ;, agli the streets tear­ Persons living In the vicinity of the der the hanking law it requires a two- en shell, full of inflammable material, ing their hair and clothes, and in sev­ thirds majority vote to carry it, so the building were inclined to connect the speaker declared, though Clerk Miller and in a few moments was a mass of eral instances had almost denuded disaster with a warfare that had been « Principal Events' of the Past Few Days- is in doubt about it. flames. The wind, which was already themselves when they were caught by waged between the Zook and Cooley blowing strong from the southwest, friends and led to places of safety. families for several days. Wliich Have Occurred in Our CHANGES AT OLIVET COLLEGE. Horses hitched to trucks could not be Great State. seemed to be possessed with a sudden RIOT IN EAST ST. LOUIS New Rule as to Degrees, tlie College Year fury, and soon was carrying destruc­ cut loose quickly enough, and many of and A tlmissions. tive embers all through the city. them ran wild through the demoralized Striking Moldera Make Attack on Sheriff Lansing, Mich., May 3.—The agree­ Olivet, Mich., May 7.—The college Number of Blocks Burned Is ISO. throng. and Deputies. ment over the railroad tax bill prom­ lias issued a bulletin in which impor­ According to the city map 130 blocks The scenes about the great fire were St. Louis, Mo., May 7.—Striking ised by Senator Holmes did not ma­ such as words scarce can picture. tant changes are announced. Hereaft­ were burned, many of them in the molders of the Sehikle, Harrison & terialize Wednesday night. Holmes er, instead of granting three degrees— Among those driven from their homes Howard Iron company engaged in a heart of the business and residence stuck by Senator Atwood in the sen­ A. B., B. S. and Ph. B.—the degree of are some of the !>■ st families in the riot at the plant in East St. Louis, section. The estimate of houses to city. They had no place to go. A atorial demand for a separate board A. B. will be conferred upon all gradu­ the block is tin, hence 1,300 of them gentleman who was one of the most and Deputy Sheriff Fred C. Kaase was of railroad assessors. Atwood, declared ates. By this arrangement there will went up in smoke. Many of the finest prominent citizens of Jacksonville lost probably fatally injured. Sheriff John in committee session that he never he greater opportunity for electing public and private buildings were de­ liis home and practically his all. Ac­ PRESIDENT POEEIEIO DIAZ. ICickham had an almost miraculous would recede. He Avas asked point Avork. The old division of the college stroyed, including hotels, theater, companied by his wife, two daughters the president, however, and also dis­ escape from death. While he was try­ blank if he would be willing to Include year into three terms has given way to and his son, he was pushing along in patched General Juan Hernandez, the ing to disperse the mob one of them all allied corporations with the rail­ the diA'ision into semesters. char eh es 'and residences. The casual­ A change of still greater Importance ties cannot he accurately estimated. a little cart, such as fruit venders em­ commander or the second military zone placed a revolver to his head and roads if his request for a separate ploy, what little of their valuables had of the state of Chihuahua, to person­ pulled the trigger. The cartridge did board was acceded to and it was evi­ to prospective students has been made That there were several seems to be been saved from the flames. They not explode, and the fellow was about dent that he Avas Avilling to make such in the terms of admission to Olivet well authenticated. Among them was ally present his good wishes to the had no destination. It mattered not chief magistrate of the United States.
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