v lT O lA T , ' Thg Waathar '.vn Avaraga DaUy Net P rta Ran eroaom a i o . a waamm Umi r m tha M ^ af Jaaaary. I6» J flafar Uda aiyrinia. taa^kt aM , North Mate atrort and lata IS Ventura, proved---------- -- CubPaekMowSl wU. Its tsrday aftarnowi proaonnood Thsro is still no riwtliig at On- Soatay: eaMartanlghtj mMa ta A BeeutaMstsrs round T O M s^ 'tar> Springs pond. psralati ekaaga Samar. e phme this svenlni: at T:SO In monthly pack Skating Held for skating. w af tha Aoen 8 7:80 at the Highland PaTk e c ^ I- Supsrriasd by T Dlractor WIK It Town C Mary's parish hcaiss. •ParenU and friends are urged to 'M I I . I faC< terestbis propram Is ^ anticipate, tot ham Stsana, youngstan and Maneheeter---^A City o f Village Charm Ineludlnf movies and refreah- attend. The theme this month At North End adulta reportod a t the rink aad -liifcliilittiy T«ylor, toJghtw jJ moits. The Important f ln a ^ Is a minstrel show. enjoyed Aattng fromI 7I p. m.m-' tow Jolinton't (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS - - ‘ H n . James Taylor ^ TO 10 p. m. niuminattoB.D. uM . pro- MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1949 drive which the Boy ScouU wlU A burning divan at 333 Blast (OkuaUed Aivaritriag aa Paga It) airaet. U the w e e l^ carry out on the two comlny Sun­ Over 1 0 0 Enjoy Sport vlded by a 1,000 watt; IfioodUgbt- VOL. LXVni., NO. 197 t^D onald PtodtetoB, student Center Street brought out Com­ AS kmg as the weatherdber primilspi------- Poultry Farm' ■ r r r i t CMwia VnlMTslty. his ftm- days of Scout week, February 6- pany Na 8 of the South Manches­ IS, wUl be dlKUSsed. At Built-Up Rink at riwtlilb artll be held at the Rob­ 1.00 to ieTBitgr heuss party at Xthaca, N. ter Fire department at 0:25 p. m. ertson pai* area with the hostrs Praab DragMd Catkktsfl, -Cardfaial ou Trial ih.Budapest Court T. yeaterfhor. The seats of the divan Robertson Park being from after sehoi4 tp 8 p. m., S a tn rd sy Greek Rebels Trinity Past Noble Grands As- were destroyed and smoke damage and from 6:80 to lA'p. m. dally. Prosecutor Demands sodaUon wlU meet Monday after­ was caused to the rest of the room. Manchester residents, ah mtl- Boidics have been proridad for .Prafik quick froxen pool- Action to Tighten noon at three o’clock In Odd Fel­ Cause of the Bre Is not known, but mated 125, enjoyed toelr t o t skaters to change their shoes. try. any time. Strip Markos 88 W«0d Strati Ttl.5509 lows hall, with Sunset .Circle of It Is believed to have been started night of outdoor Ice skating this This timetable Js riibject to ps^ noble yrands. Supper will bo by a cigarette. s ^ n last night at the newly change whenever matntesance 847 Middk Tornpike. West serve by Past Noble Grand Mrs. constructed rink at Roberts<m work Is necessary to'keep the iCe Counter Blockade OfLefidership ERNEST D. Lottie Cummings and her commit­ park. The area la located Inside In t o t class condition. Near Hockanoai River Budapest Court Give 'S tee. Members are asked to remem­ Insurance Field the two tennis courts at the rear A year ago the SQftball fiOtd .at Loxe Lone Pkonc 2-OOW ber their glfU for the "merry-go- of the Y building on North Main Robertson park was flooded but Major Shakeup iu Guer­ CLOUGH round.” Street. Your Presehf^Sink Positions Open The area was scraped and Brings Red Bleat rilla Setup as Polit­ Painier and Paper The Young People's Society will clean^ by members of the Park With a naw modern DISHM ASTER that cUmiaates dish meet this evening at 7:30 In Con­ A representative from one of department under the supervision washing drudgery, old fashioned, dish cloths, tadiooa ical Duties Takeu Out ‘Hard’ Sentence cordia Lutheran church. o f Superintendent Horace MUr- Hanger Hartford's large Insurance coin- phey and William Andrulot. It la dish diytng. This coaiplatc madera 6W i wsdhing anit Rugshm-Iiceuged News­ Away from Red Chief paniei will be at the Connecticut the first time the Park depart­ for only |89JiO less $5.00 for yonr oM fanceta. See this S5 Yeara Experience paper iu Berliu Pn^ Death l>y Hanging D State Employment office at 73 ment has made h built-up rink and. amaxliig iBYeatton at the Peterson Kitchen Dbpfaiy now. News Tidbits Athens, Fab. 6—(O—A major Electrical Failure Halts Yonr Gutrantee of. Maple street next Tuesday, Feb­ this was done only through the diets Further Hard­ Called Prom (/P) Wires riiakeup of Communist guerrilla Polish Chiefs Meeting of Electricians Meant for Ordinal SatiafactioB Special ruary 8, between the hours of 9 cooperation of Chief John Merx a. m. and 3 p. m., to Interview lo­ and the Manchester Fire depart' ships Will 'Be in ­ leadarahlp in the three-year civil ^lind!«zenty and All Six cal residents who might be Inter B asem en t .New York, Feb. 5. P A In ment The area was sprayed with Joa Honaycutt. Jaapar. Ala.. war against the Greek government Charge Plot ested in entering into the Insur t o hose from a hydrimt on flicted Upou Hard- haa to rcacae Wa dag when tba baa taken place. An underground meeting of some :i00 electrical Of Ifi)4 Afisuciatefl De> experts was interrupted yes­ ance field. ^__ Pressed Rnssiau Zoue Utter climbs 80 fert during aqulr- radio annoimccment said tha guer­ fendaiitfi; Will Be There are many opportunities i«l into tpse. .Two Navy aub- Police Arrest ‘Several terday by—an elertricsl fail­ FELT BASE now open In the insurance busi­ rilla chief. Markos Vaflades, has ure. marinea taldng A. F. of L. laadera been relieved of his pollticsl lead­ Given Opportunity to Johnson ness, and the local branch of the It was our intention tn Berlin, Feb. 6-—(/P)—Tight­ on "good will” voyage olf ,Flotl«U. Scores’ of Foriuer The annual meeting of the Employment Service Division will ership. Make Personal Ap|»eal ening of the western aUie»' . .Mra. Harman Burd, 29-yaar- A apokcaman for the Greek, Members American Institute .of Eleclri- And 69c Sq . Yd. assist the representative In plac­ advertise Qllaiic § Q o d fie «I.W. n A I^ COM old wife of Army private, haa Juat Houie Ariiiv csl EnRincers Was plungeil Into <2 Yds. Wide) ing Manchester residents In some counter-blockade of -Soviet Anhy g e n ^ l staff said the broad- seml-darkne.ss, and buslnes-s Before Gourt Retires iSA N CH lSn* COMII* had her 11th baby in HunUngUm, caaL late yesterday from the of the many desirable positions Beechnut Coffee occupied Gei:many brought, a W. V a .............Police In Allqulppa, Warsaw, Poland. Feb, 5—i/Pi— waa suspended for about 10 Anderaon All first edasa Unoleum made that must be filled. “Frca Oraace” radio, supported bleat today from a Russian' Pa., btenw aex fiend for aUying of Army riuq>lelonB that Markoa had Polish security prrlice today an­ minutes until th" trouble was By Endre Marlon by leading Unoleum manufse- corrected. PAINTING AND tseturers. lb. 57c Ilcenaed newspaper that this Margaret Sankowakl. found in 'bero/exacuted for failing to "con- nounced the arrest of "sevcrsl I Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 5. Proof positive was nhe Anglo-Ameriam M - l«nw DECORATING Also enamel Imitation tile and not 47c as indicated in quef Greece.” scoiea’’ of former member* of ] --------- ------------------------ , —./Pi—The prosecutor of this wall covering. of your diatinC'- awer to Stalin’s peace initia­ ^ Result of Conflict CAMERA DEPT. our grocery advt. last o . S. aiariaen have given up bar- / Greek government circles said the home Army " ho it said weie ] g T 1 ; ('ommunist-ruleri state today Interior snd Exterior Work 45e annnlng Ft. tive.” radu on Shantung Unlveraity night. live discrimina­ they consider-the action against plotting against the lives of gov-, ^ e H l * a H L l U l e i ' demanded a “liard” sentence 225 Rifhbiid SL TeL6812 Free Advice By The Barliner Zeltung, which campua at Talngtao and turned Markos a result of the conflict be- ornment chiefs. —meaning death by hanging carried the headline, also predict- the bnlldlnga back to university. An unconfirmed leport said au- Personalized Floors An E x p ert tion. Gabardine *cd further hardshipa now^ would tweep the cominform and Marshall — for .losef Cardinal Minds- 880 Ook SL TeL 69U CBilna'a Nationaliat government Tito of Yugoslavia. They said the thoiilles found a time bomb near i Martial Law zenly and all six of liis asso- New Location OiJEltimEoa. duit with im­ be infiieted upon the already hard- opens prirtrinaal oapHai Iq Cominform now haa put the Greek a government building where the 392 Main SL TeL 2-9258 Arthur Drug Stores pressed Russian occupaUoh acme, ton today. Tw o^jaca Communist party under Ite com­ Council of Ministers meet*. .ciated clefendant.s. Presiding la Bod Way Beeaendcally with DO official due plete domination. Jeaeoh OSrdlMl HinJezMily rite In Budapeet. Hungary People’s court Those *anested were charged .Judge Vilmo.s Olthys sai«l maculate tail- with a uniformed guard beside him nw hla truil on ohargea of treason, Follows Unsuccessful Valentines A BrtUah Information survey Peiping tomorrow to talk with Alexander Pappgos, generalissi­ with planhing acts of teivor. earlier a vcirlict cuukl not lie ex­ said. tha... -Soviet . sone la in a- ---- Oommunlste about ending ••plounge airi Mack markel operallona begins.
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